881 resultados para Equilíbrio econômico - Modelos econométricos


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"[…].As decisões económicas envolvem, muitas vezes, uma perspetiva do futuro, o que motiva a inclusão, nos modelos, de expectativas referentes ao valor futuro de alguma(s) variável(veis). Os modelos neste contexto são designados por «REFV models», sendo de referir que a sigla REFV deriva do inglês «RE Models with Expectation of Future Variables». […] Dado que podem ocorrer acontecimentos inesperados, os resultados respeitantes a previsões futuras nem sempre são fiáveis, isto é, a previsão macroeconómica não é perfeita. No que se refere a eventuais acontecimentos inesperados, salienta-se que, por exemplo, a política económica pode ser diferente daquela que os previsores esperavam quando fizeram as suas previsões, o preço do petróleo pode baixar ou aumentar inesperadamente. Assim, nesta era da informação e da imagem, a inclusão das expectativas racionais em modelos e políticas macroeconómicas (modelos com expectativas racionais de variáveis futuras) é, sem dúvida, uma mais-valia."


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Essa tese se propõe fazer uma comparação entre duas técnicas alternativas para estudo de impactos marginais de variáveis sócio-econômicas sobre as taxas de crescimento per-capita de grupos de países durante período de 1965 1985: regressão em sistemas de equações com dados em seções transversais, usada por Barro Sala-i-Martin (1995), entre outros, e a regressão em painel com coeficientes individuais. Tentaremos mostrar que os resultados associados certas variáveis são bastante diferentes procuraremos entender algumas causas dessas diferenças. Além disso, estaremos preocupados em avaliar como os resultados são afetados ao alterarmos conjunto de países estudado, em particular quando tomamos grupos de países com uma série de características semelhantes.


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We prove the existence of a competitive equilibrium for exchange economies with a measure space of agents and for which the commodity space is ` p, 1 < p < +∞. A vector x = (xn) in ` p may be interpreted as a security which promises to deliver xn units of numeraire at state (or date) n. Under assumptions imposing uniform bounds on marginal rates of substitution, positive results on core-Walras equivalence were established in Rustichini–Yannelis [21] and Podczeck [20]. In this paper we prove that under similar assumptions on marginal rates of substitution, the set of competitive equilibria (and thus the core) is non-empty.


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Esse artigo tem três contribuições originais. A primeira é exatamente no esforço de reconstrução das séries de emprego e renda, de modo a permitir a criação de um novo índice coincidente para a atividade econômica brasileira. A segunda é a construção de um índice coincidente de atividade econômica para o Brasil e, a partir dele, (re)estabelecer uma cronologia de recessões para o passado recente da economia brasileira. A partir da reconstrução de séries coincidentes de emprego e renda à atividade econômica e, usando a metodologia do TCB, propomos um novo indicador coincidente mensal de atividade econômica para o Brasil no período 1980:1 a 2007:11.Além disso, propomos também uma cronologia das recessões brasileiras para esse mesmo período. A terceira é a construção e a avaliação de diferentes indicadores antecedentes de atividade econômica para o Brasil. Isso preenche uma lacuna importante na literatura brasileira.


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This work presents a fully operational interstate CGE model implemented for the Brazilian economy that tries to quantify both the role of barriers to trade on economic growth and foreign trade performance and how the distribution of the economic activity may change as the country opens up to foreign trade. Among the distinctive features embedded in the model, modeling of external scale economies, port efficiency and land-maritime transport costs provides an innovative way of dealing explicitly with theoretical issues related to integrated regional systems. In order to illustrate the role played by the quality of infrastructure and geography on the country‟s foreign and interregional trade performance, a set of simulations is presented where barriers to trade are significantly reduced. The relative importance of trade policy, port efficiency and land-maritime transport costs for the country trade relations and regional growth is then detailed and quantified, considering both short run as well as long run scenarios. A final set of simulations shed some light on the effects of liberal trade policies on regional inequality, where the manufacturing sector in the state of São Paulo, taken as the core of industrial activity in the country, is subjected to different levels of external economies of scale. Short-run core-periphery effects are then traced out suggesting the prevalence of agglomeration forces over diversion forces could rather exacerbate regional inequality as import barriers are removed up to a certain level. Further removals can reverse this balance in favor of diversion forces, implying de-concentration of economic activity. In the long run, factor mobility allows a better characterization of the balance between agglomeration and diversion forces among regions. Regional dispersion effects are then clearly traced-out, suggesting horizontal liberal trade policies to benefit both the poorest regions in the country as well as the state of São Paulo. This long run dispersion pattern, on one hand seems to unravel the fragility of simple theoretical results from recent New Economic Geography models, once they get confronted with more complex spatially heterogeneous (real) systems. On the other hand, it seems to capture the literature‟s main insight: the possible role of horizontal liberal trade policies as diversion forces leading to a more homogeneous pattern of interregional economic growth.


