923 resultados para Environmental issue


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The National Status and Trends (NS&T) Program has conducted studies to determine the spatial extent and severity of chemical contamination and associated adverse biological effects in coastal bays and estuaries of the United States since 1991. Sediment contamination in U.S. coastal areas is a major environmental issue because of its potential toxic effects on biological resources and often, indirectly, on human health. Thus, characterizing and delineating areas of sediment contamination and toxicity and demonstrating their effect(s) on benthic living resources are therefore important goals of coastal resource management at NOAA. The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, and the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), University of California Moss Landing Marine Lab (MLML), and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), conducted ecosystem monitoring and characterization studies within and between marine sanctuaries along the California coast in 2002 and 2004 on the NOAA RV McArthur. One of the objectives was to perform a systematic assessment of the chemical and physical habitats and associated biological communities in soft bottom habitats on the continental shelf and slope in the central California region. This report addresses the magnitude and extent of chemical contamination, and contaminant transport patterns in the region. Ongoing studies of the benthic community are in progress and will be reported in an integrated assessment of habitat quality and the parameters that govern natural resource distributions on the continental margin and in canyons in the region.


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The release of heavy metals from the combustion of hazardous wastes is an environmental issue of increasing concern. The species transformation characteristics of toxic heavy metals and their distribution are considered to be a complex problem of mechanism. The behavior of hazardous dyestuff residue is investigated in a tubular furnace under the general condition of hazardous waste pyrolysis and gasfication. Data interpretation has been aided by parallel theoretical study based on a thermodynamic equilibrium model based on the principle of Gibbs free energy minimization. The results show that Ni, Zn, Mn, and Cr are more enriched in dyestuff residue incineration than other heavy metals (Hg, As, and Se) subjected to volatilization. The thermodynamic model calculation is used for explaining the experiment data at 800 degrees C and analyzing species transformation of heavy metals. These results of species transformation are used to predict the distribution and emission characteristics of trace elements. Although most trace element predictions are validated by the measurements, cautions are in order due to the complexity of incineration systems.


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Studies of abundance, diversity and distribution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and their resistance determinants are necessary for effective prevention and control of antibiotic resistance and its dissemination, critically important for public health and environment management. In order to gain an understanding of the persistence of resistance in the absence of a specific antibiotic selective pressure, microbiological surveys were carried out to investigate chloramphenicol-resistant bacteria and the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase resistance genes in Jiaozhou Bay after chloramphenicol was banned since 1999 in China. About 0.15-6.70% cultivable bacteria were chloramphenicol resistant, and the highest abundances occurred mainly in the areas near river mouths or sewage processing plants. For the dominant resistant isolates, 14 genera and 25 species were identified, mostly being indigenous estuarine or marine bacteria. Antibiotic-resistant potential human or marine animal pathogens, such as Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis and Shewanella algae, were also identified. For the molecular resistance determinants, the cat I and cat III genes could be detected in some of the resistant strains, and they might have the same origins as those from clinical strains as determined via gene sequence analysis. Further investigation about the biological, environmental and anthropogenic mechanisms and their interactions that may contribute to the persistence of antibiotic-resistance in coastal marine waters in the absence of specific antibiotic selective pressure is necessary for tackling this complicated environmental issue.


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Carbon cycle is connected with the most important environmental issue of Global Change. As one of the major carbon reservoirs, oceans play an important part in the carbon cycle. In recent years, iron seems to give us a good news that oceanic iron fertilization could stimulate biological productivity as CO2 sink of human-produced CO2. Oceanic iron fertilization experiments have verified that adding iron into high nutrient low chlorophyll (HNLC) seawaters can increase phytoplankton production and export organic carbon, and hence increase carbon sink of anthropogenic CO2, to reduce global warming. In sixty days, the export organic carbon could reach 10 000 times for adding iron by model prediction and in situ experiment, i.e. the atmospheric CO2 uptake and inorganic carbon drawdown in upper seawaters also have the same magnitude. Therefore, oceanic iron fertilization is one of the strategies for increasing carbon sink of anthropogenic CO2. The paper is focused on the iron fertilization, especially in situ ocean iron experiments in order that the future research is more efficient.


