962 resultados para Empirical orthogonal function


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The grid altimetry data between 1993 and 2006 near the Philippines were analyzed by the method of Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) to study the variation of bifurcation of the North Equatorial Current at the surface of the Pacific. The relatively short-term signals with periods of about 6 months, 4 months, 3 months and 2 months are found besides seasonal and interannual variations mentioned in previous studies. Local wind stress curl plays an important role in controlling variation of bifurcation latitude except in the interannual timescale. The bifurcation latitude is about 13.3A degrees N in annual mean state and it lies at the northernmost position (14.0A degrees N) in January, at the southernmost position (12.5A degrees N) in July. The amplitude of variation of bifurcation latitude in a year is 1.5A degrees, which can mainly be explained as the contributions of the signals with periods of about 1 year (1.2A degrees) and 0.5 year (0.3A degrees).


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Gridded sound speed data were calculated using Del Grosso's formulation from the temperature and salinity data at the PN section in the East China Sea covering 92 cruises between February 1978 and October 2000. The vertical gradients of sound speed are mainly related to the seasonal variations, and the strong horizontal gradients are mainly related to the Kuroshio and the upwelling. The standard deviations show that great variations of sound speed exist in the upper layer and in the slope zone. Empirical orthogonal function analysis shows that contributions of surface heating and the Kuroshio to sound speed variance are almost equivalent.


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11-year satellite altimeter sea surface height (SSH) anomaly data from January 1993 to December 2003 are used to present the dominant spatial patterns and temporal variations of the South China Sea (SCS) surface circulation through Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis. The first three EOF modes show the obvious seasonal variations of SSH in the SCS. EOF mode one is generally characterized by a basin-wide circulation. Mode two describes the double-cell basin scale circulation structure. The two cells were located off west of the Luzon Island and southeast of Vietnam, respectively. EOF mode three presents the mesoscale eddy structure in the western SCS, which develops into a strong cyclonic eddy rapidly from July to September. EOF mode one and mode three are also embedded with interannual signals, indicating that the SCS surface circulation variation is influenced by El Nino events prominently. The strong El Nino of 1997/98 obviously changed the SCS circulation structure. This study also shows that there existed a series of mesoscale eddies in the western SCS, and their temporal variation indicates intra-seasonal and interannual signals.


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Eddies are frequently observed in the northeastern South China Sea (SCS). However, there have been few studies on vertical structure and temporal-spatial evolution of these eddies. We analyzed the seasonal Luzon Warm Eddy (LWE) based on Argo float data and the merged data products of satellite altimeters of Topex/Poseidon, Jason-1 and European Research Satellites. The analysis shows that the LWE extends vertically to more than 500 m water depth, with a higher temperature anomaly of 5A degrees C and lower salinity anomaly of 0.5 near the thermocline. The current speeds of the LWE are stronger in its uppermost 200 m, with a maximum speed of 0.6 m/s. Sometimes the LWE incorporates mixed waters from the Kuroshio Current and the SCS, and thus has higher thermohaline characteristics than local marine waters. Time series of eddy kinematic parameters show that the radii and shape of the LWE vary during propagation, and its eddy kinetic energy follows a normal distribution. In addition, we used the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) here to analyze seasonal characteristics of the LWE. The results suggest that the LWE generally forms in July, intensifies in August and September, separates from the coast of Luzon in October and propagates westward, and weakens in December and disappears in February. The LWE's westward migration is approximately along 19A degrees N latitude from northwest of Luzon to southeast of Hainan, with a mean speed of 6.6 cm/s.


