838 resultados para Energy Harvesting, Convertitori di potenza, Maximum Power Point Tracking, Applicazioni low power
Computing the maximum of sensor readings arises in several environmental, health, and industrial monitoring applications of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). We characterize the several novel design trade-offs that arise when green energy harvesting (EH) WSNs, which promise perpetual lifetimes, are deployed for this purpose. The nodes harvest renewable energy from the environment for communicating their readings to a fusion node, which then periodically estimates the maximum. For a randomized transmission schedule in which a pre-specified number of randomly selected nodes transmit in a sensor data collection round, we analyze the mean absolute error (MAE), which is defined as the mean of the absolute difference between the maximum and that estimated by the fusion node in each round. We optimize the transmit power and the number of scheduled nodes to minimize the MAE, both when the nodes have channel state information (CSI) and when they do not. Our results highlight how the optimal system operation depends on the EH rate, availability and cost of acquiring CSI, quantization, and size of the scheduled subset. Our analysis applies to a general class of sensor reading and EH random processes.
For many wireless sensor networks applications, indoor light energy is the only ambient energy source commonly available. Many advantages and constraints co-exist in this technology. However, relatively few indoor light powered harvesters have been presented and much research remains to be carried out on a variety of related design considerations and trade-offs. This work presents a solution using the Tyndall mote and an indoor light powered wireless sensor node. It analyses design considerations on several issues such as indoor light characteristics, solar panel component choice, maximum power point tracking, energy storage elements and the trade-offs and choices between them.
This book discusses in detail the CMOS implementation of energy harvesting. The authors describe an integrated, indoor light energy harvesting system, based on a controller circuit that dynamically and automatically adjusts its operation to meet the actual light circumstances of the environment where the system is placed. The system is intended to power a sensor node, enabling an autonomous wireless sensor network (WSN). Although designed to cope with indoor light levels, the system is also able to work with higher levels, making it an all-round light energy harvesting system. The discussion includes experimental data obtained from an integrated manufactured prototype, which in conjunction with a photovoltaic (PV) cell, serves as a proof of concept of the desired energy harvesting system. 2016 Springer International Publishing. All rights are reserved.
This paper presents evaluations among the most usual MPPT techniques, doing meaningful comparisons with respect to the amount of energy extracted from the photovoltaic panel (PV) (Tracking Factor - TF) in relation to the available power, PV voltage ripple, dynamic response and use of sensors. Using MatLab/Simulink and DSpace platforms, a digitally controlled boost DC-DC converter was implemented and connected to an Agilent Solar Array E4350B simulator in order to verify the analytical procedures. The main experimental results are presented and a contribution in the implementation of the IC algorithm is performed and called IC based on PI. Moreover, the dynamic response and the tracking factor are also evaluated using a Friendly User Interface, which is capable of online program power curves and compute the TF. Finally, a typical daily insulation is used in order to verify the experimental results for the main PV MPPT methods. 2011 IEEE.
A low-cost circuit was developed for stable and efficient maximum power point (MPP) tracking in autonomous photo voltaic-motor systems with variable-frequency drives (VFDs). The circuit is made of two resistors, two capacitors, and two Zener diodes. Its input is the photovoltaic (PV) array voltage and its output feeds the proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller usually integrated into, the drive. The steady-state frequency-voltage oscillations induced by the circuit were treated in a simplified mathematical model, which was validated by widely characterizing a PV-powered centrifugal pump. General procedures for circuit and controller tuning were recommended based on model equations. The tracking circuit presented here is widely applicable to PV-motor system with VFDs, offering an. efficient open-access technology of unique simplicity. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
In questa tesi sono stati simulati i modelli circuitali relativi alle tecniche di estrazione SECE, Q-SECE e SSHI. Sono state graficate e analizzate le caratteristiche di trasferimento di potenza. Tramite simulazioni LTspice, stata calcolata l'energia estratta con tecnica SECE e Q-SECE ed stato ricavato un miglioramento delle prestazioni di energia di +30% con la tecnica Q-SECE. Un'analisi simile stata fatta per il calcolo dell'energia in uscita anche per il modello SSHI-parallel.
