977 resultados para Energy-responsive Design


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Over many centuries of settlement, Vietnamese inhabitants have developed a vernacular architecture that is well adapted to the region’s climatic and topographical conditions. Vernacular Vietnamese housing uses natural systems to create a built environment that integrates well with nature. The vernacular combines site-sensitive, passive solar design, natural materials and appropriate structure to achieve harmony among nature, humans and the built environment. Unfortunately, these unique features have not been applied in contemporary Vietnamese architecture, which displays energy-intensive materials and built forms. This research is analysing how environmentally-responsive elements of vernacular architecture could be applied to modern sustainable housing in Vietnam. Elements of many types of vernacular architecture throughout the country are reviewed as precedents for future building planning and design. The paper also looks at culturally and ecologically appropriate legislative and voluntary options for encouraging more sustainable housing.


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QUT's Centre for Subtropical Design (CSD) partnered with a major developer to bring together some of Brisbane’s most experienced and creative architects and designers in a two-day intensive design charrette to propose innovative design strategies for naturally-ventilated high rise residential buildings. An inner-urban renewal site in Queensland’s capital city Brisbane gave four multi-disciplinary teams the opportunity to address a raft of issues that developers and consultants will confront more and more in the future in warm humid climates. The quest to release apartment dwellers from dependence on energy-hungry air-conditioning and artificial lighting was central to the design brief for the towers. Mentored by Richard Hassell of WOHA, the creative teams focussed on climate-responsive design principles for passive climate control including orientation, cross-ventilation and outdoor living in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and offset occupants’ rising energy costs. This article discusses how outcomes of the charrette take their cue from the city’s subtropical climate and demonstrate how high-density high-rise living can be attractive, affordable and sustainable through positive engagement with the subtropical climate’s natural attributes.


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We no longer have the luxury of time as the effects of climate change are being felt, according to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, on every continent and in every ocean. More than 50% of the population of the United States and 85% of Australians live in coastal regions. The number of people living in the world’s coastal regions is expected to increase along with the need to improve capacity to mitigate hazards , and manage the multiple risks that have been identified by the scientific community. Under the auspices of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) design academics and practitioners from the Americas, Asia, and Australia met in Fort Lauderdale, Florida for the fourth Subtropical Cities international conference to share outcomes of research and new pedagogies to address the critical transformation of the physical environments and infrastructures of the world’s vulnerable coastal communities. The theme of Subtropical Cities, adopted by the ACSA for its Fall 2014 Conference, is not confined entirely to a latitudinal or climatic frame of reference. The paper and project presentations addressed a range of theoretical, practice-led, and education-oriented research topics in architecture and urban design related to the subtropics, with emphasis on urban and coastal regions. More than half the papers originate from universities and practices in coastal regions. Threads emerged from a tapestry of localized investigations to reveal a more global understanding about possible futures we are designing for current and future generations. The one hundred-plus conference delegates and presenters represented 33 universities and institutions from across the United States, Mexico, Canada, Australia, the Middle East, Peru and China. Case studies from India, Morocco, Tahiti, Indonesia, Jordan, and Cambodia were also presented, expanding the global knowledge base. Co-authored submissions presented new directions for architecture and design, with a resounding theme of collaboration across diverse disciplines. The ability to deal with abstraction and complexity, and the capacity to develop synthesis and frameworks for defining problem boundaries can be considered key attributes of architectural thinking. Such a unique set of abilities can forge collaboration with different professional disciplines to achieve extraordinary outcomes. As the broad range of papers presented at this conference suggest, existing architectural and urban typologies and practices are increasingly considered part of the cause and not the solution to adapting to climate change and sea level rise. Design responses and the actions needed to generate new and unfamiliar forms of urbanism and infrastructure for defense, adaptation, and retreat in subtropical urban regions are being actively explored in academic design studios and research projects around the world. Many presentations propose provocative and experimental strategies as global climate moves beyond our “comfort zone”. The ideas presented at the Subtropical Cities conference are timely as options for low-energy passive climatic design are becoming increasingly limited in the context of changing climate. At the same time, ways of reducing or obsoleting energy intensive mechanical systems in densely populated urban centres present additional challenges for designers and communities as a whole. The conference was marked by a common theme of trans-disciplinary research, where design integration with emerging technologies resonate with a reaffirmation of the centrality of design thinking, expanding the scope of the traditional architecture studio pedagogy to integrate knowledge from other disciplines and the participation of diverse communities.


