981 resultados para Excited states


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An experiment of a S-29 beam bombarding a Au-197 target at an energy of 49.2 MeV/u has been performed to study the two-proton correlated emission from S-29 excited states. Complete-kinematics measurements were carried out in the experiment. The relative momentum, opening angle, and relative energy of two protons, as well as the invariant mass of the final system, were deduced by relativistic-kinematics reconstruction. The Si-27-p-p coincident events were picked out under strict conditions and the phenomenon of p-p correlations was observed among these events. The mechanisms of two-proton emission were analyzed in a simple schematic model, in which the extreme decay modes like He-2 cluster emission, three-body phase-space decay, and two-body sequential emission were taken into account. Associated with the Monte Carlo simulations, the present results show that two protons emitted from the excited states between 9.6 MeV and 10.4 MeV exhibit the features of He-2 cluster decay with a branching ratio of 29(-11)(+10)%.


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The excited states in 22Mg have been investigated by the resonant elastic scattering of 21Na + p. A 4.0 MeV/nucleon 21Na beam was separated by the Center for Nuclear Study (CNS) radioactive ion beam separator (CRIB) and then used to bombard a thick (CH2)n target. The energy spectra of recoiled protons were measured at scattering angles of θc.m. ≈ 172◦ , 146◦, and 134◦, respectively. A wide energy-range of excitation function in 22Mg (up to Ex ∼ 8.9 MeV) was obtained simultaneously with a thick-target method, and a state at 7.06 MeV was newly observed. The resonant parameters were deduced from an R-matrix analysis of the center-of-mass (c.m.) differential cross-section data with a SAMMY-M6-BETA code. The astrophysical resonant reaction rate for the 18Ne(α,p)21Na reactionwas recalculated based on the present parameters. Generally speaking, the present rates are much smaller than the previous ones.


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The electron impact excitation cross sections from the lowest metastable state 5p(5)6sJ = 2 to the six lowest excited states of the 5p(5)6p configuration of xenon are calculated systematically by using the fully relativistic distorted wave method. In order to discuss the effects of target state descriptions on the electron impact excitation cross sections, two correlation models are used to describe the target states based on the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock (MCDF) method. It is found that the correlation effects play a very important role in low energy impact. For high energy impact, however, the cross sections are not sensitive to the description of the target states, but many more partial waves must be included.


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High-spin states in Ce-139 have been populated using the Te-130(C-12, 3n) reaction at beam energy of 50MeV. The level scheme of Ce-139 has been revised and extended greatly up to E=5765.0keV. The level structure of Ce-139 shows typical characteristics of spherical nucleus, and the high-spin states were formed by the excitations of valence nucleons. Energies of the yrast and near yrast high-spin states in Ce-139 have been calculated by the empirical shell model, and the multi-quasiparticle nature of high-spin excited states has been discussed.


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Branching ratios and half-lives of alpha-decay to the ground-state rotational bands as well as the high-lying excited states of even-even nuclei have been calculated in the framework of the generalized liquid drop model (GLDM) and Royer's formula that we improved very recently. The calculation covers the isotopic chains from Ra to No in the mass regions 222 <= A <= 252 and 88 <= Z <= 102. The agreement between the calculated results and the experimental data indicates the reliability of investigating the properties of the unfavored alpha-decay with our method, especially the improved Royer's formula, which is very valuable for the analysis of experimental data. In addition, the dependence of half-lives on excitation energies of daughter nuclei has been investigated. It is shown that the influence on half-lives becomes stronger and stronger with the increase of the excitation energies.


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An experiment to study exotic two-proton emission from excited levels of the odd-Z nucleus P-28 was performed at the National Laboratory of Heavy Ion Research-Radioactive Ion Beam Line (HIRFL-RIBLL) facility. The projectile P-28 at the energy of 46.5 MeV/u was bombarding a Au-197 target to populate the excited states via Coulomb excitation. Complete-kinematics measurements were realized by the array of silicon strip detectors and the CsI + PIN telescope. Two-proton events were selected and the relativistic-kinematics reconstruction was carried out. The spectrum of relative momentum and opening angle between two protons was deduced from Monte Carlo simulations. Experimental results show that two-proton emission from P-28 excited states less than 17.0 MeV is mainly two-body sequential emission or three-body simultaneous decay in phase space. The present simulations cannot distinguish these two decay modes. No obvious diproton emission was found.


