998 resultados para Excitation sources


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Ethanol with added water may be found during the process of assessing its physical and chemical properties. This addition can damage automotive vehicle engines and also may contribute to tax evasion. The present contribution describes a method based on a photothermal transparent transducer to determine the water content in ethanol. A chamber with a window of lithium tantalate coated with a thin layer of indium tin oxide was used, and a 1450-nm laser diode was employed as the excitation source. The results indicated a nearly linear response of the apparatus, as a function of the water content in water/ethanol solutions ranging from 0 to 100 (vol.%). The results for the dependency of the photothermal signal on the laser power and chopping frequency suggested that reliable results can be obtained using laser power and chopping rates above 100 mW and 10 Hz, respectively. The results reported here may be useful in the development of an alternative method that can provide real-time data on the water concentration in ethanol in a rapid, portable and unambiguous way, and that can be easily used in laboratory analyses or in gas stations. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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The infrared-to-visible frequency upconversion was investigated in Er 3+-doped Ga10Ge25S65 glass and in the transparent glass-ceramic obtained by heat-treatment of the glass above its glass-transition temperature. Continuous-wave and pulsed lasers operating at 980 nm and 1480 nm were used as excitation sources. The green (2H 11/2 → 4I15/2; 4S3/2 → 4I15/2) and red (4F9/2 → 4I15/2) photoluminescence (PL) signals due to the Er3+ ions were characterized. The PL decay times were influenced by energy transfer among Er3+ ions, by cross-relaxation processes and by energy transfer from the Er3+ ions to the host material. The PL from the Er3+ ions hosted in the crystalline phase was distinguished only when the glass-ceramic was excited by the 1480 nm pulsed laser. The excitation pathways responsible for the green and red PL bands are discussed to explain the differences between the spectra observed under continuous-wave and pulsed excitation. © 2013 American Institute of Physics.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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La preservación del medio ambiente, el avance en las técnicas para que el impacto de la actividad humana sobre la fauna y flora sea lo menor posible, hacen que se deban monitorizar los diversos indicadores de calidad. El presente estudio viene motivado debido a que actualmente existen sistemas de medida y control en continuo de la calidad de las aguas, al margen de los estudios de laboratorio por toma de muestras, a través de los cuales se obtienen indicadores de calidad. El desarrollo tecnológico en analizadores en continuo para la medida de fósforo, amonio, DBO y otros, hacen que cada vez se consiga un control más exhaustivo de la calidad en tiempo real. Sin embargo, la detección temprana de contaminantes que no deben encontrarse presentes en el agua, hacen que el desarrollo de sensores de detección de estos contaminantes sea de gran utilidad. A este respecto, las técnicas mediante fluorescencia presentan enormes ventajas, ya que no existe contacto directo con la muestra, reduciéndose el desgaste y alargando el tiempo entre mantenimientos, como se ha comprobado en numerosos desarrollos con tecnología láser. Para la producir fluorescencia, tradicionalmente se vienen utilizando en el laboratorio principalmente lámparas de gas y monocromadores. Los nuevos LED de alta potencia en el espectro ultravioleta son una alternativa muy interesante que además puede ser aplicada en los mencionados sistemas de medición en continuo. En este trabajo se realiza un estudio de viabilidad de estos dispositivos como fuentes de excitación para la producción de fluorescencia tomando como contaminantes los hidrocarburos. El funcionamiento en estaciones en continuo hace que se tenga que realizar además ensayos de vida acelerados, así como estudios de modos de trabajo. Al respecto de la fluorescencia producida, se estudia la influencia de factores que pueden afectar a las medidas, tales como la temperatura. El estudio del espectro y su análisis para la identificación del contaminante es otro de los puntos desarrollados en este trabajo. Por último, y dado que la monitorización se realiza en modo continuo, es necesario un sistema de comunicaciones compacto y fiable: en este apartado se analizan los metamateriales como solución tecnológica, ya que se adapta perfectamente a la filosofía de estas estaciones de medición. ABSTRACT Currently the monitoring of quality indicators is a need to preserve the environment and minimize the impact of human activity on the fauna and flora. Currently there are measuring systems and continuous monitoring of water quality, regardless of sampling laboratory studies, through which quality indicators are obtained. Technological development in continuous analyzers for the measurement of phosphorus, ammonia, BOD and others increasingly make a more comprehensive real-time quality control is achieved. However, early detection of contaminants that should not be present in the water, make the development of sensors for detecting these contaminants is very useful. In this regard, fluorescence techniques have huge advantages, since there is no direct contact with the sample, reducing wear and extending the time between maintenance, as has been demonstrated in numerous developments in laser technology. To produce fluoresce, traditionally are being used mainly gas lamps and monochromators at the laboratory. The new high-power LEDs in the ultraviolet spectrum are a very interesting alternative that can also be applied in the above continuous measurement systems. In this paper a viability study of these devices as excitation sources to produce fluorescence using hydrocarbon as contaminants is performed. The stations in continuous operation makes it necessary to also perform accelerated life tests and studies operating modes. In regard to the fluorescence produced, the influence of factors that may affect the measurements, such as temperature is studied. The study of the spectrum and analysis to identify the contaminant is another of the points developed in this work. Finally, since the monitoring is carried out in continuous mode, a compact and reliable communication is necessary: in this section metamaterials as a technological solution is analyzed since it fits perfectly with the philosophy of these measuring stations.


