102 resultados para Estels nans
In recent years, several authors have revised the calibrations used to compute physical parameters (tex2html_wrap_inline498, tex2html_wrap_inline500, log g, [Fe/H]) from intrinsic colours in the tex2html_wrap_inline504 photometric system. For reddened stars, these intrinsic colours can be computed through the standard relations among colour indices for each of the regions defined by Strömgren (1966) on the HR diagram. We present a discussion of the coherence of these calibrations for main-sequence stars. Stars from open clusters are used to carry out this analysis. Assuming that individual reddening values and distances should be similar for all the members of a given open cluster, systematic differences among the calibrations used in each of the photometric regions might arise when comparing mean reddening values and distances for the members of each region. To classify the stars into Strömgren's regions we extended the algorithm presented by Figueras et al. (1991) to a wider range of spectral types and luminosity classes. The observational ZAMS are compared with the theoretical ZAMS from stellar evolutionary models, in the range tex2html_wrap_inline506 K. The discrepancies are also discussed.
A new statistical parallax method using the Maximum Likelihood principle is presented, allowing the simultaneous determination of a luminosity calibration, kinematic characteristics and spatial distribution of a given sample. This method has been developed for the exploitation of the Hipparcos data and presents several improvements with respect to the previous ones: the effects of the selection of the sample, the observational errors, the galactic rotation and the interstellar absorption are taken into account as an intrinsic part of the formulation (as opposed to external corrections). Furthermore, the method is able to identify and characterize physically distinct groups in inhomogeneous samples, thus avoiding biases due to unidentified components. Moreover, the implementation used by the authors is based on the extensive use of numerical methods, so avoiding the need for simplification of the equations and thus the bias they could introduce. Several examples of application using simulated samples are presented, to be followed by applications to real samples in forthcoming articles.
Our procedure to detect moving groups in the solar neighbourhood (Chen et al., 1997) in the four-dimensional space of the stellar velocity components and age has been improved. The method, which takes advantadge of non-parametric estimators of density distribution to avoid any a priori knowledge of the kinematic properties of these stellar groups, now includes the effect of observational errors on the process to select moving group stars, uses a better estimation of the density distribution of the total sample and field stars, and classifies moving group stars using all the available information. It is applied here to an accurately selected sample of early-type stars with known radial velocities and Strömgren photometry. Astrometric data are taken from the HIPPARCOS catalogue (ESA, 1997), which results in an important decrease in the observational errors with respect to ground-based data, and ensures the uniformity of the observed data. Both the improvement of our method and the use of precise astrometric data have allowed us not only to confirm the existence of classical moving groups, but also to detect finer structures that in several cases can be related to kinematic properties of nearby open clusters or associations.
A list of 681 UBVRI secondary standard stars for CCD photometry is presented. Visual magnitude ranges from 9.7 to 19.4, and the B-V colour index varies from 1.15 to 1.97. The stars are grouped into 11 different fields, each of them is generally observable in a single CCD frame. The stars are located near Landolt UBVRI equatorial standards, accessible to telescopes in both hemispheres, and mainly within the 5 - 8 hours range of right ascension. Photometry, equatorial coordinates and finding charts are provided.
UBVRI photoelectric photometry is presented for 269 late spectral type, high proper motion stars belonging to the 'Lowell Proper Motion Survey' and included in the present version of the Hipparcos Input Catalogue. The observations and data reduction are described. The external errors obtained by comparison of the results with those obtained in other studies are presented.
UVBY-Beta photometric data are presented for 67 stars in the region of alpha-Persei and their relationship to the cluster is analyzed. These data allowed us to confirm at least 16 new members of the alpha-Persei open cluster.
uvby H-beta photometry has been obtained for a sample of 93 selected main sequence A stars. The purpose was to determine accurate effective temperatures, surface gravities, and absolute magnitudes for an individual determination of ages and parallaxes, which have to be included in a more extensive work analyzing the kinematic properties of A V stars. Several calibrations and methods to determine the above mentioned parameters have been reviewed, allowing the design of a new algorithm for their determination. The results obtained using this procedure were tested in a previous paper using uvby H-beta data from the Hauck and Mermilliod catalogue, and comparing the rusulting temperatures, surface gravities and absolute magnitudes with empirical determinations of these parameters.