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This paper proposes a hybrid solar cooking system where the solar energy is transported to the kitchen. The thermal energy source is used to supplement the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) that is in common use in kitchens. Solar energy is transferred to the kitchen by means of a circulating fluid. Energy collected from sun is maximized by changing the flow rate dynamically. This paper proposes a concept of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) for the solar thermal collector. The diameter of the pipe is selected to optimize the overall energy transfer. Design and sizing of different components of the system are explained. Concept of MPPT is validated with simulation and experimental results. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we present a unique cross-layer design framework that allows systematic exploration of the energy-delay-quality trade-offs at the algorithm, architecture and circuit level of design abstraction for each block of a system. In addition, taking into consideration the interactions between different sub-blocks of a system, it identifies the design solutions that can ensure the least energy at the "right amount of quality" for each sub-block/system under user quality/delay constraints. This is achieved by deriving sensitivity based design criteria, the balancing of which form the quantitative relations that can be used early in the system design process to evaluate the energy efficiency of various design options. The proposed framework when applied to the exploration of energy-quality design space of the main blocks of a digital camera and a wireless receiver, achieves 58% and 33% energy savings under 41% and 20% error increase, respectively. © 2010 ACM.


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The era of legislation and creditable methods towards producing sustainable buildings is upon us. Yet, a major barrier to achieving environmental responsive design is in the lack of available information at the programming or pre-design phases of a project. The review and evaluation of climate as well as energy-efficient strategies could be difficult to consider at these preliminary stages. Until recently, introducing energy simulation tools at the design stage has been difficult and perhaps next to impossible at a pre-design or programming stage. However, analysis of this sort is essential to ‘green building rating’ or performance assessment schemes such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environment Assessment Method). This paper discusses the implementation of a particular tool, ENERGY-10, where ‘basecase’ building defaults are compared to a low-energy case which has applied multiple energy-efficient strategies automatically. An annual hour-by-hour simulation provides a daylighting calculation with a subsequent thermal evaluation. Calculation results provide energy consumption, peak load equipment sizing, a RANK feature of the energy-efficient strategies, reporting of CO2, SO2 and NOx reduction, optimum glazing type as well as excellent graphic output. Consideration is given as to the approach of how such information can be introduced into the building project brief enforcing a low-energy
performance target.