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[1] The evolution of freshwater plumes and the associated salinity fronts in the northern Bay of Bengal ( henceforth the bay) is studied using rotated empirical orthogonal function (REOF) analysis and extended associate pattern analysis (EAPA). The results show that sea surface salinity distribution is featured by eastern-bay and western-bay plumes in the northern bay during different seasons. The western-bay plume begins in early July, peaks in late August, and then turns into a bay-shaped plume with the two plumes in either side of the bay, which peaks in late October. The southward extension of the western-bay plume can be explained by the southwestward geostrophic flow associated with the cyclonic gyre in the northern bay, which counters the northeastward Ekman drift driven by wind stress. The offshore expansion of the western-bay plume is induced by the offshore Ekman drift which also produces a salinity front near the east coast of India. The bay-shaped plume appears when the cyclonic gyre shifts westward and a weak anticyclonic gyre occupies the northeastern bay. As the season advances, the western part of the bay-shaped plume decays while the eastern part persists until the following June, which is believed to be associated with the anticyclonic gyre in the northern bay. The evolution of the plumes except the eastern part of the bay-shaped plume in fall can be partly explained by the seasonal variation of mass transport associated with the Sverdrup balance. The fact that the western-bay (eastern-bay) plume appears when surface freshwater flux in the northeastern bay increases ( decreases) dramatically suggests that the plumes are not produced directly by surface freshwater flux. River discharge seems to be the freshwater source for the plumes and has little to do with the evolution of the plumes.


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波候研究对于解释全球气候变化的内在物理机制,理解全球气候变化后人们的生产、生活环境由此而产生的相关变化都具有重要的现实意义。 本文利用了欧洲中尺度气象中心(ECMWF)所提供的最新的近45年(1957-2002)全球同化资料集,该资料集提供每天4次天气尺度的环境要素信息。本研究从中提取海面矢量风场信息,并以此来驱动第三代海洋波浪模式WAVEWATCH-III v2.22,从而构建了历时45年的西北太平洋地区的波候资料。 使用日本气象厅(Japan Meteorological Agency)所提供的B22001号浮标的实地观测资料,以及美国的TOPEX/POSEIDON 卫星高度计资料对本研究通过数值模拟所获取的波候资料进行验证,发现通过这一方法所重建的历史波候资料完全满足对东中国海波候状况进行分析的精度要求。通过参考前人的研究成果,本研究所获取的波候时间序列满足对气候问题进行评估时所必需的数据序列一致性的基本要求,可以用于长时间序列的分析。 运用经验正交函数(empirical orthogonal function,EOF)分析方法,本研究提取了东中国海地区的极值波高的分布特征。根据分析结果,本研究将时间序列分成“1977年前”和“1977年后”两段,并据此比较两段的变化特征。研究发现,东中国海北部地区(黄海)的极值波高在最近45年内存在缓慢的衰减现象,导致这一现象的原因主要是由于该地区的东亚夏季风正在慢慢减弱。而东中国海南部的极值波高在最近45年内则存在增强的现象,这主要是由于活跃在西北太平洋上的热带气旋正在慢慢加强,由于这些热带气旋所产生的涌浪对东中国近海的影响也在慢慢加深。 通过将本研究的研究成果和前人的成果进行对比,我们不难发现:西北太平洋地区热带气旋活动的增强已经是一个比较普遍接受的事实,而这一变化对东中国近海所能构成的影响范围足以影响到整个东中国海的中南部地区。而东亚季风减弱对东中国海波候所造成的影响,也从另一个角度提示我们,从能量的角度重新审视全球气候变化的内在物理机制或许是非常必要的。


