505 resultados para Endocarp s coconut
Introduction: There are more than 300,000 extractors using the babaçu coconut as a source of income in the States of Maranhão, Pará, Tocantins and Piauí, and this activity is associated with fungal infections. The objective of this study was to examine the occurrence of emergent fungi in the conjunctiva, nails and surface and subcutaneous injuries of female coconut breakers in Esperantinópolis, Maranhão. Additionally, soil samples and palm structures were collected. Methods: The obtained samples were cultured in Petri dishes containing potato-dextrose-agar and chloramphenicol. The etiological agent was confirmed by a direct mycological exam and growth in culture. Results: In total, 150 domiciles were visited, and samples were collected from 80 patients. From the ground, the most frequently isolated fungus was Aspergillus niger (53. 8%). the most frequently detected fungus in babaçu coconut was Aspergillus niger (66.7%). Conjunctival fungal growth occurred in 76.3% of the women. The ocular fungal microbiota consisted of filamentous fungi (80.6%), and yeasts were present in 19.4% of cases. Onychomycosis was diagnosed in 44% (11/25) of the women. Conclusions: The identification of the genera Neosartorya, Rhizopus and Curvularia in onychomycoses shows that emergent filamentous fungi can be isolated. Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp. and Scedosporium sp. were the predominant genera found in the babaçu coconut. From ocular conjunctiva, Candida spp. were the most prevalent species isolated, and Fusarium sp. was present only in one woman. The nearly permanent exposure of coconut breakers to the external environment and to the soil is most likely the reason for the existence of a mycotic flora and fungal infections, varying according to the individual's practices and occupation.
In search to increase the offer of liquid, clean, renewable and sustainable energy in the world energy matrix, the use of lignocellulosic materials (LCMs) for bioethanol production arises as a valuable alternative. The objective of this work was to analyze and compare the performance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pichia stipitis and Zymomonas mobilis in the production of bioethanol from coconut fibre mature (CFM) using different strategies: simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) and semi-simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSSF). The CFM was pretreated by hydrothermal pretreatment catalyzed with sodium hydroxide (HPCSH). The pretreated CFM was characterized by X-ray diffractometry and SEM, and the lignin recovered in the liquid phase by FTIR and TGA. After the HPCSH pretreatment (2.5% (v/v) sodium hydroxide at 180 °C for 30 min), the cellulose content was 56.44%, while the hemicellulose and lignin were reduced 69.04% and 89.13%, respectively. Following pretreatment, the obtained cellulosic fraction was submitted to SSF and SSSF. Pichia stipitis allowed for the highest ethanol yield 90.18% in SSSF, 91.17% and 91.03% were obtained with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Zymomonas mobilis, respectively. It may be concluded that the selection of the most efficient microorganism for the obtention of high bioethanol production yields from cellulose pretreated by HPCSH depends on the operational strategy used and this pretreatment is an interesting alternative for add value of coconut fibre mature compounds (lignin, phenolics) being in accordance with the biorefinery concept.
The objective of this work was to adapt the application of electrolytic conductivity and potassium leaching tests to assess the viability of cryopreserved embryos of 'Anão Verde do Brasil de Jiqui' (AVeJBr) coconut. The zygotic embryos were excised, sterilized and subjected to four cryoprotectant treatments combined with three incubation times (12, 16 and 20 hours), totaling 12 treatments. The pre-treatment of mature zygotic embryos of AVeJBr coconut using a cryoprotectant with 1.75 mol L-1 of sucrose + 15% glycerol for 12 and 16 hours promoted lower embryo humidity and increased viability in electrolytic conductivity and potassium leaching tests. Samples with ten embryos are sufficient for electrolytic conductivity analysis in cryopreserved or non-cryopreserved AVeJBr coconut zygotic embryos. The 4 to 8 hour imbibition period of the embryos is promising for the electrolytic conductivity analysis of non-cryopreserved mature zygotic embryos of AVeJBr coconut.
Essential oils of Lippia sidoides, Lippia gracilis and their main chemical components were investigated for in vitro control of Thielaviopsis paradoxa. Mycelial growth and a number of pathogen conidia were inhibited by the essential oil of L. sidoides at all concentrations tested (0.2; 0.5; 1.0; 3.0 µL mL-1). L. sidoides oil contained 42.33% thymol and 4.56% carvacrol, while L. gracilis oil contained 10% thymol and 41.7% carvacrol. Mycelial growth and conidial production of T. paradoxa were completely inhibited by thymol at a 0.3 µL m-1 concentration. The results suggest that thymol could potentially be used for controlling coconut stem bleeding.