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Este trabalho apresenta um modelo DSGE que comtempla três instâncias de politica monetária, convencional e não convencional, utilizadas pelo governo brasileiro para combater os efeitos da crise mundial iniciada pelo colapso dos créditos subprime americanos. Politica monetária via regra de juros a la Taylor, política de controle dos depósitos compulsórios e política de crédito governamental, na figura do BNDES, são analisados. A conclusão que fica é que a utilização de diversas politicas acaba por deixar as variáveis econômicas mais estáveis e faz a política monetária perder potência.


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The paper analysis a general equilibrium model with two periods, several households and a government that has to finance some expenditures in the first period. Households may have some private information either about their type (adverse selection) or about some action levei chosen in the first period that affects the probability of certain states of nature in the second period (moral hazard). Trade of financiai assets are intermediated by a finite collection of banks. Banks objective functions are determined in equilibrium by shareholders. Due to private information it may be optimal for the banks to introduce constraints in the set of available portfolios for each household as wellas household specific asset prices. In particular, households may face distinct interest rates for holding the risk-free asset. The government finances its expenditures either by taxing households in the first period or by issuing bonds in the first period and taxing households in the second period. Taxes may be state-dependent. Suppose government policies are neutml: i) government policies do not affect the distribution of wealth across households; and ii) if the government decides to tax a household in the second period there is a portfolio available for the banks that generates the Mme payoff in each state of nature as the household taxes. Tben, Ricardian equivalence holds if and only if an appropriate boundary condition is satisfied. Moreover, at every free-entry equilibrium the boundary condition is satisfied and thus Ricardian equivalence holds. These results do not require any particular assumption on the banks' objective function. In particular, we do not assume banks to be risk neutral.


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Ever since Adam Smith, economists have argued that share contracts do not provide proper incentives. This paper uses tenancy data from India to assess the existence of missing incentives in this classical example of moral hazard. Sharecroppers are found to be less productive than owners, but as productive as fixed-rent tenants. Also, the productivity gap between owners and both types of tenants is driven by sample-selection issues. An endogenous selection rule matches tenancy contracts with less-skilled farmers and lower-quality lands. Due to complementarity, such a matching affects tenants’ input choices. Controlling for that, the contract form has no effect on the expected output. Next, I explicitly model farmer’s optimal decisions to test the existence of non-contractible inputs being misused. No evidence of missing incentives is found.


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This article studies the interplay between fiscal rules, public investment and growth in Brazil. It is investigated if it would make sense to raise public investment and, if so, under which fiscal rule it is best to do it — whether through tax financing, debt financing, or a reduction of public consumption. We construct and simulate a competitive general equilibrium model, calibrated to Brazilian economy, in which public capital is a component of the production function and public consumption directly affects individuals’ well-being. After assessing the impacts of alternative fiscal rules, the paper concludes that the most desirable financing scheme is the reduction of public consumption, which dominates the others in terms of output and welfare gains. The model replicates the observed growth slowdown of the Brazilian economy when we increase taxes and reduce public capital formation to the levels observed after 1980 and shows that the growth impact of the expansion of tax collection in Brazil was much larger than that of public investment compression.


