831 resultados para Environment impact
Australian forestry plantations have doubled in the past 15 years, with rural communities harbouring a diverse range of positive and negative of economic, environmental and social impacts – the so-called triple bottom line (TBL). Utilising two Australian rural communities in Eden/Gippsland and Tasmania as qualitative case studies, this research explores how 23 non-forestry affiliated rural residents perceived and experienced the TBL economic, environmental and social impacts of plantation forestry. Residents criticised the economic plantation forestry benefits because of lengthy periods of inactivity and limited local employment, explaining that their community was reliant on the industry yet the promised economic benefits had never fully materialised. There was a sense the industry ‘plant and walk away.’ Residents were concerned about the environment impact on water quality, water tables and fire hazards, although they praised plantation forestry for carbon sequestering, eradicating erosion and water run-off. Negative social impacts were described, specifically how the land-use change from farming to forestry had significantly reduced the local population, employment and need for services. Natural resource management and communication strategies are offered, derived from non-forestry affiliated rural resident perspectives on how best to ensure sustainable forest development in their community.
[ES] Con demasiada frecuencia, especialmente en los espacios periurbanos, el suelo agrario es ocupado por actividades urbanas. Las explotaciones se reducen progresivamente y el paisaje rural deja paso a una mezcolanza de usos, con una evidente pérdida de calidad. Este proceso rara vez es sometido a estudios de impacto ambiental y la intervención se reduce a una retribución económica al agricultor por el suelo que es ocupado. En este artículo proponemos una metodología que valore el impacto real que la actuación urbanística tiene tanto sobre la explotación como sobre el suelo agrario que se pierde obligando a compensar económica y territorialmente al agricultor.
Objetivo. Avaliar o impacto de ações para promoção do consumo de frutas e hortaliças (FH) no ambiente de trabalho. Método. Estudo de intervenção tipo antes e depois não randomizado com grupo controle histórico, realizado em empresa do ramo da pesquisa científica. A população de estudo consistiu em funcionários que almoçaram no restaurante da empresa nos dias do estudo. No diagnóstico inicial, foram coletados dados de caracterização da empresa estudada e da empresa fornecedora de refeições, caracterização sociodemográfica e consumo de FH pelos indivíduos estudados e sua opinião sobre temas ligados a FH. Foi também realizado grupo focal com formadores de opinião da empresa, a fim de conhecer os determinantes do seu consumo de FH com vistas a subsidiar a construção de estratégias para sua promoção. A intervenção durou oito meses, sendo composta por duas vertentes: ambiental (refeitório da empresa) e educativa (dirigida aos indivíduos). Na primeira, investiu-se na sensibilização do proprietário da empresa concessionária e da responsável técnica para a importância da promoção de FH e em contatos regulares com ela a fim subsidiá-la para a oferta de FH no refeitório. Na segunda, foram realizadas atividades presenciais, distribuídos materiais educativos e desenvolvidas ações de comunicação eletrônica. No diagnóstico final, além do consumo de FH pelos funcionários, foram registrados o nível de exposição dos funcionários à intervenção e suas impressões sobre modificações no restaurante da empresa no tocante à oferta de FH. A análise do impacto da intervenção consistiu no exame da relevância da diferença observada entre proporções ou médias obtidas antes e depois da intervenção. A associação entre intervenção e desfechos foi examinada por meio de modelos de regressão múltipla controlando-se para a situação de consumo inicial e para fatores sociodemográficos dos indivíduos. Resultados. Foram estudados 61 indivíduos. A média de cobertura das atividades e materiais educativos foi de 63,5%, sendo esses avaliados positivamente por 98% dos funcionários. Cerca de 2/3 dos funcionários perceberam mudanças em pelo menos dois aspectos referentes a variedade e aparência das preparações. Do total, 88,6% confiavam na higiene desses alimentos no momento pós intervenção contra 56,9% no momento pré intervenção. Houve um aumento de 53,6g (38%) no consumo de FH no almoço realizado no ambiente de trabalho. Houve também aumento no consumo regular de verduras (de 47,5 para 72,1%), e no número médio de dias de consumo de verduras (de 4,4 para 5,6 dias). Foi observada associação entre aumento do consumo de FH e mudança positiva na confiança em relação à higiene dos alimentos oferecidos crus; aumento do consumo de hortaliças e mudança positiva na confiança em relação à higiene dos alimentos oferecidos crus e nível de exposição à vertente educativa da intervenção; e aumento na média de dias de consumo de legumes e percepção de mudanças positivas na variedade e na apresentação das preparações com FH. Conclusão. Houve um aumento no consumo de FH entre funcionários expostos à intervenção. Seu desenho multicomponente parece ter contribuído para os achados do estudo.
