986 resultados para Equine Tendon


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Objective: To investigate the acute effects of isolated eccentric and concentric calf muscle exercise on Achilles tendon sagittal thickness. ---------- Design: Within-subject, counterbalanced, mixed design. ---------- Setting: Institutional. ---------- Participants: 11 healthy, recreationally active male adults. ---------- Interventions: Participants performed an exercise protocol, which involved isolated eccentric loading of the Achilles tendon of a single limb and isolated concentric loading of the contralateral, both with the addition of 20% bodyweight. ---------- Main outcome measurements: Sagittal sonograms were acquired prior to, immediately following and 3, 6, 12 and 24 h after exercise. Tendon thickness was measured 2 cm proximal to the superior aspect of the calcaneus. ---------- Results: Both loading conditions resulted in an immediate decrease in normalised Achilles tendon thickness. Eccentric loading induced a significantly greater decrease than concentric loading despite a similar impulse (−0.21 vs −0.05, p<0.05). Post-exercise, eccentrically loaded tendons recovered exponentially, with a recovery time constant of 2.5 h. The same exponential function did not adequately model changes in tendon thickness resulting from concentric loading. Even so, recovery pathways subsequent to the 3 h time point were comparable. Regardless of the exercise protocol, full tendon thickness recovery was not observed until 24 h. ---------- Conclusions: Eccentric loading invokes a greater reduction in Achilles tendon thickness immediately after exercise but appears to recover fully in a similar time frame to concentric loading.


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Although conditioning is routinely used in mechanical tests of tendon in vitro, previous in vivo research evaluating the influence of body anthropometry on Achilles tendon thickness has not considered its potential effects on tendon structure. This study evaluated the relationship between Achilles tendon thickness and body anthropometry in healthy adults both before and after resistive ankle plantarflexion exercise. A convenience sample of 30 healthy male adults underwent sonographic examination of the Achilles tendon in addition to standard anthropometric measures of stature and body weight. A 10-5 MHz linear array transducer was used to acquire longitudinal sonograms of the Achilles tendon, 20 mm proximal to the tendon insertion. Participants then completed a series (90-100 repetitions) of conditioning exercises against an effective resistance between 100% and 150% body weight. Longitudinal sonograms were repeated immediately on completion of the exercise intervention, and anteroposterior Achilles tendon thickness was determined. Achilles tendon thickness was significantly reduced immediately following conditioning exercise (t = 9.71, P < 0.001), resulting in an average transverse strain of -18.8%. In contrast to preexercise measures, Achilles tendon thickness was significantly correlated with body weight (r = 0.72, P < 0.001) and to a lesser extent height (r = 0.45, P < 0.01) and body mass index (r = 0.63, P < 0.001) after exercise. Conditioning of the Achilles tendon via resistive ankle exercises induces alterations in tendon structure that substantially improve correlations between Achilles tendon thickness and body anthropometry. It is recommended that conditioning exercises, which standardize the load history of tendon, are employed before measurements of sonographic tendon thickness in vivo.


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There’s nothing like travel to broaden the mind. As a young man living in Britain during the 1980s I thought I knew about human obesity, but it took a visit to the US to show me what an epidemic looks like. Nowadays I live in Australia, where human obesity is rife. We have plenty of fat horses too (Sillence et al., 2006), but they are noticeable. In fact, it was only recently during a return visit to Britain, that I was finally sold on the concept of an equine obesity epidemic. It seems that in the UK, the fat horse or pony is now so commonplace that it has come to represent the norm in the eyes of many owners. I met clinicians who claim to have forgotten what a fit horse looks like, and heard anecdotes of a responsible owner who kept their animals in a healthy body condition, only to be reported to the RSPCA for ‘cruelty’. Round and shiny have become the order of the day and, as we have learned from the tsunami of human obesity, once a problem reaches a certain scale it can seem unstoppable, despite the attendant risks, costs and consequences.