Results are presented on Stromgren-Crawford uvby-beta photometry carried out at Calar Alto (Spain) for 45 stars in the Cepheus OB3 region covering an apparent area of 6 deg x 6 deg. The relationship of these stars with the association is examined. Three of these stars (BD +62 deg 2114, BD +62 deg 2152, and BD +62 deg 2156) are identified as members of this association, while two more (BD +64 deg 1714 and BD +64 deg 1717) are classified as possible members. It is noted that intrinsic colors and absolute magnitudes of member stars are consistent with the hypothesis of Blaauw (1964) and Garmany (1973) of the existence of two subgroups with different evolutionary phases.
In an analysis of proper motions of O and B stars contained the Input Catalogue for Hipparcos, we have found a clear deviation from the expected pattern of systematic motions which can be readily identified with the associations Cygnus OB1 and Cygnus OB9, located near de the edge of the Cygnus Superbubble. Teha anomalous motions are directed outwards from the center of the Superbubble, which is coincident with tha association Cygnus OB2. This seems to support the hypothesis of a strong stellar and supernova activity in Cygnus 0B2 giving rise to the Superbubble and, by means of gravitational instabilities in its boundaries, to Cygnus 0B1 and Cygnus OB9. New uvby-beta aperture photometry of selected O and B stars in the area of Cygnus OB1 and Cygnus OB9 is also presented and analyzed in this paper.
The present study is an analysis of IR sources in the Alpha Persei open cluster region from the IRAS Point Source Catalog and from ground-based photometric observations. Cross-identification between stars in the region and IRAS Point Source Catalog was performed and nine new associations were found. BVRI Johnson photometry for 24 of the matched objects have been carried out. Physical identity of visual and IRAS sources and relationship to the Alpha Persei open cluster are discussed.
We describe the motivation, design, and implementation of the CORNISH survey, an arcsecondresolution radio continuum survey of the inner galactic plane at 5 GHz using the Very Large Array (VLA). It is a blind survey coordinated with the northern SpitzerGLIMPSE I region covering 10°
We present optical spectroscopy of MWC 656 and MWC 148, the proposed optical counterparts of the gamma-ray sources AGL J2241+4454 and HESS J0632+0 57, respectively. The main parameters of the Halpha emission line (EW, FWHM and centroid velocity) in these stars are modulated on the proposed orbital periods of 60.37 and 321 days, respectively. These modulations are likely produced by the resonant interaction of the Be discs with compact stars in eccentric orbits. We also present radial velocity curves of the optical stars folded on the above periods and obtain the first orbital elements of the two gamma-ray sources thus confirming their binary nature. Our orbital solution support eccentricities e~0.4 and 0.83+-0.08 for MWC 656 and MWC 148, respectively. Further, our orbital elements imply that the X-ray outbursts in HESS J0632+057/MWC 148 are delayed ~0.3 orbital phases after periastron passage, similarly to the case of LS I +61 303. In addition, the optical photometric light curve maxima in AGL J2241+4454/MWC 656 occur ~0.25 phases passed periastron, similar to what is seen in LS I +61 303. We also find that the orbital eccentricity is correlated with orbital period for the known gamma-ray binaries. This is explained by the fact that small stellar separations are required for the efficient triggering of VHE radiation. Another correlation between the EW of Halpha and orbital period is also observed, similarly to the case of Be/X-ray binaries. These correlations are useful to provide estimates of the key orbital parameters Porb and e from the Halpha line in future Be gamma-ray binary candidates.
