979 resultados para Eukaryotic Cells


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Bovine colostrogenesis is distinguished by the specific transfer of IgG1 from the blood to mammary secretions. The process has been shown to be initiated by hormones and occurs during the last weeks of pregnancy when steroid concentrations of estradiol (E2 ) and progesterone (P4 ) are highly elevated. Rodent intestinal uptake of immunoglobulin G is mediated by a receptor termed Fc fragment of IgG, Receptor, Transporter, alpha (FcGRT) and supported by light chain Beta-2-Microglobulin (β2M). We hypothesized that steroid hormone treatments (E2 and P4 ) of bovine mammary epithelial cells in vitro would induce up-regulation of IgG1 transcytosis candidate gene mRNA expression suggesting involvement in IgG1 transcytosis. Two different primary bovine mammary epithelial cell cultures were cultured on plastic and rat tail collagen and treated with hormonal combinations (steroids/lactogenic hormones). Evaluated mRNA components were bLactoferrin (bLf: a control), bFcGRT, β2M, and various small GTPases; the latter components are reported to direct endosomal movements in eukaryotic cells. All tested transcytosis components showed strong expression of mRNA in the cells. Expression of bFcGRT, bRab25 and bRhoB were significantly up-regulated (p < 0.05) by steroid hormones. bRab25 and bRhoB showed increased expression by steroid treatments, but also with lactogenic hormones. Analysis for the oestrogen receptor (ER) mRNA was mostly negative, but 25% of the cultures tested exhibited weak expression, while the progesterone receptor (PR) mRNA was always detected. bRab25 and bRhoB and likely bFcGRT are potential candidate genes for IgG1 transcytosis in bovine mammary cells.


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Alpha and beta tubulin are essential proteins in all eukaryotic cells. To study how cells maintain coordinate levels of these two interacting proteins, we have used PCR to add a 9 amino acid epitope from influenza hemagglutinin protein onto the carboxyl terminus of $\alpha$1 and $\beta$1-tubulin. The chimeric tubulin genes (HA$\alpha$1 and HA$\beta$1) were transfected into CHO cells and cell lines that stably express each gene were selected. Cells transfected with HA-tubulin do not exhibit any gross changes in growth or morphology. Immunofluorescence analysis demonstrated that HA-tubulins incorporate into both cytoplasmic and spindle microtubules. A quantitative biochemical assay was used to show that HA-tubulins incorporate into microtubules to a normal extent and do not alter the steady state distribution of endogenous tubulin between monomer and polymer pools. Two-dimensional gel analysis of pulse-labeled cells indicated that when HA$\beta$1-tubulin is expressed at high levels, it slightly represses the synthesis of the endogenous $\beta$-tubulin but produces a small increase in the synthesis of $\alpha$-tubulin. Analysis of cells labeled to steady state showed that HA$\beta$1-tubulin accumulates to a similar level as the wild-type gene product, but together these polypeptides produce only a small increase in total tubulin content consistent with the increased synthesis of $\alpha$-tubulin. It thus appears that HA$\beta$1-tubulin successfully competes with endogenous $\beta$-tubulin for heterodimer formation and that free $\beta$-tubulin subunits (endogenous and HA$\beta$1) are selectively degraded to maintain coordinate amounts of $\alpha$- and $\beta$-tubulin. In addition, the increased synthesis of $\alpha$-tubulin suggested the existence of a mechanism to ensure coordinate synthesis of $\alpha$- and $\beta$-tubulin subunits. To analyze whether reciprocal changes in endogenous tubulin synthesis occur when $\alpha$-tubulin is overexpressed, stably transfected CHO cell lines were isolated in which HA$\alpha$1-tubulin represents 50% of the total $\alpha$-tubulin, and its relative abundance can be further increased to 85-90% by treatment with sodium butyrate. In contrast with results obtained using HA$\beta$1-tubulin, transfection of HA$\alpha$1-tubulin decreased the synthesis of endogenous $\alpha$-tubulin to 60% of normal with little or no change in $\beta$-tubulin synthesis. When the transfected cells were treated with sodium butyrate to further increase HA$\beta$1-tubulin production, a larger decrease in the synthesis of endogenous $\alpha$-tubulin (to 30% of normal) was observed. The repression on the synthesis of endogenous $\alpha$-tubulin polypeptide was found to be directly proportional to the expression of HA$\alpha$1-tubulin indicating the existence of an autoregulatory loop, where $\alpha$-tubulin inhibits its own synthesis. To determine whether overproduction of HA$\alpha$1-tubulin affected the transcription, message stability or translation of endogenous $\alpha$-tubulin, the steady state levels of $\alpha$-tubulin mRNA were analyzed by ribonuclease protection assays. The results showed that the steady state level of $\alpha$-tubulin mRNA is not affected by the overexpression of HA$\alpha$1-tubulin, indicating that the repression is translational. The results are compatible with a model in which $\beta$-tubulin synthesis is largely unperturbed by overexpression of other tubulin subunits, and excess $\beta$-tubulin subunits are rapidly degraded to maintain coordinate $\alpha$- and $\beta$-tubulin levels at steady state. In contrast, free $\alpha$-tubulin represses its own synthesis at the translational level, suggesting that its level of production may be controlled by the amount of $\beta$-tubulin available for heterodimer formation. ^


