998 resultados para Epileptic Patients


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P>Approximately 50% of all carriers of 2q21-q31 deletions present epileptic seizures. The band 2q24 constitutes the smallest commonly deleted segment in these patients, and contains the voltage-gated sodium channel genes SCN1A and SCN2A, associated with Dravet syndrome and benign familial neonatal-infantile seizures, respectively. A further putative locus involving epilepsy in the region was previously identified through disruption of the SLC4A10 gene by translocation. In the course of performing high-resolution DNA copy number analyses on syndromic mentally impaired individuals, we encountered three patients with overlapping deletions in chromosome region 2q24. Two of these patients exhibited epileptic seizures in addition to mental deficiency. The deletion in one of the epileptic patients did not include the SCN cluster, demonstrating that a less severe form of epilepsy maps to an adjacent genomic region. This second region comprises about 3 Mb and contains the candidate gene SLC4A10, providing further support for the potential role of this gene in epilepsy.


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Simultaneous acquisition of electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) aims to disentangle the description of brain processes by exploiting the advantages of each technique. Most studies in this field focus on exploring the relationships between fMRI signals and the power spectrum at some specific frequency bands (alpha, beta, etc.). On the other hand, brain mapping of EEG signals (e.g., interictal spikes in epileptic patients) usually assumes an haemodynamic response function for a parametric analysis applying the GLM, as a rough approximation. The integration of the information provided by the high spatial resolution of MR images and the high temporal resolution of EEG may be improved by referencing them by transfer functions, which allows the identification of neural driven areas without strong assumptions about haemodynamic response shapes or brain haemodynamic`s homogeneity. The difference on sampling rate is the first obstacle for a full integration of EEG and fMRI information. Moreover, a parametric specification of a function representing the commonalities of both signals is not established. In this study, we introduce a new data-driven method for estimating the transfer function from EEG signal to fMRI signal at EEG sampling rate. This approach avoids EEG subsampling to fMRI time resolution and naturally provides a test for EEG predictive power over BOLD signal fluctuations, in a well-established statistical framework. We illustrate this concept in resting state (eyes closed) and visual simultaneous fMRI-EEG experiments. The results point out that it is possible to predict the BOLD fluctuations in occipital cortex by using EEG measurements. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The RAS (renin angiotensin system) is classically involved in BP (blood pressure) regulation and water electrolyte balance, and in the central nervous system it has been mostly associated with homoeostatic processes, such as thirst, hormone secretion and thermoregulation. Epilepsies are chronic neurological disorders characterized by recurrent epileptic seizures that affect 1-3% of the world`s population, and the most commonly used anticonvulsants are described to be effective in approx. 70% of the population with this neurological alteration. Using a rat model of epilepsy, we found that components of the RAS, namely ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) and the AT(1) receptor (angiotensin II type I receptor) are up-regulated in the brain (2.6- and 8.2-fold respectively) following repetitive seizures. Subsequently, epileptic animals were treated with clinically used doses of enalapril, an ACE inhibitor, and losartan, an AT(1) receptor blocker, leading to a significant decrease in seizure severities. These results suggest that centrally acting drugs that target the RAS deserve further investigation as possible anticonvulsant agents and may represent an additional strategy in the management of epileptic patients.


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In the present study, we evaluated the preoperative demographic, clinical, and neuropsychological variables that could predict postoperative seizure outcome in a group of pediatric epileptic patients. We studied 40 consecutive pediatric patients, ages ranging from 6 to 16 years, that underwent resective surgery for the treatment of medically intractable epilepsy at the Clinical Hospital of RibeirA o pound Preto School of Medicine. We performed ictal electroencephalography (EEG), interictal EEG, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and a preoperative neuropsychological assessment in the presurgical workup. The following factors were correlated with seizure outcome: (1) duration of epilepsy, (2) surgery localization, (3) localized Neuropsychological (NPS) Evaluation, (4) ictal EEG, (5) interictal EEG, and (6) MRI. Mental retardation, NPS tests, and the other demographic variables failed to correlate with seizure reduction. The identification of predictor variables of epilepsy surgery outcome could improve the epileptic prognosis and guarantee the children`s full potential development.