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Climate change is perhaps the most pressing and urgent environmental issue facing the world today. However our ability to predict and quantify the consequences of this change is severely limited by the paucity of in situ oceanographic measurements. Marine animals equipped with sophisticated oceanographic data loggers to study their behavior offer one solution to this problem because marine animals range widely across the world's ocean basins and visit remote and often inaccessible locations. However, unlike the information being collected from conventional oceanographic sensing equipment, which has been validated, the data collected from instruments deployed on marine animals over long periods has not. This is the first long-term study to validate in situ oceanographic data collected by animal oceanographers. We compared the ocean temperatures collected by leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in the Atlantic Ocean with the ARGO network of ocean floats and could find no systematic errors that could be ascribed to sensor instability. Animal-borne sensors allowed water temperature to be monitored across a range of depths, over entire ocean basins, and, importantly, over long periods and so will play a key role in assessing global climate change through improved monitoring of global temperatures. This finding is especially pertinent given recent international calls for the development and implementation of a comprehensive Earth observation system ( see http://iwgeo.ssc.nasa.gov/documents.asp?s=review) that includes the use of novel techniques for monitoring and understanding ocean and climate interactions to address strategic environmental and societal needs.


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L’érosion éolienne est un problème environnemental parmi les plus sévères dans les régions arides, semi-arides et les régions sèches sub-humides de la planète. L’érosion des sols accélérée par le vent provoque des dommages à la fois localement et régionalement. Sur le plan local, elle cause la baisse des nutriments par la mobilisation des particules les plus fines et de la matière organique. Cette mobilisation est une des causes de perte de fertilité des sols avec comme conséquence, une chute de la productivité agricole et une réduction de la profondeur de la partie arable. Sur le plan régional, les tempêtes de poussières soulevées par le vent ont un impact non négligeable sur la santé des populations, et la déposition des particules affecte les équipements hydrauliques tels que les canaux à ciel ouvert ainsi que les infrastructures notamment de transport. Dans les régions où les sols sont fréquemment soumis à l’érosion éolienne, les besoins pour des études qui visent à caractériser spatialement les sols selon leur degré de vulnérabilité sont grands. On n’a qu’à penser aux autorités administratives qui doivent décider des mesures à prendre pour préserver et conserver les potentialités agropédologiques des sols, souvent avec des ressources financières modestes mises à leur disposition. Or, dans certaines de ces régions, comme notre territoire d’étude, la région de Thiès au Sénégal, ces études font défaut. En effet, les quelques études effectuées dans cette région ou dans des contextes géographiques similaires ont un caractère plutôt local et les approches suivies (modèles de pertes des sols) nécessitent un nombre substantiel de données pour saisir la variabilité spatiale de la dynamique des facteurs qui interviennent dans le processus de l’érosion éolienne. La disponibilité de ces données est particulièrement problématique dans les pays en voie de développement, à cause de la pauvreté en infrastructures et des problèmes de ressources pour le monitoring continu des variables environnementales. L’approche mise de l’avant dans cette recherche vise à combler cette lacune en recourant principalement à l’imagerie satellitale, et plus particulièrement celle provenant des satellites Landsat-5 et Landsat-7. Les images Landsat couvrent la presque totalité de la zone optique du spectre exploitable par télédétection (visible, proche infrarouge, infrarouge moyen et thermique) à des résolutions relativement fines (quelques dizaines de mètres). Elles permettant ainsi d’étudier la distribution spatiale des niveaux de vulnérabilité des sols avec un niveau de détails beaucoup plus fin que celui obtenu avec des images souvent utilisées dans des études environnementales telles que AVHRR de la série de satellites NOAA (résolution kilométrique). De plus, l’archive complet des images Landsat-5 et Landsat-7 couvrant une période de plus de 20 ans est aujourd’hui facilement accessible. Parmi les paramètres utilisés dans les modèles d’érosion éolienne, nous avons identifiés ceux qui sont estimables par l’imagerie satellitale soit directement (exemple, fraction du couvert végétal) soit indirectement (exemple, caractérisation des sols par leur niveau d’érodabilité). En exploitant aussi le peu de données disponibles dans la région (données climatiques, carte morphopédologique) nous avons élaboré une base de données décrivant l’état des lieux dans la période de 1988 à 2002 et ce, selon les deux saisons caractéristiques de la région : la saison des pluies et la saison sèche. Ces données par date d’acquisition des images Landsat utilisées ont été considérées comme des intrants (critères) dans un modèle empirique que nous avons élaboré en modulant l’impact de chacun des critères (poids et scores). À l’aide de ce modèle, nous avons créé des cartes montrant les degrés de vulnérabilité dans la région à l’étude, et ce par date d’acquisition des images Landsat. Suite à une série de tests pour valider la cohérence interne du modèle, nous avons analysé nos cartes afin de conclure sur la dynamique du processus pendant la période d’étude. Nos principales conclusions sont les suivantes : 1) le modèle élaboré montre une bonne cohérence interne et est sensible aux variations spatiotemporelles des facteurs pris en considération 2); tel qu’attendu, parmi les facteurs utilisés pour expliquer la vulnérabilité des sols, la végétation vivante et l’érodabilité sont les plus importants ; 3) ces deux facteurs présentent une variation importante intra et inter-saisonnière de sorte qu’il est difficile de dégager des tendances à long terme bien que certaines parties du territoire (Nord et Est) aient des indices de vulnérabilité forts, peu importe la saison ; 4) l’analyse diachronique des cartes des indices de vulnérabilité confirme le caractère saisonnier des niveaux de vulnérabilité dans la mesure où les superficies occupées par les faibles niveaux de vulnérabilité augmentent en saison des pluies, donc lorsque l’humidité surfacique et la végétation active notamment sont importantes, et décroissent en saison sèche ; 5) la susceptibilité, c’est-à-dire l’impact du vent sur la vulnérabilité est d’autant plus forte que la vitesse du vent est élevée et que la vulnérabilité est forte. Sur les zones où la vulnérabilité est faible, les vitesses de vent élevées ont moins d’impact. Dans notre étude, nous avons aussi inclus une analyse comparative entre les facteurs extraits des images Landsat et celles des images hyperspectrales du satellite expérimental HYPERION. Bien que la résolution spatiale de ces images soit similaire à celle de Landsat, les résultats obtenus à partir des images HYPERION révèlent un niveau de détail supérieur grâce à la résolution spectrale de ce capteur permettant de mieux choisir les bandes spectrales qui réagissent le plus avec le facteur étudié. Cette étude comparative démontre que dans un futur rapproché, l’amélioration de l’accessibilité à ce type d’images permettra de raffiner davantage le calcul de l’indice de vulnérabilité par notre modèle. En attendant cette possibilité, on peut de contenter de l’imagerie Landsat qui offre un support d’informations permettant tout de même d’évaluer le niveau de fragilisation des sols par l’action du vent et par la dynamique des caractéristiques des facteurs telles que la couverture végétale aussi bien vivante que sénescente.