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In eukaryotic cells, translation of messenger RNA (mRNA) can be initiated either on transcripts associated with the cap-binding complex (CBC; consisting of CBP80 and CBP20) or on transcripts with the eukaryotic translation initiation factor (eIF) 4E bound to the cap. Together with eIF4G and eIF4A, eIF4E forms the eIF4F-complex, which mediates translation initiation during the bulk of cellular protein synthesis. Functionally substituting for eIF4G, the CBP80/20-dependent translation initiation factor (CTIF) has been reported to be part of the CBC-dependent translation initiation complex 1,2. CTIF consists of a N-terminal CBP80-binding domain and a conserved C-terminal MIF4G domain 1. This MIF4G domain has been shown to mediate the interaction between CTIF and different factors such as eIF3g and the stem-loop binding protein (SLBP) 2,3. Here we provide evidence that CTIF, besides its function in translation initiation, is also involved in mRNA translocation from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, possibly through a direct interaction with the nuclear export factor NFX1/TAP. Taken together our results suggest that CTIF can function as a platform that interacts with proteins involved in different steps of the mRNA metabolism.


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In eukaryotic cells translation initiation of messenger RNA (mRNA) transcripts can be initiated either by the cap-binding complex (CBC) consisting of CBP80 and CBP20, or by the eukaryotic translation initiation factor (eIF) 4E. Together with eIF4G and eIF4A, eIF4E forms the eIF4F-complex, which mediates initiation of the bulk of cellular translation. Analogous to eIF4G, the CBP80/20-dependent translation initiation factor (CTIF) has been reported to be part of the CBC-dependent translation initiation complex. CTIF consists of a N-terminal CBP80-binding domain and a conserved C-terminal MIF4G domain. This MIF4G domain has been shown to mediate the interaction between CTIF and different factors such as eIF3g and the stem-loop binding protein (SLBP). Here we show data indicating that CTIF, besides its function in translation initiation, is involved in mRNA translocation from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, possibly through a direct interaction with the nuclear export factor NFX1/TAP. Taken together our results suggest that CTIF can function as a platform that interacts with proteins involved in different steps of mRNA metabolism.


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In eukaryotic cells translation initiation of messenger RNA (mRNA) transcripts can be initiated either by the cap-binding complex (CBC) consisting of CBP80 and CBP20, or by the eukaryotic translation initiation factor (eIF) 4E. Together with eIF4G and eIF4A, eIF4E forms the eIF4F-complex, which mediates translation initiation during the bulk of cellular protein synthesis [1,2]. Functionally analogous to eIF4G, the CBP80/20-dependent translation initiation factor (CTIF) has been reported to be part of the CBC-dependent translation initiation complex [3,4]. CTIF consists of a N-terminal CBP80-binding domain and a conserved C-terminal MIF4G domain [3]. This MIF4G domain has been shown to mediate the interaction between CTIF and different factors such as eIF3g and the stem-loop binding protein (SLBP) [4,5]. Here we show data indicating that CTIF, besides its function in translation initiation, is involved in mRNA translocation from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, possibly through a direct interaction with the nuclear export factor NFX1/TAP. Taken together our results suggest that CTIF can function as a platform that interacts with proteins involved in different steps of the mRNA metabolism. [1] Haghighat A. and Sonenberg N. (1997) JBC 272:21677-21680 [2] Gross J.D. et al. (2003) Cell 115:739-750 [3] Kim K.M. et al. (2009) Genes Dev 23:2033-2045 [4] Choe J. et al. (2012) JBC 287:18500-18509 [5] Choe J. et al. (2013) NAR 41:1307-1318


