934 resultados para Estuário do Rio Potengi
This work was developed in the Potengi river estuary, northern coastal city of Natal, located in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The objective was to study the dynamics of Multitemporal Space in that estuary, however, analyze how this environment has behaved during the years 1988, 1994 and 2006. The definition of that, there was the fact that during that period, which occurred in that area and more intensive space exploration to practice economic activities as well as a greater and more rapid expansion of urban area. This study was supported by the Remote Sensing, who have been shown today, as an efficient analysis of the environmental studies, through geoprocessing techniques. From the performed analysis it was found that occurred during the period of study (1988 to 2006), a huge change in the design of the estuary of Potengi river. The figures showed the area of vegetation was decreased 65.22%, the deforested area increased by 70.44% and the shrimp activity grow 452.07% and the urban area was increased in 52.65% along that period described. Considering the numbers shown there that the process of occupying space in that area requires attention, because it is an environment that represents a huge contribution to the ecological balance.
Esta tese tem por objetivo propor uma estratégia de obtenção automática de parâmetros hidrodinâmicos e de transporte através da solução de problemas inversos. A obtenção dos parâmetros de um modelo físico representa um dos principais problemas em sua calibração, e isso se deve em grande parte à dificuldade na medição em campo desses parâmetros. Em particular na modelagem de rios e estuários, a altura da rugosidade e o coeficiente de difusão turbulenta representam dois dos parâmetros com maior dificuldade de medição. Nesta tese é apresentada uma técnica automatizada de estimação desses parâmetros através deum problema inverso aplicado a um modelo do estuário do rio Macaé, localizado no norte do Rio de Janeiro. Para este estudo foi utilizada a plataforma MOHID, desenvolvida na Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, e que tem tido ampla aplicação na simulação de corpos hídricos. Foi realizada uma análise de sensibilidade das respostas do modelo com relação aos parâmetros de interesse. Verificou-se que a salinidade é uma variável sensível a ambos parâmetros. O problema inverso foi então resolvido utilizando vários métodos de otimização através do acoplamento da plataforma MOHID a códigos de otimização implementados em Fortran. O acoplamento foi realizado de forma a não alterar o código fonte do MOHID, possibilitando a utilização da ferramenta computacional aqui desenvolvida em qualquer versão dessa plataforma, bem como a sua alteração para o uso com outros simuladores. Os testes realizados confirmam a eficiência da técnica e apontam as melhores abordagens para uma rápida e precisa estimação dos parâmetros.
Um grande desafio da atualidade é a preservação dos recursos hídricos, bem como o correto manejo dos mesmos, frente à expansão das cidades e às atividades humanas. A qualidade de um corpo hídrico é usualmente avaliada através da análise de parâmetros biológicos, físicos e químicos. O comportamento de tais parâmetros pode convenientemente ser simulado através de modelos matemáticos e computacionais, que surgem assim como uma ferramenta bastante útil, por sua capacidade de geração de cenários que possam embasar, por exemplo, tomadas de decisão. Nesta tese são discutidas técnicas de estimação da localização e intensidade de uma fonte de contaminante conservativo, hipoteticamente lançado na região predominantemente fluvial de um estuário. O lançamento aqui considerado se dá de forma pontual e contínua e a região enfocada compreendeu o estuário do Rio Macaé, localizado na costa norte do Rio de Janeiro. O trabalho compreende a solução de um problema direto, que consiste no transporte bidimensional (integrado na vertical) desse contaminante hipotético, bem como a aplicação de técnicas de problemas inversos. Para a solução do transporte do contaminante, aqui modelada pela versão 2D horizontal da equação de advecção-difusão, foram utilizados como métodos de discretização o Método de Elementos Finitos e o Método de Diferenças Finitas. Para o problema hidrodinâmico foram utilizados dados de uma solução já desenvolvida para estuário do Rio Macaé. Analisada a malha de acordo com o método de discretização, foram definidas a geometria do estuário e os parâmetros hidrodinâmicos e de transporte. Para a estimação dos parâmetros propostos foi utilizada a técnica de problemas inversos, com o uso dos métodos Luus-Jaakola, Algoritmo de Colisão de Partículas e Otimização por Colônia de Formigas para a estimação da localização e do método Seção Áurea para a estimação do parâmetro de intensidade da fonte. Para a definição de uma fonte, com o objetivo de propor um cenário experimental idealizado e de coleta de dados de amostragem, foi realizada a análise de sensibilidade quanto aos parâmetros a serem estimados. Como os dados de amostragem de concentração foram sintéticos, o problema inverso foi resolvido utilizando-os com e sem ruído, esse introduzido de forma artificial e aleatória. Sem o uso de ruído, os três métodos mostraram-se igualmente eficientes, com uma estimação precisa em 95% das execuções. Já com o uso de dados de amostragem com ruídos de 5%, o método Luus-Jaakola mostrou-se mais eficiente em esforço e custo computacional, embora todos tenham estimado precisamente a fonte em 80% das execuções. Considerando os resultados alcançados neste trabalho tem-se que é possível estimar uma fonte de constituintes, quanto à sua localização e intensidade, através da técnica de problemas inversos. Além disso, os métodos aplicados mostraram-se eficientes na estimação de tais parâmetros, com estimações precisas para a maioria de suas execuções. Sendo assim, o estudo do comportamento de contaminantes, e principalmente da identificação de fontes externas, torna-se uma importante ferramenta para a gestão dos recursos hídricos, possibilitando, inclusive, a identificação de possíveis responsáveis por passivos ambientais.