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Articular cartilage defects are common after joint injuries. When left untreated, the biomechanical protective function of cartilage is gradually lost, making the joint more susceptible to further damage, causing progressive loss of joint function and eventually osteoarthritis (OA). In the process of translating promising tissue-engineering cartilage repair approaches from bench to bedside, pre-clinical animal models including mice, rabbits, goats, and horses, are widely used. The equine species is becoming an increasingly popular model for the in vivo evaluation of regenerative orthopaedic approaches. As there is also an increasing body of evidence suggesting that successful lasting tissue reconstruction requires an implant that mimics natural tissue organization, it is imperative that depth-dependent characteristics of equine osteochondral tissue are known, to assess to what extent they resemble those in humans. Therefore, osteochondral cores (4-8 mm) were obtained from the medial and lateral femoral condyles of equine and human donors. Cores were processed for histology and for biochemical quantification of DNA, glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and collagen content. Equine and human osteochondral tissues possess similar geometrical (thickness) and organizational (GAG, collagen and DNA distribution with depth) features. These comparable trends further underscore the validity of the equine model for the evaluation of regenerative approaches for articular cartilage.


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We humans are complicated creatures. Despite remarkable intellect, a fearsome ability to push boundaries and superior survival mechanisms, we are at times our own worst enemy. Metabolic syndrome continues to be a premier health problem in developed, and now increasingly in undeveloped, nations. It is spreading across the planet like an infectious disease and is costing us millions. Metabolic disease remains an important focus both for medical research and for governments desperate to ease the burden on already over-taxed health systems. Unlike some previous worldwide health epidemics, obesity-related diseases will require more than a single, silver bullet. A simple vaccine or treatment cannot overcome a lack of education, awareness and in some cases sheer determination; the human element of these diseases. Undeniably, these ‘human elements’ also complicate our ability, as veterinarians, to effectively manage the growing incidence of equine obesity and metabolic disease...


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The dermo-epidermal interface that connects the equine distal phalanx to the cornified hoof wall withstands great biomechanical demands, but is also a region where structural failure often ensues as a result of laminitis. The cytoskeleton in this region maintains cell structure and facilitates intercellular adhesion, making it likely to be involved in laminitis pathogenesis, although it is poorly characterized in the equine hoof lamellae. The objective of the present study was to identify and quantify the cytoskeletal proteins present in the epidermal and dermal lamellae of the equine hoof by proteomic techniques. Protein was extracted from the mid-dorsal epidermal and dermal lamellae from the front feet of 5 Standardbred geldings and 1 Thoroughbred stallion. Mass spectrometry-based spectral counting techniques, PAGE, and immunoblotting were used to identify and quantify cytoskeletal proteins, and indirect immunofluorescence was used for cellular localization of K14 and K124 (where K refers to keratin). Proteins identified by spectral counting analysis included 3 actin microfilament proteins; 30 keratin proteins along with vimentin, desmin, peripherin, internexin, and 2 lamin intermediate filament proteins; and 6 tubulin microtubule proteins. Two novel keratins, K42 and K124, were identified as the most abundant cytoskeletal proteins (22.0 ± 3.2% and 23.3 ± 4.2% of cytoskeletal proteins, respectively) in equine hoof lamellae. Immunoreactivity to K14 was localized to the basal cell layer, and that to K124 was localized to basal and suprabasal cells in the secondary epidermal lamellae. Abundant proteins K124, K42, K14, K5, and α1-actin were identified on 1- and 2-dimensional polyacrylamide gels and aligned with the results of previous studies. Results of the present study provide the first comprehensive analysis of cytoskeletal proteins present in the equine lamellae by using mass spectrometry-based techniques for protein quantification and identification.


