33 resultados para Exosome
Hauptziel dieser Arbeit ist die Identifizierung, Verifizierung und Charakterisierung von Interaktionspartnern von HelF, einem Negativregulator der RNA-Interferenz in Dictyostelium discoideum (Popova et al. 2006). Es ist gelungen, die Interaktion von HelF und der 5‘ 3‘ Exonuklease Xrn1 nachzu-weisen, aber alle anderen Versuchen, bisher unbekannte Protein-Interaktionspartner zu identifizieren, schlugen fehl. Xrn1 ist in den Organismen D. melanogaster (Orban und Izaurralde 2005), C. elegans (Newbury und Woollard 2004) und A. thaliana (Gazzani et al. 2004) bereits als Regulator der RNA-Interferenz bekannt. Mit Aufreinigungen nach der TAP-Methode und mit dem Nanotrap wurde ebenfalls versucht, RNA-Interaktionspartner von HelF zu identifizieren. Es konnten in einigen Aufreinigungen putative, für HelF spezifische RNAs identifiziert werden, doch entweder es handelte sich nachweislich nicht um RNA oder die Reproduktion der Daten schlug trotz mehrfacher Versuche fehl. Bezüglich der zellulären Lokalisation von HelF und Xrn1 konnte gezeigt werden, dass HelF zusätzlich zur bekannten Lokalisation in Foci im Nukleus (Popova et al. 2006) vermutlich auch im Cytoplasma und dort angeordnet in mehreren Granula zu finden ist. Xrn1 ist nahezu ausschließlich im Cytoplasma lokalisiert, wo es in mehreren Foci organisiert ist. Es wird vermutet, dass es sich bei diesen Foci um Processing-Bodies (P-Bodies) handelt und dass möglicherweise Xrn1 und HelF in eben diesen P-Bodies co-lokalisieren. In der Entwicklung vom Einzeller zum mehrzelligen Organismus zeigen die Xrn1KO- und die HelFKO-Mutante jeweils einen eindeutigen Phänotyp, der vom Wildtyp abweicht. Die Phänotypen der beiden Mutanten unterscheiden sich deutlich voneinander. Beim Mischen von HelF-Knockout-Zellen mit grün fluoreszierenden Wildtyp-Zellen zeigt sich, dass beide Stämme innerhalb des sich entwickelnden Organismus an definierten Stellen lokalisieren. Entgegen den Erwartungen befinden sich die Zellen der Mutante in den Stadien „Finger“ und „Slug“ nicht hauptsächlich im vorderen Teil des Organismus, sondern sind auch im hinteren Teil, der später die Sporenmasse bildet, vertreten. Dies lässt vermuten, dass HelF-Knockout-Mutanten in gleichem Maße wie Wildtypzellen als Sporen in die nächste Generation übergehen. Weitere Mix-Experimente, in denen HelFKO-Zellen und Xrn1KO-Zellen mit grün fluoreszierenden Wildtypzellen gemischt wurden, belegen eindeutig, dass beide Knockoutmutanten in Konkurrenz zum Wildtyp bei der Generierung von Sporen und somit beim Übergang in die nächste Generation benachteiligt sind. Dies steht im Gegensatz zu den Ergebnissen der vorher beschriebenen Mix-Experimente, in denen der Organismus als Ganzes betrachtet wurde. Weiterhin konnte herausgefunden werden, dass Xrn1 ebenso wie HelF (Popova et al. 2006) eine Rolle als Negativregulator in der RNA-Interferenz innehat. Fraglich ist aber, ob HelF wie bisher angenommen auch Einfluss auf den Weg der Generierung von miRNAs nimmt, da in HelFKO für keinen der beiden miRNA-Kandidaten eine Hoch- bzw. Runterregulierung der reifen miRNAs im Vergleich zum Wildtyp beobachtet werden kann. Im Xrn1KO hingegen ist die reife miRNA ddi-mir-1176 im Vergleich zum Wildtyp hochreguliert. In Bezug auf die Generierung von siRNAs konnte herausgefunden werden, dass Xrn1 und HelF im Fall der Generierung von Skipper siRNAs regulierend eingreifen, dass aber nicht alle siRNAs von der negativen Regulierung durch HelF und Xrn1betroffen sind, was am Beispiel der DIRS-1-siRNAs belegt werden kann. Das von B. Popova entwickelte Modell (Popova 2005) bezüglich der Rolle von HelF in der RNA-Interferenz wurde basierend auf den neu gewonnenen Daten weiterentwickelt