Os estuários são ambientes costeiros semifechados, que atuam como um sítio de troca de água e de matéria. De acordo com suas características, estuários podem exportar ou importar matéria orgânica (MO). A MO é um complexo bioquímico formado por diversos compostos orgânicos, e sua quantificação é normalmente traduzida pela quantidade de carbono orgânico total (COT), seu elemento mais abundante, tanto na forma de carbono orgânico dissolvido (COD), quanto carbono orgânico particulado (COP). Determinar a origem do carbono orgânico pode auxiliar na compreensão da dinâmica da MO, podendo ser feita com auxílio de isótopos estáveis de carbono (13C) e de nitrogênio (15N). Vila Dois Rios, é um vilarejo localizado ao sul da Ilha Grande, onde se localiza o rio Barra Grande, que possui pouca intervenção antrópica. Esse é um rio de porte pequeno, com uma mata ciliar bem preservada, representada por espécies de Mata Atlântica, com presença de manguezal, ao lado está localizado o Centro de Estudos Ambientais e Desenvolvimento Sustentável (CEADS). Foram realizadas amostragens sazonais, todas em maré de sizígia, ao longo do ano de 2012, totalizando quatro coletas trimestrais. Todas as campanhas ocorreram em uma estação fixa, na foz do rio Barra Grande. A amostragem de água foi realizada em duas profundidades, superfície e fundo, coletadas em intervalos de 30 minutos, ao longo de 25 horas, para as seguintes determinações: carbono orgânico particulado (COP), carbono orgânico dissolvido (COD) e isótopos estáveis de carbono (13C) e de nitrogênio (15N). Concomitantemente, foram medidos in situ: pH, salinidade, temperatura, oxigênio dissolvido (OD), profundidade do Disco de Secchi e medidas de fluxo. Ao fim da amostragem na Ilha Grande, o material coletado foi transportado para o Laboratório de Geoquímica Orgânica Marinha (LaGOM), na UERJ, onde foi analisado posteriormente. Durante todas as campanhas, foi observada uma maré mista, predominantemente semidiurna com desigualdade. Os resultados de temperatura e salinidade evidenciaram uma estratificação vertical em todas as campanhas. Os valores medianos de MPS foram sempre maiores no fundo em relação às amostras coletadas na superfície. O carbono orgânico apresentou maiores concentrações sob a forma dissolvida do que na particulada, variando entre as profundidades e as campanhas, sendo observadas maiores concentrações medianas, tanto de COD quanto de COP, em superfície e no fundo, na campanha de verão. As concentrações medianas de Nt observadas ao longo das três campanhas foram baixas, estando relacionadas às baixas concentrações de COP. A razão molar C/N e as isotópicas indicaram que o manguezal demonstrou ser a fonte mais abundante de COP nesse estuário. Os cálculos de fluxo indicaram que o estuário tanto importou, quanto exportou material, e apenas o COD foi importado em todas as campanhas.