This paper presents an evaluation of the 15-week course on Training in Fisheries Planning and Management being offered at the University of Namibia since 1991. This course includes instruction in fisheries technology, fisheries biology, fisheries law and law of the sea, fisheries economics, fisheries sociology, environment impact assessment, planning and management, the logical framework approach to planning and computer literacy. The participats in the course have rated the various elements in a range of 2.9 to 4.7 out of a maximum of 5 points.
Il existe actuellement de nombreuses preuves démontrant que des facteurs génétiques et environnementaux interagissent pendant des périodes spécifiques du développement pour rendre une personne vulnérable aux troubles psychologiques via diverses adaptations physiologiques. Cette thèse porte sur l'impact de l’adversité prénatale (représentée par le petit poids à la naissance, PPN) et de l’adversité postnatale précoce (symptômes dépressifs maternels et comportements maternels négatifs), sur le développement du cerveau, particulièrement les régions fronto-limbiques impliquées dans le traitement des émotions, pendant l'enfance et l'adolescence. Des jumeaux monozygotes (MZ) sont utilisés, lorsque possible, afin de contrôler pour les effets génétiques. Les chapitres 1 et 2 présentent les résultats de la vérification de l'hypothèse que l’adversité prénatale et postnatale précoce sont associées à une altération du fonctionnement des régions fronto-limbique tels que l’amygdale, l’hippocampe, l’insula, le cortex cingulaire antérieur et le cortex préfrontal, en réponse à des stimuli émotifs chez des enfants et des adolescents. On observe que les symptômes dépressifs maternels sont associés à une activation plus élevée des régions fronto-limbiques des enfants en réponse à la tristesse. Les résultats de l’étude avec des adolescents suggèrent que le PPN, les symptômes dépressifs et les comportements maternels négatifs sont associés à une fonction altérée des régions fronto-limbiques en réponse à des stimuli émotionnels. Chez les jumeaux MZ on observe également que la discordance intra-paire de PPN et de certains comportements maternels est associée à une discordance intra-paire du fonctionnement du cerveau et que ces altérations diffèrent selon le sexe. Le chapitre 3 présente les résultats de la vérification de l'hypothèse que l’adversité prénatale et postnatale précoce sont associées à un volume total réduit du cerveau et de l’hypothèse que les comportements maternels peuvent servir de médiateur ou de modérateur de l'association entre le PPN et le volume du cerveau. Avec des jumeaux MZ à l’adolescence on observe a) que le PPN est effectivement associé à une diminution du volume total du cerveau et b) que la discordance intra-paire de PPN est associée à une discordance du volume du cerveau. En somme, cette thèse présente un ensemble de résultats qui soutiennent deux hypothèses importantes pour comprendre les effets de l’environnement sur le développement du cerveau : que l’environnement prénatal et postnatal précoce ont un impact sur le développement du cerveau indépendamment du code génétique et que les mécanismes impliqués peuvent différer entre les garçons et les filles. Finalement, l’ensemble de ces résultats sont discutés à la lumière des autres travaux de recherche dans ce domaine et des avenues à explorer pour de la recherche ultérieure sont proposées.
In the past, natural resources were plentiful and people were scarce. But the situation is rapidly reversing. According to the Living Planet Report 2006, during the last thirty years, consumption of natural resources has increased 40%, while Earth’s natural wealth in biodiversity has decreased 30%. Our challenge is to find a way to balance human consumption and nature’s limited productivity in order to ensure that our communities are sustainable locally, regionally and globally. Ecological Footprint Analysis (EFA) is physical accounting method, developed by William Rees and M. Wackernagel (1992), focusing on land appropriation using land as its “currency”. It provides a means for measuring and communicating human induced environmental impacts upon the planet. In this paper, an attempt is made to explore the tool Ecological Footprint Analysis. The paper also analyses the methods for calculating ecological footprint, scope of the tool as an impact assessment tool for India and measure for reducing the ecological footprint
Tourism as an example of alternative for sustainable development in the Lençóis Maranhenses. The objective of this work is to analyze the prospects for sustainable development in tourism in the aforementioned region. An attempt is made to evaluate the five dimensions of sustainable - ecological, economic, social, space and cultural. The base for discussion is the information gathered from the people who actually live in the region. A type of the case study was built up. The research involved speaking with the people about the viability of tourism projects, not only with an eye on economic success, job creation and income for the region. There was also an attempt to tackle the issue of social and environment impact. Data was collected through verbal contact. A variety of people were interviewed, locals, businessmen, authorities, civil representatives and they spoke about the advantages and disadvantages of tourism as the saw it and as it affected them. Their answers and comments constitute the knowledge gleaned. The development of possible new strategies is the result of this work. Strategies that should be investigated by the local government/public administration. One such strategy would involve strengthening ties whit society and hoping that the improved dialogue would encourage sustainability. Another would mean improving interdepartmental contact to streamline the performance of public bodies so that development can be better planned and non-destructive.
