989 resultados para Eucalyptus saligna
Este trabalho teve como objetivo testar os efeitos in vitro e in vivo de bioprotetores à base de Trichoderma spp. no controle do fungo Cylindrocladium candelabrum Viegas. Os testes in vitro (confronto direto e inoculação em folhas destacadas) foram compostos pelos seguintes tratamentos: T1 - somente C. candelabrum; T2 - isolado 06006S x C. candelabrum; T3 - isolado 53RR x C. candelabrum; T4 - isolado 5D x C. candelabrum; T5 - Agrotrich® x C. candelabrum; e T6 - Trichodel® x C. candelabrum. Todos os tratamentos foram eficientes inibindo o crescimento do fungo C. candelabrum em confrontação direta, e os isolados de Trichoderma spp. 53RR e 06006S, bem como o produto comercial Trichodel®, controlaram a mancha-foliar em folhas destacadas. Para complementar os testes in vitro, os produtos comerciais Agrotrich® e Trichodel® foram testados em mudas de E. saligna cultivadas em casa de vegetação, com os seguintes tratamentos: T1 - Testemunha: sem inoculação; T2 - inoculação de C. candelabrum; T3 - inoculação de C. candelabrum x Agrotrich®; T4 - inoculação de C. candelabrum x Trichodel®; T5 - somente Agrotrich®; e T6 - somente Trichodel®. Este produto apresentou os melhores resultados na redução dos danos causados pelo patógeno em mudas de E. saligna.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do choque térmico e mecânico na produtividade de Lentinula edodes em 140 toras de Eucalyptus saligna, completamente colonizadas pelo fungo, em diferentes tempos de imersão em água e no primeiro fluxo de produção. As toras foram imersas em água resfriada (16ºC) ou à temperatura ambiente (22ºC); os períodos de imersão corresponderam a 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26 e 38 horas; o choque mecânico foi acompanhado por três quedas consecutivas da tora, em posição vertical, no chão. A temperatura da água e o tempo de imersão afetaram a produção de L. edodes, resultando em aumentos significativos (2 a 4 vezes) nos tratamentos em que as toras foram submetidas à água resfriada e nos tempos de imersão mais curtos (6 e 10 horas). O choque mecânico não resultou em aumento na produção de basidiomas.
We present a non-radioactive alternative to Southern's (J. Mol. Biol. 98: 503-517, 1975) DNA-DNA hybridization technique. The use of AMPPD - Disodium 3-(4-Methoxyspiro {1,2-dioxetane-3,2'tricyclo[,7)]decan}-4-yl)phyenyl phosphate as an alternative substrate for AP-mediated detection of digoxigenin-11 dUTP-labeled probes made possible the simple and nonhazardous reuse of blots. We used 0.8 % agarose gels containing 30 mug per lane of Eucalyptus saligna DNA, digested with Eco RI, electrophoresed and blotted on to nylon membranes (Hybond-N, Amersham, UK), using the Southern blotting procedure, and UV irradiated for one minute for DNA fixation. The hybridizations were carried out overnight with digoxigenin labeled random inserts of E. saligna DNA by using the Genius Kit (Boehringer Mannheim). Detection of the DNA-DNA hybrids was performed in the presence of 0.5% blocking agent and the substrates NBT/BCIP were replaced by 0.26 mM AMPPD in the final alkaline assay buffer (50 mul/cm2). After membrane incubation for five minutes at room temperature in a sealed plastic bag, the AMPPD solution was retrieved and stored at 4-degrees-C for reuse. A Kodak X-BRAF QA-S film was pressed firmly onto the bag containing the wet membrane, exposed for two to six hours and then developed. After use, the probes were stripped off and the blots reutilized, three times so far, with the same results.