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Objective: To investigate pathophysiological factors underlying the presence of interictal hyper-perfusion within the limits of the polymicrogyric (PMG) cortex in epileptic patients. Methods: Retrospective observational study on interictal perfusion by Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) in 16 patients with PMG and its correlations with a number of clinical and neurophysiological variables. Patients underwent video-EEG monitoring, neurological and psychiatric assessments, invasive EEG, and the interictal SPECT coregistered to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Results: Patients with interictal hyperperfusion within the PMG cortex had a significantly higher spike rate on interictal EEG than patients with normal perfusion. Interictal hyperperfusion was not correlated to sex, age at epilepsy onset, age at evaluation, number of seizures per month, presence of initial precipitating insult (IPI), abnormal neurological examination, EEG findings, ictal serniology, and seizure outcome. The high interictal spike rate did not correlate to a high frequency of seizures per month. Conclusions: Our work provides further evidences for an intrinsic epileptogenesis of the PMG cortex during the interictal state, which accounts for the major rote of PMG tissue in seizure generation. These results might help to increase our understanding about epileptogenesis related to the PMG cortex, providing new toots for more tailored epilepsy surgery in PMG patients. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study estimated the population pharmacokinetics of lamotrigine in patients receiving oral lamotrigine therapy with drug concentration monitoring, and determined intersubject and intrasubject variability. A total of 129 patients were analyzed from two clinical sites. Of these, 124 patients provided spare data (198 concentration-time points); nine patients (four from a previous group plus five from the current group) provided rich data (431 points). The population analysis was conducted using P-PHARM (TM) (SIMED Scientific Software, Cedex, France), a nonlinear mixed-effect modeling program. A single exponential elimination model (first-order absorption) with heteroscedastic weighting was used. Apparent clearance (CL/F) and volume of distribution (V/F) were the pharmacokinetic parameters estimated. Covariate analysis was performed to determine which factors explained any of the variability associated with lamotrigine clearance. Population estimates of CL/F and V/F for lamotrigine generated in the final model were 2.14 +/- 0.81 L/h and 78.1 +/- 5.1 L/kg. Intersubject and intrasubject variability for clearance was 38% and 38%, respectively. The covariates of concomitant valproate and phenytoin therapy accounted for 42% of the intersubject variability of clearance. Age, gender, clinic site, and other concomitant antiepileptic drugs did not influence clearance. This study of the population pharmacokinetics of lamotrigine in patients using the drug clinically provides useful data and should lead to better dosage individualization for lamotrigine.


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Cada vez mais os profissionais de saúde aspiram contribuir para o maior bem-estar possível dos seus doentes. Neste contexto, torna-se indispensável identificar variáveis, idealmente passíveis de ser modificadas, que estejam relacionadas com o bem-estar dos doentes. Assim, o objectivo do presente estudo é explorar a relação entre bem-estar geral (BEG), adesão ao tratamento (AT) e funcionamento sexual (FS) em indivíduos com epilepsia. Foram avaliados 79 indivíduos com epilepsia (59,5% do sexo feminino; idade: M = 36,10, DP = 11,09; diagnóstico (anos): M = 19,72, DP = 11,50), recorrendo a um Questionário Sócio-demográfico e Clínico, ao Índice de Bem-estar Pessoal, à Medida de Adesão aos Tratamentos e à Escala de Funcionamento Sexual da Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Scale com 54 itens (MSQOL-54). Verificaram-se bons indicadores globais de BEG, AT e FS na amostra. Verificaram-se correlações estatisticamente significativas entre o BEG e: a AT (rs(75) = 0,37, p ≤ 0,001) e o FS feminino (rs(35) = -0,44, p ≤ 0,008). Não se verificou uma correlação estatisticamente significativa entre BEG e FS masculino. Ao analisar os indicadores parciais, verificou-se que o FS masculino se correlacionava apenas com a satisfação com a segurança do seu futuro (rs(31) = -0,40, p ≤ 0,03), enquanto o FS feminino se correlacionava com este indicador (rs(35) = -0,36, p ≤ 0,04), com a satisfação com o seu nível de vida (rs(34) = -0,37, p ≤ 0,04) e com a satisfação com a sua vida espiritual ou com a sua religião (rs(35) = -0,40, p ≤ 0,02). Sem esquecer o efectivo da amostra e os indicadores genericamente positivos da mesma, os presentes resultados sugerem que a promoção da AT pode saldar-se por melhorias no BEG dos indivíduos com epilepsia. Já a intervenção ao nível do FS parece apenas promissora, ao nível do BEG, para as doentes. Novas variáveis devem ser exploradas, para que se consigam identificar os melhores preditores do BEG (de amostras mais amplas) destes doentes.