Esta tese tem como objetivo principal investigar como ocorre a disseminação de competências operacionais entre matriz e unidades fabris de redes de manufatura. Este objetivo principal se desdobra em cinco objetivos secundários: (i) Definir o conceito de competência operacional; (ii) Identificar os possíveis fatores que influenciam a disseminação de competências operacionais em rede de manufatura sob a ótica de seus atores; (iii) Identificar as possíveis inter-relações entre esses fatores que possam favorecer a disseminação de competências operacionais em uma rede de manufatura, sob a percepção dos atores; (iv) Investigar e analisar como as organizações interagem para promover o reforço ou a criação de competências operacionais entre suas diversas unidades, observando sua dinâmica e a interação entre os atores; (v) Analisar como a combinação entre fatores internos (nível micro) e fatores externos (do ambiente competitivo) influenciam e são influenciados por essa dinâmica. Para tanto, apresenta-se uma pesquisa qualitativa no campo de Estratégia de Operações baseada na Teoria da Coevolução, dividida em dois estudos. O primeiro estudo, de cunho exploratório, procura identifica os antecedentes da disseminação de competências. Através da condução de um focus group e posteriormente entrevistas semi-estruturadas com Executivos de Operações, foi possível elencar os principais fatores que influenciam o processo de disseminação de competências. O segundo trabalho é um estudo de casos múltiplos, conduzido com 4 redes de manufatura. Pode-se observar que a coevolução das unidades fabris e disseminação de competências é um processo gradativo, possui fatores motivacionais cumulativos, envolve atores de dimensões distintas e com velocidade de absorção distintos. A partir dos achados, foi possível identificar que a maturidade da construção de competências operacionais evolui ao passo do nível de maturidade que a manufatura se encontra.
Nowadays the acquisition of sustainable elements and concepts in construction has been increasingly discussed, improved and incorporated to buildings, since the sector directly interferes in the urban space and environment, representing environmental impact. In order to make a sustainable building (Green Building) it is vital to incorporate less damaging constructive practice, starting from the project until the operation of the enterprise, that means to consider an integrated process of conception, implementation, construction and operation. The more effective sustainable principles participation in architecture happens at the projecting step through minimal environment impact solutions. Among the issues varieties that goes with sustainability proposal of the buildings project, there were added to this work the elements that are directly attached to bioclimatic architecture, more specifically the climate variation, ventilation, lighting and sunlight, that directly affect the project conception. It is important to put in evidence that architecture role goes far beyond the simple activity of building spaces; it is the sequence of political, economic, social and cultural elements, having the users as the main apparatus to its materialization. Thereby this professional dissertation consists of an architecture draft for a professional and technological school in the Rio Grande do Norte State, this dissertation is based on the analysis of previous experience and the bioclimatic principles that implicate in building on hot and dry, hot and humid climates, and the use of strategic solutions that aim the optimization of natural light and ventilation
The gravity inversion method is a mathematic process that can be used to estimate the basement relief of a sedimentary basin. However, the inverse problem in potential-field methods has neither a unique nor a stable solution, so additional information (other than gravity measurements) must be supplied by the interpreter to transform this problem into a well-posed one. This dissertation presents the application of a gravity inversion method to estimate the basement relief of the onshore Potiguar Basin. The density contrast between sediments and basament is assumed to be known and constant. The proposed methodology consists of discretizing the sedimentary layer into a grid of rectangular juxtaposed prisms whose thicknesses correspond to the depth to basement which is the parameter to be estimated. To stabilize the inversion I introduce constraints in accordance with the known geologic information. The method minimizes an objective function of the model that requires not only the model to be smooth and close to the seismic-derived model, which is used as a reference model, but also to honor well-log constraints. The latter are introduced through the use of logarithmic barrier terms in the objective function. The inversion process was applied in order to simulate different phases during the exploration development of a basin. The methodology consisted in applying the gravity inversion in distinct scenarios: the first one used only gravity data and a plain reference model; the second scenario was divided in two cases, we incorporated either borehole logs information or seismic model into the process. Finally I incorporated the basement depth generated by seismic interpretation into the inversion as a reference model and imposed depth constraint from boreholes using the primal logarithmic barrier method. As a result, the estimation of the basement relief in every scenario has satisfactorily reproduced the basin framework, and the incorporation of the constraints led to improve depth basement definition. The joint use of surface gravity data, seismic imaging and borehole logging information makes the process more robust and allows an improvement in the estimate, providing a result closer to the actual basement relief. In addition, I would like to remark that the result obtained in the first scenario already has provided a very coherent basement relief when compared to the known basin framework. This is significant information, when comparing the differences in the costs and environment impact related to gravimetric and seismic surveys and also the well drillings
