931 resultados para Energy potential
There are over 6000 natural resource drilling platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, all of which will become obsolete once their deposits are extracted. This study examined one of the possible alternate uses for these platforms, wind power potential. Using ArcGIS the number of platforms was reduced by weighting their distance from National Data Buoy Center wind speed collection points and water depth. Calculations were done to assess the optimal sites remaining, as well as provide an estimate of the energy potential for each site. Data for this project was obtained from the Minerals Management Service (MMS), United States Geological Service (USGS), and National Data Buoy Center (NDBC). A major limitation of this project was a lack of NDBC wind speed buoys, creating large data gaps and excluding many oil rigs that have otherwise high energy potential.
This project verified the potential for the production of hydrogen via water electrolysis by using the exceeding electrical energy resultant from alcohol and sugar plants that use sugar cane bagasse as fuel. The studies were carried out in cogeneration plants authorized by the Electrical Energy National Agency (ANEEL). The processing history of sugar cane considered was based on the 2006/2007 harvests. The total bagasse produced, electrical energy generated and exceeding electrical energy in a year were calculated. It was obtained an average energy consumption value of 5.2 kWh Nm(-3) and the hydrogen production costs regarding the amount of sugar cane processed that ranged from US$ 0.50 to US$ 0.75 Nm(-3). The results pointed that the costs for the production of hydrogen via the bagasse exceeding energy are close to the production costs that use other sources of energy. As the energy generated from the bagasse is a renewable one, this alternative for the production of hydrogen is economical and environmentally viable. (C) 2008 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[EN]Spatial variability of wave energy resource around the coastal waters of the Canary Archipelago is assessed by using a long-term data set derived by means of hindcasting techniques. Results revea( the existence of large differences in the energetic content available in different zones of the archipelago, mainly during spring and autumn. Areas with a higher wave power leve( are the north edge of Lanzarote, western side of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, north and northwest in La Palma and El Hierro, as well as the north coast of Tenerife. The available energy potential slightly decreases in the north side of Gran Canaria and La Gomera.
Using a molecular model for octamethylcydotetrasiloxane (OMCTS), molecular dynamics simulations are carried out to probe the phase state of OMCTS confined between two mica surfaces in equilibrium With a reservoir. Molecular dynamics simulations are carried out for elevations ranging from 5 to 35 K above the melting point for the OMCTS model used in this study. The Helmholtz free energy is, computed for a specific confinement using the :two-phase thermodynamic (2PT) method. Analysis of the in-plane pair correlation functions did not reveal signatures of freezing even under an extreme confinement of two layers. OMCTS is found to orient with a wide distribution of orientations with respect to the mica surface, with a distinct preference for the surface parallel configuration in the contact layers. The self-intermediate scattering function is found to decay with increasing relaxation times as the surface separation is decreased, and the two-step relaxation in the scattering function, a signature of glassy dynamics, distinctly evolves as the temperature is lowered. However, even at 5 K above the melting point, we did not observe a freezing transition and the self-intermediate scattering functions relax within 200 ps for the seven-layered confined system. The self diffusivity and relaxation times obtained from the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts stretched exponential fits to the late alpha-relaxation exhibit power law scalings with the packing fraction as predicted by mode coupling theory. A distinct discontinuity in the Helmholtz free energy, potential energy, and a sharp change in the local bond order parameter, Q(4), was observed at 230 K for a five-layered system upon cooling, indicative of a first-order transition. A freezing point depression of about 30 K was observed for this five-layered confined system, and at the lower temperatures, contact layers were found to be disordered with long-range order present only in the inner layers. These dynamical signatures indicate that confined OMCTS undergoes a slowdown akin to a fluid approaching a glass transition upon increasing confinement, and freezing under confinement would require substantial subcooling below the bulk melting point of OMCTS.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações
Dissertação Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil no Ramo de Edificações
La digestion anaérobie est un processus biologique dans lequel un consortium microbien complexe fonctionnant en absence d’oxygène transforme la matière organique en biogaz, principalement en méthane et en dioxyde de carbone. Parmi les substrats organiques, les lipides sont les plus productifs de méthane par rapport aux glucides et aux protéines; mais leur dégradation est très difficile, en raison de leur hydrolyse qui peut être l’étape limitante. Les algues peuvent être une source importante pour la production de méthane à cause de leur contenu en lipides potentiellement élevé. L’objectif de cette étude était, par conséquent, d’évaluer la production en méthane des microalgues en utilisant la technique du BMP (Biochemical méthane Potential) et d’identifier les limites de biodégradion des lipides dans la digestion anaérobie. Le plan expérimental a été divisé en plusieurs étapes: 1) Comparer le potentiel énergétique en méthane des macroalgues par rapport aux microalgues. 2) Faire le criblage de différentes espèces de microalgues d’eau douce et marines afin de comparer leur potentiel en méthane. 3) Déterminer l'impact des prétraitements sur la production de méthane de quelques microalgues ciblées. 4) Identifier les limites de biodégradation des lipides algaux dans la digestion anaérobie, en étudiant les étapes limitantes de la cinétique des lipides et de chacun des acides gras à longues chaines. Les résultats ont montré que les microalgues produisent plus de méthane que les macroalgues. Les BMP des microalgues d'eau douce et marines n'ont montré aucune différence en termes de rendement en méthane. Les résultats des prétraitements ont montré que le prétraitement thermique (microonde) semblait être plus efficace que le prétraitement chimique (alcalin). Les tests de contrôle du BMP faits sur l'huile de palme, l’huile de macadamia et l'huile de poisson ont montré que l'hydrolyse des huiles en glycérol et en acides gras à longues chaines n'était pas l'étape limitante dans la production de méthane. L'ajout de gras dans les échantillons de Phaeodactylum dégraissée a augmenté le rendement de méthane et cette augmentation a été corrélée à la quantité de matières grasses ajoutées.