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利用ERA40逐日再分析资料、NCEP/NCAR2逐日再分析资料、中国740个测站日降水资料、上海台风研究所提供的西太平洋热带气旋资料、Kaplan等重建的月平均SSTA资料、NOAA逐日长波辐射(OLR)等资料,应用离散功率谱分析、带通滤波、EOF分析等统计方法,研究了东亚夏季风(EASM)的移动特征、东亚地区季节内振荡(ISO)的基本特征、季节内振荡对东亚夏季风活动的影响、季节内振荡对东亚夏季风异常活动的影响机理。主要结论如下: (1)综合动力和热力因素定义了可动态描述东亚夏季风移动和强度的指数,并利用该指数研究了东亚夏季风的爆发和移动的季节内变化及其年际和年代际变化特征。研究发现,气候平均东亚夏季风前沿分别在28候、33候、36候、38候、40候、44候出现了明显的跳跃。东亚夏季风活动具有显著的年际变率,主要由于季风前沿在某些区域异常停滞和突然跨越北跳或南撤引起,造成中国东部旱涝灾害频繁发生。东亚夏季风的活动具有明显的年代际变化,在1965年、1980年、1994年发生了突变,造成中国东部降水由“南旱北涝”向“南涝北旱”的转变。 (2)东亚季风区季节内变化具有10~25d和30~60d两个波段的季节内振荡周期,以30-60d为主。存在三个主要低频模态,第一模态主要表征了EASM在长江中下游和华北地区活动期间的低频形势;第二模态印度洋-菲律宾由低频气旋式环流控制,主要表现了ISO在EASM爆发期间的低频形势;第三模态主要出现在EASM在华南和淮河活动期间的低频形势。第一模态和第三模态是代表东亚夏季风活动异常的主要低频形势。 (3)热带和副热带地区ISO总是沿垂直切变风的垂直方向传播。因此,在南海-菲律宾东北风垂直切变和副热带西太平洋北风垂直切变下,大气热源激发菲律宾附近交替出现的低频气旋和低频反气旋不断向西北传播,副热带西太平洋ISO以向西传播为主。中高纬度地区,乌拉尔山附近ISO以向东、向南移动或局地振荡为主;北太平洋中部ISO在某些情况下向南、向西传播。 (4)季风爆发期,伴随着热带东印度洋到菲律宾一系列低频气旋和低频反气旋, 冷空气向南输送,10~25天和30~60天季节内振荡低频气旋同时传入南海加快了南海夏季风的爆发。在气候态下,ISO活动表现的欧亚- 太平洋(EAP)以及太平洋-北美(PNA)低频波列分布特征(本文提出的EAP和PNA低频波列与传统意义上的二维定点相关得到的波列不同)。这种低频分布形式使得欧亚和太平洋中高纬度的槽、脊及太平洋副热带高压稳定、加强,东亚地区的低频波列则成为热带和中高纬度ISO相互作用影响东亚夏季风活动的纽带。不同的阶段表现不同的低频模态,30~60d低频模态的转变加快了EASM推进过程中跳跃性;30-60d低频模态的维持使得EASM前沿相对停滞。 (5)30-60d滤波场,菲律宾海域交替出现的低频气旋和低频反气旋不断向西北传播到南海-西太平洋一带。当南海-西太平洋地区低频气旋活跃时,季风槽加强、东伸,季风槽内热带气旋(TC)频数增加;当南海-西太平洋低频反气旋活跃时,季风槽减弱、西退,TC处于间歇期,生成位置不集中。 (6)在El Nino态下,大气季节内振荡偏弱,北传特征不明显,但ISO由中高纬度北太平洋中部向南和副热带西太平洋向西的传播特征显著,东亚地区ISO活动以第三模态为主,EASM集中停滞在华南和淮河流域,常伴随着持续性区域暴雨的出现,易造成华南和江淮流域洪涝灾害,长江和华北持续干旱。在La Nina态下,大气季节内振荡活跃,且具有明显的向北传播特征,PNA低频波列显著,东亚地区ISO活动以第一模态单峰为主;EASM主要停滞在长江中下游和华北地区,这些地区出现异常持续强降水,华南和淮河流域多干旱;在El Nino态向La Nina态转换期,ISO活动以第一模态双峰为主,长江中下游常常出现二度梅。