Aims.We revisit the vicinity of the microquasar Cygnus X-3 at radio wavelengths. We aim to improve our previous search for possible associated extended radio features/hot spots in the position angle of the Cygnus X-3 relativistic jets focusing on shorter angular scales than previously explored. Methods.Our work is mostly based on analyzing modern survey and archive radio data, mainly including observations carried out with the Very Large Array and the Ryle Telescopes. We also used deep near-infrared images that we obtained in 2005. Results.We present new radio maps of the Cygnus X-3 field computed after combining multi-configuration Very Large Array archive data at 6 cm and different observing runs at 2 cm with the Ryle Telescope. These are probably among the deepest radio images of Cygnus X-3 reported to date at cm wavelengths. Both interferometers reveal an extended radio feature within a few arc-minutes of the microquasar position, thus making our detection more credible. Moreover, this extended emission is possibly non-thermal, although this point still needs confirmation. Its physical connection with the microquasar is tentatively considered under different physical scenarios. We also report on the serendipitous discovery of a likely Fanaroff-Riley type II radio galaxy only away from Cygnus X-3.
Context.It has been proposed that the origin of the very high-energy photons emitted from high-mass X-ray binaries with jet-like features, so-called microquasars (MQs), is related to hadronic interactions between relativistic protons in the jet and cold protons of the stellar wind. Leptonic secondary emission should be calculated in a complete hadronic model that includes the effects of pairs from charged pion decays inside the jets and the emission from pairs generated by gamma-ray absorption in the photosphere of the system. Aims.We aim at predicting the broadband spectrum from a general hadronic microquasar model, taking into account the emission from secondaries created by charged pion decay inside the jet. Methods.The particle energy distribution for secondary leptons injected along the jets is consistently derived taking the energy losses into account. The spectral energy distribution resulting from these leptons is calculated after assuming different values of the magnetic field inside the jets. We also compute the spectrum of the gamma-rays produced by neutral pion-decay and processed by electromagnetic cascades under the stellar photon field. Results.We show that the secondary emission can dominate the spectral energy distribution at low energies (~1 MeV). At high energies, the production spectrum can be significantly distorted by the effect of electromagnetic cascades. These effects are phase-dependent, and some variability modulated by the orbital period is predicted.
Context.LS 5039 has been observed with several X-ray instruments so far showing quite steady emission in the long term and no signatures of accretion disk. The source also presents X-ray variability at orbital timescales in flux and photon index. The system harbors an O-type main sequence star with moderate mass-loss. At present, the link between the X-rays and the stellar wind is unclear. Aims.We study the X-ray fluxes, spectra, and absorption properties of LS 5039 at apastron and periastron passages during an epoch of enhanced stellar mass-loss, and the long term evolution of the latter in connection with the X-ray fluxes. Methods.New XMM-Newton observations were performed around periastron and apastron passages in September 2005, when the stellar wind activity was apparently higher. April 2005 Chandra observations on LS 5039 were revisited. Moreover, a compilation of H EW data obtained since 1992, from which the stellar mass-loss evolution can be approximately inferred, was carried out. Results.XMM-Newton observations show higher and harder emission around apastron than around periastron. No signatures of thermal emission or a reflection iron line indicating the presence of an accretion disk are found in the spectrum, and the hydrogen column density () is compatible with being the same in both observations and consistent with the interstellar value. 2005 Chandra observations show a hard X-ray spectrum, and possibly high fluxes, although pileup effects preclude conclusive results from being obtained. The H EW shows yearly variations of 10%, and does not seem to be correlated with X-ray fluxes obtained at similar phases, unlike what is expected in the wind accretion scenario. Conclusions.2005 XMM-Newton and Chandra observations are consistent with 2003 RXTE/PCA results, namely moderate flux and spectral variability at different orbital phases. The constancy of the seems to imply that either the X-ray emitter is located at 1012 cm from the compact object, or the density in the system is 3 to 27 times smaller than that predicted by a spherical symmetric wind model. We suggest that the multiwavelength non-thermal emission of LS 5039 is related to the observed extended radio jets and is unlikely to be produced inside the binary system.