777 resultados para Emergency room


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AIM: Although acute pain is frequently reported by patients admitted to the emergency room, it is often insufficiently evaluated by physicians and is thus undertreated. With the aim of improving the care of adult patients with acute pain, we developed and implemented abbreviated clinical practice guidelines (CG) for the staff of nurses and physicians in our hospital's emergency room. METHODS: Our algorithm is based upon the practices described in the international literature and uses a simultaneous approach of treating acute pain in a rapid and efficacious manner along with diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. RESULTS: Pain was assessed using either a visual analogue scale (VAS) or a numerical rating scale (NRS) at ER admission and again during the hospital stay. Patients were treated with paracetamol and/or NSAID (VAS/NRS <4) or intravenous morphine (VAS/NRS > or =04). The algorithm also outlines a specific approach for patients with headaches to minimise the risks inherent to a non-specific treatment. In addition, our algorithm addresses the treatment of paroxysmal pain in patients with chronic pain as well as acute pain in drug addicts. It also outlines measures for pain prevention prior to minor diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. CONCLUSIONS: Based on published guidelines, an abbreviated clinical algorithm (AA) was developed and its simple format permitted a widespread implementation. In contrast to international guidelines, our algorithm favours giving nursing staff responsibility for decision making aspects of pain assessment and treatment in emergency room patients.


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OBJECTIVE To verify the adequacy of the professional nursing staff in the emergency room of a university hospital and to evaluate the association between categories of risk classification triage with the Fugulin Patient Classification System. METHOD The classification of patients admitted into the emergency room was performed for 30 consecutive days through the methodology proposed by Gaidzinski for calculating nursing requirements. RESULTS The calculation determines the need for three registered nurses and four non-registered nursing for each six hour shift. However, only one registered nurse and four non-registered nurse were available per shift. There was no correlation between triage risk classification and classification of care by the Fugulin Patient Classification System. CONCLUSION A deficit in professional staff was identified in the emergency room. The specificity of this unit made it difficult to measure. To find the best strategy to do so, further studies should be performed.


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BACKGROUND: An association between alcohol consumption and injury is clearly established from volume of drinking, heavy episodic drinking (HED), and consumption before injury. Little is known, however, about how their interaction raises risk of injury and what combination of factors carries the highest risk. This study explores which of 11 specified groups of drinkers (a) are at high risk and (b) contribute most to alcohol-attributable injuries. METHODS: In all, 8,736 patients, of whom 5,077 were injured, admitted to the surgical ward of the emergency department of Lausanne University Hospital between January 1, 2003, and June 30, 2004, were screened for alcohol use. Eleven groups were constructed on the basis of usual patterns of intake and preattendance drinking. Odds ratios (ORs) comparing injured and noninjured were derived, and alcohol-attributable fractions of injuries were calculated from ORs and prevalence of exposure groups. RESULTS: Risk of injury increased with volume of drinking, HED, and preattendance drinking. For both sexes, the highest risk was associated with low intake, HED, and 4 (women), 5 (men), or more drinks before injury. At the same level of preattendance drinking, high-volume drinkers were at lower risk than low-volume drinkers. In women, the group of low-risk non-HED drinkers taking fewer than 4 drinks suffered 47.5% of the alcohol-attributable injuries in contrast to only 20.4% for men. Low-volume male drinkers with HED had more alcohol-attributable injuries than that of low-volume female drinkers with HED (46.9% vs 23.2%). CONCLUSIONS: Although all groups of drinkers are at increased risk of alcohol-related injury, those who usually drink little but on occasion heavily are at particular risk. The lower risk of chronic heavy drinkers may be due to higher tolerance of alcohol. Prevention should thus target heavy-drinking occasions. Low-volume drinking women without HED and with only little preattendance drinking experienced a high proportion of injuries; such women would be well advised to drink very little or to take other special precautions in risky circumstances.


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OBJECTIVE: To conduct a critical analysis of thoracotomies performed in the emergency rooms.METHODS: We analyzed mortality rates and survival as outcome variables, mechanism of injury, site of injury and anatomic injury as clinical variables, and gender and age as demographic variables of patients undergoing thoracotomy in the emergency room after traumatic injury.RESULTS: Of the 105 patients, 89.5% were male. The average age was 29.2 years. Penetrating trauma accounted for 81% of cases. The most common mechanism of trauma was wound by a firearm projectile (gunshot), in 64.7% of cases. Patients with stab wounds (SW) accounted for 16.2% of cases. Overall survival was 4.7%. Survival by gunshot was 1.4%, and by SW, 23.5%. The ERT following blunt trauma showed a 100%mortality.CONCLUSION: The results obtained in the Emergency Hospital of Porto Alegre POA-HPS are similar to those reported in the world literature.