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本文通过胶州湾围隔实验、微藻培养实验研究了海洋微藻产生溶解有机物的三维荧光特性,并初步利用经验正交函数对三维荧光光谱图进行了主成分分析,通过东海取样研究了东海荧光溶解有机物的时空分布特征,并对荧光溶解有机物的来源进行了分析。得到了一些初步结论: 胶州湾围隔实验中不同营养盐培养结果表明浮游植物可产生类蛋白和类腐殖质荧光,类蛋白荧光峰由类酪氨酸(tyrosine-like)荧光峰和类色氨酸(tryptophan-like)荧光峰组成,主要位置为Exmax/Emmax=270nm/290~310nm,Exmax/Emmax= 270~290/320~350的荧光峰强度比较弱;在Exmax/Emmax=250~260/380~480nm(A峰)、Exmax/Emmax=310~320/380~420nm(C峰)和Exmax/Emmax=330~350/420~480nm(M峰)位置均出现零散的类腐殖质荧光峰,其中以A峰为主。类酪氨酸荧光强度明显高于类腐殖质荧光强度。浮游植物量降低时,类酪氨酸荧光强度与叶绿素a浓度呈明显的负相关。硅藻和甲藻产生的类酪氨酸和类色氨酸荧光强度之间具有较好的相关性,两者来源相似, 并且甲藻与硅藻相比能够产生更多的类蛋白荧光物质。不同环境下类腐殖质混合物的组分比例不同,甲藻生长环境下相对于硅藻具有较低的A:C比值。 在实验室培养中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)、塔玛亚历山大藻(Alexandrium tamarense)、微小亚历山大藻(Alexandrium mimutum)、锥状斯氏藻(Scrippsiella trochoidea)、东海原甲藻(Prorocentrum donghaiense)及海洋原甲藻(Prorocentrum micans)的实验结果表明,微藻在生长过程中产生出荧光溶解有机物,中肋骨条藻为代表的硅藻主要产生类腐殖质荧光物质,而甲藻在指数增长期主要产生类蛋白荧光物质。进入消亡期后类蛋白荧光和类腐殖质荧光强度迅速增大,原因可能是衰老、死亡藻细胞的破碎释放出大量的荧光有机物质所致,此外还有细菌对非荧光有机物进一步降解。塔玛亚历山大藻、微小亚历山大藻、东海原甲藻及海洋原甲藻的类蛋白荧光强度在消亡后期由于细菌降解或光降解等因素而降低。同属微藻产生的荧光物质相似,例如塔玛亚历山大藻与微小亚历山藻、东海原甲藻与海洋原甲藻,但具体荧光峰位置有所不同。利用经验正交函数能够对三维荧光光谱谱图进行主成份分析。 在利用三维荧光光谱法研究长江口海域台风前后不同站位荧光溶解有机物荧光特性及分布特征的结果表明,长江口海区主要的荧光溶解有机物荧光峰为T峰、S峰和A峰。风前和风后的类色氨酸分别来源于相似物质。风前,在表层浮游植物能够产生类蛋白荧光物质,而底层类蛋白荧光物质不受浮游植物的影响,长江冲淡水能够带来部分类蛋白荧光物质;表层的类腐殖质不受浮游植物的影响,而底层的浮游植物在降解过程中能够产生一部分类腐殖质,并且长江冲淡水对表层和底层的类腐殖质来源均有很大贡献。风后,表层的类色氨酸与叶绿素a浓度不呈相关性,而底层却呈正相关,另外表层和底层的类色氨酸均受到长江冲淡水的影响;表层和底层的类腐殖质与叶绿素a均没有相关性,但受陆源影响显著,长江冲淡水能带来类腐殖质。