Spatial-temporal dynamics of zooplankton in the Caravelas river estuary (Bahia, Brazil). The survey was conducted in order to describe the zooplankton community of the estuary Caravelas (Bahia, Brazil), to quantify and relate the patterns of horizontal and vertical transport with the type of tide (neap and spring) and tidal phase (flood and ebb). Zooplankton samples were collected with the aid of a suction pump (300L), filtered in plankton nets (300μm) and fixed in saline formalin 4%. Samples were collected at a fixed point (A1), near the mouth of the estuary, with samples taken at neap tides and spring tides during the dry and rainy seasons. Samples were collected for 13 hours, at intervals of 1 hour in 3 depths: surface, middle and bottom. Simultaneous collection of biological, we measured the current velocity, temperature and salinity of the water through CTD. In the laboratory, samples were selected for analysis in estereomicroscope, with 25 groups identified, with Copepoda getting the highest number of species. The 168 samples obtained from temporal samples were subsampled and processed on equipment ZooScan, with the aid of software ZooProcess at the end were generated 458.997 vingnettes. 8 taxa were identified automatically, with 16 classified as a semi-automatic. The group Copepoda, despite the limited taxonomic refinement ZooScan, obtained 2 genera and 1 species identified automatically. Among the seasons dry and wet groups Brachyura (zoea), Chaetognatha, and the Calanoid copepods (others), Temora spp., Oithona spp. and Euterpina acutifrons were those who had higher frequency of occurrence, appearing in more than 70% of the samples. Copepoda group showed the largest percentage of relative abundance in both seasons. There was no seasonal variation of total zooplankton, with an average density of 7826±4219 org.m-3 in the dry season, and 7959±3675 org.m-3 in the rainy season, neither between the types and phases of the tides, but seasonal differences were significant recorded for the main zooplankton groups. Vertical stratification was seen for the major zooplankton groups (Brachyura, Chaetognatha, Calanoida (other), Oithona spp, Temora spp. e Euterpina acutifrons). The scale of this stratification varied with the type (square or tide) and tidal phase (flood or ebb). The instantaneous transport was more influenced by current velocity, with higher values observed in spring tides to the total zooplankton, however, there was a variation of this pattern depending on the zooplankton group. According to the data import and export of total zooplankton, the outflow of organisms of the estuary was higher than the input. The results suggest that the estuary of Caravelas may influence the dynamics of organic matter to the adjacent coast, with possible consequences in National Marine Park of Abrolhos
Untreated effluents that reach surface water affect the aquatic life and humans. This study aimed to evaluate the wastewater s toxicity (municipal, industrial and shrimp pond effluents) released in the Estuarine Complex of Jundiaí- Potengi, Natal/RN, through chronic quantitative e qualitative toxicity tests using the test organism Mysidopsis Juniae, CRUSTACEA, MYSIDACEA (Silva, 1979). For this, a new methodology for viewing chronic effects on organisms of M. juniae was used (only renewal), based on another existing methodology to another testorganism very similar to M. Juniae, the M. Bahia (daily renewal).Toxicity tests 7 days duration were used for detecting effects on the survival and fecundity in M. juniae. Lethal Concentration 50% (LC50%) was determined by the Trimmed Spearman-Karber; Inhibition Concentration 50% (IC50%) in fecundity was determined by Linear Interpolation. ANOVA (One Way) tests (p = 0.05) were used to determinate the No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) and Low Observed Effect Concentration (LOEC). Effluents flows were measured and the toxic load of the effluents was estimated. Multivariate analysis - Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Correspondence Analysis (CA) - identified the physic-chemical parameters better explain the patterns of toxicity found in survival and fecundity of M. juniae. We verified the feasibility of applying the only renewal system in chronic tests with M. Juniae. Most efluentes proved toxic on the survival and fecundity of M. Juniae, except for some shrimp pond effluents. The most toxic effluent was ETE Lagoa Aerada (LC50, 6.24%; IC50, 4.82%), ETE Quintas (LC50, 5.85%), Giselda Trigueiro Hospital (LC50, 2.05%), CLAN (LC50, 2.14%) and COTEMINAS (LC50, IC50 and 38.51%, 6.94%). The greatest toxic load was originated from ETE inefficient high flow effluents, textile effluents and CLAN. The organic load was related to the toxic effects of wastewater and hospital effluents in survival of M. Juniae, as well as heavy metals, total residual chlorine and phenols. In industrial effluents was found relationship between toxicity and organic load, phenols, oils and greases and benzene. The effects on fertility were related, in turn, with chlorine and heavy metals. Toxicity tests using other organisms of different trophic levels, as well as analysis of sediment toxicity are recommended to confirm the patterns found with M. Juniae. However, the results indicate the necessity for implementation and improvement of sewage treatment systems affluent to the Potengi s estuary
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
