991 resultados para Envelhecimento humano


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Human aging is physiological process causes alterations in several systems of the organism. In the musculoskeletal system, a main change is the decreased muscle strength, that in the lower extremity, compromises the ability to respond quickly with enough strength to prevent falls, causing alterations in postural balance. Currently, many researchers have study the human frailty, defined as a multifactorial syndrome, with excess of vulnerability to stressors, reducing ability in maintaining or regulating homeostasis. Its characteristics are directly related to physical function. Aim: To analyze muscle performance and postural balance in frail and pre-frail elderly women, and to compare them according with the frailty phenotypes criteria proposed by Fried 2001. Method: 39 frail elderly women living in the community, aged 65 years and older, were assessed muscle performance of lower extremity using isokinetic dynamometer and postural balance using Berg s balance scale and computerized baropodometry. Results: There was significant difference in plantar flexor, knee flexor and knee extensor strength, in anteroposterior (AP) oscillation with eyes open and on Berg s scores between groups. A weak correlation was observed between strength and balance. Conclusion: The results suggest that the frail elderly present worse muscle performance in lower extremity and worse postural balance compared to the pre-frail elderly. There were correlations between muscle performance and balance impairments in these elderly, but several variables are also involved in maintaining postural balance


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The frailty in the elderly is characterized by decreased physiological reserves, and is associated with increased risk of disability and high vulnerability to morbidity and mortality. This study is part of a multicentric project on Frailty in Elderly Brazilians (REDE FIBRA). Aims: to investigate characteristics, prevalence and associated factors related to frailty. Metodology: We interviewed 391 elderly patients aged 65 years, selected randomly. Data collection was performed using a multidimensional questionnaire containing information about socio-demographic and clinical variables. To characterize the frail elderly, was considered the phenotype proposed by Fried. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, bivariate analysis (χ ²) and binary logistic regression. Results: The prevalence of frailty was 17.1%. In the final model of multivariate analysis, was obtained as factors associated with frailty: advanced chronological age (p <0.001), have comorbidity (p <0.035), show dependence on performing basic activities of daily living (p <0.010) and instrumental (p <0.003) and have poor perception of health status (p <0030). Conclusions: The factors associated with frailty suggest a predictive model helping to understand the syndrome, guiding actions that minimize adverse effects on the aging process


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The accumulation of somatic mutations in mtDNA is correlated with aging. In this work, we sought to identify somatic mutations in the HVS-1 region (D-loop) of mtDNA that might be associated with aging. For this, we compared 31 grandmothers (mean age: 63 ± 2.3 years) and their 62 grandchildren (mean age: 15 ± 4.1 years), the offspring of their daughters. Direct DNA sequencing showed that mutations absent in the grandchildren were detected in a presumably homoplasmic state in three grandmothers and in a heteroplasmic state in an additional 13 grandmothers; no mutations were detected in the remaining 15 grandmothers. However, cloning followed by DNA sequencing in 12 grandmothers confirmed homoplasia in only one of the three mutations previously considered to be homoplasmic and did not confirm heteroplasmy in three out of nine grandmothers found to be heteroplasmic by direct sequencing. Thus, of 12 grandmothers in whom mtDNA was analyzed by cloning, eight were heteroplasmic for mutations not detected in their grandchildren. In this study, the use of genetically related subjects allowed us to demonstrate the occurrence of age-related (> 60 years old) mutations (homoplasia and heteroplasmy). It is possible that both of these situations (homoplasia and heteroplasmy) were a long-term consequence of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation that can lead to the accumulation of mtDNA mutations throughout life.


