33 resultados para Eriúgena
So far as is now known, but one copy exists of this hitherto unpublished commentary on the De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii of Martianus Capella. It occupies folios 47r-115v, Lat. ms. 12960 in the Biblioth_eque nationale. cf. Introd.
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Introductory -- The study of nature and the vision of God -- The metaphysic of Spinoza -- Plato and the founding of idealism -- The completing of idealism -- Erigena : the division of nature -- The theism of St. Thomas --Conclusion.
"Les quatre textes qui composent ce volume ont d'abord étt́ publiés en articles dans la Revue Thomiste (1983-1984)."--P. [4]