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温度跃层是反映海洋温度场的重要物理特性指标,对水下通讯、潜艇活动及渔业养殖、捕捞等有重要影响。本文利用中国科学院海洋研究所“中国海洋科学数据库”在中国近海及西北太平洋(110ºE-140ºE,10ºN-40ºN)的多年历史资料(1930-2002年,510143站次),基于一种改进的温跃层判定方法,分析了该海域温跃层特征量的时空分布状况。同时利用Princeton Ocean Model(POM),对中国近海,特别是东南沿海的水文结构进行了模拟,研究了海洋水文环境对逆温跃层的影响。最后根据历史海温观测资料,利用EOF分解统计技术,提出了一种适于我国近海及毗邻海域,基于现场有限层实测海温数据,快速重构海洋水温垂直结构的统计预报方法,以达到对现场温跃层的快速估计。 历史资料分析结果表明,受太阳辐射和风应力的影响,20°N以北研究海域,温跃层季节变化明显,夏季温跃层最浅、最强,冬季相反,温跃层厚度的相位明显滞后于其他变量,其在春季最薄、秋季最厚。12月份到翌年3月份,渤、黄及东海西岸,呈无跃层结构,西北太平洋部分海域从1月到3月份,也基本无跃层结构。在黄海西和东岸以及台湾海峡附近的浅滩海域,由于风力搅拌和潮混合作用,温跃层出现概率常年较低。夏季,海水层化现象在近海陆架海域得到了加强,陆架海域温跃层强度季节性变化幅度(0.31°C/m)明显大于深水区(约0.05°C/m),而前者温跃层深度和厚度的季节性变化幅度小于后者。20°N以南研究海域,温跃层季节变化不明显。逆温跃层主要出现在冬、春季节(10月-翌年5月)。受长江冲淡水和台湾暖流的影响,东南沿海区域逆温跃层持续时间最长,出现概率最大,而在山东半岛北及东沿岸、朝鲜半岛西及北岸,逆温跃层消长过程似乎和黄海暖流有关。多温跃层结构常年出现于北赤道流及对马暖流区。在黑潮入侵黄、东、南海的区域,多温跃层呈现明显不同的季节变化。在黄海中部,春季多温跃层发生概率高于夏季和秋季,在东海西部,多跃层主要出现在夏季,在南海北部,冬季和春季多温跃层发生概率大于夏季和秋季。这些变化可能主要受海表面温度变化和风力驱动的表层流的影响。 利用Princeton Ocean Model(POM),对中国东南沿海逆温跃层结构进行了模拟,模拟结果显示,长江冲淡水的季节性变化以及夏季转向与实际结果符合较好,基本再现了渤、黄、东海海域主要的环流、温盐场以及逆温跃层的分布特征和季节变化。通过数值实验发现,若无长江、黄河淡水输入,则在整个研究海域基本无逆温跃层出现,因此陆源淡水可能是河口附近逆温跃层出现的基本因素之一。长江以及暖流(黑潮和台湾暖流)流量的增加,均可在不同程度上使逆温跃层出现概率及强度、深度和厚度增加,且暖流的影响更加明显。长江对东南沿海逆温跃层的出现,特别是秋季到冬季初期,有明显的影响,使长江口海域逆温跃层位置偏向东南。暖流对于中国东南沿海的逆温跃层结构,特别是初春时期,有较大影响,使长江口海域的逆温跃层位置向东北偏移。 通过对温跃层长期变化分析得出,黄海冷水团区域,夏季温跃层强度存在3.8年左右的年际变化及18.9年左右的年代际变化,此变化可能主要表现为对当年夏季和前冬东亚地区大气气温的热力响应。东海冷涡区域,夏季温跃层强度存在3.7年的年际变化,在El Nino年为正的强度异常,其可能主要受局地气旋式大气环流变异所影响。谱分析同时表明,该海域夏季温跃层强度还存在33.2年的年代际变化,上世纪70年代中期,温跃层强度由弱转强,而此变化可能与黑潮流量的年代际变化有关。 海洋水温垂直结构的统计预报结果显示,EOF分解的前四个主分量即能够解释原空间点温度距平总方差的95%以上,以海洋表层附近观测资料求解的特征系数推断温度垂直结构分布的结果最稳定。利用东海陆架区、南海深水区和台湾周边海域三个不同区域的实测CTD样本廓线资料,对重构模型的检验结果表明,重构与实测廓线的相关程度超过95%的置信水平。三个区重构与实测温度廓线值的平均误差分别为0.69℃,0.52℃,1.18℃,平均重构廓线误差小于平均气候偏差,统计模式可以很好的估算温度廓线垂直结构。东海陆架海区温度垂直重构廓线与CTD观测廓线获得的温跃层结果对比表明,重构温跃层上界、下界深度和强度的平均绝对误差分别为1.51m、1.36m和0.17℃/m,它们的平均相对误差分别为24.7%、8.9%和22.6%,虽然温跃层深度和强度的平均相对误差较大,但其绝对误差量值较小。而在南海海区,模型重构温跃层上界、下界和强度的平均绝对预报误差分别为4.1m、27.7m和0.007℃/m,它们的平均相对误差分别为16.1%、16.8%和9.5%,重构温跃层各特征值的平均相对误差都在20%以内。虽然南海区温跃层下界深度平均绝对预报误差较大,但相对于温跃层下界深度的空间尺度变化而言(平均温跃层下界深度为168m),平均相对误差仅为16.8%。因此说模型重构的温度廓线可以达到对我国陆架海域、深水区温跃层的较好估算。 基于对历史水文温度廓线观测资料的分析及自主温跃层统计预报模型,研制了实时可利用微机简单、快捷地进行温跃层估算及查询的可视化系统,这是迄今进行大范围海域温跃层统计与实时预报研究的较系统成果。