The pollution and toxicity problems posed by arsenic in the environment have long been established. Hence, the removal and recovery remedies have been sought, bearing in mind the efficiency, cost effectiveness and environmental friendliness of the methods employed. The sorption kinetics and intraparticulate diffusivity of As (III) bioremediation from aqueous solution using modified and unmodified coconut fiber was investigated. The amount adsorbed increased as time increased, reaching equilibrium at about 60 minutes. The kinetic studies showed that the sorption rates could be described by both pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order process with the later showing a better fit with a value of rate constant of 1.16 x 10-4 min-1 for the three adsorbent types. The mechanism of sorption was found to be particle diffusion controlled. The diffusion and boundary layer effects were also investigation. Therefore, the results show that coconut fiber, both modified and unmodified is an efficient sorbent for the removal of As (III) from industrial effluents with particle diffusion as the predominant mechanism.
OBJECTIVE: to verify the effectiveness of coconut water in preserving tissues for transplant. METHODS: Fifty male Wistar rats were randomly distributed in five groups, according to the following preservation solutions for tissue grafts: Group 1: Lactated Ringer; Group 2: Belzer solution; Group 3: mature coconut water; Group 4: green coconut water; Group 5: modified coconut water. In Group 5, the green coconut water has been modified like the Belzer solution. From each animal we harvasted the spleen, ovaries and skin of the back segment. These tissues were preserved for six hours in one of the solutions. Then, the grafts were reimplanted. The recovery of the function of the implanted tissues was assessed 90 days after surgery, by splenic scintigraphy and blood exame. The implanted tissues were collected for histopathological examination. RESULTS: The serum levels did not differ among groups, except for the animals in Group 5, which showed higher levels of IgG than Group 1, and differences in relation to FSH between groups 1 and 2 (p <0.001), 4 and 2 (p = 0.03) and 5 and 2 (p = 0.01). The splenic scintigraphy was not different between groups. The ovarian tissue was better preserved in mature coconut water (p <0.007). CONCLUSION: the coconut water-based solutions preserves spleen, ovary, and rat skin for six hours, maintaining their normal function.
Brazil is considered one of the largest producers and consumers of tropical fruits. Green coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) stands out not only for its production and consumption, but also for the high amount of waste produced by coconut water industry and in natura consumption. Therefore, there is a need for utilization of this by-product. This study aims to study the adsorption isotherms of green coconut pulp and determine its isosteric heat of sorption. The adsorption isotherms at temperatures of 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 °C were analyzed, and they exhibit type III behavior, typical of sugar rich foods. The experimental results of equilibrium moisture content were correlated by models present in the literature. The Guggenheim, Anderson and De Boer (GAB) model proved particularly good overall agreement with the experimental data. The heat of sorption determined from the adsorption isotherms increased with the decrease in moisture content. The heat of sorption is considered as indicative of intermolecular attractive forces between the sorption sites and water vapor, which is an important factor to predict the shelf life of dried products.
Dulce de leche (DL), a dairy dessert highly appreciated in Brazil, is a concentrated product containing about 70% m/m of total solids. Thermophysical and rheological properties of two industrial Brazilian Dulce de leche formulations (classic Dulce de leche and Dulce de leche added with coconut flakes 1.5% m/m) were determined at temperatures comprised between 28.4 and 76.4 °C. In general, no significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed in the presence of coconut flakes in the two formulations. Heat capacity varied from 2633.2 to 3101.8 J/kg.°C; thermal conductivity from 0.383 to 0.452 W/m.°C; specific mass from 1350.7 to 1310.7 kg/m³; and, thermal diffusivity from (1.082 × 10-7 to 1.130 × 10-7) m²/s. The Bingham model was used to properly describe the non-Newtonian behavior of both formulations, with yielding stress values varying from 27.3 to 17.6 Pa and plastic viscosity from 19.9 to 5.9 Pa.s.
Ultrafiltration (UF) inhibits the enzymatic activity which is responsible for color changes of coconut water without the need for heat treatment. In the present study, UF performance in terms of the permeate flux and enzymatic retention of the coconut water was evaluated at laboratory unit (LU) and pilot unit (PU). The membranes studied were polyethersulfone 150 kDa (UP150), polyvinylidene fluoride 150 kDa (UV150) and cellulose 30 kDa (UC030). The UP150 membrane showed the best permeate flux. The UC030 membrane showed the lowest flux, but it resulted in 100% enzymatic retention, while the other membranes showed enzymatic retentions between 71 and 85%. The application of the UC030 in the pilot unit (PU) resulted in a flux value higher than that obtained in the LU due to the tangential velocity effect. The UC030 membrane has proved adequate for industrial applications.