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Introduction: Understanding the mechanical properties of tendon is an important step to guiding the process of improving athletic performance, predicting injury and treating tendinopathies. The speed of sound in a medium is governed by the bulk modulus and density for fluids and isotropic materials. However, for tendon,which is a structural composite of fluid and collagen, there is some anisotropy requiring an adjustment for Poisson’s ratio. In this paper, these relationships are explored and modelled using data collected, in vivo, on human Achilles tendon. Estimates for elastic modulus and hysteresis based on speed of sound data are then compared against published values from in vitro mechanical tests. Methods: Measurements using clinical ultrasound imaging, inverse dynamics and acoustic transmission techniques were used to determine dimensions, loading conditions and longitudinal speed of sound for the Achilles tendon during a series of isometric plantar flexion exercises against body weight. Upper and lower bounds for speed of sound versus tensile stress in the tendon were then modelled and estimates derived for elastic modulus and hysteresis. Results: Axial speed of sound varied between 1850 to 2090 m.s−1 with a non-linear, asymptotic dependency on the level of tensile stress in the tendon 5–35 MPa. Estimates derived for the elastic modulus ranged between 1–2 GPa. Hysteresis derived from models of the stress-strain relationship, ranged from 3–11%. These values agree closely with those previously reported from direct measurements obtained via in vitro mechanical tensile tests on major weight bearing tendons. Discussion: There is sufficiently good agreement between these indirect (speed of sound derived) and direct (mechanical tensile test derived) measures of tendon mechanical properties to validate the use of this non-invasive acoustic transmission technique. This non-invasive method is suitable for monitoring changes in tendon properties as predictors of athletic performance, injury or therapeutic progression.


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Introduction: The human patellar tendon is highly adaptive to changes in habitual loading but little is known about its acute mechanical response to exercise. This research evaluated the immediate transverse strain response of the patellar tendon to a bout of resistive quadriceps exercise. Methods: Twelve healthy adult males (mean age 34.0+/-12.1 years, height 1.75+/-0.09 m and weight 76.7+/-12.3 kg) free of knee pain participated in the research. A 10-5 MHz linear-array transducer was used to acquire standardised sagittal sonograms of the right patellar tendon immediately prior to and following 90 repetitions of a double-leg parallel-squat exercise performed against a resistance of 175% bodyweight. Tendon thickness was determined 20-mm distal to the pole of the patellar and transverse Hencky strain was calculated as the natural log of the ratio of post- to pre-exercise tendon thickness and expressed as a percentage. Measures of tendon echotexture (echogenicity and entropy) were also calculated from subsequent gray-scale profiles. Results: Quadriceps exercise resulted in an immediate decrease in patellar tendon thickness (P<.05), equating to a transverse strain of -22.5+/-3.4%, and was accompanied by increased tendon echogenicity (P<.05) and decreased entropy (P<.05). The transverse strain response of the patellar tendon was significantly correlated with both tendon echogenicity (r = -0.58, P<.05) and entropy following exercise (r=0.73, P<.05), while older age was associated with greater entropy of the patellar tendon prior to exercise (r=0.79, P<.05) and a reduced transverse strain response (r=0.61, P<.05) following exercise. Conclusions: This study is the first to show that quadriceps exercise invokes structural alignment and fluid movement within the matrix that are manifest by changes in echotexture and transverse strain in the patellar tendon., (C)2012The American College of Sports Medicine


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This research evaluated the effect of obesity on the acute cumulative transverse strain of the Achilles tendon in response to exercise. Twenty healthy adult males were categorized into ‘low normal-weight’ (BMI <23 kg m−2) and ‘overweight’ (BMI >27.5 kg m−2) groups based on intermediate cut-off points recommended by the World Health Organization. Longitudinal sonograms of the right Achilles tendon were acquired immediately prior and following weight-bearing ankle exercises. Achilles tendon thickness was measured 20-mm proximal to the calcaneal insertion and transverse tendon strain was calculated as the natural log of the ratio of post- to pre-exercise tendon thickness. The Achilles tendon was thicker in the overweight group both prior to (t18 = −2.91, P = 0.009) and following (t18 = −4.87, P < 0.001) exercise. The acute transverse strain response of the Achilles tendon in the overweight group (−10.7 ± 2.5%), however, was almost half that of the ‘low normal-weight’ (−19.5 ± 7.4%) group (t18 = −3.56, P = 0.004). These findings suggest that obesity is associated with structural changes in tendon that impairs intra-tendinous fluid movement in response to load and provides new insights into the link between tendon pathology and overweight and obesity.