Questa tesi ha studiato a fondo le modalit di funzionamento del convertitore ZETA. Si visto che la presenza dei due magnetici determina una condizione di funzionamento non convenzionale (lo stesso accade nel SEPIC) poco studiata in letteratura. Questa condizione, corrispondente al modo discontinuo nei pi elementari convertitori, in cui la corrente si annulla sia nel transistor che nel diodo, d invece luogo ad un ricircolo di corrente pressoch costante in una maglia che comprende entrambe le induttanze. Questa corrente testimonia un intrappolamento di energia magnetica con relativa perdita per dissipazione che presumibilmente degrada lefficienza del convertitore. Questo potuto avvenire perch non vi nulla che impedisca il flusso di una corrente negativa sui singoli induttori quando la somma algebrica dei due risulti comunque positiva o nulla (diodo in conduzione). Questo problema si pu riscontrare sia nel funzionamento in continua (sempre almeno uno fra transistor e diodo in conduzione) che in discontinua (con un intervallo di tempo in cui non conducono nessuno dei due). Per ovviare a questo problema le soluzioni proposte in questa tesi sono quelle di aggiungere un ulteriore diodo rettificatore in serie agli avvolgimenti e/o di gestire il rapporto di induttanze dei due avvolgimenti in modo che nella condizione nominale di funzionamento raggiungano contemporaneamente la condizione di inversione della corrente. Queste possibilit sono state esplorate con successo nellutilizzo del convertitore ZETA per applicazioni di correzione del fattore di potenza PFC in cui si proposto un insieme di equazioni di dimensionamento che portano al progetto del convertitore al fine di ottenere le forme donda desiderate.
Progetto di una scheda PCB per applicazioni di Energy Harvesting a bassissime tensioni. Il circuito in grado di avviarsi, autosostenersi e alimentare un piccolo carico.
In questa tesi viene elaborata un'applicazione ultra-low power (ULP) basata su microcontrollore, per implementare la procedura di controllo di diversi circuiti di un tag RFID. Il tag preso in considerazione pensato per lavorare in assenza di batteria, da cui la necessita' di ridurre i consumi di potenza. La sua attivazione deve essere inoltre comandata attraverso un'architettura Wake up Radio (WuR), in cui un segnale di controllo radio indirizza e attiva il circuito. Nello specifico, la rete di decodifica dell'indirizzo stata realizzata mediante il modulo di comunicazione seriale del microcontrollore. Nel Capitolo 1 verr introdotto il tema dell'Energy Harvesting. Nel Capitolo 2 verr illustrata l'architettura del sistema nel suo complesso. Nel Capitolo 3 verr spiegato dettagliatamente il funzionamento del microcontrollore scelto. Il Capitolo 4 sar dedicato al firmware implementato per svolgere le operazioni fondamentali imputate al micro per i compiti di controllo. Verr inoltre introdotto il codice VHDL sviluppato per emulare l'output del modulo WuR mediante un FPGA della famiglia Cyclone II. Nel Capitolo 5 verr presentata una stima dei consumi del microcontrollore in funzione dei parametri di configurazione del sistema. Verr inoltre effettuato un confronto con un altro microcontrollore che in alcune condizioni potrebbe rappresentare iun'alternativa valida di progetto. Nei Capitoli 6 e 7 saranno descritti possibili sviluppi futuri e conclusioni del progetto. Le specifiche di progetto rilevanti della tesi sono: 1. minimo consumo energetico possibile del microcontrollore ULP 2. elevata rapidit di risposta per la ricezione dei tag, per garantire la ricezione di un numero maggiore possibile di indirizzi (almeno 20 letture al secondo), in un range di tempo limitato 3. generazione di un segnale PWM a 100KHz di frequenza di commutazione con duty cycle 50% su cui basare una modulazione in back-scattering.
In this letter, we consider wireless powered communication networks which could operate perpetually, as the base station (BS) broadcasts energy to the multiple energy harvesting (EH) information transmitters. These employ harvest then transmit mechanism, as they spend all of their energy harvested during the previous BS energy broadcast to transmit the information towards the BS. Assuming time division multiple access (TDMA), we propose a novel transmission scheme for jointly optimal allocation of the BS broadcasting power and time sharing among the wireless nodes, which maximizes the overall network throughput, under the constraint of average transmit power and maximum transmit power at the BS. The proposed scheme significantly outperforms state of the art schemes that employ only the optimal time allocation. If a single EH transmitter is considered, we generalize the optimal solutions for the case of fixed circuit power consumption, which refers to a much more practical scenario.
