37 resultados para Equalities


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Let 0equalitiesparallel to f((f))parallel to(2) less than or equal to A parallel to f(m)parallel to + B parallel to f parallel to/ A theta(k) + B mu(k),with certain constants theta(k)e mu(k), which hold for every f is an element of pi(n) (pi(n) denotes the space of real algebraic polynomials of degree not exceeding n).For the particular case j=1 and m=2, we provide a complete characterisation of the positive constants A and B, for which the corresponding Landau type polynomial inequalities parallel to f'parallel to less than or equal toA parallel to f parallel to + B parallel to f parallel to/ A theta(k) + B mu(k)hold. In each case we determine the corresponding extremal polynomials for which equalities are attained.


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This paper presents an analyze of numeric conditioning of the Hessian matrix of Lagrangian of modified barrier function Lagrangian method (MBFL) and primal-dual logarithmic barrier method (PDLB), which are obtained in the process of solution of an optimal power flow problem (OPF). This analyze is done by a comparative study through the singular values decomposition (SVD) of those matrixes. In the MBLF method the inequality constraints are treated by the modified barrier and PDLB methods. The inequality constraints are transformed into equalities by introducing positive auxiliary variables and are perturbed by the barrier parameter. The first-order necessary conditions of the Lagrangian function are solved by Newton's method. The perturbation of the auxiliary variables results in an expansion of the feasible set of the original problem, allowing the limits of the inequality constraints to be reached. The electric systems IEEE 14, 162 and 300 buses were used in the comparative analysis. ©2007 IEEE.


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This paper presents a new approach to the resolution of the Optimal Power Flow problem. In this approach the inequality constraints are treated by the Modified Barrier and Primal-Dual Logarithmic Barrier methods. The inequality constraints are transformed into equalities by introducing positive auxiliary variables, which are perturbed by the barrier parameter. A Lagrangian function is associated with the modified problem. The first-order necessary conditions are applied to the Lagrangian, generating a nonlinear system which is solved by Newton's method. The perturbation of the auxiliary variables results in an expansion of the feasible set of the original problem, allowing the limits of the inequality constraints to be reached. Numerical tests on the Brazilian CESP and South-Southeast systems and a comparative test indicated that the new approach efficiently resolves of the Optimal Power Flow problem. © 2007 IEEE.


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This work presents the application of the relaxed barrier-Lagrangian function method to the optimal reactive dispatch problem, which is a nonlinear nonconvex and large problem. In this approach the inequality constraints are treated by the association of modified barrier and primal-dual logarithmic barrier method. Those constraints are transformed in equalities through positive auxiliary variables and are perturbed by the barrier parameter. A Lagrangian function is associated to the modified problem. The first-order necessary conditions are applied generating a non-linear system which is solved by Newton's method. The auxiliary variables perturbation result in an expansion of the feasible set of the original problem, allowing the limits of the inequality constraints to be reach. Numeric tests with the systems CESP 53 buses and the south-southeast Brazilian and the comparative test with the primal-dual logarithmic barrier method indicate that presented method is efficient in the resolution of optimal reactive dispatch problem.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Nessa pesquisa investigo no discurso biológico moderno, teorias e proposições que legitimam as igualdades e desigualdades sociais a partir de argumentos considerados científicos, a fim de relacioná-las à Educação em Direitos Humanos. Minha motivação inicial para tal estudo decorreu da identificação de concepções contrárias a valores humanísticos entre estudantes da educação básica. Concepções essas mantidas e defendidas a partir de argumentos tidos como científicos por esses sujeitos, que ao serem indagados sobre temas relacionados à raça, etnia, sexualidade e organização social manifestaram preconceitos usando elementos do discurso biológico como forma de justificar suas idéias. Com o propósito de estabelecer relações entre Discurso Biológico e Educação em Direitos Humanos, recorro aos valores presentes na Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos que integram um projeto global de ensino das prerrogativas estabelecidas pela Organização das Nações Unidas e à análise de três obras de referência da Biologia Moderna A Origem do Homem e a Seleção Sexual, de Charles Darwin (1809-1882); O Gene Egoísta, de Richard Dawkins (1941 -) e A Origem da Espécie Humana, de Richard Leakey (1944 -). O material empírico selecionado foi organizado e investigado com a utilização de princípios metodológicos da análise de conteúdo, inclusive a construção do corpo textual que recebe inferências em seu desenvolvimento, proporcionando a visualização de discursos que refutam ou corroboram valores próximos às concepções humanísticas presentes nos Direitos Humanos. A diversidade dos discursos biológicos analisados partindo de razões diferentes, indicam a necessidade do ensino de valores altruístas e cooperativos, quer por trazerem argumentos reveladores de nossa natureza egoísta quer por defenderem nossa tendência ao altruísmo inato que precisa ser mantido e reforçado pelos meios culturais. Os temas desenvolvidos no trabalho promovem múltiplas discussões que podem ser aproveitadas por educadores em ciências biológicas para, ao ensinar biologia, divulgar, educar e refletir sobre Direitos Humanos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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To every partially ordered set (poset), one can associate a generating function, known as the P-partition generating function. We find necessary conditions and sufficient conditions for two posets to have the same P-partition generating function. We define the notion of a jump sequence for a labeled poset and show that having equal jumpsequences is a necessary condition for generating function equality. We also develop multiple ways of modifying posets that preserve generating function equality. Finally, we are able to give a complete classification of equalities among partially ordered setswith exactly two linear extensions.