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Piezoelectric materials can be used to convert oscillatory mechanical energy into electrical energy. Energy harvesting devices are designed to capture the ambient energy surrounding the electronics and convert it into usable electrical energy. The design of energy harvesting devices is not obvious, requiring optimization procedures. This paper investigates the influence of pattern gradation using topology optimization on the design of piezocomposite energy harvesting devices based on bending behavior. The objective function consists of maximizing the electric power generated in a load resistor. A projection scheme is employed to compute the element densities from design variables and control the length scale of the material density. Examples of two-dimensional piezocomposite energy harvesting devices are presented and discussed using the proposed method. The numerical results illustrate that pattern gradation constraints help to increase the electric power generated in a load resistor and guides the problem toward a more stable solution. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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La fiabilidad está pasando a ser el principal problema de los circuitos integrados según la tecnología desciende por debajo de los 22nm. Pequeñas imperfecciones en la fabricación de los dispositivos dan lugar ahora a importantes diferencias aleatorias en sus características eléctricas, que han de ser tenidas en cuenta durante la fase de diseño. Los nuevos procesos y materiales requeridos para la fabricación de dispositivos de dimensiones tan reducidas están dando lugar a diferentes efectos que resultan finalmente en un incremento del consumo estático, o una mayor vulnerabilidad frente a radiación. Las memorias SRAM son ya la parte más vulnerable de un sistema electrónico, no solo por representar más de la mitad del área de los SoCs y microprocesadores actuales, sino también porque las variaciones de proceso les afectan de forma crítica, donde el fallo de una única célula afecta a la memoria entera. Esta tesis aborda los diferentes retos que presenta el diseño de memorias SRAM en las tecnologías más pequeñas. En un escenario de aumento de la variabilidad, se consideran problemas como el consumo de energía, el diseño teniendo en cuenta efectos de la tecnología a bajo nivel o el endurecimiento frente a radiación. En primer lugar, dado el aumento de la variabilidad de los dispositivos pertenecientes a los nodos tecnológicos más pequeños, así como a la aparición de nuevas fuentes de variabilidad por la inclusión de nuevos dispositivos y la reducción de sus dimensiones, la precisión del modelado de dicha variabilidad es crucial. Se propone en la tesis extender el método de inyectores, que modela la variabilidad a nivel de circuito, abstrayendo sus causas físicas, añadiendo dos nuevas fuentes para modelar la pendiente sub-umbral y el DIBL, de creciente importancia en la tecnología FinFET. Los dos nuevos inyectores propuestos incrementan la exactitud de figuras de mérito a diferentes niveles de abstracción del diseño electrónico: a nivel de transistor, de puerta y de circuito. El error cuadrático medio al simular métricas de estabilidad y prestaciones de células SRAM se reduce un mínimo de 1,5 veces y hasta un máximo de 7,5 a la vez que la estimación de la probabilidad de fallo se mejora en varios ordenes de magnitud. El diseño para bajo consumo es una de las principales aplicaciones actuales dada la creciente importancia de los dispositivos móviles dependientes de baterías. Es igualmente necesario debido a las importantes densidades de potencia en los sistemas actuales, con el fin de reducir su disipación térmica y sus consecuencias en cuanto al envejecimiento. El método tradicional de reducir la tensión de alimentación para reducir el consumo es problemático en el caso de las memorias SRAM dado el creciente impacto de la variabilidad a bajas tensiones. Se propone el diseño de una célula que usa valores negativos en la bit-line para reducir los fallos de escritura según se reduce la tensión de alimentación principal. A pesar de usar una segunda fuente de alimentación para la tensión negativa en la bit-line, el diseño propuesto consigue reducir el consumo hasta en un 20 % comparado con una célula convencional. Una nueva métrica, el hold trip point se ha propuesto para prevenir nuevos tipos de fallo debidos al uso de tensiones negativas, así como un método alternativo para estimar la velocidad de lectura, reduciendo el número de simulaciones necesarias. Según continúa la reducción del tamaño de los dispositivos electrónicos, se incluyen nuevos mecanismos que permiten facilitar el proceso de fabricación, o alcanzar las prestaciones requeridas para cada nueva generación tecnológica. Se puede citar como ejemplo el estrés compresivo o extensivo aplicado a los fins en tecnologías FinFET, que altera la movilidad de los transistores fabricados a partir de dichos fins. Los efectos de estos mecanismos dependen mucho del layout, la posición de unos transistores afecta a los transistores colindantes y pudiendo ser el efecto diferente en diferentes tipos de transistores. Se propone el uso de una célula SRAM complementaria que utiliza dispositivos pMOS en los transistores de paso, así reduciendo la longitud de los fins de los transistores nMOS y alargando los de los pMOS, extendiéndolos a las células vecinas y hasta los límites de la matriz de células. Considerando los efectos del STI y estresores de SiGe, el diseño propuesto mejora los dos tipos de transistores, mejorando las prestaciones de la célula SRAM complementaria