192 resultados para Engraulis encrasicolus


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Tra le più importanti risorse alieutiche di molte regioni del Mar Mediterraneo vi sonole acciughe (Engraulisencrasicolus, Linnaeus, 1758), piccoli pesci pelagici appartenenti alle famiglie degli Engraulidae. Dati IREPA del 2009, hanno di fatto reso noto che in Italia, la pesca di E. encrasicolusha rappresentano in media il 26% circa del pescato totale. Questa specie viene continuamente monitorata e grazie a tali programmi è stato evidenziato che vi sono delle fluttuazioni inter-annuali molto pronunciate (Cergoleet al., 2002; Cingolani, 2004), le cui cause possono essere molteplici, da fattori antropicicome l’elevato sforzo di pesca a fattori naturali (Borjia et al., 1996). Va però posta molta attenzione sulle dinamiche biologiche ed ambientali che influiscono sulla sopravvivenza dei primi stadi di vita di questa specie, che ricadendo sul successivo reclutamento, possono essere una delle cause fondamentali delle contrazioni e degli incrementi annuali dello stock adulto (Thikonova et al., 2000; James et al., 2003; Cuttitta et al., 2003, 2006).Lo studio delle fasi ittioplanctoniche e delle sue relazioni con l’ambiente e gli altri organismi, risulta quindi di primaria importanza nell’ambito delle conoscenze necessarie per il corretto sfruttamento delle risorse alieutiche.


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The study of ichthyio-plankton stages and its relations with the environment and other organisms is therefore crucial for a correct use of fishery resources. In this context, the extraction and the analysis of the content of the digestive tract, is a key method for the identification of the diet in early larval stages, the determination of the resources they rely on and possibly a comparison with the diet of other species. Additionally this approach could be useful in determination on occurrence of species competition. This technique is preceded by the analysis of morphometric data (Blackith & Reyment, 1971; Marcus, 1990), that is the acquisition of quantitative variables measured from the morphology of the object of study. They are linear distances, count, angles and ratios. The subsequent application of multivariate statistical methods, aims to quantify the changes in morphological measures between and within groups, relating them to the type and size of prey and evaluate if some changes appear in food choices along the larvae growth.


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With the constant rising of the human population, it is essential to assess and manage the exploitation of the marine species for human consumption such as the anchovy of Bay of Biscay. Thanks to the PELGAS annual surveys, stocks of each species are estimated (biomass, repartition) and studies are undertaken to improve our knowledge about these species. Allozymic studies realized on the anchovy allowed to find a correlation between 2 alleles of the locus IDH and the habitat (depth). This allozyme has a key role in Krebs’ cycle,being speed limiting.. It enables to tolerate variations of temperature and dissolved oxygen. It would be interesting to do new research on variations in the anchovy’s environment and its migrations.


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Validation of the age determination procedure using otoliths of European anchovy in the Bay of Biscay was achieved by monitoring very strong year-classes in successive spring catches and surveys, as well as the seasonal occurrence of edge types. Historical corroboration of the ageing method was obtained by cross-correlation between successive age groups by year-classes in catches and surveys (1987–2013). Summary annual growth in length is also presented. Yearly annuli consist of a hyaline zone (either single or composite) and a wide opaque zone, disrupted occasionally by some typical checks (mainly at age-0 and age-1 at peak spawning time). Age determination, given a date of capture, requires knowledge of the typical annual growth pattern of otoliths, their seasonal edge formation by ages and the most typical checks. Most opaque growth occurs in summer and is minimal (translucent) in winter. Opaque zone formation begins earlier in younger fish (in spring), and this helps distinguish age-1 from age-2+.


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Dietary studies of marine species constitute an important key to improve the understanding of its biology and of its role in the ecosystem. Thus, prey-predator relationships structure and determine population dynamics and the trophic network at the ecosystem scale. Among the major study sites, the marine ecosystem is submitted to natural and anthropogenic constraints. In the North-Eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, the Bay of Biscay is a large open area surrounded South by Spain and East by France. This bay is an historic place of intense fishery activities for which the main small pelagic species targeted are the pilchard, Sardina pilchardus and the anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus. The aim of this work is to analyze the trophic ecology of these two small pelagic fish in spring in the Bay of Biscay. To do this, a first section is devoted to their prey composed by the mesozooplanktonic compartment, through a two-fold approach: the characterization of their spatio-temporal dynamics during the decade 2003-2013 and the measurement of their energetic content in spring. For this season, it appears that all prey types are not worth energetically and that the Bay of Biscay represents a mosaic of dietary habitat. Moreover, the spring mesozooplankton community presents a strong spatial structuration, a temporal evolution marked by a major change in abundance and a control by the microphytoplankton biomass. The second section of this work is relative to a methodological approach of the trophic ecology of S. pilchardus and E. encrasicolus. Three different trophic tracers have been used: isotopic ratios of carbon and nitrogen, parasitological fauna and mercury contamination levels. To improve the use of the first of these trophic tracers, an experimental approach has been conducted with S. pilchardus to determine a trophic discrimination factor. Finally, it appears that the use of these three trophic tracers has always been permitted to highlight a temporal variability of the relative trophic ecology of these fish. However, no spatial dynamics could be identified through these three trophic tracers.