und um Xrn1 ergänzt, um die Funktionen von HelF und Xrn1 als Antagonisten der RNA-Interferenz näher zu beleuchten. Literatur: Gazzani, S., T. Lawrenson, et al. (2004). "A link between mRNA turnover and RNA interference in Arabidopsis." Science 306(5698): 1046-8. Newbury, S. and A. Woollard (2004). "The 5'-3' exoribonuclease xrn-1 is essential for ventral epithelial enclosure during C. elegans embryogenesis." Rna 10(1): 59-65. Orban, T. I. and E. Izaurralde (2005). "Decay of mRNAs targeted by RISC requires XRN1, the Ski complex, and the exosome." Rna 11(4): 459-69. Popova, B. (2005). HelF, a suppressor of RNAi mediated gene silencing in Dictyostelium discoideum. Genetik. Kassel, Universität Kassel. PhD: 200. Popova, B., M. Kuhlmann, et al. (2006). "HelF, a putative RNA helicase acts as a nuclear suppressor of RNAi but not antisense mediated gene silencing." Nucleic Acids Res 34(3): 773-84.
Cwc24p, a novel Saccharomyces cerevisiae nuclear ring finger protein, affects pre-snoRNA U3 splicing
U3 snoRNA is transcribed from two intron-containing genes in yeast, snR17A and snR17B. Although the assembly of the U3 snoRNP has not been precisely determined, at least some of the core box C/D proteins are known to bind pre-U3 co-transcriptionally, thereby affecting splicing and 3 `-end processing of this snoRNA. We identified the interaction between the box C/D assembly factor Nop17p and Cwc24p, a novel yeast RING finger protein that had been previously isolated in a complex with the splicing factor Cef1p. Here we show that, consistent with the protein interaction data, Cwc24p localizes to the cell nucleus, and its depletion leads to the accumulation of both U3 pre-snoRNAs. U3 snoRNA is involved in the early cleavages of 35 S pre-rRNA, and the defective splicing of pre-U3 detected in cells depleted of Cwc24p causes the accumulation of the 35 S precursor rRNA. These results led us to the conclusion that Cwc 24p is involved in pre-U3 snoRNA splicing, indirectly affecting pre-rRNA processing.
There is a molecular crosstalk between the trophoblast and maternal immune cells of bovine endometrium. The uterine cells are able to secrete cytokine/chemokines to either induce a suppressive environment for establishment of the pregnancy or to recruit immune cells to the endometrium to fight infections. Despite morphological differences between women and cows, mechanisms for immune tolerance during pregnancy seem to be conserved. Mechanisms for uterine immunesuppression in the cow include: reduced expression of major histocompatability proteins by the trophoblast; recruitment of macrophages to the pregnant endometrium; and modulation of immune-related genes in response to the presence of the conceptus. Recently, an eGFP transgenic cloned embryo model developed by our group showed that there is modulation of foetal proteins expressed at the site of syncytium formation, suggesting that foetal cell can regulate not only by the secretion of specific factors such as interferon-tau, but also by regulating their own protein expression to avoid excessive maternal recognition by the local immune system. Furthermore, foetal DNA can be detected in the maternal circulation; this may reflect the occurrence of an invasion of trophoblast cells and/or their fragment beyond the uterine basement membrane in the cow. In fact, the newly description of exosome release by the trophoblast cell suggests that could be a new fashion of maternal-foetal communication at the placental barrier. Additionally, recent global transcriptome studies on bovine endometrium suggested that the immune system is aware, from an immunological point of view, of the presence of the foetus in the cow during early pregnancy.