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O presente trabalho descreve características da linguagem, em especial de alguns dos aspectos discursivos, de idosos com envelhecimento saudável, com declínio cognitivo senil, ou com doença de Alzheimer leve e moderada. Foram avaliados um total de 44 idosos sendo 22 saudáveis, 4 com declínio cognitivo senil, 9 com doença de Alzheimer leve e 9 com doença de Alzheimer moderada, classificados pelos critérios do CDR. Foram aplicados os testes neuropsicológicos do mini exame do estado mental, nomeação de Boston resumido, fluência verbal e narrativa por confronto visual (figura do roubo dos bolinhos). Foram estimados os desempenhos nos testes selecionados e aplicada a avaliação dos relatos pelos critérios propostos por Groves-Wright (2004) assim como foi feita a tipificação da narrativa. Tratamento estatístico paramétrico determinou os valores de média, erro-padrão e o nível de significância das diferenças entre as médias foi fixado para valores de p<0.05. Em seguida foi realizado inventário e análise do léxico e das categorias gramaticas das narrativas, e realizada análise paramétrica a partir dos escores Z, através do programa STABLEX. Encontrou-se que a fluência verbal semântica é melhor nos idosos saudáveis quando comparados aos com declínio cognitivo leve. As narrativas mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os idosos saudáveis e os com declínio cognitivo leve nas análises de frequência de uso do vocabulário e das categorias gramaticais como um todo, e também entre saudáveis e todos os demais grupos nas análises de cada uma das categorias gramaticais. A análise do vocabulário e das categorias gramaticais permitiu identificar comprometimentos da função narrativa medida pelo tipo de vocabulário e pelas categorias gramaticais preferidas ou rejeitadas. Os resultados contribuem para distinguir as características da narrativa de idosos saudáveis, daquelas de idosos com declínio cognitivo leve ou com Alzheimer leve ou moderado, apontando alterações que possivelmente são indicadores precoces que podem ser usados para avaliar o curso temporal da doença.


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Esta pesquisa objetivou verificar de que forma ocorre a resiliência dos idosos que fazem parte do serviço de convivência e fortalecimento de vínculos, serviço este que de acordo com a Política Nacional de Assistência Social prioriza um envelhecimento ativo, saudável e autônomo. A pesquisa foi realizada em um Centro de Referência de Assistência Social, na cidade de Santarém (Oeste do Pará), com duas idosas de 64 anos que participavam do grupo. Foi utilizada uma escala de resiliência para selecionar as duas participantes da pesquisa, estas preencheram um questionário sociodemográfico, em seguida foram entrevistadas. O método utilizado foi o da história oral. Os resultados mostraram que o Serviço de Convivência e Fortalecimento de Vínculos contribui com o desenvolvimento de fatores de proteção e que as idosas apresentaram em suas histórias de vida inúmeras situações em que os fatores de proteção contribuíram com a resiliência frente às adversidades. Quanto ao envelhecimento e suas adversidades, o grupo de idosos se apresenta como uma rede de apoio. Levando-se em conta o conceito de desenvolvimento utilizado neste estudo o life span, em que o ser humano pode desenvolver-se até os últimos dias da sua vida. Concluiu-se ainda que o idoso ao apresentar inúmeras adversidades, é afetado pelas mesmas, porém, pode ter um envelhecimento saudável através da resiliência, esta que pode ser desenvolvida e estimulada através dos fatores de proteção obtidos com os serviços do CRAS.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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INTRODUÇÃO:Com o aumento da população idosa, fica evidente a importância de compreender e explorar o processo de envelhecimento humano, o qual acarreta transformações morfológicas e funcionais.OBJETIVOS:Avaliar e comparar as inclinações anteroposterior e lateral do centro de gravidade por faixas etárias.MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal e exploratório. Fizeram parte da pesquisa 135 sujeitos, separados em faixas etárias: Grupo 1: 20-29 anos (n=26), Grupo 2: 30-39 anos (n=26), Grupo 3: 40-49 (n=25), Grupo 4: 50-59 anos (n=30) e Grupo 5: >60 anos (n=28). Esses sujeitos foram selecionados de acordo com o escore do Miniexame de Estado Mental e pela capacidade de permanecer em pé por, pelo menos, 90 segundos. As posturas foram avaliadas por meio do software de avaliação postural (SAPO). As comparações entre os valores de inclinações dados pelo SAPO foram feitas pelo teste de Mann-Whitney (comparação par-a-par), sendo aceito um valor de p<0,05 como significante.RESULTADOS:Na comparação da média da assimetria frontal entre as faixas etárias, observa-se maior lateralização com o avançar da idade, com valores significativos nos grupos 50-59 e >60 anos. Na comparação da média da assimetria sagital entre as faixas etárias, valores são significativos no grupo dos >60 anos.CONCLUSÕES:Após avaliar e comparar as assimetrias sagitais e frontais, pode-se apontar que na medida em que a idade avança, há tendência ao aumento de suas projeções anteriores e laterais comparadas ao centro de gravidade.


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The life expectancy increase has been augmenting studies on human aging. Among these studies are those that address the interaction between the elderly and the information and communication technologies, which may facilitate the execution of daily activities by elderly people. Therefore, the goal of this article was to investigate the application of constructivist elements in computer courses offered to Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade – UNATI – UNESP – Campus of Marília, contributing to the digital inclusion of this community. The constructivist elements focused on the role of the teacher as a mediator in the teaching-learning process. It was found that most of these elements are already being applied in this universe, but some changes need to be undertaken in order to expand the opportunities for education and to allow students to have more autonomy for information seeking and use in the web environment.