This work aims to detect polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) through optimized analytical techniques, such as gas chromatography with flame-ionisation detector (CGFID), gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (CGMS), Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Molecular and Purpot of oils and greases (POG). Apply to chemometrics, Factorial Planning 23, in the preparation of samples by liquid-liquid extraction. The sample preparation was used for liquid-liquid extraction and factors in this sample was used for the application of factorial planning 23, such as the use of ultrasound, solvents (dichloromethane, hexane and chloroform) and ratio of solvent / synthetic sample. These factors were assigned two types of levels: positive and negative. It was used to form the cube to better analyze the answers. The responses of the eight combinations were obtained in reading the spectrofluorimetric. The optimization of equipment were used, and they served in the HPA's identification of the samples collected in Rio Potengi. The optimization of the equipment was observed every 16's and PAH in the samples was found that the HPA's came from contamination of the Rio Potengi. The contamination comes through organic household waste, hospital waste, and among other contamination that comes from industries that are installed around the River The factorial design of high validity, it was observed a more effective sample preparation. The factorial design of liquid-liquid extraction showed a way to spend less solvent in less time using an ideal solvent, but also a way to extract more analyte from the matrix itself is water. In planning a smaller form factor extraction was the use of ultrasound, the ratio 1:3 corresponding to a solvent and sample 3 and the best solvent was dichloromethane who presented a viable extraction, not discarding the possibility of using also the hexane. The chloroform and may be toxic not had a good extraction
The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze the main environmental impacts taking place in the permanent preservation areas located in the Ceará-Mirim River estuary/RN and its surrounding areas. For that, the study was divided in two chapters, structured in the shape of a scientific paper. The first is a theoretical proposition on the occupation of the APPs in light of the discussion of the geographic space and the sustainability of the development, where a bibliographical review was made emphasizing the production of the geographic space, the sustainability of the development and the permanent preservation areas. In the second chapter, from a systemic approach, geoprocessing techniques and the adaptation of the Pressure-State- Response Indicators System were used, the latter being developed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD. Therefore, from the methodological approaches used, it's been observed that the use of permanent preservation areas for purposes other than those determined in the legislation and, mainly guided by capitalist interests, leads to the environmental degradation of these areas, fact which has been confirmed in the empiric study conducted in the second chapter, where it was possible to identify a series of environmental impacts such as: deforestation of mangrove and riparian vegetation for carciniculture implantation, the devastation of dune areas caused by the urban expansion in the coastal stretch and siltation of fluvial channel
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The North Paraíba River Estuary, located in the eastern portion of the Paraíba State, Northeast Brazil, on coordinates 34º50 00 -34º57 30 S and 6º55 00 -7º7 30 W, constitutes a fluvio-marine plain formed by the North Paraíba River and its tributaries Sanhauá, Paroeira, Mandacaru, Tiriri, Tambiá, Ribeira and Guia. This estuary comprises an area of about 260 km2. Increasing human demands on the estuary area and inadequate environment managing have generated conflicts. The present work main purpose is to evaluate the geodynamic evolution of the North Paraíba River Estuary in the period from 1969 to 2001, using digital image processing techniques, thematic digital cartography and multitemporal data integration, combined to geological-geophysical field surveys. The SUDENE cartographic database, converted to digital format were, used to obtain occupation and topographic maps from 1969 and to generate a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Digital Landsat 7 ETM+ and Spot HRVIR-PAN satellite images interpretation allowed the environmental characterization of the estuary. The most important digital processing results were achieved color composites RGB 5-4-3, 5-3-1, 5-2-NDWI and band ratio 7/4-5/3-4/2, 5/7-3/1-5/4). In addition the fusion image technique RGBI was used by the inclusion of the Spot HRVRI and Landsat 7 ETM+ panchromatic band on I layer with RGB triplets 5-4-3, 5-3-1 and 5/7-3/1-5/4. The DEM and digital images integration allowed the identification of seven geomorphological units: coastal tableland, flowing tray, tide plain, fluvial terrace, submerged dune, beach plain and beach). Both Side Scan Sonar and Echosound were used to analyse underwater surface and bedforms of the estuarine channel, sand predominance (fine to very fine) and 2D dune features 5 m wide and 0.5 m height. This investigation characterized the estuary as an environment dominated by regimen of average flow. The channel depth varies between 1 m and 11 m, being this last quota reached in the area of Porto de Cabedelo. The chanel estuary is relatively shallow, with erosion evidences mainly on its superior portion, attested by sand banks exposed during the low tide. Multitemporal digital maps from 1969 and 2001 integration were obtained through geoprocessing techniques, resulting the geodynamic evolution of the estuary based on landuse, DEM geomorphology and bathymetric maps