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Introduction: The majority of convulsions are due to an epilepticseizure or a convulsive syncope. In some cases, this is the firstsymptom of an out of hospital cardiac arrest (OH-CA).Objective: This study was aimed to measure the proportion of adultnon traumatic OH-CA presenting as a convulsion.Methodology: We prospectively collected all incoming calls with anout-of-hospital non traumatic seizure as the chief complaint in patients>18 years during a 24-months period. Among these calls, we collectedcases identified as OH-CA by paramedics.Results: During the 24-months period, the EMS dispatch centerreceived 561 calls for an out-of-hospital non traumatic convulsion in anadult. Twelve cases were ultimately classified as CA. In this group, onebystander spontaneously reported that the patient was known forepilepsy. The incidence of OH-CA presenting as convulsions wastherefore 2.1% of all calls for convulsion. Over the same period, theEMS dispatch center received 1035 calls related to an adult nontraumatic OH-CA. Therefore the rate of OH-CA presenting as aconvulsion represented 1.2% of all adult non traumatic OH-CA.Conclusion: Only 12 cases out of the 531 calls for non traumatic adultconvulsions were confirmed OH-CA (2.1%). Nevertheless, this unusualpresentation of OH-CA must be recognized by dispatchers, even whena patient is reported by bystander as a known epileptic. Dispatchersshould keep bystanders on line or call them back before paramedics'arrival, and have them confirm the progressive return of a normalpattern of breathing and state of consciousness; if not, they shouldencourage when necessary bystander to initiate CPR. For dispatchers,a past medical history of epilepsy should not be regarded as sufficientinformation to rule-out OH-CA. It is mandatory that known epilepticpatients should be monitored in the same way as non-epileptic patients.


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Introduction: The majority of convulsions are due to an epileptic seizure or a convulsive syncope. The incidence of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OH-CA) presenting as a convulsion is unknown. Objective: This study aimed to measure the incidence of adult nontraumatic OH-CA presenting as a convulsion, a rate that has not been published so far, to the best of our knowledge. Methods: We prospectively collected all incoming calls with an out-of-hospital nontraumatic seizure as the chief complaint in patients >18 years old during a 24-month period. Among these calls, we collected cases identified as OH-CA by paramedics. Results: During the 24-month period, the emergency medical services (EMS) dispatch center received 561 calls for an out-of-hospital nontraumatic convulsion in an adult. Twelve cases were ultimately classified as CA. In this group, one bystander spontaneously reported that the patient was known for epilepsy. The incidence of OH-CA presenting as convulsions was therefore 2.1% of all calls for convulsion. Over the same period, the EMS dispatch center received 1,035 calls related to an adult nontraumatic OH-CA. Therefore, the rate of OH-CA presenting as a convulsion represented 1.2% of all adult nontraumatic OH-CA. Conclusion:L Only 12 cases out of the 531 calls for nontraumatic adult convulsions were confirmed OHCA (2.1%). Nevertheless, this unusual presentation of OH-CA must be recognized by dispatchers, even when a patient is reported by bystander as a known epileptic. Dispatchers should keep bystanders on the line or call them back before paramedics' arrival, and have them confirm the progressive return of a normal pat- tern of breathing and state of consciousness; if not, they should encourage the bystander to initiate CPR when necessary. An intervention should be implemented to improve the detection by dispatchers of OH-CA presenting as convulsion by the development of a specific interview and directed observation. For dispatchers, a past medical history of epilepsy should not be regarded as sufficient information to rule out OH-CA. It is mandatory that known epileptic patients should be monitored in the same way as nonepileptic patients.


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Recent theory of physiology of language suggests a dual stream dorsal/ventral organization of speech perception. Using intra-cerebral Event-related potentials (ERPs) during pre-surgical assessment of twelve drug-resistant epileptic patients, we aimed to single out electrophysiological patterns during both lexical-semantic and phonological monitoring tasks involving ventral and dorsal regions respectively. Phonological information processing predominantly occurred in the left supra-marginal gyrus (dorsal stream) and lexico-semantic information occurred in anterior/middle temporal and fusiform gyri (ventral stream). Similar latencies were identified in response to phonological and lexico-semantic tasks, suggesting parallel processing. Typical ERP components were strongly left lateralized since no evoked responses were recorded in homologous right structures. Finally, ERP patterns suggested the inferior frontal gyrus as the likely final common pathway of both dorsal and ventral streams. These results brought out detailed evidence of the spatial-temporal information processing in the dual pathways involved in speech perception.