There is a molecular crosstalk between the trophoblast and maternal immune cells of bovine endometrium. The uterine cells are able to secrete cytokine/chemokines to either induce a suppressive environment for establishment of the pregnancy or to recruit immune cells to the endometrium to fight infections. Despite morphological differences between women and cows, mechanisms for immune tolerance during pregnancy seem to be conserved. Mechanisms for uterine immunesuppression in the cow include: reduced expression of major histocompatability proteins by the trophoblast; recruitment of macrophages to the pregnant endometrium; and modulation of immune-related genes in response to the presence of the conceptus. Recently, an eGFP transgenic cloned embryo model developed by our group showed that there is modulation of foetal proteins expressed at the site of syncytium formation, suggesting that foetal cell can regulate not only by the secretion of specific factors such as interferon-tau, but also by regulating their own protein expression to avoid excessive maternal recognition by the local immune system. Furthermore, foetal DNA can be detected in the maternal circulation; this may reflect the occurrence of an invasion of trophoblast cells and/or their fragment beyond the uterine basement membrane in the cow. In fact, the newly description of exosome release by the trophoblast cell suggests that could be a new fashion of maternal-foetal communication at the placental barrier. Additionally, recent global transcriptome studies on bovine endometrium suggested that the immune system is aware, from an immunological point of view, of the presence of the foetus in the cow during early pregnancy.
Abstract Introduction Several studies link hematological dysfunction to severity of sepsis. Previously we showed that platelet-derived microparticles from septic patients induce vascular cell apoptosis through the NADPH oxidase-dependent release of superoxide. We sought to further characterize the microparticle-dependent vascular injury pathway. Methods During septic shock there is increased generation of thrombin, TNF-α and nitric oxide (NO). Human platelets were exposed for 1 hour to the NO donor diethylamine-NONOate (0.5 μM), lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 100 ng/ml), TNF-α (40 ng/ml), or thrombin (5 IU/ml). Microparticles were recovered through filtration and ultracentrifugation and analyzed by electron microscopy, flow cytometry or Western blotting for protein identification. Redox activity was characterized by lucigenin (5 μM) or coelenterazine (5 μM) luminescence and by 4,5-diaminofluorescein (10 mM) and 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein (10 mM) fluorescence. Endothelial cell apoptosis was detected by phosphatidylserine exposure and by measurement of caspase-3 activity with an enzyme-linked immunoassay. Results Size, morphology, high exposure of the tetraspanins CD9, CD63, and CD81, together with low phosphatidylserine, showed that platelets exposed to NONOate and LPS, but not to TNF-α or thrombin, generate microparticles similar to those recovered from septic patients, and characterize them as exosomes. Luminescence and fluorescence studies, and the use of specific inhibitors, revealed concomitant superoxide and NO generation. Western blots showed the presence of NO synthase II (but not isoforms I or III) and of the NADPH oxidase subunits p22phox, protein disulfide isomerase and Nox. Endothelial cells exposed to the exosomes underwent apoptosis and caspase-3 activation, which were inhibited by NO synthase inhibitors or by a superoxide dismutase mimetic and totally blocked by urate (1 mM), suggesting a role for the peroxynitrite radical. None of these redox properties and proapoptotic effects was evident in microparticles recovered from platelets exposed to thrombin or TNF-α. Conclusion We showed that, in sepsis, NO and bacterial elements are responsible for type-specific platelet-derived exosome generation. Those exosomes have an active role in vascular signaling as redox-active particles that can induce endothelial cell caspase-3 activation and apoptosis by generating superoxide, NO and peroxynitrite. Thus, exosomes must be considered for further developments in understanding and treating vascular dysfunction in sepsis.