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Reiner, Shaw and van Willigenburg showed that if two skew Schur functions sA and sB are equal, then the skew shapes $A$ and $B$ must have the same "row overlap partitions." Here we show that these row overlap equalities are also implied by a much weaker condition than Schur equality: that sA and sB have the same support when expanded in the fundamental quasisymmetric basis F. Surprisingly, there is significant evidence supporting a conjecture that the converse is also true. In fact, we work in terms of inequalities, showing that if the F-support of sA contains that of sB, then the row overlap partitions of A are dominated by those of B, and again conjecture that the converse also holds. Our evidence in favor of these conjectures includes their consistency with a complete determination of all F-support containment relations for F-multiplicity-free skew Schur functions. We conclude with a consideration of how some other quasisymmetric bases fit into our framework.


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Purpose – There is much scientific interest in the connection between the emergence of gender-based inequalities and key biographical transition points of couples in long-term relationships. Little empirical research is available comparing the evolution of a couple’s respective professional careers over space and time. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to filling this gap by addressing the following questions: what are the critical biographical moments when gender (in)equalities within a relationship begin to arise and consolidate? Which biographical decisions precede and follow such critical moments? How does decision making at critical moments impact the opportunities of both relationship partners in gaining equal access to paid employment? Design/methodology/approach – These questions are addressed from the perspectives of intersectionality and economic citizenship. Biographical interviewing is used to collect the personal and professional narratives of Swiss-, bi-national and migrant couples. The case study of a Swiss-Norwegian couple illustrates typical processes by which many skilled migrant women end up absently or precariously employed. Findings – Analysis reveals that the Scandinavian woman’s migration to Switzerland is a primary and critical moment for emerging inequality, which is then reinforced by relocation (to a small town characterized by conservative gender values) and the subsequent births of their children. It is concluded that factors of traditional gender roles, ethnicity and age intersect to create a hierarchical situation which affords the male Swiss partner more weight in terms of decision making and career advancement. Practical implications – The paper’s findings are highly relevant to the formulation of policies regarding gender inequalities and the implementation of preventive programmes within this context. Originality/value – Little empirical research is available comparing the evolution of a couple’s respective professional careers over space and time. The originality of this paper is to fill this research gap; to include migration as a critical moment for gender inequalities; to use an intersectional and geographical perspective that have been given scant attention in the literature; to use the original concept of economic citizenship; and to examine the case of a bi-national couple, which has so far not been examined by the literature on couple relationships.