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The ionospheric parameter M(3000)F2 (the so-called transmission factor or the propagation factor) is important not only in practical applications such as frequency planning for radio-communication but also in ionospheric modeling. This parameter is strongly anti-correlated with the ionospheric F2-layer peak height hmF2,a parameter often used as a key anchor point in some widely used empirical models of the ionospheric electron density profile (e.g., in IRI and NeQuick models). Since hmF2 is not easy to obtain from measurements and M(3000)F2 can be routinely scaled from ionograms recorded by ionosonde/digisonde stations distributed globally and its data has been accumulated for a long history, usually the value of hmF2 is calculated from M(3000)F2 using the empirical formula connecting them. In practice, CCIR M(3000)F2 model is widely used to obtain M(3000)F2 value. However, recently some authors found that the CCIR M(3000)F2 model has remarkable discrepancies with the measured M(3000)F2, especially in low-latitude and equatorial regions. For this reason, the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) research community proposes to improve or update the currently used CCIR M(3000)F2 model. Any efforts toward the improvement and updating of the current M(3000)F2 model or newly development of a global hmF2 model are encouraged. In this dissertation, an effort is made to construct the empirical models of M(3000)F2 and hmF2 based on the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis combined with regression analysis method. The main results are as follows: 1. A single station model is constructed using monthly median hourly values of M(3000)F2 data observed at Wuhan Ionospheric Observatory during the years of 1957–1991 and compared with the IRI model. The result shows that EOF method is possible to use only a few orders of EOF components to represent most of the variance of the original data set. It is a powerful method for ionospheric modeling. 2. Using the values of M(3000)F2 observed by ionosondes distributed globally, data at grids uniformly distributed globally were obtained by using the Kriging interpolation method. Then the gridded data were decomposed into EOF components using two different coordinates: (1) geographical longitude and latitude; (2) modified dip (Modip) and local time. Based on the EOF decompositions of the gridded data under these two coordinates systems, two types of the global M(3000)F2 model are constructed. Statistical analysis showed that the two types of the constructed M(3000)F2 model have better agreement with the observational M(3000)F2 than the M(3000)F2 model currently used by IRI. The constructed models can represent the global variations of M(3000)F2 better. 3. The hmF2 data used to construct the hmF2 model were converted from the observed M(3000)F2 based on the empirical formula connecting them. We also constructed two types of the global hmF2 model using the similar method of modeling M(3000)F2. Statistical analysis showed that the prediction of our models is more accurate than the model of IRI. This demonstrated that using EOF analysis method to construct global model of hmF2 directly is feasible. The results in this thesis indicate that the modeling technique based on EOF expansion combined with regression analysis is very promising when used to construct the global models of M(3000)F2 and hmF2. It is worthwhile to investigate further and has the potential to be used to the global modeling of other ionospheric parameters.


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The objective of the present study is to understand the spatial and temporal variability of sea surface temperature(SST), precipitable water, zonal and meridional components of wind stress over the tropical Indian Ocean to understand the different scales of variability of these features of Indian Ocean. Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) and wavelet analysis techniques are utilized to understand the standing oscillations and multi scale oscillations respectively. The study has been carried out over Indian Ocean and South Indian Ocean. For the present study, NCEP/NCAR(National Center for Environmental Prediction National Center for Atmospheric Research) reanalyzed daily fields of sea surface temperature, zonal and meridional surface wind components and precipitable water amount during 1960-1998 are used. The principle of EOF analysis and the methodology used for the analysis of spatial and temporal variance modes.