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El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación desarrollada como proyecto de grado para optar el título de Magister en Dirección en la cual se identifican los impactos que en materia ambiental son generados a lo largo de los procesos realizados dentro de los frigoríficos en Colombia y evaluar la manera como se realiza la gestión ambiental de los frigoríficos cárnicos más representativos en Colombia, como parte de esta gestión es importante revisar la política de Estado y finalmente, se proponen algunas acciones de tipo directivo en las cuáles todos los actores de la cadena cárnica pueden participar con el objetivo de mejorar el tema ambiental de éstas organizaciones en Colombia.


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Nesse trabalho investigamos de que maneira a escola vem desenvolvendo as questões referentes à educação ambiental enquanto tema transversal e interdisciplinar. Levantamos informações sobre como a Educação Ambiental vem sendo desenvolvida na prática pedagógica de uma escola da rede pública estadual da cidade de Mossoró/RN - Brasil. Onde foi identificada a percepção dos atores envolvidos no processo de educação ambiental, a saber: o nível de consciência ecológica, manifestada pelos alunos, suas práticas em relação aos problemas ambientais vivenciados; a abordagem do docente, frente à temática; bem como a percepção dos representantes do poder, como o professor, a diretoria da escola, a secretária de educação do estado e gerente de meio ambiente do município de Mossoró – RN. Contando com um apanhado bibliográfico com autores como Saviani (2008), Dias (2004), Gadotti (2008), Paulo Freire (1991), Sato (2012), Loureiro (2004), Leff (2010), entre outros. Para essa investigação utilizamos uma abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, sendo desenvolvido 4 entrevistas com os representantes do poder e um questionário que foi aplicado com os alunos da escola, depois de respondidos esses dados foram tabulados em planilhas do Excel a fim de serem lançados para análises estatísticas, logo em seguida foram tratados através da construção de um banco de dados na planilha eletrônica Microsoft Excel. Após a digitação da base de dados, o banco foi exportado para o software SPSS versão 13.0 no qual foi realizada a análise. Para análise dos dados foram calculadas as frequências observadas e percentuais das percepções dos alunos acerca do julgamento, procedimentos utilizados pela escola, itens associados, problemas e temas relacionados ao meio ambiente. Além das frequências calculadas foram construídos os gráficos para cada distribuição. Já a análise qualitativa de conteúdo possui como estratégia de análise a interpretação qualitativa de emparelhamento de dados. Percebemos que nossos sujeitos acreditam que a educação ambiental vem como instrumento para modificação de comportamentos humanos, é através da educação que modificamos atitudes e conscientizamos a nossa população aos cuidados para com o nosso planeta. Nesta investigação identificamos que 83,1% dos alunos disseram estar bastante consciente da problemática ambiental, e ainda, 71,8% dos discentes disseram que estão bastante motivados para desenvolver projetos de educação ambiental na sua escola. Todavia não foi constatado isso pelos representantes do poder os quais afirma que esses não possuem o nível de consciência ecológica identificada pelos alunos, podendo perceber uma visão crítica por parte dos representantes do poder a respeito da temática, diferente dos discentes que dizem ter consciência, contudo suas práticas não condizem com a realidade. Acreditamos que se a Educação Ambiental fosse introduzida como componente curricular obrigatória essa poderia ser trabalhada de maneira mais direta e contundente a fim de formamos cidadãos verdadeiramente consciente da questão ambiental, uma vez que essa deve ir além dos muros da escola, a questão ambiental é uma questão também social, necessitamos de intervenções a nível global afim de todos contribuírem de maneira significativa para sustentabilidade.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um diagnóstico da percepção ambiental da comunidade educativa da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (professores, alunos e técnicos administrativos). O estudo da percepção ambiental de uma população é fundamental para compreender as inter-relações da mesma com o seu ambiente. Conhecendo a realidade desta comunidade, pode-se realizar projetos de educação ambiental que atenda as necessidades encontradas nesta população. Conforme a Conferência de Tbilisi, a educação ambiental deve girar em torno de problemas concretos e ter um caráter interdisciplinar. Conforme a Política Nacional de Educação Ambiental, a educação ambiental deve ser tratada em todos os níveis de ensino, formal e informal. Este trabalho foi realizada uma pesquisa quantitativa, baseada em um questionário pré-estabelecido, com uma amostra de 1042 entrevistas. Com a análise dos dados observou-se que a comunidade educativa da UFRGS está preocupada com as questões ambientais, mas está pouco envolvida em ações concretas. A comunidade educativa da UFRGS possui trabalhos que permitem uma análise mais apurada das relações entre a percepção ambiental dessa comunidade e a educação ambiental, como o Relatório de Resíduos Sólidos (GIGA), que trata da gestão dos resíduos produzidos nessa comunidade. Além disso, a UFRGS passa, a partir de 2006, a oferecer um Curso de Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental, o qual pode contribuir significativamente para a consolidação de um processo de educação ambiental e de gestão de resíduos dentro da UFRGS. Este trabalho demonstrou a necessidade de implantação de um projeto de Educação Ambiental na UFRGS, e os resultados desta pesquisa poderão servir como subsídio para a elaboração deste projeto.