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Mycoplasma bovis is a wall-less bacterium causing bovine mycoplasmosis, a disease showing a broad range of clinical manifestations in cattle. It leads to enormous economic losses to the beef and dairy industries. Antibiotic treatments are not efficacious and currently no efficient vaccine is available. Moreover, mechanisms of pathogenicity of this bacterium are not clear, as few virulence attributes are known. Microscopic observations of necropsy material suggest the possibility of an intracellular stage of M. bovis. We used a combination of a gentamicin protection assay, a variety of chemical treatments to block mycoplasmas entry in eukaryotic cells, and fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy to investigate the intracellular life of M. bovis in calf turbinate cells. Our findings indicate that M. bovis invades and persists in primary embryonic calf turbinate cells. Moreover, M. bovis can multiply within these cells. The intracellular phase of M. bovis may represent a protective niche for this pathogen and contribute to its escape from the host's immune defense as well as avoidance of antimicrobial agents.


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Cell adhesion is an intricate process involving adhesion promoting ligands such as laminin and fibronectin, surface receptors for these ligands and a complex interplay of metabolic and cytoskeletal events (Geiger, BBA 737:305, 1983). Although considerable effort has been directed towards studying adhesion molecules such as fibronectin (Fn), very little is known about the mechanisms regulating the complex process of adhesion.^ I chose to use a CHO adhesion variant clone called AD('v)F11 as a tool to study the various steps which may be involved in adhesion. AD('v)F11 cells unlike wild type (WT), do not adhere to Fn-coated substrata, but will adhere to substrata coated with other extracellular components (Harper and Juliano, J Cell Biol. 91:647, 1981). I have found that although AD('v)F11 cells can bind Fn-coated latex beads to the same extent as WT cells, AD('v)F11 cells also differed from WT cells in that they did not aggregate in the presence of Fn-beads nor internalize Fn-beads. The defect in bead induced cell aggregation and internalization seem to be specific to Fn since lectin coated beads could aggregate AD('v)F11 cells as well as WT cells, and AD('v)F11 cells can also readily internalize lectins. These observations suggest that the defect associated with AD('v)F11 cells is distal to the initial binding to Fn to its cell surface receptor. To further investigate the biochemical defect associated with AD('v)F11 cells, a panel of compounds were examined for their ability to correct the non-adhesive phenotype of AD('v)F11 cells. Among the compounds tested, only those known to increase intracellular cAMP levels were found to be effective in correcting the adhesion defect of F11CA11 cells, a subclone of AD('v)F11 cells.^ Since cAMP effects in eukaryotic cells are mediated through phosphorylation events by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (cAdPK) system, the phosphorylation pattern and cAdPK system of the F11CA11 cells were analyzed. Comparison between the phosphorylation pattern of intact untreated F11CA11 and WT cells, revealed the presence of a 50 kd phosphoprotein(s) in WT cells but not in F11CA11 cells. Results presented in this dissertation strongly indicate that the adhesion defect in F11CA11 is associated to an altered type I cAdPK that can be corrected by raising intracellular cAMP levels. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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All cells must have the ability to deal with a variety of environmental stresses. Failure to correctly adapt to and/or protect against adverse stress conditions can lead to cell death. In humans, stress response defects have been linked to a number of neurodegenerative diseases and cancer, underscoring the importance of developing a fundamental understanding of the eukaryotic stress response.^ In an effort to characterize cellular response to high temperature stress, I identified and described one member of a novel gene family— RTR1. I show that the RTR1 gene and its protein product genetically and biochemically interact with core subunits of the RNA polymerase II enzyme. Appropriately, loss of RTR1 results in defective transcription from multiple promoters. These data provide evidence that Rtr1, which is essential under stress conditions, acts as a key regulator of transcription.^ In addition to transcriptional regulation, cells deal with many stressors by inducing molecular chaperones. Molecular chaperones are ubiquitous in all living cells and bind unfolded or damaged proteins and catalyze refolding or degradation. Hsp90 is a unique chaperone because it targets specific clients—typically signaling proteins—for maturation. While it has been shown that Sse1, the yeast Hsp110, is a critical regulator of the Hsp90 chaperone cycle, this work describes the molecular basis for that regulation. I show that Sse1 modulates Hsp90 function through regulation of Hsp70 nucleotide exchange. Further, Hsp110-type nucleotide exchange factors (NEFs) appear to have a specific role in modulating Hsp90 function in this manner. Finally, in addition to Hsp110, the eukaryotic cytosol contains two other types of Hsp70 NEF: Snl1 (BAG-domain protein) and Fes1 (HspBP1-like protein). I investigated the cellular roles of these NEFs to better understand the reason that eukaryotic cells contain three distinct protein families that perform the same biochemical function. I show that while cytsolic Hsp70 NEFs have some degree of functional overlap, they also exhibit striking divergence. Taken together, the work presented in this dissertation provides a more detailed understanding of the eukaryotic stress response. ^