The objective of this study was to obtain babassu coconut milk powder microencapsulated by spray drying process using gum Arabic as wall material. Coconut milk was extracted by babassu peeling, grinding (with two parts of water), and vacuum filtration. The milk was pasteurized at 85 ºC for 15 minutes and homogenized to break up the fat globules, rendering the milk a uniform consistency. A central composite rotatable design with a range of independent variables was used: inlet air temperature in the dryer (170-220 ºC) and gum Arabic concentration (10-20%, w/w) on the responses: moisture content (0.52-2.39%), hygroscopicity (6.98-9.86 g adsorbed water/100g solids), water activity (0.14-0.58), lipid oxidation (0.012-0.064 meq peroxide/kg oil), and process yield (20.33-30.19%). All variables influenced significantly the responses evaluated. Microencapsulation was optimized for maximum process yield and minimal lipid oxidation. The coconut milk powder obtained at optimum conditions was characterized in terms of morphology, particle size distribution, bulk and absolute density, porosity, and wettability.
The objective of this study was to prepare roasted and lyophilized tempeh flour with soybean cultivar BRS 267 to apply them in the formulation of coconut biscuits. The cookies produced with whole soy flour and mixed flour of soybean and tempeh were evaluated for proximate composition, fatty acid profile, and isoflavone aglycones in order to verify the effects of inoculation with the fungus Rhizopus oligosporus and those of the drying processes of roasting and lyophilization on the chemical characteristics of the final product. Sensory acceptance and purchase intention of the formulated products were also evaluated. The results indicate the maintenance of linolenic acid, which is important in the prevention of coronary diseases, and an increase in the aglycones levels when the tempeh flour was used. Lipids and proteins showed differences, and the sensory analyses demonstrated similarity between the cookies with satisfactory scores for aroma, flavor, texture, and overall acceptability for both samples. when compared to the control. Purchase intent was also positive for the lyophilized and toasted tempeh flours, thus enabling the use of the roasting process as a simple drying method, for processing tempeh and obtaining a flour rich in proteins and aglycones that can be used as a partial substitute for soy flour in cookies and other bakery products.
Abstract In search for renewable energy sources, the Brazilian residual biomasses stand out due to their favorable physical and chemical properties, low cost, and their being less pollutant. Therefore, they are likely to be used in biorefineries in the production of chemical inputs to substitute fossil fuels. This substitution is possible due to the high contents of carbohydrates (>40%), low contents of extractives (<20%), ashes (<8%) and moisture (<8%) found in these residual biomasses. High calorific values of all residues also offer them the chance to be used in combustion. A principal components analysis (PCA) was performed for better understanding of the samples and their hysic-chemical properties. Thus, this study aimed to characterize biomasses from the north (babassu residues, such as mesocarp and endocarp; pequi and Brazil nut) and northeast (agave and coconut) regions of Brazil, in order to contribute to the preservation of the environment and strengthen the economy of the region.
There are many opportunities to utilise coconut in Nzema to support farmers. Coconut oil that is mainly used for food preparation in Nzema can be utilized as fuel to support overcoming of the energy crisis in the Ghana. Coconut oil in Nzema is not used in both transportation and electricity generation. A few of the waste husk and shell are mainly used as fuel in homes for heating but greater amount is left to rot or burn the coconut plantation. In addition, some portion of the granulated coconut kernel is sometime used as feed for piggery feed and the rest of the granulated kernel are left as waste on the oil processing site. In this thesis, the author identified alternative utilization of cocoanut, for instance the use of coconut husk and shell for charcoal production, and the use of coconut trunks as construction materials. It is envisaged that exploring these alternatives will not only reduce carbon emission in the country but will also contribute significantly to the sustainability of the local agro-industry.
Mechanical properties and thermal degradation characteristics of natural rubber compounds captaining coconut oil were compared with that of a control compound containing naphthenic oil. Cure time was marginally lower in the case of coconut oil mixes, probably due to the presence of free fatty acids. Tensile strength , tear strength, resilience and abrasion resistance were better than the naphthenic oil-based compounds . Compression set and hardness were marginally inferior The coconut oil mixes had a crosslink density comparable to that of the reference compound. Thermal studies showed that the temperature of initiation of degradation was increased by 10°C and the temperature at which the peak rate of degradation occured was increased by 7°C. The peak rate of degradation was compa rable to the control compound.