56 resultados para Enron


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Recent years have seen intense scrutiny focused on the reported ethical breaches of enterprises across the globe. At the forefront of the accompanying criticism are the actions of giant American firms such as WorldCom, Arthur Anderson, and Enron. However, such deviations from acceptable standards of conduct have not been confined to the American market. Australia endured its era of “corporate excess” in the 1980s [Milton-Smith, 1997]. As a result, a spate of ethics-based research was undertaken in the early 1990s. More recently, China has been identified as a major venue for behavior deemed to be unacceptable, even unsafe. Issues such as counterfeit fashion items, software, and automobile parts have been a concern for several years [Gonzalez, 2007]. Perhaps more disconcerting are the recent recalls of children’s products, many of which were produced for leading toy companies such as Mattel and Fisher-Price, because of the use of dangerous lead-based paint. As one might anticipate, news reports and consumer protection agencies have been quick to condemn any action that falls within the “controversial” category. Indeed, many segments of society characterize such actions as unethical behavior. One result of this increased level of concern is the higher level of attention given to ethics in higher education programs. Even accreditation bodies such as AACSB have virtually mandated the integration of ethics into the curriculum. As a consequence, academicians have ramped up their ethics-based research agendas.


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Following the collapse across the last decade of a number of large organizations such as Enron in the USA and several domestic organizations including Ansett Airlines, HIH Insurance and One.Tel, much discussion has ensued about the need to secure employee entitlements. However, tangible improvements in this area are elusive. Good corporate governance policies would suggest that deferred obligations as well as current debts should not be neglected and that appropriate arrangements be put in place to adequately fund employee entitlements. In this paper we consider recent Australian attempts to introduce better governance of employee entitlements.


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Confucius was and still is one of the most eminent Chinese philosophers. Such is the importance of Confucius’s teachings; it had influenced all aspects of social life in Chinese societies. In the post-Enron, post-Worldcom, and post-Global Financial Crisis era there are raising doubts in the mantra of the so-called conventional wisdom about law and economic order. Whilst many recent publications offered solutions to those problems like advocating for more laws, rules or reforms in regulatory institutions to enhance the regulation of corporate governance. What Confucius advocated was a non-legal, social mode of regulation based on moral ideals that should be embedded into the minds of every person. Whilst this is an ancient concept from primitive societies, its relevance and merits could be seen in modern Chinese societies like Hong Kong. In essence, Confucian principles of governance build on relational and paternalistic order based on moral ideals.


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Individual and/or co-offenders fraudulent activities can have a devastating effect on a company’s reputation and credibility. Enron, Xerox, WorldCom, HIH Insurance and One.Tel are examples where stakeholders incurred substantial financial losses as a result of fraud and led to a loss of confidence in corporate dealings by the public in general. There are numerous theoretical approaches that attempt to explain how and why fraudulent acts occur, drawing on the fields of sociology, organisational, management and economic literature, but there is limited empirical evidence published in accounting literature. This qualitative inductive study analyses perceptions and experiences of forensic accountants to gain insights into individual fraud and co-offending in order to determine whether the conceptual framework developed from literature accurately depicts the causes of fraud committed by individuals and groups in the twenty-first century. Findings from the study both support and extend the conceptual framework, demonstrating that strain and anomie can result in fraud, that deviant sub-groups recruit and coerce members by providing relief from strain, and that inadequate corporate governance mechanisms both contribute to fraud occurring, and provide the opportunity for fraudulent activities to be executed and often remain undetected. Additional factors emerging from this study (the ‘technoconomy’, addiction and IT measures) were also identified as contributors to fraud, particularly relevant to the twenty-first century, and consequently, a refined conceptual framework is presented in the discussion and conclusion to the paper.


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Gaur egun burtsan bizi garen egoera dela eta berba asko egiten hari empresa munduko, politikari eta kaleko jendeen artean. Enron-en kasua bezalako enpresa anitz agertu izan dira eta akziodunen konfidantza merkatuekiko zeharo kutsatua dagoela esan dezakegu. Dudarik gabe enpresa hauen porrota astindu ederra eman dio burtsari. Hau dela eta mugimendu inportanteak eman dira arazo honi aurre egiteko, hauen artean aipagarria da Estatu Batuetako presidenteak (2002-3-8) aurkeztu zuen plana.