Abstract Introduction Mechanisms underlying inotropic failure in septic shock are incompletely understood. We previously identified the presence of exosomes in the plasma of septic shock patients. These exosomes are released mainly by platelets, produce superoxide, and induce apoptosis in vascular cells by a redox-dependent pathway. We hypothesized that circulating platelet-derived exosomes could contribute to inotropic dysfunction of sepsis. Methods We collected blood samples from 55 patients with septic shock and 12 healthy volunteers for exosome separation. Exosomes from septic patients and healthy individuals were investigated concerning their myocardial depressant effect in isolated heart and papillary muscle preparations. Results Exosomes from the plasma of septic patients significantly decreased positive and negative derivatives of left ventricular pressure in isolated rabbit hearts or developed tension and its first positive derivative in papillary muscles. Exosomes from healthy individuals decreased these variables non-significantly. In hearts from rabbits previously exposed to endotoxin, septic exosomes decreased positive and negative derivatives of ventricular pressure. This negative inotropic effect was fully reversible upon withdrawal of exosomes. Nitric oxide (NO) production from exosomes derived from septic shock patients was demonstrated by fluorescence. Also, there was an increase in myocardial nitrate content after exposure to septic exosomes. Conclusion Circulating platelet-derived exosomes from septic patients induced myocardial dysfunction in isolated heart and papillary muscle preparations, a phenomenon enhanced by previous in vivo exposure to lipopolysaccharide. The generation of NO by septic exosomes and the increased myocardial nitrate content after incubation with exosomes from septic patients suggest an NO-dependent mechanism that may contribute to myocardial dysfunction of sepsis.
Die Expression der humanen induzierbaren NO-Synthase (iNOS) wird sowohl über transkriptionelle als auch über post-transkriptionelle Mechanismen reguliert. Dabei spielt die Modulation der iNOS-mRNA-Stabilität durch RNA-bindende Proteine eine bedeutende Rolle. In dieser Arbeit konnte eine Beteiligung des p38-MAPK-Signaltransduktionsweges sowie der RNA-bindenden Proteine TTP, KSRP, HuR und PTB an der Regulation der iNOS-Expression dargestellt werden. Hemmung der p38-MAPK führte zu einer Reduktion der iNOS-mRNA-Expression, hatte aber keinen Effekt auf die iNOS-Promotoraktivität. Das RNA-bindende Protein Tristetraprolin (TTP) erhöhte die Stabilität der iNOS-mRNA nach Zytokin-Stimulation, ohne jedoch mit ihr zu interagieren. Die Proteinexpression von TTP war unter dem Einfluss von Zytokinen erhöht; Inhibition der p38-MAPK verursachte eine Verminderung der Zytokin-stimulierten TTP-Expression. Das „KH-type splicing regulatory protein" (KSRP) übte einen destabilisierenden Effekt auf die iNOS-mRNA aus. Der Abbau der mRNA wird dabei wahrscheinlich durch eine Zytokin-unabhängige Interaktion von KSRP mit dem Exosom vermittelt. Ebenso konnte zwischen KSRP und TTP eine Wechselwirkung beobachtet werden, die nach Induktion der iNOS-Expression mit Zytokinen verstärkt und durch p38-MAPK-Inhibitoren hemmbar war. Des Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Bindung von KSRP an die iNOS-mRNA-3’-UTR für die Vermittlung des destabilisierenden Effekts essentiell ist. Eine genaue Lokalisierung der KSRP-Bindungsstelle ergab, dass KSRP ebenso wie HuR mit dem AU-reichen Element am 3’-Ende der 3’-UTR interagiert. KSRP und HuR sind in der Lage, um diese Bindungsstelle zu konkurrieren. Nach Zytokin-Stimulation war dementsprechend die endogene Bindung von KSRP an die iNOS-mRNA vermindert, während die endogene Bindung von HuR an die iNOS-mRNA verstärkt war. Die Stabilisierung der iNOS-mRNA nach Zytokin-Stimulation ergibt sich demnach aus einer Verminderung der Bindung des KSRP-Exosom-Komplexes an die iNOS-mRNA als Folge der verstärkten Interaktion von TTP und KSRP. Dies ermöglicht parallel eine vermehrte Bindung von HuR an die iNOS-3’-UTR und führt damit zu einer Stabilisierung der iNOS-mRNA und so letztendlich auch zu einer Erhöhung der iNOS-Expression. Außerdem konnte eine Beteiligung des Polypyrimidin-Trakt-bindenden Proteins (PTB) an der Regulation der humanen iNOS-Expression gezeigt werden. PTB erhöhte die Expression der iNOS und interagierte Zytokin-unabhängig mit KSRP. Zusammenfassend lässt sich schließen, dass ein Zusammenspiel verschiedener Proteine in einem komplexen Netzwerk für die fein abgestimmte Regulation der humanen iNOS-Expression auf post-transkriptioneller Ebene verantwortlich.
In the CNS, myelinating oligodendrocytes and axons form a functional unit based on intimate cell-cell interactions. In addition to axonal insulation serving to increase the conduction velocity of electrical impulses, oligodendrocytes provide trophic support to neurons essential for the long-term functional integrity of axons. The glial signals maintaining axonal functions are just at the beginning to become uncovered. Yet, their determination is highly relevant for all types of demyelinating diseases, where lack of glial support significantly contributes to pathology. rnThe present PhD thesis uncovers exosomes as a novel signaling entity in the CNS by which cargo can be transferred from oligodendrocytes to neurons. Exosomes are small membranous vesicles of endocytic origin, which are released by almost every cell type and have been implicated in intercellular communication. Oligodendrocytes secrete exosomes containing a distinct set of proteins as well as mRNA and microRNA. Intriguingly, oligodendroglial exosome release is stimulated by the neurotransmitter glutamate indicating that neuronal electrical activity controls glial exosome release. In this study, the role of exosomes in neuron-glia communication and their implications on glial support was examined. Cortical neurons internalized and accumulated oligodendroglial exosomes in the neuronal cell soma in a time-dependent manner. Moreover, uptake occurred likewise at the somatodendritic and axonal compartment of the neurons via dynamin and clathrin dependent endocytosis. Intriguingly, neuronal internalization of exosomes resulted in functional retrieval of exosomal cargo in vitro and in vivo upon stereotactic injection of Cre recombinase bearing exosomes. Functional recovery of Cre recombinase from transferred exosomes was indicated by acquired reporter recombination in the target cell. Electrophysiological analysis showed an increased firing rate in neurons exposed to oligodendroglial exosomes. Moreover, microarray analysis revealed differentially expressed genes after exosome treatment, indicating functional implications on neuronal gene expression and activity. rnTaken together, the results of this PhD thesis represent a proof of principle for exosome transmission from oligodendrocytes to neurons suggesting a new route of horizontal transfer in the CNS.rn
The 3' end processing of animal replication-dependent histone mRNAs is activated during G1/S-phase transition. The processing site is recognized by stem-loop binding protein and the U7 snRNP, but cleavage additionally requires a heat-labile factor (HLF), composed of cleavage/polyadenylation specificity factor, symplekin, and cleavage stimulation factor 64 (CstF64). Although HLF has been shown to be cell cycle regulated, the mechanism of this regulation is unknown. Here we show that levels of CstF64 increase toward the S phase and its depletion affects histone RNA processing, S-phase progression, and cell proliferation. Moreover, analyses of the interactions between CstF64, symplekin, and the U7 snRNP-associated proteins FLASH and Lsm11 indicate that CstF64 is important for recruiting HLF to histone precursor mRNA (pre-mRNA)-resident proteins. Thus, CstF64 is central to the function of HLF and appears to be at least partly responsible for its cell cycle regulation. Additionally, we show that misprocessed histone transcripts generated upon CstF64 depletion mainly accumulate in the nucleus, where they are targets of the exosome machinery, while a small cytoplasmic fraction is partly associated with polysomes.
Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) is a quality control mechanism that degrades aberrant mRNAs harboring premature termination codons (PTCs). Two out of three T-cell receptor β (TCRβ) transcripts carry PTCs as a result of error-prone programmed rearrangements that occur at this locus during lymphocyte maturation. PTCs decrease TCRβ mRNA levels to a much greater extent than mRNAs transcribed from non-rearranging genes. This robust decrease in TCRβ mRNA levels is not a unique characteristic of the T-cell environment or the TCRβ promoter. The simplest explanation for this is that PTC-bearing TCRβ mRNAs elicit a stronger NMD response. An alternative explanation is NMD collaborates with another mechanism to dramatically decrease PTC-bearing TCRβ mRNA levels. ^ In my dissertation, I investigated the molecular mechanism behind the strong decrease in TCRβ mRNA levels triggered by PTCs. To determine the location of this response, I performed mRNA half-life analysis and found that PTCs elicited more rapid TCRβ mRNA decay in the nuclear fraction, not the cytoplasmic fraction. Although decay was restricted to the nuclear fraction, PTC-bearing TCRβ transcript levels were extremely low in the cytoplasm, a phenomenon that I named the nonsense-codon induced partitioning shift (NIPS). I established that NIPS shares several qualities with NMD, including its dependence on translation and NMD factors. Several lines of evidence suggested that NIPS results from PTCs eliciting retention of TCRβ transcripts in the nuclear fraction. This retention, as well as rapid TCRβ mRNA decay, most likely occurs in either the nucleoplasm or the outer nuclear membrane, based on analysis of nuclear and cytoplasmic markers in the highly purified nuclei I used for my studies. To further address the location of decay, I asked whether nuclear or cytoplasmic RNA decay factors mediated the destruction of PTC-bearing mRNAs. My results suggested that a nuclear component of the 3'-to-5' exosome, as well as an endonucleolytic activity, are involved in the destruction of PTC-containing TCRβ mRNAs. Individual endogenous NMD substrates had differential requirements for nuclear and cytoplasmic exonucleases. In summary, my results provide evidence that PTCs trigger multiple mechanisms involving multiple decay factors to remove and regulate mRNAs in mammalian cells. ^
Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is a rare but very aggressive form of locally advanced breast cancer (1-6% of total breast cancer patients in United States), with a 5-year overall survival rate of only 40.5%, compared with 85% of the non-IBC patients. So far, a unique molecular signature for IBC able to explain the dramatic differences in the tumor biology between IBC and non-IBC has not been identified. As immune cells in the tumor microenvironment plays an important role in regulating tumor progression, we hypothesized that tumor-associated dendritic cells (TADC) may be responsible for regulating the development of the aggressive characteristics of IBC. MiRNAs can be released into the extracellular space and mediate the intercellular communication by regulating target gene expression beyond their cells of origin. We hypothesized that miRNAs released by IBC cells can induce an increased activation status, secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and migration ability of TADC. In an in vitro model of IBC tumor microenvironment, we found that the co-cultured of the IBC cell line SUM-149 with immature dendritic cells (iDCSUM-149) induced a higher degree of activation and maturation of iDCSUM-149 upon stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) compared with iDCs co-cultured with the non-IBC cell line SUM-159 (iDCSUM-159), resulting in: increased expression of the costimulatory and activation markers; higher production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-a, IL-6); and 3) higher migratory ability. These differences were due to the exosome-mediated transfer of miR-19a and miR-146a from SUM-149 and SUM-159, respectively, to iDCs, causing the downregulation of the miR-19a target genes PTEN, SOCS-1 and the miR-146a target genes IRAK1, TRAF6. PTEN, SOCS-1 and IRAK1, TRAF6 are important negative and positive regulator of cytokine- and TLR-mediated activation/maturation signaling pathway in DCs. Increased levels of IL-6 induced the upregulation of miR-19a synthesis in SUM-149 cells that was associated with the induction of CD44+CD24-ALDH1+ cancer stem cells (CSCs) with epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) characteristics. In conclusion, in IBC tumor microenvironment IL-6/miR-19a axis can represent a self-sustaining loop able to maintain a pro-inflammatory status of DCs, leading to the development of tumor cells with high metastatic potential (EMT CSCs) responsible of the poor prognosis in IBC patients.
O exossomo é um complexo multiproteico conservado evolutivamente de archaea a eucariotos superiores que desempenha funções celulares essenciais tais como: atividade exoribonucleolítica 3\'→5\', regulação dos níveis de mRNA, maturação de RNAs estruturais e controle de qualidade de RNAs durante os vários estágios do mecanismo de expressão gênica. Em Archaea, o exossomo é composto por até quatro subunidades diferentes, duas com domínios de RNase PH, aRrp41 e aRrp42, e duas com domínios de ligação a RNAs, aCsl4 e aRrp4. Três cópias das proteínas aRrp4 e/ou aCsl4 se associam com o núcleo hexamérico catalítico do anel de RNase PH e completam a formação do complexo. A proteína PaNip7 é um cofator de regulação do exossomo da archaea Pyrococcus abyssi e atua na inibição do complexo enzimático ligando-se simultaneamente ao exossomo e a RNAs. Neste projeto, a reconstituição in vitro do exossomo da archaea Pyrococcus abyssi formado pela proteína de topo PaCsl4 foi obtida. Para tanto foram realizadas análises de interação proteica usando as técnicas de cromatografia de afinidade, gel filtração e SDS-PAGE. Em adição à formação da isoforma PaCsl4-exossomo, um fragmento peptídico correspondente à região C-terminal da PaNip7 foi sintetizado pelo método da fase sólida, purificado por RP-HPLC e o purificado foi caracterizado por LC/ESI-MS almejando realizar futuros experimentos de interação com o exossomo.
Background/Aims: Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are spherical fragments of cell membrane released from various cell types under physiological as well as pathological conditions. Based on their size and origin, EVs are classified as exosome, microvesicles (MVs) and apoptotic bodies. Recently, the release of MVs from human red blood cells (RBCs) under different conditions has been reported. MVs are released by outward budding and fission of the plasma membrane. However, the outward budding process itself, the release of MVs and the physical properties of these MVs have not been well investigated. The aim of this study is to investigate the formation process, isolation and characterization of MVs released from RBCs under conditions of stimulating Ca2+ uptake and activation of protein kinase C. Methods: Experiments were performed based on single cell fluorescence imaging, fluorescence activated cell sorter/flow cytometer (FACS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS). The released MVs were collected by differential centrifugation and characterized in both their size and zeta potential. Results: Treatment of RBCs with 4-bromo-A23187 (positive control), lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), or phorbol-12 myristate-13 acetate (PMA) in the presence of 2 mM extracellular Ca2+ led to an alteration of cell volume and cell morphology. In stimulated RBCs, exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS) and formation of MVs were observed by using annexin V-FITC. The shedding of MVs was also observed in the case of PMA treatment in the absence of Ca2+, especially under the transmitted bright field illumination. By using SEM, AFM and DLS the morphology and size of stimulated RBCs, MVs were characterized. The sizes of the two populations of MVs were 205.8 ± 51.4 nm and 125.6 ± 31.4 nm, respectively. Adhesion of stimulated RBCs and MVs was observed. The zeta potential of MVs was determined in the range from - 40 mV to - 10 mV depended on the solutions and buffers used. Conclusion: An increase of intracellular Ca2+ or an activation of protein kinase C leads to the formation and release of MVs in human RBCs.
Spontaneous fetal loss (25-40%) leading to decrease in litter size is a significant concern to the pork industry. A deficit in the placental vasculature has emerged as one of the important factors associated with fetal loss. During early pig pregnancy, the endometrium becomes enriched with immune cells recruited by conceptus-derived signals including specific chemokine stimuli. These immune cells assist in various aspects of placental development and angiogenesis. Recent evidence suggests that microRNAs (miRNAs: small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression) regulate immune cell development and their functions. In addition, intercellular communication including exchange of biomolecules (e.g. miRNAs) between the conceptus and endometrium regulate key developmental processes during pregnancy. To understand the biological significance of immune cell enrichment, regulation of their functions by miRNAs and transfer of miRNAs across the maternal fetal-interface, we screened specific sets of chemokines and pro- and anti-angiogenic miRNAs in endometrial lymphocytes (ENDO LY), endometrium, and chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) isolated from conceptus attachment sites (CAS) during early, gestation day (gd)20 and mid-pregnancy (gd50). We report increased expression of selected chemokines including CXCR3 and CCR5 in ENDO LY and CXCL10, CXCR3, CCL5, CCR5 in endometrium associated with arresting CAS at gd20. Some of these differences were also noted at the protein level (CXCL10, CXCR3, CCL5, and CCR5) in endometrium and CAM. We report for the first time significant differences for miRNAs involved in immune cell-derived angiogenesis (miR-296-5P, miR-150, miR-17P-5P, miR-18a, and miR-19a) between ENDO LY associated with healthy and arresting CAS. Significant differences were also found in endometrium and CAM for some miRNAs (miR-17-5P, miR-18a, miR-15b-5P, and miR-222). Finally, we confirm that placenta specific-exosomes contain proteins and 14 select miRNAs including miR-126-5P, miR-296-5P, miR-16, and miR-17-5P that are of relevance to early implantation events. We further demonstrated the bidirectional exosome shuttling between porcine trophectoderm cells (PTr2) and porcine aortic endothelial cells (PAOEC). PTr2-derived exosomes were able to modulate the endothelial cell proliferation that is crucial for the establishment of pregnancy. Our data unravels the selected chemokines and miRNAs associated with immune cell-regulated angiogenesis and reconfirm that exosome mediated cell-cell communication opens-up new avenues to understand porcine pregnancy.
Les récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (RCPG) représentent la famille de récepteurs membranaires la plus étendue. Présentement, 30% des médicaments disponibles sur le marché agissent sur plus ou moins 4% des RCPG connus. Cela indique qu’il existe encore une multitude de RCPG à explorer, qui pourraient démontrer un potentiel thérapeutique intéressant pour des pathologies encore sans traitement disponible. La douleur chronique, qui affecte 1 canadien sur 5, fait partie de ces affections pour lesquelles les thérapies sont faiblement efficaces. Dans le but éventuel de pallier à ce problème, le projet de ce mémoire consistait à mieux comprendre les mécanismes régissant l’adressage membranaire du récepteur de la neurotensine de type 2 (NTS2), un RCPG dont l’activation induit des effets analgésiques puissants de type non opioïdergique. Des données du laboratoire ayant révélé une interaction entre la 3e boucle intracellulaire de NTS2 et la sécrétogranine III (SgIII), une protéine résidente de la voie de sécrétion régulée, notre objectif était de caractériser le rôle de SgIII dans la fonctionnalité du récepteur NTS2. Pour ce faire, l’interaction entre les deux protéines a d’abord été vérifiée par co-immunoprécipitation, GST pull down, essais de colocalisation subcellulaire et par FRET. Nous avons également utilisé un outil d’interférence à l’ARN (DsiRNA) pour invalider la protéine SgIII dans un modèle cellulaire neuronal et chez l’animal. Des essais de radioliaison sur le modèle cellulaire ont révélé une diminution de l’adressage de NTS2 à la membrane plasmique lorsque SgIII était supprimée. De la même façon, une invalidation de SgIII chez le rat inhibe les effets analgésiques d’un agoniste NTS2-sélectif (JMV-431), qui sont normalement observés dans le test de retrait de la queue (douleur aiguë). Nous avons cependant identifié que des stimulations au KCl, à la capsaïcine et à la neurotensine induisaient plutôt une insertion du récepteur à la membrane dans les cellules neuronales. Puisque l’interaction entre SgIII et la 3e boucle intracellulaire du récepteur NTS2 est peu probable selon un système de sécrétion classique, un modèle hypothétique de transition dans les corps multi-vésiculaires a été vérifié. Ainsi, la présence de NTS2 et de SgIII a été révélée dans des préparations exosomales de DRG F11, en plus d’une transférabilité du récepteur par le milieu extracellulaire. En somme, ces résultats démontrent la dépendance du récepteur NTS2 envers SgIII et la voie de sécrétion régulée, en plus d’identifier certains facteurs pouvant augmenter son expression à la surface cellulaire. Le projet contribue ainsi à ouvrir la voie vers des approches pour potentialiser les propriétés de NTS2 in vivo¸ en plus d’une piste d’explication concernant le trafic intracellulaire du récepteur.