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OBJECTIVES: To measure the proportion of adult non-traumatic cardiac or respiratory arrest among calls for seizure to an emergency medical dispatch centre and to record whether known epileptic patients present cardiac or respiratory arrest together with seizure. METHODS: This 2-year prospective observational investigation involved the collection of tape recordings of all incoming calls to the emergency medical dispatch centre, in which an out-of-hospital non-traumatic seizure was the chief complaint in patients >18 years, in addition to the paramedics' records of all patients who presented with respiratory or cardiac arrest. The authors also recorded whether the bystander spontaneously mentioned to the dispatcher that the victim was known to have epilepsy. RESULTS: During the 24-month period, the call centre received 561 incoming calls for an out-of-hospital non-traumatic seizure in an adult. Twelve cases were classified as cardiac or respiratory arrest by paramedics. In one case, the caller spontaneously mentioned that the victim had a history of epilepsy. The proportion of cardiac or respiratory arrest among calls for seizure was 2.1%. CONCLUSION: Although these cases are rare, dispatchers should closely monitor seizure patients with the help of bystanders to exclude an out-of-hospital cardiac or respiratory arrest, in which case the dispatcher can offer telephone cardiopulmonary resuscitation advice until the paramedics arrive. Whenever the activity of the centre allows it and no new incoming call is on hold, this can be achieved by staying on the line with the caller or by calling back. A history of epilepsy should not modify the type of monitoring performed by the dispatcher as those patients may also have an arrest together with seizure.


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Les objectifs de ce programme de recherche étaient, d’une part, d’apporter une compréhension critique des techniques non-invasives utilisées dans la localisation et/ou la latéralisation des aires langagières et mnésiques en tenant compte de leurs avantages, de leurs limites propres ainsi que de leur pertinence dans un contexte clinique. D’autre part, d’approfondir notre compréhension de l’organisation cérébrale langagière auprès d’une population de sujets ayant une agénésie du corps calleux en utilisant un protocole de neuroimagerie. Afin de répondre à notre premier objectif, une revue critique de la littérature des méthodes de neuroimagerie utilisées pour la latéralisation et la localisation des aires cérébrales sous-tendant le traitement langagier et mnésique dans le contexte du bilan préchirurgical des patients épileptiques a été effectuée. Ce travail a permis d’identifier que certaines de ces nouvelles techniques et plus spécialement leur combinaison, montrent un potentiel réel dans ce contexte clinique. Cette recherche a également permis de mettre en lumière que ces méthodes ont encore un grand besoin d’être raffinées et standardisées avant d’être utilisées comme remplacement au test à l’amobarbital intracarotidien dans un contexte clinique sécuritaire. Afin de répondre à notre deuxième objectif, nous avons exploré les patrons de latéralisation du langage auprès de six sujets acalleux en utilisant un protocle d’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf). Les résultats indiquent que les individus ayant une agénésie du corps calleux montrent un patron d’activation cérébrale tout aussi latéralisé que nos deux groupes contrôles (QI apparié et QI élevé) lors du traitement du langage réceptif. Les sujets ayant une agénésie du corps calleux montrent également un patron de latéralisation comparable à leur groupe contrôle apparié pour le QI pour la tâche de langage expressif. Lorsque l’on compare les sujets ayant une agénésie du corps calleux au groupe contrôle de QI élevé, ces derniers montrent une latéralisation moins marquée uniquement pour la région frontale lors de la tâche de langage expressif. En conclusion, les résultats de cette étude ne supportent pas l’affirmation que le corps calleux jouerait un rôle inhibiteur essentiel afin de permettre un développement normal de la latéralisation hémisphérique pour le langage.


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Increased binding sites for "peripheral-type" benzodiazepine receptor (PTBR) ligands have been described in a wide range of neurological disorders including both human and experimental epilepsy. This study was undertaken to assess PTBR expression in relation to the presence of hippocampal sclerosis in human temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). For this purpose, hippocampal CA1 subfields were dissected from surgical samples from patients with therapy-refractive TLE with (n = 5) or without (n = 2) hippocampal sclerosis and from age-matched nonepileptic postmortem controls (n = 5). PTBR expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry and reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction. Receptor sites were evaluated using an in vitro binding assay and the selective PTBR ligand [3H]PK11195. Epileptic patients with hippocampal sclerosis showed increases in PTBR binding sites, immunoreactivity, and mRNA expression compared to both nonsclerotic TLE patients and postmortem nonepileptic controls. Induction of PTBR expression and binding sites were directly correlated with the presence of hippocampal sclerosis and the accompanying reactive gliosis.