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Esta pesquisa aborda as chamadas políticas de diversidade na educação e sua contribuição para o reconhecimento e a promoção dos direitos humanos e a superação do racismo, do sexismo, da homofobia e das demais desigualdades e discriminações que marcam profundamente a sociedade e a educação brasileiras. Com base nas vozes de gestores/as públicos/as e ativistas da sociedade civil, na análise documental e da execução orçamentária e na experiência política da pesquisadora, é apresentado um balanço sobre os dez anos de existência da Secretaria de Educação Continuada, Alfabetização e Diversidade (Secad), órgão do Ministério da Educação criado no primeiro governo do Presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Em especial, buscou-se identificar as provocações e os tensionamentos gerados pelas agendas das diversidades para o atual desenho, funcionamento e institucionalidade das políticas educacionais e sua influência nas concepções de qualidade educacional em disputa nas políticas federais. Essas disputas estiveram presentes nas Conferências Nacionais de Educação e no processo conflitivo de tramitação do novo Plano Nacional de Educação (Lei Federal n. 13.005/2014), analisados neste trabalho. Respaldado por convenções e pelas resoluções internacionais das Conferências da ONU e por normativas nacionais, o debate sobre diferenças ganhou espaço na agenda das políticas educacionais brasileiras. Essa discussão foi impulsionada por movimentos sociais negros, indígenas, LGBTs, feministas, de trabalhadores do campo, de pessoas com deficiências, de quilombolas, ambientalistas e por agendas de fronteira na efetividade do direito humano à educação, como a educação de jovens e adultos, a educação em territórios de alta vulnerabilidade social e a educação de pessoas privadas de liberdade, entre outras. Apresenta-se, neste trabalho, uma contribuição teórica ao debate sobre a relação entre qualidade educacional, diferenças e igualdades, com base nas teorias críticas de justiça social. Discutem-se as possibilidades de a noção da diversidade constituir uma resposta interseccional às múltiplas discriminações e desigualdades que atingem os sujeitos concretos no cotidiano da vida e, especificamente, nas instituições educacionais. Ao final da tese, embasadas na definição do contexto de estratégia política de Stephen Ball e nas contribuições para o aperfeiçoamento das políticas 14 previstas na metodologia de análise das políticas públicas, são apresentadas reflexões comprometidas com a ampliação da capacidade das políticas educacionais no sentido de dar respostas a essas agendas, em uma perspectiva de promoção da justiça na educação no marco dos direitos humanos.


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A method has been constructed for the solution of a wide range of chemical plant simulation models including differential equations and optimization. Double orthogonal collocation on finite elements is applied to convert the model into an NLP problem that is solved either by the VF 13AD package based on successive quadratic programming, or by the GRG2 package, based on the generalized reduced gradient method. This approach is termed simultaneous optimization and solution strategy. The objective functional can contain integral terms. The state and control variables can have time delays. Equalities and inequalities containing state and control variables can be included into the model as well as algebraic equations and inequalities. The maximum number of independent variables is 2. Problems containing 3 independent variables can be transformed into problems having 2 independent variables using finite differencing. The maximum number of NLP variables and constraints is 1500. The method is also suitable for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. The state functions are approximated by a linear combination of Lagrange interpolation polynomials. The control function can either be approximated by a linear combination of Lagrange interpolation polynomials or by a piecewise constant function over finite elements. The number of internal collocation points can vary by finite elements. The residual error is evaluated at arbitrarily chosen equidistant grid-points, thus enabling the user to check the accuracy of the solution between collocation points, where the solution is exact. The solution functions can be tabulated. There is an option to use control vector parameterization to solve optimization problems containing initial value ordinary differential equations. When there are many differential equations or the upper integration limit should be selected optimally then this approach should be used. The portability of the package has been addressed converting the package from V AX FORTRAN 77 into IBM PC FORTRAN 77 and into SUN SPARC 2000 FORTRAN 77. Computer runs have shown that the method can reproduce optimization problems published in the literature. The GRG2 and the VF I 3AD packages, integrated into the optimization package, proved to be robust and reliable. The package contains an executive module, a module performing control vector parameterization and 2 nonlinear problem solver modules, GRG2 and VF I 3AD. There is a stand-alone module that converts the differential-algebraic optimization problem into a nonlinear programming problem.


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∗ Research partially supported by INTAS grant 97-1644


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Mathematics Subject Classification: 43A20, 26A33 (main), 44A10, 44A15