993 resultados para Escherichia coli -- chemistry -- genetics


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The ability to metabolize aromatic beta-glucosides such as salicin and arbutin varies among members of the Enterobacteriaceae. The ability of Escherichia coli to degrade salicin and arbutin appears to be cryptic, subject to activation of the bgl genes, whereas many members of the Klebsiella genus can metabolize these sugars. We have examined the genetic basis for beta-glucoside utilization in Klebsiella aerogenes. The Klebsiella equivalents of bglG, bglB and bglR have been cloned using the genome sequence database of Klebsiella pneumoniae. Nucleotide sequencing shows that the K. aerogenes bgl genes show substantial similarities to the E. coli counterparts. The K. aerogenes bgl genes in multiple copies can also complement E. coli mutants deficient in bglG encoding the antiterminator and bglB encoding the phospho-beta-glucosidase, suggesting that they are functional homologues. The regulatory region bglR of K aerogenes shows a high degree of similarity of the sequences involved in BglG-mediated regulation. Interestingly, the regions corresponding to the negative elements present in the E. coli regulatory region show substantial divergence in K aerogenes. The possible evolutionary implications of the results are discussed. (C) 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.v. All rights reserved.


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We report that the bgl operon of Escherichia coli, encoding the functions necessary for the uptake and metabolism of aryl-beta-glucosides, is involved in the regulation of oligopeptide transport during stationary phase. Global analysis of intracellular proteins from Bgl-positive (Bgl(+)) and Bgl-negative (Bgl(-)) strains revealed that the operon exerts regulation on at least 12 downstream target genes. Of these, oppA, which encodes an oligopeptide transporter, was confirmed to be upregulated in the Bgl(+) strain. Loss of oppA function results in a partial loss of the growth advantage in stationary-phase (GASP) phenotype of Bgl(+) cells. The regulatory effect of the bgl operon on oppA expression is indirect and is mediated via gcvA, the activator of the glycine cleavage system, and gcvB, which regulates oppA at the posttranscriptional level. We show that BglG destabilizes the gcvA mRNA in vivo, leading to reduced expression of gcvA in the stationary phase. Deletion of gcvA results in the downregulation of gcvB and upregulation of oppA and can partially rescue the loss of the GASP phenotype seen in Delta bglG strains. A possible mechanism by which oppA confers a competitive advantage to Bgl(+) cells relative to Bgl(-) cells is discussed.


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Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzymes utilize the unique chemistry of a pyridine ring to carry out diverse reactions involving amino acids. Diaminopropionate (DAP) ammonia-lyase (DAPAL) is a prokaryotic PLP-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the degradation of D-and L-forms of DAP to pyruvate and ammonia. Here, we report the first crystal structure of DAPAL from Escherichia coli (EcDAPAL) in tetragonal and monoclinic forms at 2.0 and 2.2 angstrom resolutions, respectively. Structures of EcDAPAL soaked with substrates were also determined. EcDAPAL has a typical fold type II PLP-dependent enzyme topology consisting of a large and a small domain with the active site at the interface of the two domains. The enzyme is a homodimer with a unique biological interface not observed earlier. Structure of the enzyme in the tetragonal form had PLP bound at the active site, whereas the monoclinic structure was in the apo-form. Analysis of the apo and holo structures revealed that the region around the active site undergoes transition from a disordered to ordered state and assumes a conformation suitable for catalysis only upon PLP binding. A novel disulfide was found to occur near a channel that is likely to regulate entry of ligands to the active site. EcDAPAL soaked with DL-DAP revealed density at the active site appropriate for the reaction intermediate aminoacrylate, which is consistent with the observation that EcDAPAL has low activity under crystallization conditions. Based on the analysis of the structure and results of site-directed mutagenesis, a two-base mechanism of catalysis involving Asp(120) and Lys(77) is suggested.


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Long-term batch cultures of Escherichia coli grown in nutrient-rich medium accumulate mutations that provide a growth advantage in the stationary phase (GASP). We have examined the survivors of prolonged stationary phase to identify loci involved in conferring a growth advantage and show that a mutation in the hns gene causing reduced activity of the global regulator H-NS confers a GASP phenotype under specific conditions. The hns-66 allele bears a point mutation within the termination codon of the H-NS open reading frame, resulting in a longer protein that is partially functional. Although isolated from a long-term stationary-phase culture of the parent carrying the rpoS819 allele that results in reduced RpoS activity, the hns-66 survivor showed a growth disadvantage in the early stationary phase (24 to 48 h) when competed against the parent. The hns-66 mutant is also unstable and reverts at a high frequency in the early stationary phase by accumulating second-site suppressor mutations within the ssrA gene involved in targeting aberrant proteins for proteolysis. The mutant was more stable and showed a moderate growth advantage in combination with the rpoS819 allele when competed against a 21-day-old parent. These studies show that H-NS is a target for mutations conferring fitness gain that depends on the genetic background as well as on the stage of the stationary phase.