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Calreticulin (CRT) is a high-capacity, low-affinity Ca2+-binding protein located in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of all eukaryotic cells investigated so far. Its high level of conservation among different species suggests that it serves functions fundamental to cell survival. The role originally proposed for CRT, i.e., the main Ca2+ buffer of the ER, has been obscured or even casted by its implication in processes as diverse as gene expression, protein folding, and cell adhesion. In this work we seek the role of CRT in Ca2+ storing and signaling by evaluating its effects on the kinetics and amplitude of the store-operated Ca2+ current (ICRAC). We show that, in the rat basophilic leukemia cell line RBL-1, overexpression of CRT, but not of its mutant lacking the high-capacity Ca2+-binding domain, markedly retards the ICRAC development, however, only when store depletion is slower than the rate of current activation. On the contrary, when store depletion is rapid and complete, overexpression of CRT has no effect. The present results are compatible with a major Ca2+-buffering role of CRT within the ER but exclude a direct, or indirect, role of this protein on the mechanism of ICRAC activation.


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In eukaryotic cells the TATA-binding protein (TBP) associates with other proteins known as TBP-associated factors (TAFs) to form multisubunit transcription factors important for gene expression by all three nuclear RNA polymerases. Computer searching of the complete Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome revealed five previously unidentified yeast genes with significant sequence similarity to known human and Drosophila RNA polymerase II TAFs. Each of these genes is essential for viability. A sixth essential gene (FUN81) has previously been noted to be similar to human TAFII18. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments show that all six proteins are associated with TBP, demonstrating that they are true TAFs. Furthermore, these proteins are present in complexes containing the TAFII130 subunit, indicating that they are components of TFIID. Based on their predicted molecular weights, these genes have been designated TAF67, TAF61(68), TAF40, TAF23(25), TAF19(FUN81), and TAF17. Yeast TAF61 is significantly larger than its higher eukaryotic homologues, and deletion analysis demonstrates that the evolutionarily conserved, histone-like domain is sufficient and necessary to support viability.


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Cells of several major algal groups are evolutionary chimeras of two radically different eukaryotic cells. Most of these “cells within cells” lost the nucleus of the former algal endosymbiont. But after hundreds of millions of years cryptomonads still retain the nucleus of their former red algal endosymbiont as a tiny relict organelle, the nucleomorph, which has three minute linear chromosomes, but their function and the nature of their ends have been unclear. We report extensive cryptomonad nucleomorph sequences (68.5 kb), from one end of each of the three chromosomes of Guillardia theta. Telomeres of the nucleomorph chromosomes differ dramatically from those of other eukaryotes, being repeats of the 23-mer sequence (AG)7AAG6A, not a typical hexamer (commonly TTAGGG). The subterminal regions comprising the rRNA cistrons and one protein-coding gene are exactly repeated at all three chromosome ends. Gene density (one per 0.8 kb) is the highest for any cellular genome. None of the 38 protein-coding genes has spliceosomal introns, in marked contrast to the chlorarachniophyte nucleomorph. Most identified nucleomorph genes are for gene expression or protein degradation; histone, tubulin, and putatively centrosomal ranbpm genes are probably important for chromosome segregation. No genes for primary or secondary metabolism have been found. Two of the three tRNA genes have introns, one in a hitherto undescribed location. Intergenic regions are exceptionally short; three genes transcribed by two different RNA polymerases overlap their neighbors. The reported sequences encode two essential chloroplast proteins, FtsZ and rubredoxin, thus explaining why cryptomonad nucleomorphs persist.