This study evaluate the native species naturally regenerating in Eucalyptus saligna stand understory. This stand is located at Itatinga Experimental Station, of the Forest Sciences Department (ESALQ/USP). The experimental area encompasses two sites separated from each other around 250 m, differing 30 m in altitude. These two sites are different mainly in land slope and soil fertility and soil hydric retention capacity. Eight permanent plots of 625 m2 in each site were randomly sampled. The woody species Individuals with height equal or bigger than 1,5 m and the Eucalyptus saligna coppicings were surveyed in each plot. A total of 107 species were Identified and 7 species were common to both sites, distributed into 72 genera and 34 families. Based upon the results It is possible to conclude that the Eucalyptus saligna trees do not preclude the natural regeneration of the native species in the stand understory, however the floristic structure of the community is also influenced by edaphic factors and vicinity of seed sources.
This study aimed at characterizing the potential for natural regeneration of native vegetation in the under-story of an earlier Eucalyptus saligna Smith production stand. The study was carried out at the Parque das Neblinas, Bertioga municipality, SP, in a 45 ha third rotation stand; which had been abandoned 15 years ago for natural regeneration to occur. The sampling was done in 24 plots of 20 × 40 m. The sampled area was of 19,200 m2, with inventory made of 100% of the eucalyptus trees. All regeneration trees with a height ≥ 1.30 m and DBH ≥ 5.0 cm were measured, as well as adult individuals with DBH ≥ 5.0 cm; surveyed in two size classes. 1,417 individuals of E. saligna were measured, with a density of 738,02 individuals/ha and a basal area of 22.69 m2/ha. Among 2,763 natural regeneration individuals, 111 species belonged to 66 genera and 34 botanical families. The species represented 43.7% of the tree richness of neighboring native forest fragments. The total estimated density and the basal area were respectively 1,052.6 individuals/ha and 6.4 m2/ha of autochthonous trees with DBH ≥ 5.0 cm (Class 1); while for regeneration there were 3,864.58 individuals/ha, and 2.76 m2/ha of individuals with a height ≥ 1.30 m and DBH < 5.0 cm (Class 2). Shannon diversity (H') was 2.83 and 3.68, respectively, for Classes 1 and 2, and the corrected species richness for a 1000-individual sample (R1000) were 75.6 and 87.29 (Fisher's a index) for the same classes. The majority of the species (34.84%) was typical from the understory of wet tropical forest and had zoochoric fruit dispersal (67.57%). The results indicate that, under these conditions, a eucalyptus forest is able to provide adequate regeneration niches for native vegetation, and may represent a sink habitat for local populations.
Propriedades físico-mecânicas de painéis particulados de Eucalyptus saligna e casca de noz macadâmia
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Charcoal is obtained from carbonization, much used in the steel industry for ore reduction, using as raw material the Eucalyptus. The present study aims to verify whether the main Eucalyptus saligna genetically modified produce quality charcoal with only 3.5 years old. The study was done with material collected from three trees, divided into five discs removed at 0, 25 , 50 , 75 and 100 % of the commercial height of the tree. The procedures adopted were based on standards published by ABNT. The results were satisfactory for the parameters: basic wood density with an average of 0.39 ± 0.0082 g / cm ³; volatile materials from coal with an average of 19.35 ± 3.27 %, fixed carbon content of the coal with an average of 75.62 ± 3.40 % and gross calorific value of coal with an average of 4694.43 cal / g, and unsatisfactory results for ash content averaging 5.03 ± 0.23 when compared to the values found in the literature. It was concluded that the studied wood is able to produce charcoal, but the factors of production should be better observed, such as heating time which exerted direct influence on the determination of ash content
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Wood-water relationship of untreated and heat-treated wood was studied. Specimens of Eucalyptus grandis, E saligna, and E citriodora were submitted to five conditions of heat treatment: 180 degrees C and 220 degrees C with air; 220 degrees C, 250 degrees C, and 280 degrees C with N(2). The wood-water relationships were accurately studied in a special device, in which the moisture content (MC) of the sample was measured with a highly sensitive electronic microbalance placed in a climatic chamber. The dimensions of the sample were collected continuously without contact by means of two high-speed laser scan micrometers. Sorption curves and shrinkage-MC relationships were observed. To study the effects of heat treatment, the following parameters were also determined: fiber saturation point (FPS), wood anisotropy (T/R ratio), shrinkage slope, reduction in hygroscopicity, and anti-shrink efficiency (ASE). The physical properties were significantly affected only at 220 degrees C and above. At heat temperature levels higher than 220 degrees C, the reduction in hygroscopicity and ASE are higher than 40% and continue to be reduced with increasing temperature level. This work also demonstrates that heat treatment does not change the slope of the curves shrinkage vs. MC, proving that heat treatment affects the domain of alterations in wood properties, but not the behavior within this domain.