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With a view to revitalizing public environments through criteria that include economy, tourism, aesthetics and respect for the environment, this paper proposes a model of kiosk manufactured with composite material blocks, to be employed as a public instrument. . The model consists of a structure composed of planned blocks and manufactured in cement-based composite, gypsum, ground and water, having the styrofoam inside filled with pet bottles of 500 ml dose. The social and environmental issue is the critical point of the work when it can, through the reuse of environmentally harmful materials such as polyethylene terephthalate PET, using such modules for the construction of various areas of Commerce, promoting the protection of the environment combined with the improvement of the quality of life of the population. The tourism factor, which is significant in the economy of the North, is also considered as the modulated kiosk has a visual aspect innovative and differentiated. The environmental issue is addressed by encouraging the reuse of PET material and EPS (polystyrene)


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Emerald mining is an important area of the economy in Brazil, country which is in second place among the exporting nations of this gem. Due to the process of extraction, a great amount of reject is generated. Since there is no appropriate destination, the reject is abandoned around the mining industries, contributing to environment degradation. Nowadays, some of the most relevant things to an industry in general are: energy conservation, cost reduction, quality and productivity enhancement. The production of isolating, transformed refractory materials achieves the sustainability dimension when protection of the environment is incorporated to such process. This work investigates the use of emerald mining rejects in the ceramic body of refractory materials, aiming at obtaining a product whose characteristics are compatible with commercial products and, at the same time, allow the use of such rejects to solve the environmental issue caused by its disposal in nature. X-ray fluorescence analysis show that the emerald reject obtained after the flotation to extract molybdenum and mica has 70% of silica and alumina (SiO2+Al2O3) and 21% of a basic oxides and alkaline metals and earthy alkaline mixture (Na2O, K2O, CaO e MgO). Because of the significant amount of silica and alumina present in the reject, four refractory ceramic bodies were prepared. Samples with a rectangular shape and dimensions 100x50x10 mm were pressed in a steel mold at 27,5 MPa and sintered at 1200ºC for 40 min. under environment atmosphere in a resistive oven. The sintered samples were characterized in relation to the chemical composition (FRX), mineralogical composition (DRX), microstructure (MEV) and physical and mechanical properties. The results indicate that the mixture with 45% of reject, 45% of alumina and 10% of kaolin presents a refractory quality of 1420ºC, dimensional linear variation below 2.00%, apparent specific mass of 1,56 g/cm3 and porosity of 46,68%, which demonstrates the potential use of the reject as raw material for the industry of isolating transformed refractory materials


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)