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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) accounts for approximately 56% of all cases of dementia. The present study aimed to report the perception of AD by students of Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy from Faculty of Philosophy and Science “Julio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP – Marília, with regard to the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment, between 2011 and 2012. The questionnaire with open and closed questions was administered to 101 students, using as a criterion for exclusion those who refused to answer the survey and / or not signed the informed consent form. After the questionnaire application, the answers have undergone quantitative analysis, checking which information and concepts about Alzheimer’s disease these students acquired during the undergraduate years. The data shows that although students have knowledge about the signs and symptoms of the disease, few mention the importance of family, the caregiver and the relationship of the disease with dependence that commonly reaches this population.


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The influence of emotional condition on quality of life during the aging process is a theme that stands out in the context of research, since the psychosocial skills of the elderly are vulnerable to changes in structure, function body and the environment. Given this, aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a programming expressive activities in controlling depressive symptoms manifested by institutionalized elderly. Participants were 7 people in a geriatric institution with symptoms suggestive of depression and it was used to evaluate the GSD-15, which was applied at the beginning and end of treatment planning. The intervention was applied for four months, making up two weekly sessions of 75 minutes. Of the total of 5 seniors with probability of depression in the pretest, 3 reached the normal range for depression at post-test, recommending the continuation of the study to a larger sample and greater consistency of results about the effects of activities expressive about depressive symptoms manifested by older people.


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This case study objectified investigating the symptomatology prevalence for depression (DP) and cognitive decline (CD) on institutionalized elderly’s; verifying the existence of correlations between DP and CD with age, gender and scholarity; and analyzing the possible correlations between symptomatology for DP and CD. For the realization of this research were selected, in two Elderly’s Long-Permanence Institutions (ELPIs), 24 subjects, which were classified according to gender, scholarity and age group. To verify the occurrence of CD, the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) was applied and, for the incidence of DP, the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) was applied. The data were tabulated and descriptively analyzed. For the study of the relations between quantitative variables, the Pearson correlation test was utilized and also the Spearmann test when necessary; for the comparison between two independent groups, the Student's t-test was utilized; for the verification of the association between gender, scholarity, DP and CD indicatives, the Pearson's X2 test and, due to theoretical restriction, the Fisher's exact test were utilized. The level of 5% probability was adopted for the rejection of nullity's hypothesis on all the tests. The research demonstrated that 50% of the research' subjects presented DP indicatives and 54.2% presented CD indicatives. Associations between: gender and DP (p = 0.414), gender and CD (p = 0.219), scholarity and CD (p = 0.527) were not observed. Positive regular correlation was verified between age and DP (r = 0.557; p = 0.005) and negative regular correlation was verified between DP and CD (r = -0.406; p = 0.049). The data suggest that DP might be a reaction to CD perceived by the subject. However, the hypothesis that indicates DP as a risk factor for CD and DM cannot be overruled, which suggests the importance of monitoring and treating depressive episodes on elderly populations.


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With aging, naturally occurs the decline of several functions. The depression (DP), pointed to be a risk factor for cognitive decline (DC), is frequent amongst elders. Activities aimed at cognitive rehabilitation (RC) can be protective for DP and DC. Objectives: Analyze the association between DC and DP on institutionalized elders (IDI) and non-institutionalized elders (IDNI) and verify the protective function (regarding DP and DC) of RC activities. Design and Method: For the analysis were selected 48 elders, from both genders, from where 24 were institutionalized and 24 were not. The subjects were distributed in four subgroups: 1) IDI participating RC (n=12); 2) non participant IDI on RC (n=12); 3) IDNI participating UNATI (“Open College for the Elderly”) and attendees of Memory Workshop (MW) (n=12) and; 4) IDNI participating UNATI, not attending MW (n=12). The data were gathered from the instruments: Mini Mental State Exam (MEEM) to determine the degree of DC and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) to verify the symptomatology of DP. Results: From the general sample, 8,3% of the subjects presented indicatives of DC and 52,1% traces of DP. Lesser educated elders showed more incidence of DC and DP. There was no meaningful related to the DC prevalence and DP related to gender. Among the IDI there were more incidence of DC and DP than the IDNI. There were no meaningful differences in terms of scores acquired by MEEM and BDI for the subjects participating and not participating RC activities or MW. Conclusion: Therefore, it is necessary the development and application of curative and preventive strategies for depressive disorder. Special attention must be given for INI, more vulnerable to DP and DC.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS