985 resultados para Excimer laser


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In this paper, we obtain SiGe quantum dots with the diameters and density of 15-20 nm and 1.8 x 10(11) cm(-2), respectively, by 193 nm excimer laser annealing of Si0.77Ge0.23 strained films. Under the excimer laser annealing, only surface atoms diffusion happens. From the detailed statistical information about the size and shape of the quantum dots with different annealing time, it is shown that the as-grown self-assembled quantum dots, especially the {105}-faceted dots, are not stable and disappear before the appearance of the laser-induced quantum dots. Based on the calculation of surface energy and surface chemical potential, we show that the {103}-faceted as-grown self-assembled quantum dots are more heavily strained than the {105}-faceted ones, and the heavy strain in the dot can decrease the surface energy of the dot facets. The formation of the laser-induced quantum dots, which is also with heavy strain, is attributed to kinetic constraint. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present different relaxation mechanisms of Ge and SiGe quantum dots under excimer laser annealing. Investigation of the coarsening and relaxation of the dots shows that the strain in Ge dots on Ge films is relaxed by dislocation since there is no interface between the Ge dots and the Ge layer, while the SiGe dots on Si0.77Ge0.23 film relax by lattice distortion to coherent clots, which results from the obvious interface between the SiGe clots and the Si0.77Ge0.23 film. The results are suggested and sustained by Vanderbilt and Wickham's theory, and also demonstrate that no bulk diffusion oGeurs during the excimer laser annealing.


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A KrF (248 nm) excimer laser with a 38 ns pulse width was used to study pulsed laser annealing (PLA) on Mg-doped cubic GaN alms. The laser-induced changes were monitored by photoluminescence (PL) measurement. It indicated that deep levels in as-grown cubic GaN : Mg films were neutralized by H and PLA treatment could break Mg-H-N complex. The evolution of emissions around 426 and 468 nm with different PLA conditions reflected the different activation of the involved deep levels. Rapid thermal annealing (RTA) in N-2 atmosphere reverts the luminescence of laser annealed samples to that of the pre-annealing state. The reason is that most H atoms still remained in the epilayers after PLA due to the short duration of the pulses and reoccupied the original locations during RTA. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 61.72.Vv; 61.72.Cc; 18.55. -m.


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Solid films containing phosphorus impurities were formed on p-type silicon wafer surface by traditional spin-on of commercially available dopants. The doping process is accomplished by irradiating the sample with a 308 nm XeCl pulsed excimer laser. Shallow junctions with a high concentration of doped impurities were obtained. The measured impurity profile was ''box-like'', and is very suitable for use in VLSI devices. The characteristics of the doping profile against laser fluence (energy density) and number of laser pulses were studied. From these results, it is found that the sheet resistance decreases with the laser fluence above a certain threshold, but it saturates as the energy density is further increased. The junction depth increases with the number of pulses and the laser energy density. The results suggest that this simple spin-on dopant pre-deposition technique can be used to obtain a well controlled doping profile similar to the technique using chemical vapor in pulsed laser doping process.


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Ge self-assembled quantum dots (SAQDs) are grown with a self-assembled UHV/CVD epitaxy system. Then,the as-grown Ge quantum dots are annealed by ArF excimer laser. In the ultra-shot laser pulse duration,~20ns, bulk diffusion is forbidden, and only surface diffusion occurs, resulting in a laser induced quantum dot (LIQD). The diameter of the LIQD is 20~25nm which is much smaller than the as-grown dot and the LIQD has a higher density of about 6 × 10~(10)cm~(-2). The surface morphology evolution is investigated by AFM.