en más de un 10% para una misma probabilidad de fallo y un mismo consumo estático, sin que se requiera aumentar el área. Finalmente, la radiación ha sido un problema recurrente en la electrónica para aplicaciones espaciales, pero la reducción de las corrientes y tensiones de los dispositivos actuales los está volviendo vulnerables al ruido generado por radiación, incluso a nivel de suelo. Pese a que tecnologías como SOI o FinFET reducen la cantidad de energía colectada por el circuito durante el impacto de una partícula, las importantes variaciones de proceso en los nodos más pequeños va a afectar su inmunidad frente a la radiación. Se demuestra que los errores inducidos por radiación pueden aumentar hasta en un 40 % en el nodo de 7nm cuando se consideran las variaciones de proceso, comparado con el caso nominal. Este incremento es de una magnitud mayor que la mejora obtenida mediante el diseño de células de memoria específicamente endurecidas frente a radiación, sugiriendo que la reducción de la variabilidad representaría una mayor mejora. ABSTRACT Reliability is becoming the main concern on integrated circuit as the technology goes beyond 22nm. Small imperfections in the device manufacturing result now in important random differences of the devices at electrical level which must be dealt with during the design. New processes and materials, required to allow the fabrication of the extremely short devices, are making new effects appear resulting ultimately on increased static power consumption, or higher vulnerability to radiation SRAMs have become the most vulnerable part of electronic systems, not only they account for more than half of the chip area of nowadays SoCs and microprocessors, but they are critical as soon as different variation sources are regarded, with failures in a single cell making the whole memory fail. This thesis addresses the different challenges that SRAM design has in the smallest technologies. In a common scenario of increasing variability, issues like energy consumption, design aware of the technology and radiation hardening are considered. First, given the increasing magnitude of device variability in the smallest nodes, as well as new sources of variability appearing as a consequence of new devices and shortened lengths, an accurate modeling of the variability is crucial. We propose to extend the injectors method that models variability at circuit level, abstracting its physical sources, to better model sub-threshold slope and drain induced barrier lowering that are gaining importance in FinFET technology. The two new proposed injectors bring an increased accuracy of figures of merit at different abstraction levels of electronic design, at transistor, gate and circuit levels. The mean square error estimating performance and stability metrics of SRAM cells is reduced by at least 1.5 and up to 7.5 while the yield estimation is improved by orders of magnitude. Low power design is a major constraint given the high-growing market of mobile devices that run on battery. It is also relevant because of the increased power densities of nowadays systems, in order to reduce the thermal dissipation and its impact on aging. The traditional approach of reducing the voltage to lower the energy consumption if challenging in the case of SRAMs given the increased impact of process variations at low voltage supplies. We propose a cell design that makes use of negative bit-line write-assist to overcome write failures as the main supply voltage is lowered. Despite using a second power source for the negative bit-line, the design achieves an energy reduction up to 20% compared to a conventional cell. A new metric, the hold trip point has been introduced to deal with new sources of failures to cells using a negative bit-line voltage, as well as an alternative method to estimate cell speed, requiring less simulations. With the continuous reduction of device sizes, new mechanisms need to be included to ease the fabrication process and to meet the performance targets of the successive nodes. As example we can consider the compressive or tensile strains included in FinFET technology, that alter the mobility of the transistors made out of the concerned fins. The effects of these mechanisms are very dependent on the layout, with transistor being affected by their neighbors, and different types of transistors being affected in a different way. We propose to use complementary SRAM cells with pMOS pass-gates in order to reduce the fin length of nMOS devices and achieve long uncut fins for the pMOS devices when the cell is included in its corresponding array. Once Shallow Trench isolation and SiGe stressors are considered the proposed design improves both kinds of transistor, boosting the performance of complementary SRAM cells by more than 10% for a same failure probability and static power consumption, with no area overhead. While radiation has been a traditional concern in space electronics, the small currents and voltages used in the latest nodes are making them more vulnerable to radiation-induced transient noise, even at ground level. Even if SOI or FinFET technologies reduce the amount of energy transferred from the striking particle to the circuit, the important process variation that the smallest nodes will present will affect their radiation hardening capabilities. We demonstrate that process variations can increase the radiation-induced error rate by up to 40% in the 7nm node compared to the nominal case. This increase is higher than the improvement achieved by radiation-hardened cells suggesting that the reduction of process variations would bring a higher improvement.