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This work has as objective to demonstrate technical and economic viability of hydrogen production utilizing glycerol. The volume of this substance, which was initially produced by synthetic ways (from oil-derived products), has increased dramatically due mainly to biodiesel production through transesterification process which has glycerol as main residue. The surplus amount of glycerol has been generally utilized to feed poultry or as fuel in boilers, beyond other applications such as production of soaps, chemical products for food industry, explosives, and others. The difficulty to allocate this additional amount of glycerol has become it in an enormous environment problem, in contrary to the objective of biodiesel chain, which is to diminish environmental impact substituting oil and its derivatives, which release more emissions than biofuels, do not contribute to CO2-cycle and are not renewable sources. Beyond to utilize glycerol in combustion processes, this material could be utilized for hydrogen production. However, a small quantity of works (theoretical and experimental) and reports concerning this theme could be encountered. Firstly, the produced glycerol must be purified since non-reacted amounts of materials, inclusively catalysts, contribute to deactivate catalysts utilized in hydrogen production processes. The volume of non-reacted reactants and non-utilized catalysts during transesterification process could be reutilized. Various technologies of thermochemical generation of hydrogen that utilizes glycerol (and other fuels) were evaluated and the greatest performances and their conditions are encountered as soon as the most efficient technology of hydrogen production. Firstly, a physicochemical analysis must be performed. This step has as objective to evaluate the necessary amount of reactants to produce a determined volume of hydrogen and determine thermodynamic conditions (such as temperature and pressure) where the major performances of hydrogen production could be encountered. The calculations are based on the process where advance degrees are found and hence, fractions of products (especially hydrogen, however, CO2, CO, CH4 and solid carbon could be also encountered) are calculated. To produce 1 Nm3/h of gaseous hydrogen (necessary for a PEMFC - Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell - containing an electric efficiency of about 40%, to generate 1 kWh), 0,558 kg/h of glycerol is necessary in global steam reforming, 0,978 kg/h of glycerol in partial oxidation and cracking processes, and 0,782 kg/h of glycerol in autothermal reforming process. The dry reforming process could not be performed to produce hydrogen utilizing glycerol, in contrary to the utilization of methane, ethanol, and other hydrocarbons. In this study, steam reforming process was preferred due mainly to higher efficiencies of production and the need of minor amount of glycerol as cited above. In the global steam reforming of glycerine, for one mole of glycerol, three moles of water are necessary to produce three moles of CO2 and seven moles of H2. The response reactions process was utilized to predict steam reforming process more accurately. In this mean, the production of solid carbon, CO, and CH4, beyond CO2 and hydrogen was predicted. However, traces of acetaldehyde (C2H2), ethylene (C2H4), ethylene glycol, acetone, and others were encountered in some experimental studies. The rates of determined products obviously depend on the adopted catalysts (and its physical and chemical properties) and thermodynamic conditions of hydrogen production. Eight reactions of steam reforming and cracking were predicted considering only the determined products. In the case of steam reforming at 600°C, the advance degree of this reactor could attain its maximum value, i.e., overall volume of reactants could be obtained whether this reaction is maintained at 1 atm. As soon as temperature of this reaction increases the advance degree also increase, in contrary to the pressure, where advance degree decrease as soon as pressure increase. The fact of temperature of reforming is relatively small, lower costs of installation could be attained, especially cheaper thermocouples and smaller amount of thermo insulators and materials for its assembling. Utilizing the response reactions process in steam reforming, the predicted volumes of products, for the production of 1 Nm3/h of H2 and thermodynamic conditions as cited previously, were 0,264 kg/h of CO (13% of molar fraction of reaction products), 0,038 kg/h of CH4 (3% of molar fraction), 0,028 kg/h of C (3% of molar fraction), and 0,623 