This study investigated the influence of heat treatment on the chemical composition of Eucalyptus saligna and Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis woods to understand its role in wood processing. E. saligna and P. caribaea var. hondurensis woods were treated in a laboratorial electric furnace at 120, 140, 160 and 180 degrees C to induce their heat treatment. The chemical composition of the resulting products and those from original wood were determined by gas chromatography. Eucalyptus and Pinus showed a significant reduction in arabinose, manose, galactose and xylose contents when submitted to increasing temperatures. No significant alteration in glucose content was observed. Lignin content, however, increased during the heat process. There was a significant reduction in extractive content for Eucalyptus. On the other hand, a slight increase in extractive content has been determined for the Pinus wood. and that only for the highest temperature. These different behaviors can be explained by differences in chemical constituents between softwoods and hardwoods. The results obtained in this study provide important information for future research and utilization of thermally modified wood. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Neste trabalho apresentamos os resultados dos estudos das diferenças entre as dimensões (comprimento, diâmetro e espessura) das fibras lenhosas nos anéis de crescimento (da periferia ao centro do fuste), determinadas ao nível do D. A. P. (distância a altura do peito) e em diferentes níveis (10%, 20% e 30% da altura do fuste) de árvores adultas de Eucalyptus saligna Smith, tendo como objetivo verificar se em nossas condições, as amostras tomadas apenas no D. A. P. representam o fuste da árvore.
Este estudo descreve as comunidades de formigas de solo em povoamentos de eucalipto implantados em ecossistema de restinga no Rio Grande do Sul. As coletas de formigas foram feitas em seis povoamentos de Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden e de Eucalyptus saligna Smith com idades de 31, 19, sete e cinco anos. Para as coletas de formigas, foram selecionados ao acaso 24 talhões, quatro por povoamento. Em cada talhão, foram traçados três transectos com 100 m de comprimento, afastados entre si 12 m. Ao longo dos transectos, foram enterradas 30 armadilhas, tipo pitfall, com iscas de sardinha, afastadas entre si 10 m e mantidas por 24 horas. Foi coletado um total de 21.033 formigas pertencentes a cinco subfamílias, 12 tribos, 19 gêneros e 49 espécies. De acordo com o estimador de riqueza jackknife de primeira ordem, não houve diferenças significativas entre as riquezas das comunidades de formigas considerando as espécies de eucalipto (U = 81,500; g.l.=1; P=0,582) e as idades dos povoamentos (U=2,504; g.l.=3; P=0,547). Os resultados indicam que a riqueza de espécies de formigas não está relacionada à espécie de eucalipto e/ou à idade do povoamento implantado na restinga.
Thyrinteina arnobia (Stoll, 1782) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) é considerada uma das mais sérias pragas do eucalipto no Brasil. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de estudar a preferência alimentar de T. arnobia em seis espécies de eucalipto e a influência da idade foliar sobre a seleção hospedeira, utilizando-se folhas jovens e velhas de Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Eucalyptus saligna, Eucalyptus citriodora, Eucalyptus robusta e Eucalyptus cloeziana. Lagartas de T. arnobia alimentadas na geração anterior com folhas de E. grandis preferiram folhas jovens de E. grandis e E.cloeziana, enquanto as alimentadas com E. saligna, na geração anterior, preferiram folhas velhas de E. grandis. A espécie preferida por lagartas de T. arnobia foi E. grandis, observando-se, também maior preferência por folhas jovens que por folhas velhas nas espécies utilizadas nos testes.