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Since oxygen vacancies act as donors in SnO2, the electrical properties are related to deviation from stoichiometric composition. Depending on stoichiometry SnO2 can be highly insulating or may exhibit fairly high n-type conductivity. Since bandgap transitions are in the ultraviolet range, its photoconductivity is strongly dependent on the excitation source. We have measured variation of photoconductivity excitation with wavelength for tin dioxide grown by dip-coating sol-gel technique using several light sources: tungsten lamp, xenon, mercury and deuterium, and present selected results. The main band is obtained in the range 3-4eV according to light source spectrum in the ultraviolet range. The presence of oxygen in the cryostat also affects the spectrum since electron-hole pairs react with adsorbed oxygen specimens. © 1999 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint.


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The environmental dynamics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) were characterized for a shallow, subtropical, seagrass-dominated estuarine bay, namely Florida Bay, USA. Large spatial and seasonal variations in DOM quantity and quality were assessed using dissolved organic C (DOC) measurements and spectrophotometric properties including excitation emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence with parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC). Surface water samples were collected monthly for 2 years across the bay. DOM characteristics were statistically different across the bay, and the bay was spatially characterized into four basins based on chemical characteristics of DOM as determined by EEM-PARAFAC. Differences between zones were explained based on hydrology, geomorphology, and primary productivity of the local seagrass community. In addition, potential disturbance effects from a very active hurricane season were identified. Although the overall seasonal patterns of DOM variations were not significantly affected on a bay-wide scale by this disturbance, enhanced freshwater delivery and associated P and DOM inputs (both quantity and quality) were suggested as potential drivers for the appearance of algal blooms in high impact areas. The application of EEM-PARAFAC proved to be ideally suited for studies requiring high sample throughput methods to assess spatial and temporal ecological drivers and to determine disturbance-induced impacts in aquatic ecosystems.


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The study of non-invasive characterization of elastic properties of soft biological tissues has been a focus of active researches since recent years. Light is highly scattered by biological tissues and hence, sophisticated reconstruction algorithms are required to achieve good imaging depth and a reasonable resolution. Ultrasound (US), on the otherhand, is less scattered by soft tissues and it has been in use for imaging in biomedical ultrasound systems. Combination of the contrast sensitivity of light and good localization of ultrasound provides a challenging technique for characterization of thicker tissues deep inside the body non-invasively. The elasticity of the tissues is characterized by studying the response of tissues to mechanical excitation induced by an acoustic radiation force (remotely) using an optical laser. The US modulated optical signals which traverse the tissue are detected by using a CCD camera as detector array and the pixel map formed on the CCD is used to characterize the embedded inhomogeneities. The use of CCD camera improves the signal-noise-ratio (SNR) by averaging the signals from all of the CCD pixels.


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Most HMM-based TTS systems use a hard voiced/unvoiced classification to produce a discontinuous F0 signal which is used for the generation of the source-excitation. When a mixed source excitation is used, this decision can be based on two different sources of information: the state-specific MSD-prior of the F0 models, and/or the frame-specific features generated by the aperiodicity model. This paper examines the meaning of these variables in the synthesis process, their interaction, and how they affect the perceived quality of the generated speech The results of several perceptual experiments show that when using mixed excitation, subjects consistently prefer samples with very few or no false unvoiced errors, whereas a reduction in the rate of false voiced errors does not produce any perceptual improvement. This suggests that rather than using any form of hard voiced/unvoiced classification, e.g., the MSD-prior, it is better for synthesis to use a continuous F0 signal and rely on the frame-level soft voiced/unvoiced decision of the aperiodicity model. © 2011 IEEE.