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The chb operon of Escherichia coli is involved in the utilization of the beta-glucosides chitobiose and cellobiose. The function of chbG (ydjC), the sixth open reading frame of the operon that codes for an evolutionarily conserved protein is unknown. We show that chbG encodes a monodeacetylase that is essential for growth on the acetylated chitooligosaccharides chitobiose and chitotriose but is dispensable for growth on cellobiose and chitosan dimer, the deacetylated form of chitobiose. The predicted active site of the enzyme was validated by demonstrating loss of function upon substitution of its putative metal-binding residues that are conserved across the YdjC family of proteins. We show that activation of the chb promoter by the regulatory protein ChbR is dependent on ChbG, suggesting that deacetylation of chitobiose-6-P and chitotriose-6-P is necessary for their recognition by ChbR as inducers. Strains carrying mutations in chbR conferring the ability to grow on both cellobiose and chitobiose are independent of chbG function for induction, suggesting that gain of function mutations in ChbR allow it to recognize the acetylated form of the oligosaccharides. ChbR-independent expression of the permease and phospho-beta-glucosidase from a heterologous promoter did not support growth on both chitobiose and chitotriose in the absence of chbG, suggesting an additional role of chbG in the hydrolysis of chitooligosaccharides. The homologs of chbG in metazoans have been implicated in development and inflammatory diseases of the intestine, indicating that understanding the function of E. coli chbG has a broader significance.


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Diaminopropionate ammonia lyase (DAPAL) is a pyridoxal-5'phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of diaminopropionate (DAP) to pyruvate and ammonia and plays an important role in cell metabolism. We have investigated the role of the ygeX gene of Escherichia coli K-12 and its ortholog, STM1002, in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium LT2, presumed to encode DAPAL, in the growth kinetics of the bacteria. While Salmonella Typhimurium LT2 could grow on DL-DAP as a sole carbon source, the wild-type E. coli K-12 strain exhibited only marginal growth on DL-DAP, suggesting that DAPAL is functional in S. Typhimurium. The expression of ygeX in E. coli was low as detected by reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR), consistent with the poor growth of E. coli on DL-DAP. Strains of S. Typhimurium and E. coli with STM1002 and ygeX, respectively, deleted showed loss of growth on DL-DAP, confirming that STM1002 (ygeX) is the locus encoding DAPAL. Interestingly, the presence of DL-DAP caused a growth inhibition of the wild-type E. coli strain as well as the knockout strains of S. Typhimurium and E. coli in minimal glucose/glycerol medium. Inhibition by DL-DAP was rescued by transforming the strains with plasmids containing the STM1002 (ygeX) gene encoding DAPAL or supplementing the medium with Casamino Acids. Growth restoration studies using media lacking specific amino acid supplements suggested that growth inhibition by DL-DAP in the absence of DAPAL is associated with auxotrophy related to the inhibition of the enzymes involved in the biosynthetic pathways of pyruvate and aspartate and the amino acids derived from them.


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b12, one of the few broadly neutralizing antibodies against HIV-1, binds to the CD4 binding site (CD4bs) on the gp120 subunit of HIV-1 Env. Two small fragments of HIV-1 gp120, b121a and b122a, which display about 70% of the b12 epitope and include solubility-enhancing mutations, were designed. Bacterially expressed b121a/b122a were partially folded and could bind b12 but not the CD4bs-directed non-neutralizing antibody b6. Sera from rabbits primed with b121a or b122a protein fragments and boosted with full-length gp120 showed broad neutralizing activity in a TZM-bl assay against a 16-virus panel that included nine Tier 2 and 3 viruses as well as in a five-virus panel previously designed to screen for broad neutralization. Using a mean IC50 cut-off of 50, sera from control rabbits immunized with gp120 alone neutralized only one virus of the 14 non-Tier 1 viruses tested (7%), whereas sera from b121a- and b122a-immunized rabbits neutralized seven (50%) and twelve (86%) viruses, respectively. Serum depletion studies confirmed that neutralization was gp120-directed and that sera from animals immunized with gp120 contained lower amounts of CD4bs-directed antibodies than corresponding sera from animals immunized with b121a/b122a. Competition binding assays with b12 also showed that b121a/2a sera contained significantly higher amounts of antibodies directed toward the CD4 binding site than the gp120 sera. The data demonstrate that it is possible to elicit broadly neutralizing sera against HIV-1 in small animals.