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The temperature dependence of the resistivity of KrF laser irradiated polyimide films was studied. In all cases, the resistivity decreased with increasing temperature. The irradiated polyimide film exhibited a typical semiconducting property. This result indicated that the irradiated polyimide films can be used as temperature-sensitive materials. We demonstrated that both the sensitivity and the sensitive temperature range of the irradiated polyimide films can be altered by adjusting laser irradiation parameters. The intrinsic relationship between the temperature coefficient of the resistivity and irradiation condition was interpreted in terms of the microstructural change. The result provided a new insight into the fundamental aspects of laser irradiated polyimide film structure and a method of preparing temperature-sensitive materials. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conducting layers on KrF excimer-laser-irradiated polyimide film surfaces were investigated by XPS, SEM and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)-Raman spectroscopy, Analysis of polyimide residue after laser irradiation provided valuable insight into the nature of the formation of conducting layers. The subtle different between KrF laser irradiation and the pyrolysis of polyimide was found by comparison of the formation process of conducting layers. A physical picture was presented to describe better the formation of conducting layers. Under KrF laser irradiation, polyimide films underwent thermal decomposition assisted by photoinduced direct bond breaking. Polycrystalline graphite was subsequently formed as the product of the secondary addition reaction of carbon-enriched clusters, Such reaction was supported by the remaining energy on the irradiated polyimide film surface. This result shows that the thermal process played an important role that was not just restricted to the formation of conducting layers, Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The thermal influence on the electrical conductivity of polyimide film surfaces induced by KrF-laser irradiation was investigated, The formation of conducting phases was demonstrated to be highly temperature sensitive, as evidenced by strong dependence of the electrical conductivity on repetition rate and ambient temperature. XPS and Raman studies showed that the efficiency of the formation of conducting phases could be enhanced by the increase of temperature on irradiated polyimide film surfaces. After the disruption of polymeric chain, the carbon-enriched clusters remained on the irradiated polyimide film surfaces organized into polycrystalline graphite-like clusters responsible for electrical conductivity. The resulting dangling bonds from the decomposition process of polyimide acted as centers for the rearrangement of carbon-enriched clusters. It is suggested that the motion of radicals was promoted with increasing the temperature. Therefore the formation of polycrystalline graphite-like clusters benefited from high remaining temperature on the irradiated polyimide film surfaces. These results revealed that thermal influence played a dominant role on the formation of conducting phases.


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The behavior of electrical conductivity for excimer laser irradiated polyimide films in the vicinity of the critical number of laser shots was described by three-dimensional percolative phase transition model. It is: found that electrical conductivity changed more rapidly than that predicted by the percolation model. Thus, the change in microstructure with increasing number of laser shots was analyzed by FT-IR Raman spectrometry and laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry. It is demonstrated that not only the number but also the average size of graphite particles on the irradiated polyimide film surfaces increased with increasing number of laser shots. These results were helpful to better understand the critical change in electrical conductivity on the irradiated polyimide film surfaces. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recently using KrF high power laser (248 nm; 350 fs; 5.0x10(16) W/cm(2)) in the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory an experimental search for recombination extreme ultraviolet (XUV) laser action in Li-like nitrogen ions was performed. To understand the experimental results of line emission at 24.7 nm in the 3d(5/2)-2p(3/2) transition of the Li-like nitrogen ion a simulation was undertaken using a one-dimensional Lagrangian hydrodynamic code. From the simulation results, we confirmed that there was nonlinear dependence of spectral line emission on the gas density which was well matched to the experimental results. Only a six times increase of the 24.7 nm emission intensity was obtained when the plasma length was increased 1000 times from 1 mu m as an optically thin case to 1 mm. Also, the spatial profile of the electron density and temperature was obtained and the electron temperature was about 40-50 eV which was too high for the optical field ionization x-ray lasing. We could not find evidence of x-ray laser gain. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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YBaCuO films with (001) orientation have been deposited on MgO by laser ablation at 248 and 193 nm wavelengths. Transitions to zero resistance at 87 K and 90 K have been reproducibly achieved in the respective cases. Optical spectroscopic studies of the plume show the importance of molecular species in the ablation if good superconducting films are to be formed. The substrate position in the plume and substrate temperature are important in determining film quality. The influence of oxygen gas pressure can be significant. SEM studies show the occurrence of second-phase outcrops with a needle-like morphology aligned over the whole area of the film along two mutually perpendicular directions on the film surface. Film orientation is determined by XRD and R against T is measured down to 80 K in a hydrogen exchange gas cryostat. Characterization studies of device-related multilayer YBaCuO/PrBaCuO structures by XRD are presented.


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Excimerlaser sind gepulste Gaslaser, die Laseremission in Form von Linienstrahlung – abhängig von der Gasmischung – im UV erzeugen. Der erste entladungsgepumpte Excimerlaser wurde 1977 von Ischenko demonstriert. Alle kommerziell verfügbaren Excimerlaser sind entladungsgepumpte Systeme. Um eine Inversion der Besetzungsdichte zu erhalten, die notwendig ist, um den Laser zum Anschwingen zu bekommen, muss aufgrund der kurzen Wellenlänge sehr stark gepumpt werden. Diese Pumpleistung muss von einem Impulsleistungsmodul erzeugt werden. Als Schaltelement gebräuchlich sind Thyratrons, Niederdruckschaltröhren, deren Lebensdauer jedoch sehr limitiert ist. Deshalb haben sich seit Mitte der 1990iger Jahre Halbleiterschalter mit Pulskompressionsstufen auch in dieser Anwendung mehr und mehr durchgesetzt. In dieser Arbeit wird versucht, die Pulskompression durch einen direkt schaltenden Halbleiterstapel zu ersetzen und dadurch die Verluste zu reduzieren sowie den Aufwand für diese Pulskompression einzusparen. Zudem kann auch die maximal mögliche Repetitionsrate erhöht werden. Um die Belastung der Bauelemente zu berechnen, wurden für alle Komponenten möglichst einfache, aber leistungsfähige Modelle entwickelt. Da die normalerweise verfügbaren Daten der Bauelemente sich aber auf andere Applikationen beziehen, mussten für alle Bauteile grundlegende Messungen im Zeitbereich der späteren Applikation gemacht werden. Für die nichtlinearen Induktivitäten wurde ein einfaches Testverfahren entwickelt um die Verluste bei sehr hohen Magnetisierungsgeschwindigkeiten zu bestimmen. Diese Messungen sind die Grundlagen für das Modell, das im Wesentlichen eine stromabhängige Induktivität beschreibt. Dieses Modell wurde für den „magnetic assist“ benützt, der die Einschaltverluste in den Halbleitern reduziert. Die Impulskondensatoren wurden ebenfalls mit einem in der Arbeit entwickelten Verfahren nahe den späteren Einsatzparametern vermessen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die sehr gebräuchlichen Class II Keramikkondensatoren für diese Anwendung nicht geeignet sind. In der Arbeit wurden deshalb Class I Hochspannungs- Vielschicht- Kondensatoren als Speicherbank verwendet, die ein deutlich besseres Verhalten zeigen. Die eingesetzten Halbleiterelemente wurden ebenfalls in einem Testverfahren nahe den späteren Einsatzparametern vermessen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass nur moderne Leistungs-MOSFET´s für diesen Einsatz geeignet sind. Bei den Dioden ergab sich, dass nur Siliziumkarbid (SiC) Schottky Dioden für die Applikation einsetzbar sind. Für die Anwendung sind prinzipiell verschiedene Topologien möglich. Bei näherer Betrachtung zeigt sich jedoch, dass nur die C-C Transfer Anordnung die gewünschten Ergebnisse liefern kann. Diese Topologie wurde realisiert. Sie besteht im Wesentlichen aus einer Speicherbank, die vom Netzteil aufgeladen wird. Aus dieser wird dann die Energie in den Laserkopf über den Schalter transferiert. Aufgrund der hohen Spannungen und Ströme müssen 24 Schaltelemente in Serie und je 4 parallel geschaltet werden. Die Ansteuerung der Schalter wird über hochisolierende „Gate“-Transformatoren erreicht. Es zeigte sich, dass eine sorgfältig ausgelegte dynamische und statische Spannungsteilung für einen sicheren Betrieb notwendig ist. In der Arbeit konnte ein Betrieb mit realer Laserkammer als Last bis 6 kHz realisiert werden, der nur durch die maximal mögliche Repetitionsrate der Laserkammer begrenzt war.


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Introduction: Vitiligo is cosmetically disfiguring and can cause significant psychological morbidity. Most therapies require protracted treatments and can lead to disappointing results. More recently, 308 nm Excimer laser has proven to be effective in treating vitiligo. Objective: To analyze the effectiveness and patient satisfaction of 308 nm Excimer treatment for vitiligo patches in a variety of locations on the body. Methods: Patients with generalized or localized vitiligo (n = 123, 321 lesions), were studied. The patients were treated at a private practice between 2007 and 2010. Two independent examiners analyzed the response to the therapy by comparing clinical and photographic records before and after treatment. Results: More than half (n = 77) of the patients presented repigmentation greater than 60%, 26 presented 40-59%, and 20% had levels less than 39%. Facial lesions responded better to treatment than those in other body parts. Elbows, hands and feet were the less sensitive areas. In general, the patients were satisfied with the treatment. Conclusion: The use of Excimer laser for treating vitiligo was effective and safe, producing satisfactory cosmetic results and improving patients' self esteem.


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The excimer laser-assisted nonocclusive anastomosis (ELANA) technique has been developed as a clinical effective technique to perform intracranial high-flow bypass without temporary occlusion of cerebral vessels in otherwise untreatable or high-risk cerebrovascular diseases. We experimentally tested the application of a nonabsorbable cyanoacrylate-based sealant with the ELANA technique.


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The excimer laser-assisted nonocclusive anastomosis (ELANA) technique enables large-caliber bypass revascularization without temporary occlusion of the parent artery.