972 resultados para Evolutionary multiobjective optimization


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Topological optimization problems based on stress criteria are solved using two techniques in this paper. The first technique is the conventional Evolutionary Structural Optimization (ESO), which is known as hard kill, because the material is discretely removed; that is, the elements under low stress that are being inefficiently utilized have their constitutive matrix has suddenly reduced. The second technique, proposed in a previous paper, is a variant of the ESO procedure and is called Smooth ESO (SESO), which is based on the philosophy that if an element is not really necessary for the structure, its contribution to the structural stiffness will gradually diminish until it no longer influences the structure; its removal is thus performed smoothly. This procedure is known as "soft-kill"; that is, not all of the elements removed from the structure using the ESO criterion are discarded. Thus, the elements returned to the structure must provide a good conditioning system that will be resolved in the next iteration, and they are considered important to the optimization process. To evaluate elasticity problems numerically, finite element analysis is applied, but instead of using conventional quadrilateral finite elements, a plane-stress triangular finite element was implemented with high-order modes for solving complex geometric problems. A number of typical examples demonstrate that the proposed approach is effective for solving problems of bi-dimensional elasticity. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper deals with topology optimization in plane elastic-linear problems considering the influence of the self weight in efforts in structural elements. For this purpose it is used a numerical technique called SESO (Smooth ESO), which is based on the procedure for progressive decrease of the inefficient stiffness element contribution at lower stresses until he has no more influence. The SESO is applied with the finite element method and is utilized a triangular finite element and high order. This paper extends the technique SESO for application its self weight where the program, in computing the volume and specific weight, automatically generates a concentrated equivalent force to each node of the element. The evaluation is finalized with the definition of a model of strut-and-tie resulting in regions of stress concentration. Examples are presented with optimum topology structures obtaining optimal settings. (C) 2012 CIMNE (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya). Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. All rights reserved.


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This article deals with a vector optimization problem with cone constraints in a Banach space setting. By making use of a real-valued Lagrangian and the concept of generalized subconvex-like functions, weakly efficient solutions are characterized through saddle point type conditions. The results, jointly with the notion of generalized Hessian (introduced in [Cominetti, R., Correa, R.: A generalized second-order derivative in nonsmooth optimization. SIAM J. Control Optim. 28, 789–809 (1990)]), are applied to achieve second order necessary and sufficient optimality conditions (without requiring twice differentiability for the objective and constraining functions) for the particular case when the functionals involved are defined on a general Banach space into finite dimensional ones.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In recent years, there has been continuing interest in the participation of university research groups in space technology studies by means of their own microsatellites. The involvement in such projects has some inherent challenges, such as limited budget and facilities. Also, due to the fact that the main objective of these projects is for educational purposes, usually there are uncertainties regarding their in orbit mission and scientific payloads at the early phases of the project. On the other hand, there are predetermined limitations for their mass and volume budgets owing to the fact that most of them are launched as an auxiliary payload in which the launch cost is reduced considerably. The satellite structure subsystem is the one which is most affected by the launcher constraints. This can affect different aspects, including dimensions, strength and frequency requirements. In this paper, the main focus is on developing a structural design sizing tool containing not only the primary structures properties as variables but also the system level variables such as payload mass budget and satellite total mass and dimensions. This approach enables the design team to obtain better insight into the design in an extended design envelope. The structural design sizing tool is based on analytical structural design formulas and appropriate assumptions including both static and dynamic models of the satellite. Finally, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) multiobjective optimization is applied to the design space. The result is a Pareto-optimal based on two objectives, minimum satellite total mass and maximum payload mass budget, which gives a useful insight to the design team at the early phases of the design.


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Multiobjective Generalized Disjunctive Programming (MO-GDP) optimization has been used for the synthesis of an important industrial process, isobutane alkylation. The two objective functions to be simultaneously optimized are the environmental impact, determined by means of LCA (Life Cycle Assessment), and the economic potential of the process. The main reason for including the minimization of the environmental impact in the optimization process is the widespread environmental concern by the general public. For the resolution of the problem we employed a hybrid simulation- optimization methodology, i.e., the superstructure of the process was developed directly in a chemical process simulator connected to a state of the art optimizer. The model was formulated as a GDP and solved using a logic algorithm that avoids the reformulation as MINLP -Mixed Integer Non Linear Programming-. Our research gave us Pareto curves compounded by three different configurations where the LCA has been assessed by two different parameters: global warming potential and ecoindicator-99.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 90C29; Secondary 90C30.


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In this work the multiarea optimal power flow (OPF) problem is decoupled into areas creating a set of regional OPF subproblems. The objective is to solve the optimal dispatch of active and reactive power for a determined area, without interfering in the neighboring areas. The regional OPF subproblems are modeled as a large-scale nonlinear constrained optimization problem, with both continuous and discrete variables. Constraints violated are handled as objective functions of the problem. In this way the original problem is converted to a multiobjective optimization problem, and a specifically-designed multiobjective evolutionary algorithm is proposed for solving the regional OPF subproblems. The proposed approach has been examined and tested on the RTS-96 and IEEE 354-bus test systems. Good quality suboptimal solutions were obtained, proving the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach. ©2009 IEEE.


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Biogeography is the science that studies the geographical distribution and the migration of species in an ecosystem. Biogeography-based optimization (BBO) is a recently developed global optimization algorithm as a generalization of biogeography to evolutionary algorithm and has shown its ability to solve complex optimization problems. BBO employs a migration operator to share information between the problem solutions. The problem solutions are identified as habitat, and the sharing of features is called migration. In this paper, a multiobjective BBO, combined with a predator-prey (PPBBO) approach, is proposed and validated in the constrained design of a brushless dc wheel motor. The results demonstrated that the proposed PPBBO approach converged to promising solutions in terms of quality and dominance when compared with the classical BBO in a multiobjective version.


