991 resultados para Estrutura de camadas (Solidos)


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A turfeira é uma associação de plantas formada pelo acúmulo e decomposição de vegetais em ambientes saturados de água, baixo pH e pouco oxigênio dissolvido. A turfeira, objeto deste estudo está localizada no município de São José dos Ausentes, região que abriga as nascentes de rios que contribuem para a formação das principais bacias hidrográficas do Rio Grande do Sul. A área de estudo localiza-se nas coordenadas 28°35'58'2'' de latitude sul e 49°58'56'5'' de longitude oeste. Situando-se na serra do nordeste, na região fisiográfica denominada Campos de Cima da Serra, a altitude do município é de 1100 a 1300m. A fim de contribuir com informações a respeito desse ecossistema, o trabalho teve como objetivo fornecer subsídios à compreensão de sua estrutura e funcionamento. Foi registrada a ocorrência de 43 espécies vegetais, pertencentes a 31 gêneros e 15 famílias, tendo como predominantes as famílias Cyperacea e Poaceae sendo que as formas de vida são principalmente anfíbias. A característica do material orgânico, indicou que o grau de decomposição fíbrico geralmente ocorre mais próximo à superfície e sáprico domina nas camadas mais profundas do solo e as camadas hêmicas não mostram localização mais específica, geralmente intercaladas com camadas sápricas. O solo é caracterizado pelo escasso conteúdo de nutrientes; pois quanto ao nitrogênio há apenas uma fonte, que é via decomposição de matéria orgânica; o cálcio teve resultados baixos, porque a maioria é perdida pelo sistema através da lixiviação ou deposição no fundo do sedimento.


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A técnica de revestimento duplex combina dois processos: o tratamento de nitretação a plasma da superfície e a deposição de uma camada via PVD. O processo de nitretação a plasma sob condições controladas pode produzir a chamada “fase S” sem a presença de nitretos de cromo, o que confere ao aço tratado maior dureza e melhor resistência à corrosão. Os revestimentos de nitreto de titânio melhoram a dureza superficial do material, porém defeitos e poros podem expor o substrato ao meio. Este trabalho consiste no estudo da resistência à corrosão do aço inoxidável austenítico AISI 316L revestido com camada duplex em meio contendo cloretos. As camadas nitretadas a plasma foram obtidas pelo processo de nitretação iônica e os revestimentos Ti/TiN foram obtidos pelo processo de deposição física de vapor assistida por plasma (PAPVD). Os corpos de prova foram inicialmente avaliados por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e a composição das fases foi identificada por difração de raios-x (DRX). A dureza foi avaliada por nanoidentação e a rugosidade superficial também foi medida. Os testes de resistência à corrosão foram feitos por voltametria cíclica (VC) e os ensaios de corrosão acelerada em câmara de névoa salina. A amostra nitretada a 400°C por 4 horas e mistura gasosa de 5%N2- 95%H2 apresentou o melhor desempenho de resistência à corrosão em meio contendo cloretos. A resistência à corrosão foi associada à estrutura obtida após o tratamento por nitretação a plasma e deposição física de vapores (PVD).


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O Si tensionado (sSi) é um material com propriedades de transporte eletrônico bastante superiores as do Si, sendo considerado como uma alternativa importante para a produção de dispositivos MOSFET (transistor de efeito de campo metal-óxido-semicondutor) de mais alta performance (e.g. freqüências de operação f>100 GHz). O sSi é obtido através do crescimento epitaxial de Si sobre um substrato de mesma estrutura cristalina, porém com parâmetro de rede diferente. Esta tese apresenta uma investigação detalhada de um novo método que possibilita a produção de camadas relaxadas de Si1xGex com espessuras inferiores a 300 nm, consideradas como a melhor alternativa tecnológica para a produção de sSi. Este método envolve a implantação de íons de He+ ou de Si+ em heteroestruturas pseudomórficas de Si1-xGex/Si(001) e tratamentos térmicos. Foram estudados os efeitos dos diversos parâmetros experimentais de implantação e tratamentos térmicos sobre o processo de relaxação estrutural, utilizando-se heteroestruturas pseudomórficas de Si1-xGex/Si(001) crescidas via deposição de vapor químico, com distintas concentrações de Ge (0,19x 0,29) e com espessuras entre 70 e 425 nm. Com base no presente estudo foi possível identificar diversos mecanismos atômicos que influenciam o processo de relaxação estrutural das camadas de Si1-xGex/Si(001). O processo de relaxação é discutido em termos de um mecanismo complexo que envolve formação, propagação e interação de discordâncias a partir de defeitos introduzidos pela implantação. No caso das implantações de He, por exemplo, descobrimos que podem ocorrer perdas de He durante as implantações e que este efeito influencia negativamente a relaxação de camadas finas. Além disso, também demonstramos que os melhores resultados são obtidos para energias e fluências de implantação que resultam na formação de bolhas planas localizadas no substrato de Si a uma distância da interface equivalente a uma vez a espessura da camada de SiGe. O grau de relaxação satura em 50% para camadas de SiGe com espessura 100 nm. Este resultado é discutido em termos da energia elástica acumulada na camada de SiGe e da retenção de He. No caso de implantações de Si, discutimos a formação de defeitos tipo {311} e sua transformação térmica em discordâncias. Este estudo resultou numa visão abrangente dos principais fatores limitantes do processo, bem como na otimização dos valores de parâmetros experimentais para a produção de camadas de SiGe com alto grau de relaxação e com baixa densidade de defeitos.


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O tema central deste trabalho aborda as relações entre os diferentes grupos rurais do município de Cruz Alta, antes, durante e depois de ocorrer profundas transformações no sistema produtivo. É abordado o papel da escola no contexto de reestruturação da economia agrícola e no seu significado para os diferentes grupos. Pretendo mais precisamente neste trabalho, analisar como no meio rural de Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul, em processo acelerado de inovações tecnológicas, capitalização e modernização da estrutura produtiva, a população se compõe, se diferencia e se relaciona e quais as espectativas dos diferentes grupos em relação à escola. Parto do pressuposto que o sistema produtivo determina as formas de atuação dos grupos na estrutura social, mais precisamente, numa organização capitalista dependente. O problema em foco, implica no estudo do meio agrário em momentos históricos distintos. Procura-se inicialmente fornecer uma visão de como se estruturava a sociedade agrária em seus diferentes grupos, desde a ocupação do Estado até o início do processo de inovações tecnológicas no meio rural. A partir daí, passa-se a abordar o avanço do capitalismo no campo em seus diferentes aspectos. A adoção de um modelo técnico na agricultura traz profundas consequências em todas as camadas da população. Dá-se então uma nova conformação na estrutura agrária e nas relações sociais. Os conflitos e tensões dai gerados, bem como as percepções pelos diferentes grupos de sua situação e de seu desempenho constitue a parte central deste estudo. Dentro deste contexto, a escola é situada, isto é: como a reestruturação no meio rural repercute no sistema escolar e quais os valores e espectativas dos direrentes grupos em relação à escola.


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In the globalized world modern telecommunications have assumed key role within the company, causing a large increase in demand for the wireless technology of communication, which has been happening in recent years have greatly increased the number of applications using this technology. Due to this demand, new materials are developed to enable new control mechanisms and propagation of electromagnetic waves. The research to develop new technologies for wireless communication presents a multidisciplinary study that covers from the new geometries for passive antennas, active up to the development of materials for devices that improve the performance at the frequency range of operation. Recently, planar antennas have attracted interest due to their characteristics and advantages when compared with other types of antennas. In the area of mobile communications the need for antennas of this type has become increasingly used, due to intensive development, which needs to operate in multifrequency antennas and broadband. The microstrip antennas have narrow bandwidth due to the dielectric losses generated by irradiation. Another limitation is the degradation of the radiation pattern due to the generation of surface waves in the substrate. Some techniques have been developed to minimize this limitation of bandwidth, such as the study of type materials PBG - Photonic Band Gap, to form the dielectric material. This work has as main objective the development project of a slot resonator with multiple layers and use the type PBG substrate, which carried out the optimization from the numerical analysis and then designed the device initially proposed for the band electromagnetic spectrum between 3-9 GHz, which basically includes the band S to X. Was used as the dielectric material RT/Duroid 5870 and RT/Duroid 6010.LM where both are laminated ceramic-filled PTFE dielectric constants 2.33 and 10.2, respectively. Through an experimental investigation was conducted an analysis of the simulated versus measured by observing the behavior of the radiation characteristics from the height variation of the dielectric multilayer substrates. We also used the LTT method resonators structures rectangular slot with multiple layers of material photonic PBG in order to obtain the resonance frequency and the entire theory involving the electromagnetic parameters of the structure under consideration. xviii The analysis developed in this work was performed using the method LTT - Transverse Transmission Line, in the field of Fourier transform that uses a component propagating in the y direction (transverse to the real direction of propagation z), thus treating the general equations of the fields electric and magnetic and function. The PBG theory is applied to obtain the relative permittivity of the polarizations for the sep photonic composite substrates material. The results are obtained with the commercial software Ansoft HFSS, used for accurate analysis of the electromagnetic behavior of the planar device under study through the Finite Element Method (FEM). Numerical computational results are presented in graphical form in two and three dimensions, playing in the parameters of return loss, frequency of radiation and radiation diagram, radiation efficiency and surface current for the device under study, and have as substrates, photonic materials and had been simulated in an appropriate computational tool. With respect to the planar device design study are presented in the simulated and measured results that show good agreement with measurements made. These results are mainly in the identification of resonance modes and determining the characteristics of the designed device, such as resonant frequency, return loss and radiation pattern


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The present work deals with the ana1ysis of microstrip patch antennas printed on tapered dielectric substrates. We investigate the influence ofthe substrate height variations on the properties of configurations such as microstrip patch antennas, microstrip patch antennas with overlay and suspendeô microstrip patch antennas. The dielectric substrates can be isotropic or anisotropic ones. This accurate analysis is based on the full-wave formulation. It is carried out initially for the determination of the impedance matrix, through the use of the spectral¬domain immitance approach. We use a model based on a segmentation of the considered line into uniform microstrip line subsections. Normalized phase constants and characteristic impedances are obtained by means of the Galerkin numerical technique. Then, the cascaded combination of the uniform microstrip subsections are analyzed through an interactive procedure. Numerical results are presented for the input reflection coefficient, voltage standing wave ratio, resonant frequency, and radiation pattems ofthe E_plane and H-plane diagrams. It is found that the variations in the substrate height profile produce a great influence on the bandwidth of microstrip antennas. This procedure gives bandwidth improvements without altering considerably the resonant frequency. Furthermore, the tapered microstrip antenna can be used as a lightweight altemative for bandwidth control and to eXtend the use of microstiip antenna technology to a wider variety of applications. Finally, suggestions for the continuity of this work are presented


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Recently, planar antennas have attracted interest due to its characteristics as well as the advantages they offer compared to other types of antennas. In the area of mobile communications the need for such antennas has become increasingly intense due to development, which requires antennas that operate in multifrequency and broadband. The microstrip antennas have narrow bandwidth due to losses in the dielectric caused by irradiation. Another limitation is the radiation pattern degradation due to generation of surface waves in the substrate. Some techniques are being developed to minimize this bandwidth limitation, as is the case in the study of type materials PBG - Photonic Band Gap, to compose the dielectric material. The analysis developed in this work were performed with use of the method LTT - Transverse Transmission Line, in the field of Fourier transform that uses a component propagating in the y direction (transerve real direction of propagation z), thus treating the general equations of the fields electric and magnetic fields as a functions of y E and Hy . This work has as main objective the method LTT structures resonator line slot with four layers of material photonic PBG, for obtaining the complex resonant frequency and efficiency of this structure. PBG theory is applied to obtain the relative permittivity for the substrate biases sep compounds photonic material. Numerical-computational results in graph form in two dimensions for all the analysis are presented for the proposed structures that have photonic materials, as substrates


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Recently, an amazing development has been observed in telecommunication systems. Two good examples of this development are observed in mobile communication and aerospace systems. This impressive development is related to the increasing need for receiving and transmitting communication signals. Particularly, this development has required the study of new antennas and filters. This work presents a fullwave analysis of reflectarrays. The considered structures are composed by arrays of rectangular conducting patches printed on multilayer dieletric substrates, that are mounted on a ground plane. The analysis is developed in the spectral domain, using an equivalent transmission line method in combination with Galerkin method. Results for the reflection coefficient of these structures are presented and compared to those available in the literature. A good agreement was observed. Particularly, the developed analysis uses the transmission lines theory in combination with the incident potentials and the field continuity equations, at the structures interfaces, for obtaining the scattered field components expressions as function of the patch surface currents and of the incident field. Galerkin method is used to determine the unknown coefficients in the boundary value problem. Curves for the reflection coefficient of several reflectarray geometries are presented as function of frequency and of the structural parameters


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This work presents an analysis of the annular ring microstrip antennas printed on uniaxial anisotropic substrates and with superstrate.The analysis uses the full-wave formulation by means of the Hertz vector potentials method, in the Hankel transform domain. The definition of the Hertz vector potentials and the application of the appropriate boundary conditions to the structure allow determining the dyadic Green functions, relating the current densities in the conducting patch to the transforms of the tangential electric field components. Galerkin s method is then used to obtain the matrix equation whose nontrivial solution gives the complex resonant frequency of the antenna. From the modeling, it is possible to obtain results for the resonant frequency, bandwidth and quality factor, as a function of several parameters of the antenna, for different configurations. We have considered annular ring microstrip antennas on a single dielectric layer, antennas with two anisotropic dielectric layers, and annular ring microstrip antennas on suspended substrates. Numerical results for the resonant frequency of the these structures printed on isotropic substrates are also presented and compared with those published by other authors, showing a good agreement


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Recently, an amazing development has been observed in telecommunication systems. Two good examples of this development are observed in mobile communication and aerospace systems. This impressive development is related to the increasing need for receiving and transmitting communication signals. Particularly, this development has required the study of new antennas and filters. This work presents a fullwave analysis of reflectarrays. The considered structures are composed by arrays of rectangular conducting patches printed on multilayer dieletric substrates, that are mounted on a ground plane. The analysis is developed in the spectral domain, using an equivalent transmission line method in combination with Galerkin method. Results for the reflection coefficient of these structures are presented and compared to those available in the literature. A good agreement was observed. Particularly, the developed analysis uses the transmission lines theory in combination with the incident potentials and the field continuity equations, at the structures interfaces, for obtaining the scattered field components expressions as function of the patch surface currents and of the incident field. Galerkin method is used to determine the unknown coefficients in the boundary value problem. Curves for the reflection coefficient of several reflectarray geometries are presented as function of frequency and of the structural parameters


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The Palestina Graben is one of the NE-trending asymmetric grabens of the Araripe Basin. This basin rests on the precambrian terrains of the Transversal Zone, Borborema Province, immediately to the south of the Patos Lineament. It is part of the Interior Basins province of Northeastern Brazil, being related to the fragmentation of the Gondwana supercontinent and the opening of the South Atlantic ocean. The Palestina Graben trends NE-SW and presents an asymmetric geometry, controled by the NW extensional eocretaceous strain. The graben borders display distinct geometries. The SE border is a flexural margin, characterized by the non conformity of the eopaleozoic Mauriti Formation (the oldest unit of the basin) overlying the crystalline basement, but also affected by normal faults with small displacements. On the opposite, the NW border is continuous and rectilinear, being marked by normal faults with major displacements, that control the general tilting of the layers to the NW. In this sense, the Mauriti Formation is overlain by the Brejo Santo, Missão Velha (which also occurs in the Brejo Santo-Mauriti horst, to the NW of the fault border) and Abaiara formations, the latter restricted to the graben. The interpretation of available gravity data and a seismic line indicates that the main fault has a variable dip slip component, defining two deeper portions within the graben, in which the sedimentary column can reach thicknesses of up to 2 km. Regarding to the stratigraphy of Araripe Basin in the study area, the sedimentary package includes three distinct tectonosequences. The Paleozoic Syneclisis Tectonosequence is composed by the Mauriti Formation, deposited by a braided fluvial system. The Jurassic Tectonosequence, whose tectonic setting is still debatable (initial stage of the Neocomian rift, or a pre-rift syneclisis ?), is represented by the Brejo Santo Formation, originated in a distal floodplain related to ephemeral drainages. The Rift Tectonosequence, of neocomian age, includes the Missão Velha Formation, whose lower section is related to a braided to meandering fluvial system, outlining the Rift Initiation Tectonic Systems Tract. The upper section of the Missão Velha Formation is separated from the latter by a major unconformity. This interval was originated by a braided fluvial system, overlain by the Abaiara Formation, a deltaic system fed by a meandering fluvial system. Both sections correspond to the Rift Climax Tectonic Systems Tract. In the area, NE-trending normal to oblique faults are associated with NW transfer faults, while ENE to E-W faults display dominant strike slip kinematics. Both NE and E-W fault sets exhibit clear heritage from the basement structures (in particular, shear zones), which must have been reactivated during the eocretaceous rifting. Faults with EW trends display a dominant sinistral shear sense, commonly found along reactivated segments of the Patos Lineament and satellyte structures. Usually subordinate, dextral directional movements, occur in faults striking NNW to NE. Within this framework bearing to the Palestina Graben, classical models with orthogonal extension or pull-apart style deserve some caution in their application. The Palestina Graben is not limited, in its extremeties, by E-W transcurrent zones (as it should be in the case of the pull-apart geometry), suggesting a model close to the classic style of orthogonal opening. At the same time, others, adjacent depocenters (like the Abaiara-Jenipapeiro semi-graben) display a transtensional style. The control by the basement structures explains such differences


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)