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Este trabalho se propõe a estudar as implicações macroeconômicas da existência do BNDES na economia. Construímos aqui um modelo DSGE contemplando as características do BNDES e realizamos exercícios sobre o mesmo. Este é o primeiro trabalho a analisar o impacto de curto prazo do BNDES, sendo essa sua contribuição central. Constatamos aqui que o BNDES atua de forma a amplificar os choques de produtividade sobre a economia e reduz a eficácia da política monetária.


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This work aims to analyze the interaction and the effects of administered prices in the economy, through a DSGE model and the derivation of optimal monetary policies. The model used is a standard New Keynesian DSGE model of a closed economy with two sectors companies. In the first sector, free prices, there is a continuum of firms, and in the second sector of administered prices, there is a single firm. In addition, the model has positive trend inflation in the steady state. The model results suggest that price movements in any sector will impact on both sectors, for two reasons. Firstly, the price dispersion causes productivity to be lower. As the dispersion of prices is a change in the relative price of any sector, relative to general prices in the economy, when a movement in the price of a sector is not followed by another, their relative weights will change, leading to an impact on productivity in both sectors. Second, the path followed by the administered price sector is considered in future inflation expectations, which is used by companies in the free sector to adjust its optimal price. When this path leads to an expectation of higher inflation, the free sector companies will choose a higher mark-up to accommodate this expectation, thus leading to higher inflation trend when there is imperfect competition in the free sector. Finally, the analysis of optimal policies proved inconclusive, certainly indicating that there is influence of the adjustment model of administered prices in the definition of optimal monetary policy, but a quantitative study is needed to define the degree of impact.


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Los modelos de desarrollo regional, rural y urbano arrancaron en la década de los 90 en Estados Unidos, modelando los factores relacionados con la economía que suministran información y conocimiento acerca de cómo los parámetros geográficos y otros externos influencian la economía regional. El desarrollo regional y en particular el rural han seguido diferentes caminos en Europa y España, adoptando como modelo los programas estructurales de la UE ligados a la PAC. El Programa para el Desarrollo Rural Sostenible, recientemente lanzado por el Gobierno de España (2010) no profundiza en los modelos económicos de esta economía y sus causas. Este estudio pretende encontrar pautas de comportamiento de las variables de la economía regional-rural, y como el efecto de distribución geográfica de la población condiciona la actividad económica. Para este propósito, y utilizando datos espaciales y económicos de las regiones, se implementaran modelos espaciales que permitan evaluar el comportamiento económico, y verificar hipótesis de trabajo sobre la geografía y la economía del territorio. Se utilizarán modelos de análisis espacial como el análisis exploratorio espacial y los modelos econométricos de ecuaciones simultáneas, y dentro de estas los modelos ampliamente utilizados en estudios regionales de Carlino-Mills- Boarnet. ABSTRACT The regional development models for rural and urban areas started in USA in the ´90s, modeling the economy and the factors involved to understand and collect the knowledge of how the external parameters influenced the regional economy. Regional development and in particular rural development has followed different paths in Europe and Spain, adopting structural programs defined in the EU Agriculture Common Policy. The program for Sustainable Rural Development recently implemented in Spain (2010) is short sighted considering the effects of the regional economy. This study endeavors to underline models of behavior for the rural and regional economy variables, and how the regional distribution of population conditions the economic activities. For that purpose using current spatial regional economic data, this study will implement spatial economic models to evaluate the behavior of the regional economy, including the evaluation of working hypothesis about geography and economy in the territory. The approach will use data analysis models, like exploratory spatial data analysis, and spatial econometric models, and in particular for its wide acceptance in regional analysis, the Carlino-Mills-Boarnet equations model.


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Este artigo se propõe a investigar em detalhes as fragilidades dos modelos neoclássicos tradicionais de crescimento e sua superação pela nova literatura teórica de crescimento endógeno. Mais do que uma simples survey, estudaremos a necessidade, para a existência de equilíbrio , de hipóteses teóricas nos modelos tradicionais que implicam em resultados empíricos contra-factuais. Veremos como essas hipóteses foram sendo relaxadas, até que se passa a trabalhar, dentro ainda do arcabouço teórico de equilíbrio geral com expectativas racionais, com modelos com retornos crescentes e concorrência monopolista de inspiração Schumpeteriana.