Thermoelectric generators (TEGs) are solid-state devices that can be used for the direct conversion between heat and electricity. These devices are an attractive option for generating clean energy from heat. There are two modes of operation for TEGs; constant heat and constant temperature. It is a well-known fact that for constant temperature operation, TEGs have a maximum power point lying at half the open circuit voltage of the TEG, for a particular temperature. This work aimed to investigate the position of the maximum power point for Bismuth Telluride TEGs working under constant heat conditions i.e. the heat supply to the TEG is fixed however the temperature across the TEG can vary depending upon its operating conditions. It was found that for constant heat operation, the maximum power point for a TEG is greater than half the open circuit voltage of the TEG.
Many grid connected PV installations consist of a single series string of PV modules and a single DC-AC inverter. This efficiency of this topology can be enhanced with additional low power, low cost per panel converter modules. Most current flows directly in the series string which ensures high efficiency. However parallel Ck or buck-boost DC-DC converters connected across each adjacent pair of modules now support any desired current difference between series connected PV modules. Each converter shuffles the desired difference in PV module currents between two modules and so on up the string. Spice simulations show that even with poor efficiency, these modules can make a significant improvement to the overall power which can be recovered from partially shaded PV strings.
We study wireless multihop energy harvesting sensor networks employed for random field estimation. The sensors sense the random field and generate data that is to be sent to a fusion node for estimation. Each sensor has an energy harvesting source and can operate in two modes: Wake and Sleep. We consider the problem of obtaining jointly optimal power control, routing and scheduling policies that ensure a fair utilization of network resources. This problem has a high computational complexity. Therefore, we develop a computationally efficient suboptimal approach to obtain good solutions to this problem. We study the optimal solution and performance of the suboptimal approach through some numerical examples.
A wireless Energy Harvesting Sensor (EHS) needs to send data packets arriving in its queue over a fading channel at maximum possible throughput while ensuring acceptable packet delays. At the same time, it needs to ensure that energy neutrality is satisfied, i.e., the average energy drawn from a battery should equal the amount of energy deposited in it minus the energy lost due to the inefficiency of the battery. In this work, a framework is developed under which a system designer can optimize the performance of the EHS node using power control based on the current channel state information, when the EHS node employs a single modulation and coding scheme and the channel is Rayleigh fading. Optimal system parameters for throughput optimal, delay optimal and delay-constrained throughput optimal policies that ensure energy neutrality are derived. It is seen that a throughput optimal (maximal) policy is packet delay-unbounded and an average delay optimal (minimal) policy achieves negligibly small throughput. Finally, the influence of the harvested energy profile on the performance of the EHS is illustrated through the example of solar energy harvesting.
Ionic polymer-metal composites (IPMC), piezoelectric polymer composites and nematic elastomer composites are materials, which exhibit characteristics of both sensors and actuators. Large deformation and curvature are observed in these systems when electric potential is applied. Effects of geometric non-linearity due to the chargeinduced motion in these materials are poorly understood. In this paper, a coupled model for understanding the behavior of an ionic polymer beam undergoing large deformation and large curvature is presented. Maxwell's equations and charge transport equations are considered which couple the distribution of the ion concentration and the pressure gradient along length of a cantilever beam with interdigital electrodes. A nonlinear constitutive model is derived accounting for the visco-elasto-plastic behavior of these polymers and based on the hypothesis that the presence of electrical charge stretches/contracts bonds, which give rise to electrical field dependent softening/hardening. Polymer chain orientation in statistical sense plays a role on such softening or hardening. Elementary beam kinematics with large curvature is considered. A model for understanding the deformation due to electrostatic repulsion between asymmetrical charge distributions across the cross-sections is presented. Experimental evidence that Silver(Ag) nanoparticle coated IPMCs can be used for energy harvesting is reported. An IPMC strip is vibrated in different environments and the electric power against a resistive load is measured. The electrical power generated was observed to vary with the environment with maximum power being generated when the strip is in wet state. IPMC based energy harvesting systems have potential applications in tidal wave energy harvesting, residual environmental energy harvesting to power MEMS and NEMS devices.