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This dissertation shows the use of Constructal law to find the relation between the morphing of the system configuration and the improvements in the global performance of the complex flow system. It shows that the better features of both flow and heat transfer architecture can be found and predicted by using the constructal law in energy systems. Chapter 2 shows the effect of flow configuration on the heat transfer performance of a spiral shaped pipe embedded in a cylindrical conducting volume. Several configurations were considered. The optimal spacings between the spiral turns and spire planes exist, such that the volumetric heat transfer rate is maximal. The optimized features of the heat transfer architecture are robust. Chapter 3 shows the heat transfer performance of a helically shaped pipe embedded in a cylindrical conducting volume. It shows that the optimized features of the heat transfer architecture are robust with respect to changes in several physical parameters. Chapter 4 reports analytically the formulas for effective permeability in several configurations of fissured systems, using the closed-form description of tree networks designed to provide flow access. The permeability formulas do not vary much from one tree design to the next, suggesting that similar formulas may apply to naturally fissured porous media with unknown precise details, which occur in natural reservoirs. Chapter 5 illustrates a counterflow heat exchanger consists of two plenums with a core. The results show that the overall flow and thermal resistance are lowest when the core is absent. Overall, the constructal design governs the evolution of flow configuration in nature and energy systems.


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The number of tall buildings is increasing as a result of the advances in construction technologies and the rising land prices. These buildings are characterised by their high energy consumption compared to other building types as they rely intensively on mechanical HVAC systems due to the extreme weather conditions associated with the increase in height. However, they present a great opportunity for energy savings. In recent years, it has been noticed the increasing interest in geometry and form of tall buildings, as a result of the evolution of parametric modelling and 3D visualisation tools, on the expense of the environmental aspect. This paper discusses factors affecting the energy consumption in the tall buildings. Through an extensive analysis of Literature, active and passive energy efficient strategies adopted in tall building at various building stages are identified. In addition, the role of architectural design parameters, such as building form, orientation and envelope on the tall building energy performance are highlighted. Finally, a set of guidelines and environmental design strategies to be considered in different phases in order to achieve energy-efficient tall buildings are proposed. These strategies have been categorised into four stages namely early design, conceptualisation, and documentation and operational. A 3D modelling approach was used to visualise and illustrate the proposed strategies in different stages.


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Worldwide, the current pattern of urban development is unsustainable and metropolitan planning and development strategies deliver poor environmental outcomes in relation to energy production. As a result, an increasing number of governments and private sector development companies are initiating projects that aim to deliver enhanced environmental outcomes rather than a ‘business as usual’ approach. This paper will summarise the findings from a study that explored the link between building orientation and energy efficiencies in sub-tropical and tropical climates. The study used a new thermal modelling software tool developed by CSIRO that responds more accurately to residential heating and cooling energy performance in those climate zones. This software tool responds to industry criticisms regarding cold climate modelling systems that do not make sufficient allowance for natural ventilation. The study examined a range of low, medium and high-density dwelling types and investigated the impact of orientation, insulation, ventilation and shading devices on energy efficiencies. This paper will examine the findings from the medium and high-density case study developments as these are relevant to residential developments in many South East Asian countries, such as Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Finally, the paper will explore the potential benefits that medium and high-density residential developments have in the development of ‘solar cities’ and ‘solar suburbs’.


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Climate change mitigation is driving demand for energy-efficient and environmentally conscious commercial buildings in Australia. In the Australian subtropics, high rainfall, warm weather and humidity present unique challenges and opportunities for the architects tasked with designing eco-sensitive projects. The case of the James Street Market in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley shows that climate-responsive design is an effective approach for reducing the environmental impact of commercial developments. The James Street Market combines climate-responsiveness, environmentally sensitive design strategies and smart planning to create a more sustainable retail precinct. This paper details the design strategies featured in the James Street Market, the project that kicked off a renaissance in climate-responsive commercial building design in Brisbane.


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Subtropical Design in South East Queensland provides a direct link between climatic design, applied urban design and sustainable planning policy. The role that character and identity of a place plays in achieving environmental sustainability is explained. Values of local distinctiveness to do with climate, landscape and culture are identified and the environmental, social and economic benefits of applying subtropical design principles to planning are described. The handbook provides planners and urban designers with an understanding of how subtropical design principles apply within the different contexts of urban planning including the entire spectrum of urban scales from the regional scale, to the city, neighbourhood, street, individual building or site. Twelve interactive principles, and interrelated strategies, drawn predominantly from the body of knowledge of landscape architecture, architectural science and urban design are described in detail in text, and richly illustrated with diagrams and photographs.


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"Bouncing Back: Resilient Design for Brisbane" was an opportunity for QUT students to communicate their inspiring design responses to adversity, to the larger Brisbane community. The exhibition demonstrates new and innovative ways of thinking about our cities, and how they are built to be resilient and to suit extreme environmental conditions. The challenge for architecture students is to address the state of architecture as a reflection of today's world and to consider how design fits into the 21st century. Students have explored notions of 'Urban Resilience' from multiple perspectives, including emergency design while facing flooding, flood proof housing and urban designs.