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A series of experiments have been performed by complete kinematics measurements to study two-proton (2p) correlated emission from the excited states of Ne-17,Ne-18 and S-28,S-29 via the Coulomb excitation by bombarding on Au-197 target. 2p and residua coincident events were picked Out under strict conditions. Visible p-p correlations were observed. It is shown that 2p can be emitted from the high-lying excited states. 2p halo may lead to 2p emission with large spectroscopy factor for the states close to or beyond the threshold.


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set of energies at different internuclear distances for the ground electronic state and two excited electronic states of NaH molecule have been calculated using valence internally contracted multireference configuration interaction(MRCI) including Davidson correction and three basis sets. Then, a potential energy curve (PEC) for each state was determined by extrapolating MRCI energies to the complete basis sets limit. Based on the PECs, accurate vibrational energy levels and rotational constants were determined. The computational PECs are were fitted to analytical potential energy functions using the Murrell-Sorbie potential function. Then, accurate spectroscopic parameters were calculated. Compared with experimental results, values obtained with the basis set extrapolation yield a potential energy curve that gives accurate vibrational energy levels, rotational constants and spectroscopic parameters for the NaH molecule. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Density functional theory (DFT) electronic structure calculations were carried out to predict the structures and the absorption and emission spectra for porphyrin and a series of carbaporphyrins-carbaporphyrin, adj-dicarbaporphyrin, opp-dicarbaporphyrin, tricarbaporphyrin and tetracarbaporphyrin. The ground- and excited-state geometries were optimized at the B3LYP/6-31g(d) and CIS/6-31g(d) level, respectively. The optimized ground-state geometry and absorption spectra of porphyrin, calculated by DFT and time-dependent DFT (TDDFT), are comparable with the available experimental values. Based on the optimized excited-state geometries obtained by CIS/6-31g(d) method, the emission properties are calculated using TDDFT method at the B3LYP/6-31g(d) level. The effects of the substitution of nitrogen atoms with carbon atoms at the center positions of porphyrin are discussed. The results indicate that the two-pyrrole nitrogens are important to the chemical and physical properties for porphyrin.


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The influence of laser-field parameters, such as intensity and pulse width, on the population of molecular excited state is investigated by using the time-dependent wavepacket method. For a two-state system in intense laser fields, the populations in the upper and lower states are given by the wavefunctions obtained by solving the Schrodinger equation through split-operator scheme. The calculation shows that both the laser intensity and the pulse width have a strong effect on the population in molecular excited state, and that as the common feature of light-matter interaction (LMI), the periodic changing of the population with the evolution time in each state can be interpreted by Rabi oscillation and area-theorem. The results illustrate that by controlling these two parameters, the needed population in excited state of interest can be obtained, which provides the foundation of light manipulation of molecular processes. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We measured ejected electron spectra caused by autoionization of doubly excited states in He atoms; the excited He was made by double electron capture of low-energy He2+ ions colliding with Ba atoms. Measurements were performed by means of zero degree electron spectroscopy at projectile energies from 40 to 20 keV. Electron spectra due to autoionization from the states He(2lnl') to He+(1s) for n greater than or equal to2, and those from He(3lnl') to He+ (2s or 2p) for n greater than or equal to3, were observed. Line peaks in the spectra were identified by comparing observed electron spectra with those of several theoretical calculations. It was found that doubly excited states of relatively high angular momenta such as the D and F terms were conspicuously created in a quite different manner from the cases of the production of doubly excited states by the use of photon, electron, or ion impacts on neutral He atoms. Rydberg states with large n values were observed with high population in both the He(2lnl') and He(3lnl') series. Other remarkable features in the electron spectra are described and the mechanisms for the production of these electron spectra are discussed qualitatively.


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The activation energy for hydrogen abstraction from imidazolium-based ionic liquids is significantly higher than that observed in conventional solvents.