990 resultados para Exercise for youth


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The optimal exercise modality for reductions of abdominal obesity and risk factors for type 2 diabetes in youth is unknown. We examined the effects of aerobic exercise (AE) versus resistance exercise (RE) without caloric restriction on abdominal adiposity, ectopic fat, and insulin sensitivity and secretion in youth. Forty-five obese adolescent boys were randomly assigned to one of three 3-month interventions: AE, RE, or a nonexercising control. Abdominal fat was assessed by magnetic resonance imaging, and intrahepatic lipid and intramyocellular lipid were assessed by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Insulin sensitivity and secretion were evaluated by a 3-h hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp and a 2-h hyperglycemic clamp. Both AE and RE prevented the significant weight gain that was observed in controls. Compared with controls, significant reductions in total and visceral fat and intrahepatic lipid were observed in both exercise groups. Compared with controls, a significant improvement in insulin sensitivity (27%) was observed in the RE group. Collapsed across groups, changes in visceral fat were associated with changes in intrahepatic lipid (r = 0.72) and insulin sensitivity (r = -0.47). Both AE and RE alone are effective for reducing abdominal fat and intrahepatic lipid in obese adolescent boys. RE but not AE is also associated with significant improvements in insulin sensitivity.


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Despite various efforts to promote sport participation among youth, social inequalities still exist. An explanation for these social inequalities could be traced back to transgenerational transmission of sport-related values and behaviour patterns in a family (Baur, 1989). Therefore, children’s socialisation to sport is strongly influenced by the parents’ sport-related values and sport behaviour (Burrmann, 2005). However, findings of previous studies are inconsistent, and the daily sport-related behaviour patterns of families have often not been taken into account. The paper deals with the question, to what extent sport participation of youth is influenced by factors such as the importance of sport, the self-evidence of regular sport activity, mutual support, shared sport activities, sport-related health-awareness and communication about sport in the family. In order to pursue this research question, socialisation theories were used as theoretical framework (Hurrelmann, 2006). Based on this approach, a quantitative online survey where 4’039 adolescents and young adults from the ages of 15 to 30 (n = 4’039, M = 21.48, SD = 4.64) answered questions according their sport participation and the sport-related patterns of their families. Furthermore, a qualitative study that included guideline-based interviews with adolescents and young adults (n = 13) were undertaken. Content analysis was used to analyse the interviews. Initial findings of the multiple regression analysis reveal that the most important predictors of sport participation of youth are communication about sport (β = .18, p < .001), mutual support (β = .13, p < .001), regular sport activity (β = .10, p < .01) and the importance of sport in the family (β = .10, p < .01). By means of content analysis, more in-depth information could be identified. The promotion of sport through sport-related behaviour patterns in the family appears to be a successful strategy to develop a durable sport commitment in youth. References Baur, J. (1989). Körper- und Bewegungskarrieren [Body and exercise careers]. Schorndorf: Hofmann. Burrmann, U. (2005). Zur Vermittlung und intergenerationalen "Vererbung" von Sport(vereins)engagements in der Herkunftsfamilie [On placing and "inheriting" intergenerational sport(club) commitment in the family of origin]. Sport und Gesellschaft, 2, 125–154. Hurrelmann, K. (2006). Einführung in die Sozialisationstheorie [Introduction to socialisation theory] (9th ed.). Studium Paedagogik. Weinheim: Beltz.


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The Carrera-Children's Aid Society of New York model is a proven model of teen pregnancy prevention. There is a need to evaluate the effect that the model has had on the participants as individuals. Brighter Futures is a replication of the Carrera-Children's Aid Society of New York youth development model operated by Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas. A qualitative youth-focused Empowerment Evaluation was initiated to determine the individual impact of the achieved program outcomes. The Empowerment Evaluation assessed what impact the Brighter Futures program has had on the students. The youth used Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR) approaches, such as Photovoice, in conjunction with guided writing and participatory groups to conduct this evaluation with in the framework of Empowerment Evaluation. Additionally, a semi-structured CBPR exercise was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the feasibility of Photovoice methodology with urban youth. ^


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Background. The increasing prevalence of overweight among youth in the United States, and the parallel rise in related medical comorbidities has led to a growing need for efficient weight-management interventions. Purpose. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the Choosing Health and Sensible Exercise (C.H.A.S.E.) childhood obesity prevention program on Body Mass Index (BMI), physical activity and dietary behaviors. Methods. This study utilized de-identified data collected during the fall 2006 session of the C.H.A.S.E. program. A total of 65 students at Woodview Elementary School and Deepwater Elementary School participated in this intervention. The C.H.A.S.E. program is a 10-week obesity prevention program that focuses on nutrition and physical activity education. Collection of height and weight data, and a health behavior survey was conducted during the first and last week of the intervention. Paired t-tests were used to determine statistically significant differences between pre- and post-intervention measurements. One-way analysis of variance was used to adjust for potential confounders, such as gender, age, BMI category ("normal weight", "at risk overweight", or "overweight"), and self-reported weight loss goals. Data were analyzed using STATA, v. 9.2. Results. A significant decrease in mean BMI (p< 0.05) was found after the 10-week intervention. While the results were statistically significant for the group as a whole, changes in BMI were not significant when stratified by age, sex, or ethnicity. The mean overall scores for the behavior survey did not change significantly pre- and post-intervention; however, significant differences were found in the dietary intention scale, indicating that students were more likely to intend to make healthier food choices (p<0.05). No statistically significant decreases in BMI were found when stratified for baseline BMI-for-age percentiles or baseline weight loss efforts (p>0.05). Conclusion. The results of this evaluation provide information that will be useful in planning and implementing an effective childhood obesity intervention in the future. Changes in the self-reported dietary intentions and BMI show that the C.H.A.S.E. program is capable of modifying food choice selection and decreasing BMI. Results from the behavior questionnaire indicate that students in the intervention program were making changes in a positive direction. Future implementation of the C.H.A.S.E. program, as well as other childhood obesity interventions, may want to consider incorporating additional strategies to increase knowledge and other behavioral constructs associated with decreased BMI. In addition, obesity prevention programs may want to increase parental involvement and increase the dose or intensity of the intervention. ^


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This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence and implementation of a training emphasizing the use of autonomy supportive coaching behaviors among youth soccer coaches in game-play situations as well as evaluating its effects on motivational processes among athletes. Participants included youth sport soccer coaches and their intact teams. Coaches received a series of autonomy-supportive coaching training interventions based on successful programs in general and physical education (Reeve, Jang, Carrell, Jeon & Barch, 2004; Cheon, Reeve & Moon, 2012). Athletes completed questionnaires to assess perceived autonomy support, basic need satisfaction, and motivation (Harris & Watson, 2011). Observations indicated coaches were not able to significantly modify their behaviors, yet reflectively reported modest implementation of autonomy supportive behaviors. Coaches believed the training influenced their coaching style/philosophy in regards to the coach-athlete relationship and communication styles, emphasizing choice and rationales. Continued research is needed to enhance use of autonomy supportive behaviors with volunteer coaches in a youth sport environment.


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The integration of youth into development processes is crucial in order to advance towards more egalitarian societies. Over the past few years, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has regarded equality as the horizon for development, structural change as the way to achieve it, and policy as the instrument to reach that horizon. Equality is viewed as going beyond the distribution of means, such as monetary income, to include equal opportunities and capacities. This implies understanding equality as the full exercise of citizenship, with dignity and the reciprocal recognition of actors. Progress in this direction requires policies that promote the autonomy of subjects and pay attention to their vulnerabilities.


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This article reports on a study that accepts the proposal that we listento the voices of young people in relation to sport and physical recreation.The study sought the advice of young sports leaders on what can be done to facilitate young people’s involvement in sport. The study used group interviews (Nominal Group Technique) with over 600 14–18-year-olds toelicit responses to a single question, ‘What can be done to help young people participate in sport?’ This article focuses on young people’s views on issues to do with climate and conditions. We argue that, while their advice offers support for some current initiatives in youth sport, it also provides new insights and challenges and suggests a reordering of existing priorities for youth sport and leisure provision.


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This chapter focuses on women members of the Sunnī-dominated national organization Sweden's Young Muslims (Sveriges Unga Muslimer, SUM) and some of its local youth associations in different Swedish towns, to argue that involvement with these associations is increasing Muslim women's engagement with mosques and other venues for acquisition of Islamic knowledge. Illuminating the continuous challenges to the women's presence in mosques and their wider public activism the chapter examines how these women defend their right to exercise religious authority while supporting the traditional sources of Muslim authority in the public sphere. It analyzes how the women reinterpret the Islamic texts to change their daily lives as well as their position within both the Muslim community and Swedish society as a whole. The chapter emphasizes that in more informal situations, backstage among peers, the women put gender on the agenda, initiate reflexive deliberations, and test alternative norms and practices.


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The foundations for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in adults are laid in childhood and accelerated by the presence of comorbid conditions. Early detection of manifestations of cardiovascular pathology is an important clinical objective to identify those at risk for subsequent cardiovascular morbidity and events, and to initiate behavioral and medical interventions to reduce risk. Children were once considered to be at low risk, but with the growing health concerns related to lifestyle, cardiovascular screening may be needed earlier. Several noninvasive procedures are available to assess the cumulative effect of these exposures. These include carotid ultrasound, flow-mediated dilation, pulse wave velocity and measures left ventricular mass. This dissertation analyzes the comorbid conditions that increase cardiovascular risk in youth, namely obesity and low physical fitness, using carotid intima-media thickness to objectively detect early manifestations of cardiovascular pathology. Until recently researchers have not used surrogate markers of subclinical atherosclerosis to examine the role of a single bout of exercise. Utilizing the acute exercise model can be advantageous as it allows for an efficient manipulation of exercise variables and permits greater experimental control of confounding variables. It is possible that the effects of a bout of exercise can predict the effects of chronic exercise. We analyze the physiological factors pertinent to arterial stiffness using arterial distensibility and pulse wave velocity in the context of acute exercise in children and adults. In some instances, those who amend their trajectory by not maintaining risk factors into adulthood experience reductions in subclinical markers to levels associated with never having had the risk factor. Though avoidance of risk factors in youth is ideal, there is still a window for intervention where long-lasting cardiovascular effects might be avoided. In this dissertation we present preliminary findings linking modifiable youth risk factors to subclinical markers of CVD in adulthood.


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Background: Despite known benefits of regular physical activity for health and well-being, many studies suggest that levels of physical activity in young people are low, and decline dramatically during adolescence. The purpose of the current research was to gather data on adolescent youth in order to inform the development of a targeted physical activity intervention. Methods: Cross-sectional data on physical activity levels (using self report and accelerometry), psychological correlates of physical activity, anthropometic characteristics, and the fundamental movement skill proficiency of 256 youth (53% male, 12.40 ± 0.51 years) were collected. A subsample (n = 59) participated in focus group interviews to explore their perceptions of health and identify barriers and motivators to participation in physical activity. Results: Findings indicate that the majority of youth (67%) were not accumulating the minimum 60 minutes of physical activity recommended daily for health, and that 99.5% did not achieve the fundamental movement skill proficiency expected for their age. Body mass index data showed that 25% of youth were classified as overweight or obese. Self-efficacy and physical activity attitude scores were significantly different (p < 0.05) between low, moderate and high active participants. Active and inactive youth reported differences in their perceived understanding of health and their barriers to physical activity participation, with active youth relating nutrition, exercise, energy and sports with the definition of ‘being healthy’, and inactive youth attributing primarily nutritional concepts to ‘being healthy’. Conclusions: Data show a need for targeting low levels of physical activity in youth through addressing poor health related activity knowledge and low fundamental movement skill proficiency. The Y-PATH intervention was developed in accordance with the present study findings; details of the intervention format are presented.


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to investigate the pulmonary response to exercise of non-morbidly obese adolescents, considering the gender. a prospective cross-sectional study was conducted with 92 adolescents (47 obese and 45 eutrophic), divided in four groups according to obesity and gender. Anthropometric parameters, pulmonary function (spirometry and oxygen saturation [SatO2]), heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), respiratory rate (RR), and respiratory muscle strength were measured. Pulmonary function parameters were measured before, during, and after the exercise test. BP and HR were higher in obese individuals during the exercise test (p = 0.0001). SatO2 values decreased during exercise in obese adolescents (p = 0.0001). Obese males had higher levels of maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressures (p = 0.0002) when compared to obese and eutrophic females. Obese males showed lower values of maximum voluntary ventilation, forced vital capacity, and forced expiratory volume in the first second when compared to eutrophic males, before and after exercise (p = 0.0005). Obese females had greater inspiratory capacity compared to eutrophic females (p = 0.0001). Expiratory reserve volume was lower in obese subjects when compared to controls (p ≤ 0,05). obese adolescents presented changes in pulmonary function at rest and these changes remained present during exercise. The spirometric and cardiorespiratory values were different in the four study groups. The present data demonstrated that, in spite of differences in lung growth, the model of fat distribution alters pulmonary function differently in obese female and male adolescents.