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Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy has developed rapidly and is opening the door to new types of experiments. This work describes the development of new laser sources for CARS microscopy and their use for different applications. It is specifically focused on multimodal nonlinear optical microscopy—the simultaneous combination of different imaging techniques. This allows us to address a diverse range of applications, such as the study of biomaterials, fluid inclusions, atherosclerosis, hepatitis C infection in cells, and ice formation in cells. For these applications new laser sources are developed that allow for practical multimodal imaging. For example, it is shown that using a single Ti:sapphire oscillator with a photonic crystal fiber, it is possible to develop a versatile multimodal imaging system using optimally chirped laser pulses. This system can perform simultaneous two photon excited fluorescence, second harmonic generation, and CARS microscopy. The versatility of the system is further demonstrated by showing that it is possible to probe different Raman modes using CARS microscopy simply by changing a time delay between the excitation beams. Using optimally chirped pulses also enables further simplification of the laser system required by using a single fiber laser combined with nonlinear optical fibers to perform effective multimodal imaging. While these sources are useful for practical multimodal imaging, it is believed that for further improvements in CARS microscopy sensitivity, new excitation schemes are necessary. This has led to the design of a new, high power, extended cavity oscillator that should be capable of implementing new excitation schemes for CARS microscopy as well as other techniques. Our interest in multimodal imaging has led us to other areas of research as well. For example, a fiber-coupling scheme for signal collection in the forward direction is demonstrated that allows for fluorescence lifetime imaging without significant temporal distortion. Also highlighted is an imaging artifact that is unique to CARS microscopy that can alter image interpretation, especially when using multimodal imaging. By combining expertise in nonlinear optics, laser development, fiber optics, and microscopy, we have developed systems and techniques that will be of benefit for multimodal CARS microscopy.


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Modern intense ultrafast pulsed lasers generate an electric field of sufficient strength to permit tunnel ionization of the valence electrons in atoms(1). This process is usually treated as a rapid succession of isolated events, in which the states of the remaining electrons are neglected(2). Such electronic interactions are predicted to be weak, the exception being recollision excitation and ionization caused by linearly polarized radiation(3). In contrast, it has recently been suggested that intense field ionization may be accompanied by a two-stage 'shake-up' reaction(4). Here we report a unique combination of experimental techniques(5-8) that allows us to accurately measure the tunnel ionization probability for argon exposed to 50-fs laser pulses. Most significantly for the current study, this measurement is independent of the optical focal geometry(7,8), equivalent to a homogenous electric field. Furthermore, circularly polarized radiation negates recollision. The present measurements indicate that tunnel ionization results in simultaneous excitation of one or more remaining electrons through shake-up(9). From an atomic physics standpoint, it may be possible to induce ionization from specific states, and will influence the development of coherent attosecond extreme-ultraviolet-radiation sources(10). Such pulses have vital scientific and economic potential in areas such as high-resolution imaging of in vivo cells and nanoscale extreme-ultraviolet lithography.


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Rotational excitation of the carbon monosulphide (CS) molecule by thermal electron-impact is studied using the molecular R-matrix method combined with the adiabatic-nuclei-rotation (ANR) approximation. Rate coefficients are obtained for electron temperatures in the range 5-5000 K and for transitions involving levels up to J = 40. It is confirmed that dipole allowed transitions (Delta J = 1) are dominant and that the corresponding rate coefficients exceed those for excitation by neutrals by at least five orders of magnitude. As a result, the present rates should be included in any detailed population model of CS in sources where the electron fraction is larger than similar to 10(-5), in particular in diffuse molecular clouds and interstellar shocks.


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Band excitation piezoresponse force microscopy enables local investigation of the nonlinear piezoelectric behavior of ferroelectric thin films. However, the presence of additional nonlinearity associated with the dynamic resonant response of the tip-surface junction can complicate the study of a material's nonlinearity. Here, the relative importance of the two nonlinearity sources was examined as a function of the excitation function. It was found that in order to minimize the effects of nonlinear tip-surface interactions but achieve good signal to noise level, an optimal excitation function must be used. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3593138]