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Measuring the DNA content of eukaryotic cells is a fundamental task in biology and medicine. We have observed a linear relationship between the DNA content of eukaryotic cells and the change in capacitance that is evoked by the passage of individual cells across a 1-kHz electric field. This relationship is species-independent; consequently, we have developed a microfluidic technique—“capacitance cytometry”—that can be used to quantify the DNA content of single eukaryotic cells and to analyze the cell-cycle kinetics of populations of cells. Comparisons with standard flow cytometry demonstrate the sensitivity of this new technique.


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Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF-5A) is a ubiquitous protein found in all eukaryotic cells. The protein is closely associated with cell proliferation in the G1–S stage of the cell cycle. Recent findings show that the eIF-5A proteins are highly expressed in tumor cells and act as a cofactor of the Rev protein in HIV-1-infected cells. The mature eIF is the only protein known to have the unusual amino acid hypusine, a post-translationally modified lysine. The crystal structure of eIF-5A from Methanococcus jannaschii (MJ eIF-5A) has been determined at 1.9 Å and 1.8 Å resolution in two crystal forms by using the multiple isomorphous replacement method and the multiwavelength anomalous diffraction method for the first crystal form and the molecular replacement method for the second crystal form. The structure consists of two folding domains, one of which is similar to the oligonucleotide-binding domain found in the prokaryotic cold shock protein and the translation initiation factor IF1 despite the absence of any significant sequence similarities. The 12 highly conserved amino acid residues found among eIF-5As include the hypusine site and form a long protruding loop at one end of the elongated molecule.


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Biological membranes contain an extraordinary diversity of lipids. Phospholipids function as major structural elements of cellular membranes, and analysis of changes in the highly heterogeneous mixtures of lipids found in eukaryotic cells is central to understanding the complex functions in which lipids participate. Phospholipase-catalyzed hydrolysis of phospholipids often follows cell surface receptor activation. Recently, we demonstrated that granule fusion is initiated by addition of exogenous, nonmammalian phospholipases to permeabilized mast cells. To pursue this finding, we use positive and negative mode Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR-MS) to measure changes in the glycerophospholipid composition of total lipid extracts of intact and permeabilized RBL-2H3 (mucosal mast cell line) cells. The low energy of the electrospray ionization results in efficient production of molecular ions of phospholipids uncomplicated by further fragmentation, and changes were observed that eluded conventional detection methods. From these analyses we have spectrally resolved more than 130 glycerophospholipids and determined changes initiated by introduction of exogenous phospholipase C, phospholipase D, or phospholipase A2. These exogenous phospholipases have a preference for phosphatidylcholine with long polyunsaturated alkyl chains as substrates and, when added to permeabilized mast cells, produce multiple species of mono- and polyunsaturated diacylglycerols, phosphatidic acids, and lysophosphatidylcholines, respectively. The patterns of changes of these lipids provide an extraordinarily rich source of data for evaluating the effects of specific lipid species generated during cellular processes, such as exocytosis.


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Starburst polyamidoamine dendrimers are a new class of synthetic polymers with unique structural and physical characteristics. These polymers were investigated for the ability to bind DNA and enhance DNA transfer and expression in a variety of mammalian cell lines. Twenty different types of polyamidoamine dendrimers were synthesized, and the polymer structure was confirmed using well-defined analytical techniques. The efficiency of plasmid DNA transfection using dendrimers was examined using two reporter gene systems: firefly luciferase and bacterial beta-galactosidase. The transfections were performed using various dendrimers, and levels of expression of the reporter protein were determined. Highly efficient transfection of a broad range of eukaryotic cells and cell lines was achieved with minimal cytotoxicity using the DNA/dendrimer complexes. However, the ability to transfect cells was restricted to certain types of dendrimers and in some situations required the presence of additional compounds, such as DEAE-dextran, that appeared to alter the nature of the complex. A few cell lines demonstrated enhanced transfection with the addition of chloroquine, indicating endosomal localization of the complexes. The capability of a dendrimer to transfect cells appeared to depend on the size, shape, and number of primary amino groups on the surface of the polymer. However, the specific dendrimer most efficient in achieving transfection varied between different types of cells. These studies demonstrate that Starburst dendrimers can transfect a wide variety of cell types in vitro and offer an efficient method for producing permanently transfected cell lines.