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Las últimas Resoluciones del ICAC que regulan los requisitos de los programas de formación teórica exigidos para el acceso al ROAC, han generado incertidumbre entre aquéllos que habiéndolos cursado o habiendo sido dispensados de la primera fase del examen por alguna de las dos convocatorias anteriores, ahora se les exige conocimientos adicionales a cursar y examinar en próximas convocatorias del ROAC. Los escándalos financieros y los fraudes continuos (comenzaron con Enron-2000) no ayudan ni facilitan a la recuperación de la credibilidad y confianza que debe proporcionar la Auditoría de Cuentas. Por ello las Autoridades europeas exigen mayor formación y más controles que salvaguarden la calidad auditora. Asimismo, las Universidades han sufrido grandes reformas en las titulaciones y planes de estudio (adaptarse a los vectores de Bolonia) que han supuesto modificaciones de los programas formativos homologados por el ICAC. En este trabajo pretendemos analizar los requisitos que los futuros auditores deberán cumplir en relación a la formación teórica ante las nuevas exigencias del ICAC.


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Este trabajo analiza el fraude empresarial desde una perspectiva internacional. En los últimos años, ha estado muy presente en casos como el de Enron, WorldCom, Royal Ahold o PARMALAT, en los que se ven afectados la propia empresa, los trabajadores, el gobierno y, especialmente, los inversores, con pérdidas que pueden alcanzar millones de dólares. El fraude también afecta a la imagen de las empresas y en la motivación de los trabajadores, y además a menudo es causa de denuncias y penas de prisión. En función del tamaño de la empresa y del sector, la frecuencia con la que se cometen los actos fraudulentos y las pérdidas causadas varían. Asimismo, estos fraudes afectan a todas las regiones del mundo, aunque de manera desigual. Pero es en aquellas regiones más desarrolladas donde se le presta más atención al tema, y donde se han tomado numerosas medidas para intentar impedir estos actos ilícitos. Algunas de las más importantes son las propuestas por las Naciones Unidas: El Pacto Mundial y la Convención contra la Corrupción. También cabe destacar la Oficina Europea de Lucha Contra el Fraude, a nivel europeo, o la Foreign Corrupt Practices Act y la Ley Sarbanes-Oxley, en Estados Unidos. A pesar de estas medidas, en los últimos años el nivel de fraude ha aumentado.


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Casos de fraudes têm ocorrido, freqüentemente, no mercado mundial. Diversos são os profissionais envolvidos nestes casos, inclusive os da classe contábil. Os escândalos contábeis, especialmente os mais famosos, como os incididos nas empresas Enron e WordCom, acenderam para uma maior preocupação em relação à conduta ética dos profissionais de contabilidade. Como conseqüência, há uma maior exigência quanto à transparência e a fidedignidade das informações prestadas por estes profissionais. Esta preocupação visa, primordialmente, manter a confiança de empresas, investidores, fornecedores e da sociedade, dentre outras, na responsabilidade ética do contador, denegrida pelo envolvimento nas fraudes detectadas. Desta forma, o presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar a conduta ética dos contadores e técnicos em contabilidade quando, no exercício de suas atividades profissionais, se depararem com questões relacionadas a fraudes. Para tal, são considerados alguns fatores que podem tanto vir a influenciar o processo decisório ético de um indivíduo, demonstrados através do Modelo de tomada de decisão, desenvolvido por Alves, quanto motivar um indivíduo a cometer um ato fraudulento, evidenciados através do Modelo denominado Triângulo da Fraude, desenvolvido por Cressey. Buscando responder a questão norteadora desta pesquisa, executou-se a análise descritiva e estatística dos dados, com a utilização de técnicas não-paramétricas. Para a análise descritiva dos dados foram elaboradas as tabelas de freqüências e calculadas as medidas de posição e dispersão, através do cálculo dos valores da média, moda, mediana e desvio padrão, quando aplicáveis. Em relação à análise estatística dos dados, foram utilizados os testes não-paramétricos de Spearman e a Regressão logística Multivariada. Os resultados demonstraram que a maioria dos profissionais de contabilidade, da amostra pesquisada, reconhece a questão moral inserida nos cenários, discorda dos atos dos agentes de cada cenário e, ainda, classifica esses atos como graves ou muito graves. Entretanto, verificou-se que esses profissionais de contabilidade tendem a ter um posicionamento mais voltado para a teoria teleológica, uma vez que a intenção de agir é influenciada por alguns fatores, como a oportunidade, a racionalização e, principalmente, a pressão. Alguns fatores individuais também apresentaram influência sob o posicionamento ético dos profissionais entrevistados nesta pesquisa.