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Evolutionary algorithms alone cannot solve optimization problems very efficiently since there are many random (not very rational) decisions in these algorithms. Combination of evolutionary algorithms and other techniques have been proven to be an efficient optimization methodology. In this talk, I will explain the basic ideas of our three algorithms along this line (1): Orthogonal genetic algorithm which treats crossover/mutation as an experimental design problem, (2) Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition (MOEA/D) which uses decomposition techniques from traditional mathematical programming in multiobjective optimization evolutionary algorithm, and (3) Regular model based multiobjective estimation of distribution algorithms (RM-MEDA) which uses the regular property and machine learning methods for improving multiobjective evolutionary algorithms.


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In the last twenty years genetic algorithms (GAs) were applied in a plethora of fields such as: control, system identification, robotics, planning and scheduling, image processing, and pattern and speech recognition (Bäck et al., 1997). In robotics the problems of trajectory planning, collision avoidance and manipulator structure design considering a single criteria has been solved using several techniques (Alander, 2003). Most engineering applications require the optimization of several criteria simultaneously. Often the problems are complex, include discrete and continuous variables and there is no prior knowledge about the search space. These kind of problems are very more complex, since they consider multiple design criteria simultaneously within the optimization procedure. This is known as a multi-criteria (or multiobjective) optimization, that has been addressed successfully through GAs (Deb, 2001). The overall aim of multi-criteria evolutionary algorithms is to achieve a set of non-dominated optimal solutions known as Pareto front. At the end of the optimization procedure, instead of a single optimal (or near optimal) solution, the decision maker can select a solution from the Pareto front. Some of the key issues in multi-criteria GAs are: i) the number of objectives, ii) to obtain a Pareto front as wide as possible and iii) to achieve a Pareto front uniformly spread. Indeed, multi-objective techniques using GAs have been increasing in relevance as a research area. In 1989, Goldberg suggested the use of a GA to solve multi-objective problems and since then other researchers have been developing new methods, such as the multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) (Fonseca & Fleming, 1995), the non-dominated sorted genetic algorithm (NSGA) (Deb, 2001), and the niched Pareto genetic algorithm (NPGA) (Horn et al., 1994), among several other variants (Coello, 1998). In this work the trajectory planning problem considers: i) robots with 2 and 3 degrees of freedom (dof ), ii) the inclusion of obstacles in the workspace and iii) up to five criteria that are used to qualify the evolving trajectory, namely the: joint traveling distance, joint velocity, end effector / Cartesian distance, end effector / Cartesian velocity and energy involved. These criteria are used to minimize the joint and end effector traveled distance, trajectory ripple and energy required by the manipulator to reach at destination point. Bearing this ideas in mind, the paper addresses the planning of robot trajectories, meaning the development of an algorithm to find a continuous motion that takes the manipulator from a given starting configuration up to a desired end position without colliding with any obstacle in the workspace. The chapter is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the trajectory planning and several approaches proposed in the literature. Section 3 formulates the problem, namely the representation adopted to solve the trajectory planning and the objectives considered in the optimization. Section 4 studies the algorithm convergence. Section 5 studies a 2R manipulator (i.e., a robot with two rotational joints/links) when the optimization trajectory considers two and five objectives. Sections 6 and 7 show the results for the 3R redundant manipulator with five goals and for other complementary experiments are described, respectively. Finally, section 8 draws the main conclusions.


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This work presents the application of a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) for optimal power flow (OPF) solution. The OPF is modeled as a constrained nonlinear optimization problem, non-convex of large-scale, with continuous and discrete variables. The violated inequality constraints are treated as objective function of the problem. This strategy allows attending the physical and operational restrictions without compromise the quality of the found solutions. The developed MOEA is based on the theory of Pareto and employs a diversity-preserving mechanism to overcome the premature convergence of algorithm and local optimal solutions. Fuzzy set theory is employed to extract the best compromises of the Pareto set. Results for the IEEE-30, RTS-96 and IEEE-354 test systems are presents to validate the efficiency of proposed model and solution technique.


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This paper proposes an alternative codification to solve the service restoration in electric power distribution networks using a SPEA2 multiobjective evolutionary algorithm, assuming the minimization of both the load not supplied and the number of switching operations involved in the restoration plan. Constrains as the line, power source and voltage drop limits in order to avoid the activation of protective devices are all included in the proposed algorithm. Experimental results have shown the convenience on considering these new representations in the sense of feasibility maintenance and also in the sense of better approximation to the Pareto set. ©2009 IEEE.


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In this paper we deal with the problem of boosting the Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) clustering approach using evolutionary-based optimization techniques. As the OPF classifier performs an exhaustive search to find out the size of sample's neighborhood that allows it to reach the minimum graph cut as a quality measure, we compared several optimization techniques that can obtain close graph cut values to the ones obtained by brute force. Experiments in two public datasets in the context of unsupervised network intrusion detection have showed the evolutionary optimization techniques can find suitable values for the neighborhood faster than the exhaustive search. Additionally, we have showed that it is not necessary to employ many agents for such task, since the neighborhood size is defined by discrete values, with constrain the set of possible solution to a few ones.


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This paper aims to provide an improved NSGA-II (Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-version II) which incorporates a parameter-free self-tuning approach by reinforcement learning technique, called Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm Based on Reinforcement Learning (NSGA-RL). The proposed method is particularly compared with the classical NSGA-II when applied to a satellite coverage problem. Furthermore, not only the optimization results are compared with results obtained by other multiobjective optimization methods, but also guarantee the advantage of no time-spending and complex parameter tuning.