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Jusqu'à récemment, les patients souffrant d'épilepsie réfractaire aux traitements médicamenteux étaient destinés à un avenir incertain. Le recours à la chirurgie comme traitement alternatif offre l'espoir de mener un jour une vie normale. Pour déterminer si un patient peut bénéficier d’une intervention chirurgicale, une évaluation complète est cruciale. Les méthodes d’évaluation préchirurgicale ont connu des progrès importants au cours des dernières décennies avec le perfectionnement des techniques d’imagerie cérébrale. Parmi ces techniques, la spectroscopie proche infrarouge (SPIR), aussi connue sous le nom d’imagerie optique, présente de nombreux avantages (coût, mobilité du participant, résolution spatiale et temporelle, etc.). L’objectif principal de cette étude est de développer un protocole d'évaluation préchirurgicale de la mémoire. Une tâche de mémoire verbale incluant l’encodage, le rappel immédiat et le rappel différé de listes de mots a été administrée à dix adultes sains lors d’un enregistrement en imagerie optique. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent l’activation bilatérale des aires préfrontales antérieures et dorsolatérales ainsi que des aires temporales antérieures et moyennes. Les aires préfrontales et temporales antérieures semblent modulées par les différents processus mnésiques et la position du rappel dans le temps. La première fois qu’une liste est rappelée, l’activité hémodynamique est plus élevée que lors des rappels subséquents, et ce, davantage dans l’hémisphère gauche que dans l’hémisphère droit. Cette étude constitue la première étape dans le processus de validation du protocole à des fins cliniques auprès de patients épileptiques.


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Dans le cadre de l’évaluation pré-chirurgicale de patients épileptiques, il est impératif de déterminer la spécialisation hémisphérique du langage, ainsi que de localiser les aires du langage au sein de cet hémisphère. De nouvelles méthodes d’évaluation non- invasives doivent être mises au point afin de diminuer les risques associés aux méthodes plus invasives telles que le test à l’amobarbital intracarotidien (TAI). L’objectif principal de cette thèse est donc de développer un protocole d’évaluation pré-chirurgicale alternatif et non-invasif à l’aide de la magnétoencéphalographie (MEG) pour la latéralisation et la localisation du langage, incluant la mémoire verbale qui serait éventuellement accessible à une population pédiatrique francophone épileptique. L’article 1 présente une recension de la littérature résumant les différentes études en MEG ayant pour objectif l’évaluation pré-chirurgicale du langage. Trente-sept articles en MEG ont été analysés pour déterminer quelles tâches permettaient d’obtenir les meilleurs résultats de latéralisation intrahémisphérique et de localisation du langage pour l’évaluation du langage réceptif et expressif chez des sujets neurologiquement sains et épileptiques. Parmi les tests retenus, l’épreuve de reconnaissance de mots permet d’évaluer le langage réceptif et la mémoire verbale, tandis que des épreuves de fluence verbale telles que la génération de verbes permettent d’évaluer le langage expressif de façon à obtenir de très bons résultats. L’article 2 a permis de valider un protocole auprès de sujets neurologiquement sains à l’aide des épreuves identifiées dans l’article 1. Le protocole utilisé comprend une tâche de langage réceptif et de mémoire verbale (une épreuve de reconnaissance de mots) et une tâche de langage expressif (une épreuve de fluence verbale). Suite à la validation du protocole à l’aide d’analyses par composantes principales, les épreuves ont été administrées à un groupe de patients épileptiques. Les index de latéralité et les analyses de sources i révèlent que la MEG permet de localiser et de latéraliser les fonctions langagières et pourrait donc être utilisée comme méthode d'évaluation du langage lors de l'évaluation pré- chirurgicale auprès de patients épileptiques. Toutefois, alors que l’épreuve de mémoire verbale a permis d’obtenir les meilleurs résultats auprès de l’ensemble des participants, l’épreuve de fluence verbale n’a fourni des informations supplémentaires que chez un seul patient et chez aucun participant neurologiquement sain. En résumé, les deux articles de cette thèse démontrent le potentiel clinique de la MEG pour l’évaluation pré-chirurgicale de patients souffrant d’une épilepsie réfractaire.