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Fatty acid composition of fish changes according to season, the catching area, the size, the sexuality, the physiological condition and the quantity of fat. The fatty acid composition was evaluated according to size and the catching season of anchovies Engraulis encrasicolus (L. 1758). It was observed that polyunsaturated fatty acids increasmed to highest level and saturated fatty acids decreased to lowest level in March. On the other hand, in April, it was observed that the saturated fatty acids increased to its highest level, monounsaturated fatty acids decreased to its lowest level.


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We synthesise and update results from the suite of biophysical, larval-dispersal models developed in the Benguela Current ecosystem. Biophysical models of larval dispersal use outputs of physical hydrodynamic models as inputs to individual-based models in which biological processes acting during the larval life are included. In the Benguela, such models were first applied to simulate the dispersal of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and sardine Sardinops sagax ichthyoplankton, and more recently of the early life stages of chokka-squid Loligo reynaudii and Cape hakes Merluccius spp. We identify how the models have helped advance understanding of key processes for these species. We then discuss which aspects of the early life of marine species in the Benguela Current ecosystem are still not well understood and could benefit from new modelling studies.


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European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) are southern, warm water species that prefer temperatures warmer than those found in boreal waters. After about 40 years of absence, they were again observed in the 1990s in increasing quantities in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Whereas global warming probably played a role in these northward migrations, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and the contraction of the subpolar gyre were important influences. Sardine re-invaded the North Sea around 1990, probably mainly as a response to warmer temperatures associated with the strengthening of the NAO in the late 1980s. However, increasing numbers of anchovy eggs, larvae, juveniles and adults have been recorded only since the mid-1990s, when, particularly, summer temperatures started to increase. This is probably a result of the complex dynamics of ocean–atmosphere coupling involving changes in North Atlantic current structures, such as the contraction of the subpolar gyre, and dynamics of AMO. Apparently, climate variability drives anchovies and sardines into the North and Baltic Seas. Here, we elucidate the climatic background of the return of anchovies and sardines to the northern European shelf seas and the changes in the North Sea fish community in the mid-1990s in response to climate variability.


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This paper establishes the spawning habitat of the Brazilian sardine Sardinella brasiliensis and investigates the spatial variability of egg density and its relation with oceanographic conditions in the shelf of the south-east Brazil Bight (SBB). The spawning habitats of S. brasiliensis have been defined in terms of spatial models of egg density, temperature-salinity plots, quotient (Q) analysis and remote sensing data. Quotient curves (Q(C)) were constructed using the geographic distribution of egg density, temperature and salinity from samples collected during nine survey cruises between 1976 and 1993. The interannual sea surface temperature (SST) variability was determined using principal component analysis on the SST anomalies (SSTA) estimated from remote sensing data over the period between 1985 and 2007. The spatial pattern of egg occurrences in the SBB indicated that the largest concentration occurred between Paranagua and Sao Sebastiao. Spawning habitat expanded and contracted during the years, fluctuating around Paranagua. In January 1978 and January 1993, eggs were found nearly everywhere along the inner shelf of the SBB, while in January 1988 and 1991 spawning had contracted to their southernmost position. The SSTA maps for the spawning periods showed that in the case of habitat expansion (1993 only) anomalies over the SBB were zero or slightly negative, whereas for the contraction period anomalies were all positive. Sardinella brasiliensis is capable of exploring suitable spawning sites provided by the entrainment of the colder and less-saline South Atlantic Central Water onto the shelf by means of both coastal wind-driven (to the north-east of the SBB) and meander-induced (to the south-west of the SBB) upwelling.


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We provide a detailed account of the spatial structure of the Brazilian sardine (Sardinella brasiliensis) spawning and nursery habitats, using ichthyoplankton data from nine surveys (1976-1993) covering the Southeastern Brazilian Bight (SBB). The spatial variability of sardine eggs and larvae was partitioned into predefined spatial-scale classes (broad scale, 200-500 km; medium scale, 50-100 km; and local scale, <50 km). The relationship between density distributions at both developmental stages and environmental descriptors (temperature and salinity) was also explored within these spatial scales. Spatial distributions of sardine eggs were mostly structured on medium and local scales, while larvae were characterized by broad-and medium-scale distributions. Broad-and medium-scale surface temperatures were positively correlated with sardine densities, for both developmental stages. Correlations with salinity were predominantly negative and concentrated on a medium scale. Broad-scale structuring might be explained by mesoscale processes, such as pulsing upwelling events and Brazil Current meandering at the northern portion of the SBB, while medium-scale relationships may be associated with local estuarine outflows. The results indicate that processes favouring vertical stability might regulate the spatial extensions of suitable spawning and nursery habitats for the Brazilian sardine.


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Máster en Gestión Sostenible de Recursos Pesqueros


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The PELMED-ECOPEL dataset contains mesozooplankton data collected in 1995-1996 in the Gulf of Lion (North Western Mediterranean Sea) between 43°35' N, 2°50' E and 42°15' N, 6°15' E. Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column.