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Background: MazEF is a chromosomally encoded bacterial toxin-antitoxin system whose cellular role is controversial. Results: Expression of chromosomal MazF inhibits cell killing by multiple antibiotics in a Lon and ClpP dependent manner. Conclusion: MazF is involved in reversible growth inhibition and bacterial drug tolerance. Significance: Inactive, active-site toxin mutants yield functional insights by selectively activating the corresponding WT toxin in vivo. Toxin-antitoxin systems are ubiquitous in nature and present on the chromosomes of both bacteria and archaea. MazEF is a type II toxin-antitoxin system present on the chromosome of Escherichia coli and other bacteria. Whether MazEF is involved in programmed cell death or reversible growth inhibition and bacterial persistence is a matter of debate. In the present work the role of MazF in bacterial physiology was studied by using an inactive, active-site mutant of MazF, E24A, to activate WT MazF expression from its own promoter. The ectopic expression of E24A MazF in a strain containing WT mazEF resulted in reversible growth arrest. Normal growth resumed on inhibiting the expression of E24A MazF. MazF-mediated growth arrest resulted in an increase in survival of bacterial cells during antibiotic stress. This was studied by activation of mazEF either by overexpression of an inactive, active-site mutant or pre-exposure to a sublethal dose of antibiotic. The MazF-mediated persistence phenotype was found to be independent of RecA and dependent on the presence of the ClpP and Lon proteases. This study confirms the role of MazEF in reversible growth inhibition and persistence.


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Multiple copies of a gene require enhanced investment on the part of the cell and, as such, call for an explanation. The observation that Escherichia coli has four copies of initiator tRNA (tRNA(i)) genes, encoding a special tRNA (tRNA(fMet)) required to start protein synthesis, is puzzling particularly because the cell appears to be unaffected by the removal of one copy. However, the fitness of an organism has both absolute and relative connotations. Thus, we carried out growth competition experiments between E. coli strains that differ in the number of tRNA(i) genes they contain. This has enabled us to uncover an unexpected link between the number of tRNA(i) genes and protein synthesis, nutritional status, and fitness. Wild-type strains with the canonical four tRNA(i) genes are favored in nutrient-rich environments, and those carrying fewer are favored in nutrient-poor environments. Auxotrophs behave as if they have a nutritionally poor internal environment. A heuristic model that links tRNA(i) gene copy number, genetic stress, and growth rate accounts for the findings. Our observations provide strong evidence that natural selection can work through seemingly minor quantitative variations in gene copy number and thereby impact organismal fitness.


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The bglA gene of Escherichia coli encodes phospho-beta-glucosidase A capable of hydrolyzing the plant-derived aromatic beta-glucoside arbutin. We report that the sequential accumulation of mutations in bglA can confer the ability to hydrolyze the related aromatic beta-glucosides esculin and salicin in two steps. In the first step, esculin hydrolysis is achieved through the acquisition of a four-nucleotide insertion within the promoter of the bglA gene, resulting in enhanced steady-state levels of the bglA transcript. In the second step, hydrolysis of salicin is achieved through the acquisition of a point mutation within the bglA structural gene close to the active site without the loss of the original catabolic activity against arbutin. These studies underscore the ability of microorganisms to evolve additional metabolic capabilities by mutational modification of preexisting genetic systems under selection pressure, thereby expanding their repertoire of utilizable substrates.


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Arylsulfatase activity and growth were estimated in Escherichia coli, isolated from marine sediment. Maximum activity was observed at pH 6.6 whereas the maximum growth was at pH 5.6. 2x10ˉ³ M is the optimum substrate concentration for the highest level of enzyme activity/synthesis as well as for its growth. In general higher substrate concentration tended to inhibit enzyme activity and also the growth of the bacterium. Maximum growth and highest enzyme activity occurred at 29°C and above this temperature decreased both of them. Besides these, glucose, sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, sodium acetate and ammonium chloride at higher concentrations were inhibiting the enzyme activity and growth. Above 0.2% of glucose, 3% of sodium chloride, 10x10ˉ³ M concentrations of sodium sulfate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, sodium acetate and ammonium chloride inhibited the activity and growth also. These observations indicate that, to generalize a compound as inhibitor or activator it is difficult since this depends not only on its concentration but also on the source of the enzyme when more than one type is encountered in nature.


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Epistasis refers to the interaction between genes. Although high-throughput epistasis data from model organisms are being generated and used to construct genetic networks(1-3), the extent to which genetic epistasis reflects biologically meaningful interactions remains unclear(4-6). We have addressed this question through in silico mapping of positive and negative epistatic interactions amongst biochemical reactions within the metabolic networks of Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae using flux balance analysis. We found that negative epistasis occurs mainly between nonessential reactions with overlapping functions, whereas positive epistasis usually involves essential reactions, is highly abundant and, unexpectedly, often occurs between reactions without overlapping functions. We offer mechanistic explanations of these findings and experimentally validate them for 61 S. cerevisiae gene pairs.


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Here, we describe a new method to study the biointeraction between Escherichia coli and mannose by using supramolecular assemblies composed of polydiacetylene supported on the self-assembled monolayer of octadecanethiol on a gold electrode. These prepared bilayer materials simply are an excellent protosystem to study a range of important sensor-related issues. The experimental results from UV-vis spectroscopy, resonance Raman spectroscopy, and electrochemistry confirm that the specific interactions between E. coli and mannose can cause conformational changes of the polydiacetylene backbone rather than simple nonspecific adsorption. Moreover, the direct electrochemical detection by polydiacetylene supramolecular assemblies not only opens a new path for the use of these membranes in the area of biosensor development but also offers new possibilities for diagnostic applications and screening for binding ligands.