Suite à un stage avec la compagnie Hatch, nous possédons des jeux de données composés de séries chronologiques de vitesses de vent mesurées à divers sites dans le monde, sur plusieurs années. Les ingénieurs éoliens de la compagnie Hatch utilisent ces jeux de données conjointement aux banques de données d’Environnement Canada pour évaluer le potentiel éolien afin de savoir s’il vaut la peine d’installer des éoliennes à ces endroits. Depuis quelques années, des compagnies offrent des simulations méso-échelle de vitesses de vent, basées sur divers indices environnementaux de l’endroit à évaluer. Les ingénieurs éoliens veulent savoir s’il vaut la peine de payer pour ces données simulées, donc si celles-ci peuvent être utiles lors de l’estimation de la production d’énergie éolienne et si elles pourraient être utilisées lors de la prévision de la vitesse du vent long terme. De plus, comme l’on possède des données mesurées de vitesses de vent, l’on en profitera pour tester à partir de diverses méthodes statistiques différentes étapes de l’estimation de la production d’énergie. L’on verra les méthodes d’extrapolation de la vitesse du vent à la hauteur d’une turbine éolienne et l’on évaluera ces méthodes à l’aide de l’erreur quadratique moyenne. Aussi, on étudiera la modélisation de la vitesse du vent par la distributionWeibull et la variation de la distribution de la vitesse dans le temps. Finalement, l’on verra à partir de la validation croisée et du bootstrap si l’utilisation de données méso-échelle est préférable à celle de données des stations de référence, en plus de tester un modèle où les deux types de données sont utilisées pour prédire la vitesse du vent. Nous testerons la méthodologie globale présentement utilisée par les ingénieurs éoliens pour l’estimation de la production d’énergie d’un point de vue statistique, puis tenterons de proposer des changements à cette méthodologie, qui pourraient améliorer l’estimation de la production d’énergie annuelle.
In rural areas of the Mekong Countries, the problem of electricity supplying rural communities is particularly alarming. Supplying power to these areas requires facilities that are not economically viable. However, government programs are under way to provide this product that is vital to community well being. A nation priority of Mekong Countries is to provide electrical power to people in rural areas, within normal budgetary constraints. Electricity must be introduced into rural areas in such a way that maximize the technical, economic and social benefit. Another consideration is the source of electrical generation and the effects on the natural environment. The main research purpose is to implement field tests, monitoring and evaluation of the PV-Diesel Hybrid System (PVHS) at the Energy Park of School of Renewable Energy Technology (SERT) in order to test the PVSH working under the meteorological conditions of the Mekong Countries and to develop a software simulation called RES, which studies the technical and economic performance of rural electrification options. This software must be easy to use and understand for the energy planner on rural electrification projects, to evaluate the technical and economic performance of the PVHS based on the renewable energy potential for rural electrification of the Mekong Country by using RES. Finally, this project aims to give guidance for the possible use of PVHS application in this region, particularly in regard to its technical and economic sustainability. PVHS should be promoted according to the principles of proper design and adequate follow up with maintenance, so that the number of satisfied users will be achieved. PVHS is not the only possible technology for rural electrification, but for the Mekong Countries it is one of the most proper choices. Other renewable energy options such as wind, biomass and hydro power need to be studied in future.
In order to exploit the passive energy potential of the building envelope, it is important to provide a right combination of insulation thickness, heat capacity and night-time ventilation. In this paper, this issue will be tackled with reference to an historic building in Catania (Southern Italy). The building was built at the end of the XIX century, and its opaque envelope is entirely made with lava stones, which is typical of traditional architecture in this area. Starting from the current configuration of the building, many hypotheses for refurbishment are considered, combined with different strategies for passive cooling, such as night-time ventilation, use of shading devices and adoption of highly-reflective coatings. The effectiveness of each solution in terms of summer thermal comfort is evaluated through dynamic thermal simulations carried out with EnergyPlus. The results show the synergic effect of these strategies, as well as their individual impact, and allow to draw some general conclusions about the behaviour of heavyweight buildings under moderately hot weather conditions.
A descoberta e utilização do petróleo provocaram significativas mudanças na sociedade ao longo do tempo, sendo ele um dos mais importantes fatores de transformação socioambiental e cultural no mundo ao longo do ultimo século. Sua grande gama de possibilidades de utilização acabou criando um sistema de produção baseado em um único agente energético, principalmente nos países que não possuem recursos hídricos nem outras fontes renováveis. Porém, nas ultimas décadas do século passado, começaram a surgir inúmeras discussões sobre a necessidade de se alterar a composição da matriz energética global. Como resultados das preocupações quanto à escassez daquele recurso natural, vários pesquisadores direcionaram seus estudos para a busca de alternativas que pudessem de forma sustentável se prestar como substituto ao petróleo. Uma delas seria o uso de biomassa, de forma a aproveitar a capacidade das plantas em transformar a energia solar em carbohidratos. O Brasil, além de possuir uma das matrizes energéticas mais diversificadas e limpas do mundo, possui grande extensão de terras agricultáveis o que o coloca em lugar de destaque quanto ao potencial de produção de culturas agroenergéticas. Considerando as características da cana-de-açúcar e a sua adaptação a áreas de cultivo do Brasil e impulsionados pela demanda de produção de biomassa moderna, a ser aplicada em processos de transformação mais complexos e que possibilitem a obtenção de outros produtos além de açúcar, álcool e energia, estudou-se neste trabalho plantas de cana-de-açúcar melhoradas com a finalidade exclusiva de produzir biomassa moderna, a chamada “cana- energia”. Esta é uma planta que, contrariamente à tradicional cana-de-açúcar, melhorada para produzir sacarose, é direcionada para produzir fibra, e que, além disso, por possuir maior participação de espécies ancestrais de maior rusticidade, estão aptas a suportar condições ambientais mais estressantes. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os híbridos de cana-energia apresentam grande potencial de produção de biomassa e massa seca por área, a custos altamente competitivos considerando as análises comparativas de custo de produção de massa seca por área. Quanto a produção foi possível observar que além de ser mais produtiva em primeiro corte, nos resultados de colheita de soqueira (segundo corte), o melhor híbrido de cana- energia chegou a produzir uma vez e meia mais massa seca que a cana-de-açúcar tradicional, e apresentou maiores produtividades que outras culturas energéticas tais como o eucalipto e o capim-elefante, sendo que, considerando as produtividades médias observadas, a partir do terceiro corte com estes níveis de produtividade, a cana-energia passa a ser a matéria prima de mais baixo custo de produção de massa seca por área, denotando o seu alto potencial como matéria prima para a produção de bioenergia. No Zoneamento agroecológico realizado para a cana energia foi possível identificar 32,3 milhões de hectares de áreas de produção agrícola marginais aptas ao cultivo deste material, sendo que de acordo com os resultados do zoneamento agrícola e as características das regiões em estudos, identifica-se que deste total, pode-se considerar que os materiais que se destacaram em produtividade neste estudo, apresentam boas condições de ocupar uma área de 2,0 a 8,0 milhões de hectares.
The oily sludge is a complex mix of hydrocarbons, organic impurities, inorganic and water. One of the major problems currently found in petroleum industry is management (packaging, storage, transport and fate) of waste. The nanomaterials (catalysts) mesoporous and microporous are considered promising for refining and adsorbents process for environment protection. The aim of this work was to study the oily sludge from primary processing (raw and treated) and vacuum residue, with application of thermal analyses technique (pyrolysis), thermal and catalytic pyrolysis with nanomaterials, aiming at production petroleum derived. The sludge and vacuum residue were analyzed using a soxhlet extraction system, elemental analysis, thin layer chromatography, thermogravimetry and pyrolysis coupled in gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py GC MS). The catalysts AlMCM-41, AlSBA-15.1 e AlSBA-15.2 were synthesized with molar ratio silicon aluminum of 50 (Si/Al = 50), using tetraethylorthosilicante as source of silicon and pseudobuhemita (AlOOH) as source of aluminum. The analyzes of the catalysts indicate that materials showed hexagonal structure and surface area (783,6 m2/g for AlMCM-41, 600 m2/g for AlSBA-15.1, 377 m2/g for AlSBA-15.2). The extracted oily sludge showed a range 65 to 95% for organic components (oil), 5 to 35% for inorganic components (salts and oxides) and compositions different of derivatives. The AlSBA-15 catalysts showed better performance in analyzes for production petroleum derived, 20% increase in production of kerosene and light gas oil. The energy potential of sludge was high and it can be used as fuel in other cargo processed in refinery