kg/h of CO2 (20% of molar fraction). Through process of water-gas shift reactions (WGSR) an additional amount of hydrogen could be produced utilizing mainly the volumes of produced CO and CH4. The overall results (steam reforming plus WGSR) could be similar to global steam reforming. An attention must to be taking into account due to the possibility to produce an additional amount of CH4 (through methanation process) and solid carbon (through Boudouard process). The production of solid carbon must to be avoided because this reactant diminishes (filling the pores) and even deactivate active area of catalysts. To avoid solid carbon production, an additional amount of water is suggested. This method could be also utilized to diminish the volume of CO (through WGSR process) since this product is prejudicial for the activity of low temperature fuel cells (such as PEMFC). In some works, more three or even six moles of water are suggested. A net energy balance of studied hydrogen production processes (at 1 atm only) was developed. In this balance, low heat value of reactant and products and utilized energy for the process (heat supply) were cited. In the case of steam reforming utilizing response reactions, global steam reforming, and cracking processes, the maximum net energy was detected at 700°C. Partial oxidation and autothermal reforming obtained negative net energy in all cited temperatures despite to be exothermic reactions. For global steam reforming, the major value was 114 kJ/h. In the case of steam reforming, the highest value of net energy was detected in this temperature (-170 kJ/h). The major values were detected in the cracking process (up to 2586 kJ/h). The exergetic analysis has as objective, associated with physicochemical analysis, to determine conditions where reactions could be performed at higher efficiencies with lower losses. This study was performed through calculations of exergetic and rational efficiencies, and irreversibilities. In this analysis, as in the previously performed physicochemical analysis, conditions such as temperature of 600°C and pressure of 1 atm for global steam reforming process were suggested due to lower irreversibility and higher efficiencies. Subsequently, higher irreversibilities and lower efficiencies were detected in autothermal reforming, partial oxidation and cracking process. Comparing global reaction of steam reforming with more-accurate steam reforming, it was verified that efficiencies were diminished and irreversibilities were increased. These results could be altered with introduction of WGSR process. An economic analysis could be performed to evaluate the cost of generated hydrogen and determine means to diminish the costs. This analysis suggests an annual period of operation between 5000-7000 hours, interest rates of up to 20% per annum (considering Brazilian conditions), and pay-back of up to 20 years. Another considerations must to be take into account such as tariffs of utilized glycerol and electricity (to be utilized as heat source and (or) for own process as pumps, lamps, valves, and other devices), installation (estimated as US$ 15.000 for a plant of 1 Nm3/h) and maintenance cost. The adoption of emission trading schemes such as carbon credits could be performed since this is a process with potential of mitigates environment impact. Not considering credit carbons, the minor cost of calculated H2 was 0,16288 US$/kWh if glycerol is also utilized as heat sources and 0,17677 US$/kWh if electricity is utilized as heat sources. The range of considered tariff of glycerol was 0-0,1 US$/kWh (taking as basis LHV of H2) and the tariff of electricity is US$ 0,0867 US$/kWh, with demand cost of 12,49 US$/kW. The costs of electricity were obtained by Companhia Bandeirante, localized in São Paulo State. The differences among costs of hydrogen production utilizing glycerol and electricity as heat source was in a range between 0,3-5,8%. This technology in this moment is not mature. However, it allows the employment generation with the additional utilization of glycerol, especially with plants associated with biodiesel plants. The produced hydrogen and electricity could be utilized in own process, increasing its final performance.
This study intends to evaluate the effects of landscape physical elements (rocks and relief) associated with silviculture activities. The study was carried out on a small farm (Fazenda Santa Edwirges) covered by Eucalyptus forested situated in the Paraiba do Sul Basin, Southeast Brazil. The methodology consisted of detailed geological and geomorphological studies at 1:10,000 scale, and laboratory analysis of soil physical properties. The results showed three geologic-geomorphologic associations (ridge escarpment with granitic rocks, steep and gentle hills cut by shear zones and gentle hill with alluvial sediments) present high vulnerability for the development of the physical processes such as accelerated erosion landslides and flooding. In contrast, mountains associated with gneissic rocks present smaller vulnerability and high resilience for the development of the physical processes. The results have showed the importance of considering the interactions among landscape physical for the eucalyptus forest management contributing to a better selection area for eucalyptus cultivation and minimize adverse environment impact in road design.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)