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[1] Temperature and ozone observations from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) on the EOS Aura satellite are used to study equatorial wave activity in the autumn of 2005. In contrast to previous observations for the same season in other years, the temperature anomalies in the middle and lower tropical stratosphere are found to be characterized by a strong wave-like eastward progression with zonal wave number equal to 3. Extended empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis reveals that the wave 3 components detected in the temperature anomalies correspond to a slow Kelvin wave with a period of 8 days and a phase speed of 19 m/s. Fluctuations associated with this Kelvin wave mode are also apparent in ozone profiles. Moreover, as expected by linear theory, the ozone fluctuations observed in the lower stratosphere are in phase with the temperature perturbations, and peak around 20–30 hPa where the mean ozone mixing ratios have the steepest vertical gradient. A search for other Kelvin wave modes has also been made using both the MLS observations and the analyses from one experiment where MLS ozone profiles are assimilated into the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) data assimilation system via a 6-hourly 3D var scheme. Our results show that the characteristics of the wave activity detected in the ECMWF temperature and ozone analyses are in good agreement with MLS data.


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Using a simple stochastic model, the authors illustrate that the occurrence of a meridional dipole in the first empirical orthogonal function (EOF) of a time-dependent zonal jet is a simple consequence of the north–south excursion of the jet center, and this geometrical fact can be understood without appealing to fluid dynamical principles. From this it follows that one ought not, perhaps, be surprised at the fact that such dipoles, commonly referred to as the Arctic Oscillation (AO) or the Northern Annular Mode (NAM), have robustly been identified in many observational studies and appear to be ubiquitous in atmospheric models across a wide range of complexity.


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The Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) interacts with and influences a wide range of weather and climate phenomena (e.g., monsoons, ENSO, tropical storms, midlatitude weather), and represents an important, and as yet unexploited, source of predictability at the subseasonal time scale. Despite the important role of the MJO in climate and weather systems, current global circulation models (GCMs) exhibit considerable shortcomings in representing this phenomenon. These shortcomings have been documented in a number of multimodel comparison studies over the last decade. However, diagnosis of model performance has been challenging, and model progress has been difficult to track, because of the lack of a coherent and standardized set of MJO diagnostics. One of the chief objectives of the U.S. Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) MJO Working Group is the development of observation-based diagnostics for objectively evaluating global model simulations of the MJO in a consistent framework. Motivation for this activity is reviewed, and the intent and justification for a set of diagnostics is provided, along with specification for their calculation, and illustrations of their application. The diagnostics range from relatively simple analyses of variance and correlation to more sophisticated space–time spectral and empirical orthogonal function analyses. These diagnostic techniques are used to detect MJO signals, to construct composite life cycles, to identify associations of MJO activity with the mean state, and to describe interannual variability of the MJO.


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Gridded monthly precipitation data for 1979-2006 from the Global Precipitation Climatology Project are used to investigate interannual summer precipitation variability over Europe and its links to regional atmospheric circulation and evaporation. The first empirical orthogonal function (EOF) mode of European precipitation, explaining 17.2%-22.8% of its total variance, is stable during the summer season and is associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation. The spatialtemporal structure of the second EOF mode is less stable and shows monthtomonth variations during the summer season. This mode is linked to the Scandinavian teleconnection pattern. Analysis of links between leading EOF modes of regional precipitation and evaporation has revealed a significant link between precipitation and evaporation from the European land surface, thus, indicating an important role of the local processes in summertime precipitation variability over Europe. Weaker, but statistically significant links have been found for evaporation from the surface of the Mediterranean and Baltic Seas. Finally, in contrast to winter, no significant links have been revealed between European precipitation and evaporation in the North Atlantic during the summer season.