Estuaries are coastal environments ephemeral life in geological time, derived from the drowning of the shoreline as a function of elevation relative sea level. Such parallel systems is characterized by having two sources of sediment, the river and the sea. The study area comprises the Acu River estuary, located on the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte State, in a region of intense economic activity, mainly focused on the exploration of oil onshore and offshore, likely to accidental spills. In the oil sector are developed for salt production, shrimp farming, agriculture, fisheries and tourism, which by interacting with sensitive ecosystems, such as estuaries, may alter the natural conditions, thus making it an area susceptible to contamination is essential in understanding the morphodynamic variables that occur in this environment to obtain an environmental license. Information about the submarine relief the estuaries are of great importance for the planning of the activity of environmental monitoring, development and coastal systems, among others, allowing an easy management of risk areas, and assist in the creation of thematic maps of the main aspects of landscape. Morphodynamic studies were performed in this estuary in different seasonal periods in 2009 to observe and quantify morphological changes that have occurred and relate these to the hydrodynamic forcing from the river and its interaction with the tides. Thus, efforts in this area is possible to know the bottom morphology through records of good quality equipment acquired by high resolution geophysical (side-scan sonar and profiler current by doppler effect). The combination of these data enabled the identification of different forms of bed for the winter and summer that were framed in a lower flow regime and later may have been destroyed or modified forms of generating fund scheme than the number according Froude, with different characteristics due mainly to the variation of the depth and type of sedimentary material they are made, and other hydrodynamic parameters. Thus, these features background regions are printed in the channel, sandy banks and muddy plains that border the entire area
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The objective of this work is to analyze the effects of salinity and wastewater on the zooplankton community of the Itanhaém river estuary, São Paulo state. Samples of zooplankton as well as physical and chemical variables of water were collected in four sites, located between the coastal line and the superior part of the estuary, including a secondary channel where wastewater is thrown without previous treatment. The samples were collected in low and high tide in winter and summer. Results showed that the estuary presents a temporal and spatial variation of physical and chemical characteristics, especially salinity, in function of the tide and seasonal variation of rain. The high values of salinity occurred in winter and high tide. Zooplankton community was adapted to the dynamic of salinity, and marine and estuarine species occurred in the low part of the estuary in winter. Although the Itanhaém river estuary has the same temporal and spatial dynamic of other estuaries, the values of salinity are low when compared with others located in the southern coast of São Paulo. Consequently, mainly oligohaline and fresh water species constitute the zooplankton community. These characteristics are due to the great drainage area of the Itanhaém river basin. The waste water modified physical and chemical characteristics of water that now presents higher concentrations of nutrients, higher values of suspended matter and lower concentrations of oxygen. It was observed a positive relation between the density of nauplii of copepods and organic pollution in this estuary.
No estuário de Marapanim-PA, pouco conhecimento existe sobre larvas de camarão, organismos de elevada importância ecológica e alguns de grande valor econômico. Com o objetivo de estudar a composição específica, a densidade e a distribuição espaço-temporal destas larvas no estuário em relação aos períodos do ano (seco, transição e chuvoso), zonas do estuário (1, 2 e 3), locais de coleta (A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 e B3) e perfis (A e B), foram realizadas coletas mensais de agosto/06 a julho/07. As amostras biológicas foram obtidas através de arrastos horizontais em cada local de coleta à aproximadamente 0,5 m da superfície da coluna d’água, com auxílio de uma rede de plâncton cônica (abertura de 0,5 m e malha de 200 μm). Também foram colhidos dados abióticos como, temperatura, salinidade e pH da água. No estuário de Marapanim-PA foram encontradas 4.644 larvas de camarão, compreendendo as infra-ordens Penaeidea e Caridea. Dentre as espécies e/ou famílias encontradas, as mais abundantes foram Alpheus estuariensis (302,59 larvas/m3), Palaemonidae (97,05 larvas/m3) e Sergestidae no estádio de elaphocaris (90,47 larvas/m3) , sendo A. estuariensis a mais frequente (76,39%). O período seco apresentou maior densidade, diversidade e riqueza de larvas de camarão. Na análise de agrupamento da densidade mensal das larvas houve a formação de três grupos, ao nível de similaridade de 65%, nos quais A. estuariensis foi dominante, além de ser a espécie que mais contribuiu para a similaridade dentro destes. A diferença entre agrupamentos se deu principalmente devido à densidade das larvas de Sergestidae, Palaemonidae e Xiphopenaeus kroyeri. Entre os fatores abióticos estudados, a salinidade foi o fator que mais influenciou a distribuição espaço-temporal das larvas de camarão no estuário de Marapanim-PA, região importante para o recrutamento dos estádios iniciais do ciclo de vida de algumas espécies.