936 resultados para Exotic animals
O presente relatório tem como base o estágio curricular realizado na Clínica Veterinaria Exotics, em Barcelona, entre outubro 2015 e fevereiro de 2016, perfazendo um total de cinco meses. O estágio decorreu sob a orientação da Doutora Joana Reis e do Dr. Xavier Valls, estando inserido na área de medicina de animais exóticos. O relatório apresenta duas partes principais. Em primeiro, surge o relatório das atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio, destacando o trabalho realizado nas diversas especialidades clínicas assim como a aprendizagem adquirida. De seguida, é apresentada uma revisão bibliográfica atualizada subordinada ao tema Insulinoma em furões destacando, para além das peculiaridades que envolvem esta espécie, as causas, o diagnóstico, as terapêuticas e os diversos desafios que esta doença origina no dia-a-dia da medicina veterinária: Abstract: Exotic animal medicine The internship, that originated this report, was conducted in an exotic animal medicine specialized clinic named Clínica Veterinaria Exotics, in Barcelona, from October 2015 to February 2016, with the supervision of professor Joana Reis and Dr. Xavier Valls. This report is comprised of two major sections: the first is a statistical study, where the clinical activities that were conducted in the many specialties of the exotic animal medicine are described, completing the analysis with a wide range of knowledge gotten from the daily routine of the clinic; as for the second part, it develops the current literature about, Insulinoma in ferrets, describing the animal’s particularities and the causes, diagnosis, therapies and challenges of this disease in the clinical veterinary medicine.
Este relatório de estágio descreve as atividades desenvolvidas no estágio curricular e desenvolve o tema ―Inseminação artificial em Python regius‖. O estágio de seis meses foi realizado na Exoclinic – clínica veterinária de aves e exóticos, permitindo consolidar conhecimentos através da prática clínica e agregar-lhes a área da medicina de animais exóticos, dedicando especial atenção à medicina de répteis. Desenvolvem-se os casos mais frequentes: medicina preventiva nas várias classes de animais, patologia dentária em roedores e lagomorfos, doença do bico e das penas dos psitacídeos e anorexia em répteis. Na monografia aborda-se a anatomofisiologia e o comportamento reprodutivos das cobras e a sua influência no maneio reprodutivo em cativeiro, métodos de avaliação de reprodutores e técnicas de inseminação artificial. Realizou-se um ensaio prático com seis animais, realizando colheitas de sémen, avaliação de alguns parâmetros do sémen, controlo folicular por ecografia e inseminação artificial. Apresentam-se os métodos, os resultados e respetiva discussão; Abstract: Exotic animal medicine This traineeship report describes the activities during the traineeship and develops the theme "Artificial insemination in Python regius." The six-month internship was held in Exoclinic - clínica veterinária de aves e exóticos, consolidating knowledge through clinical practice and adding the medical field of exotic animals, with special attention to reptiles. The most frequent clinical cases are developed: preventive medicine in the various classes of animals, dental pathology in rodents and lagomorphs, Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease in birds and anorexia in reptile. The monograph addresses the anatomy, physiology and reproductive behavior of snakes and their influence on reproductive management in captivity, methods for reproductors selection and evaluation and artificial insemination techniques. Implementation of a field trial with six animals, performing semen crops and evaluation of some of its parameters, follicular monitoring by ultrasound and artificial insemination. Methods and results are presented and discussed.
O presente relatório refere-se ao estágio curricular realizado no Badoca Safari Park, no âmbito do mestrado integrado em medicina veterinária da Universidade de Évora, na área de medicina de espécies zoológicas Este encontra-se dividido em duas partes, uma relativa às atividades realizadas e casuística, acompanhada de aprofundamento teórico, e outra relacionada com a pesquisa de hemoparasitas em ungulados, através de esfregaços sanguíneos, efetuada no decorrer do estágio. As hemoparasitoses são infeções com potencial zoonótico, transmitidas por vetores, associadas a importantes perdas económicas. O controlo destas afeções tem como obstáculos fatores económicos e sociais, a heterogenicidade de hospedeiros que estes hemoparasitas e respetivos vetores apresentam, assim como o facto das espécies de animais selvagens poderem atuar como hospedeiros reservatórios. A entrada de animais exóticos e saída de autóctones, em zonas endémicas, provoca desequilíbrios na relação entre o parasita e hospedeiro que poderão despoletar episódios de doença; Abstract: Zoo and Wildlife medicine This report refers to the internship held at Badoca Safari Park, as part of the integrated master’s degree in veterinary medicine, at the University of Évora, in the clinic area of wild species and wild animals. This thesis is devided into two parts, one on the activities and cases, accompanied by theoretical studies, and the other related to hemoparasites research on ungulates through blood smears, performed during the intership. The hemoparasitoses are infections with zoonotic potential, transmited by vectors associated with significant economic losses. The control of these affections has as main obstacles the economic and social factors, the heterogeneity of hosts these hemoparasites and respective vectors present, as well as the fact that the wildlife species can act as reservoir hosts. The entry of exotic animals and the disappearance of natives, in endemic areas, causes imbalances in the relationship between parasite and host that can trigger episodes of illness.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Hiatal hernia was diagnosed in three exotic felines-lynx (Lynx lynx), cougar (Puma concolore), and lion (Panthera leo). All cats had a history of anorexia. Thoracic and abdominal radiographs showed evidence of a soft tissue mass within the caudal mediastinum suggestive of a hiatal hernia in all animals. A barium esophagram was performed in one case. All animals underwent thoracic or abdominal surgery for hernia reduction. Surgical procedures included: intercostal thoracotomy with herniorrhaphy and esophagopexy (lynx and cougar), and incisional gastropexy (lion). Concurrent surgical procedures performed were gastrotomy for gastric foreign body removal and jejunostomy tube placement. Clinical signs related to the hiatal hernia disappeared after surgery and recurrence of signs was not reported for the time of follow-up.
Microfiche sheets have title: Clinical diagnosis of selected diseases exotic to most of the Americas.
Includes bibliographical references.
Includes bibliographies.
Includes bibliographical references.
We consider the problem of monitoring and controlling the position of herd animals, and view animals as networked agents with natural mobility but not strictly controllable. By exploiting knowledge of individual and herd behavior we would like to apply a vast body of theory in robotics and motion planning to achieving the constrained motion of a herd. In this paper we describe the concept of a virtual fence which applies a stimulus to an animal as a function of its pose with respect to the fenceline. Multiple fence lines can define a region, and the fences can be static or dynamic. The fence algorithm is implemented by a small position-aware computer device worn by the animal, which we refer to as a Smart Collar.We describe a herd-animal simulator, the Smart Collar hardware and algorithms for tracking and controlling animals as well as the results of on-farm experiments with up to ten Smart Collars.
Recent claims of equivalence of animal and human reasoning are evaluated and a study of avian cognition serves as an exemplar of weaknesses in these arguments. It is argued that current research into neurobiological cognition lacks theoretical breadth to substantiate comparative analyses of cognitive function. Evaluation of a greater range of theoretical explanations is needed to verify claims of equivalence in animal and human cognition. We conclude by exemplifying how the notion of affordances in multi-scale dynamics can capture behavior attributed to processes of analogical and inferential reasoning in animals and humans.