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This paper describes a methodology for detecting anomalies from sequentially observed and potentially noisy data. The proposed approach consists of two main elements: 1) filtering, or assigning a belief or likelihood to each successive measurement based upon our ability to predict it from previous noisy observations and 2) hedging, or flagging potential anomalies by comparing the current belief against a time-varying and data-adaptive threshold. The threshold is adjusted based on the available feedback from an end user. Our algorithms, which combine universal prediction with recent work on online convex programming, do not require computing posterior distributions given all current observations and involve simple primal-dual parameter updates. At the heart of the proposed approach lie exponential-family models which can be used in a wide variety of contexts and applications, and which yield methods that achieve sublinear per-round regret against both static and slowly varying product distributions with marginals drawn from the same exponential family. Moreover, the regret against static distributions coincides with the minimax value of the corresponding online strongly convex game. We also prove bounds on the number of mistakes made during the hedging step relative to the best offline choice of the threshold with access to all estimated beliefs and feedback signals. We validate the theory on synthetic data drawn from a time-varying distribution over binary vectors of high dimensionality, as well as on the Enron email dataset. © 1963-2012 IEEE.


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Real-world graphs or networks tend to exhibit a well-known set of properties, such as heavy-tailed degree distributions, clustering and community formation. Much effort has been directed into creating realistic and tractable models for unlabelled graphs, which has yielded insights into graph structure and evolution. Recently, attention has moved to creating models for labelled graphs: many real-world graphs are labelled with both discrete and numeric attributes. In this paper, we present AGWAN (Attribute Graphs: Weighted and Numeric), a generative model for random graphs with discrete labels and weighted edges. The model is easily generalised to edges labelled with an arbitrary number of numeric attributes. We include algorithms for fitting the parameters of the AGWAN model to real-world graphs and for generating random graphs from the model. Using the Enron “who communicates with whom” social graph, we compare our approach to state-of-the-art random labelled graph generators and draw conclusions about the contribution of discrete vertex labels and edge weights to the structure of real-world graphs.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2012


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Providing key guidance on the process of securitisation, this comprehensive title explains in detail exactly what practitioners need to know. Featuring the most up-to-date commentary, Securitisation Law and Practice cuts through this complicated process using practical aids such as flow charts and checklists. The book also contains discussion on the latest case law (including case studies) and critical legal issues. The book also features: (1) Analysis of the recent securities regulations regarding asset-backed securities disclosures in the US and EU, providing an understanding of the differences in regulatory reporting requirements between jurisdictions. (2) Discussion of the various types of asset-backed structures that have been created over the last 30 years. (3) Analysis of the major legal decisions in the US and EU regarding securitisation transactions, including such cases as Enron, Parmalat and the recent sub-prime problem.


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Is family business corrupt? Since the Enron and WorldCom cases, there has been a growing interest in corruption in the corporate world. A large number of studies having demonstrated that Family Businesses (FB) are the most important forms of organization in the business world, it seemed logical to look at the relationship between FB and corruption. FB being supposed to be concerned by human relationships and to focus on the long term, they should not be concerned by these questions. Nevertheless, the literature underlines that FB could be organizations able to corrupt the political system. Besides, FB could have organizational characteristics that would make it prone to be related to corruption cases.


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Este trabajo de investigación explora el proceso de toma de decisiones fundamentado desde la perspectiva psicológica. El campo de interés está centrado en la toma de decisiones éticas a nivel organizacional y las consecuencias que las zonas grises o las conductas de riesgo repercuten en las dinámicas económicas y sociales. Con base en el análisis de los escándalos financieros más importantes de Europa, Estados Unidos y Colombia, y la literatura ofrecida por las ciencias sociales, la ética y las ciencias económicas se reconstruye una recopilación teórica de los aportes que los modelos psicológicos aplicados pueden dar al campo de la consultoría y el funcionamiento organizacional como también al estudio y análisis de los comportamientos anti éticos en empresas.