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Physical exercise is recommended for all healthy pregnant women. Regular practice of exercises during pregnancy can provide many physical and psychological benefits, with no evidence of adverse outcomes for the fetus or the newborn when exercise is performed at mild to moderate intensity. However, few pregnant women engage in this practice and many still have fears and doubts about the safety of exercise. The objective of the present study was to inform the professionals who provide care for Brazilian pregnant women about the current recommendations regarding physical exercise during pregnancy based on the best scientific evidence available. In view of the perception that few systematic models are available about this topic and after performing several studies in this specific area, we assembled practical information of interest to both the professionals and the pregnant women. We also provide recommendations about the indications, contraindications, modalities (aerobics, resistance training, stretching and pelvic floor training), frequency, intensity and duration indicated for each gestational trimester. The review addresses physical exercise recommendation both for low risk pregnant women and for special populations, such as athletes and obese, hypertensive and diabetic subjects. The advantages of an active and healthy lifestyle should be always reinforced during and after gestation since pregnancy is an appropriate period to introduce new habits because pregnant women are usually more motivated to adhere to recommendations. Thus, routine exams, frequent returns and supervision are recommended in order to provide new guidelines that will have long-term beneficial effects for both mother and child.


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To evaluate the effects of acute exercise on the TRB3 protein levels and interaction between TRB3/Akt proteins in the hypothalamus of obese rats. In addition, we evaluated the relationship between TRB3 and endoplasmic reticulum stress (ER stress) and verified whether an acute exercise session is able to influence these processes. In the first part of the study, the rats were divided into three groups: control (lean) - fed with a standard rodent chow, DIO - fed with a high fat diet and DIO submitted to a swimming acute exercise protocol (DIO-EXE). In the second part of the study, we used other three groups: control (lean) receiving an intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) infusion of vehicle, lean receiving an i.c.v. infusion of thapsigargin, and lean receiving an i.c.v infusion of thapsigargin and performing an acute exercise session. Four hours after the exercise session, the food intake was measured and the hypothalamus was dissected and separated for subsequent protein analysis by immunoblotting and Real Time PCR. The acute exercise session reduced the TRB3 protein levels, disrupted the interaction between TRB3/Akt proteins, increased the phosphorylation of Foxo1 and restored the anorexigenic effects of insulin in the hypothalamus of DIO rats. Interestingly, the suppressive effects of acute exercise on TRB3 protein levels may be related, at least in part, to the decrease of ER stress (evaluated though pancreatic ER kinase phosphorylation - pPERK and C/EBP homologous protein - CHOP protein levels) in the hypothalamus. In conclusion, the reduction of hypothalamic TRB3 protein levels mediated by exercise may be associated with the reduction of ER stress. These data provided a new mechanism by which an acute exercise session improves insulin sensitivity in hypothalamus and restores food intake control in obesity.


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Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is provoked by an autoimmune assault against pancreatic β cells. Exercise training enhances β-cell mass in T1D. Here, we investigated how exercise signals β cells in T1D condition. For this, we used several approaches. Wild-type and IL-6 knockout (KO) C57BL/6 mice were exercised. Afterward, islets from control and trained mice were exposed to inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β plus IFN-γ). Islets from control mice and β-cell lines (INS-1E and MIN6) were incubated with serum from control or trained mice or medium obtained from 5-aminoimidazole-4 carboxamide1-β-d-ribofuranoside (AICAR)-treated C2C12 skeletal muscle cells. Subsequently, islets and β cells were exposed to IL-1β plus IFN-γ. Proteins were assessed by immunoblotting, apoptosis was determined by DNA-binding dye propidium iodide fluorescence, and NO(•) was estimated by nitrite. Exercise reduced 25, 75, and 50% of the IL-1β plus IFN-γ-induced iNOS, nitrite, and cleaved caspase-3 content, respectively, in pancreatic islets. Serum from trained mice and medium from AICAR-treated C2C12 cells reduced β-cell death, induced by IL-1β plus IFN-γ treatment, in 15 and 38%, respectively. This effect was lost in samples treated with IL-6 inhibitor or with serum from exercised IL-6 KO mice. In conclusion, muscle contraction signals β-cell survival in T1D through IL-6.-Paula, F. M. M., Leite, N. C., Vanzela, E. C., Kurauti, M. A., Freitas-Dias, R., Carneiro, E. M., Boschero, A. C., and Zoppi, C. C. Exercise increases pancreatic β-cell viability in a model of type 1 diabetes through IL-6 signaling.