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Vaikean sepsiksen varhainen tunnistaminen päivystyspoliklinikalla – merkkiaineiden käyttökelpoisuus aikuispotilaiden arvioinnissa Päivystyspotilaan vakavan yleisinfektion eli sepsiksen varhainen tunnistaminen ja taudin vaikeusasteen arviointi on päivystävälle lääkärille tärkeä haaste. Arvioimme prospektiivisessa kohorttitutkimuksessa eri merkkiaineiden hyödyllisyyttä sepsiksen varhaisessa tunnistamisessa ja vaikeusasteen arvioinnissa. Työssä I ja III oli 539 päivystyspotilasta, joilta kliinikko päätti ottaa veriviljelyn sepsistä epäillen. Tutkimuksessa II oli 525 potilasta ja tutkimuksessa IV 537 potilasta. Tutkimuksessa I plasman C-reaktiivisen proteiinin (CRP) pitoisuuksia verrattiin plasman prokalsitoniinin (PCT) ja interleukiinin (IL-6) pitoisuuksiin. Tutkimuksessa II verrattiin plasman baktersidisen/ permeabiliteettia lisäävän proteiinin (BPI), ryhmän IIA fosfolipaasi A2:n (PLA2GIIA) ja CRP:n pitoisuuksia sekä valkosolujen määriä toisiinsa. Tutkimuksessa III arvioitiin liukoisen urokinaasi-tyyppisen plasminogeenin aktivaattorireseptorin (suPAR) ja tutkimuksessa IV pentraksiini 3:n (PTX3) määrityksen käyttökelpoisuutta. Tutkimuksessa I todettiin päivystystilanteessa mitattujen korkeiden PCT - ja IL-6 - pitoisuuksien ennustavan vaikean sepsiksen kehittymistä paremmin kuin korkean CRP:n. Tutkimuksessa II plasman PLA2GIIA vaikutti hiukan paremmalta vaikean sepsiksen ennustajalta kuin CRP tai veren valkosolutaso, mutta BPI ei ollut hyödyllinen. Tutkimuksessa III korkea plasman suPAR- pitoisuus osoittautui itsenäiseksi kuolleisuuden riskitekijäksi ja se liittyi myös vaikean sepsiksen kehittymiseen. Tutkimuksessa IV korkea PTX3 - pitoisuus toimi samaan tapaan kuin suPAR. Kokonaisuutena PCT osoittautui parhaaksi merkkiaineeksi ennustamaan elinhäiriön kehittymistä ja suPAR kuolleisuutta. PTX3 ei tarjonnut merkittävää lisäetua PCT:iin ja suPAR:iin verrattuna. CRP osoitti suhteellisen hyvin bakteeri-infektion esiintymistä, mutta ennusteellista arvoa sillä ei ollut. suPAR on kiinnostava kuolleisuuden ja elinhäiriön kehittymisen merkkiaine.


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Early identification of patients who need hospitalization or patients who should be discharged would be helpful for the management of acute asthma in the emergency room. The objective of the present study was to examine the clinical and pulmonary functional measures used during the first hour of assessment of acute asthma in the emergency room in order to predict the outcome. We evaluated 88 patients. The inclusion criteria were age between 12 and 55 years, forced expiratory volume in the first second below 50% of predicted value, and no history of chronic disease or pregnancy. After baseline evaluation, all patients were treated with 2.5 mg albuterol delivered by nebulization every 20 min in the first hour and 60 mg of intravenous methylprednisolone. Patients were reevaluated after 60 min of treatment. Sixty-five patients (73.9%) were successfully treated and discharged from the emergency room (good responders), and 23 (26.1%) were hospitalized or were treated and discharged with relapse within 10 days (poor responders). A predictive index was developed: peak expiratory flow rates after 1 h <=0% of predicted values and accessory muscle use after 1 h. The index ranged from 0 to 2. An index of 1 or higher presented a sensitivity of 74.0, a specificity of 69.0, a positive predictive value of 46.0, and a negative predictive value of 88.0. It was possible to predict outcome in the first hour of management of acute asthma in the emergency room when the index score was 0 or 2.


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In order to assess the effect of air pollution on pediatric respiratory morbidity, we carried out a time series study using daily levels of PM10, SO2, NO2, ozone, and CO and daily numbers of pediatric respiratory emergency room visits and hospital admissions at the Children's Institute of the University of São Paulo Medical School, from August 1996 to August 1997. In this period there were 43,635 hospital emergency room visits, 4534 of which were due to lower respiratory tract disease. The total number of hospital admissions was 6785, 1021 of which were due to lower respiratory tract infectious and/or obstructive diseases. The three health end-points under investigation were the daily number of emergency room visits due to lower respiratory tract diseases, hospital admissions due to pneumonia, and hospital admissions due to asthma or bronchiolitis. Generalized additive Poisson regression models were fitted, controlling for smooth functions of time, temperature and humidity, and an indicator of weekdays. NO2 was positively associated with all outcomes. Interquartile range increases (65.04 µg/m³) in NO2 moving averages were associated with an 18.4% increase (95% confidence interval, 95% CI = 12.5-24.3) in emergency room visits due to lower respiratory tract diseases (4-day moving average), a 17.6% increase (95% CI = 3.3-32.7) in hospital admissions due to pneumonia or bronchopneumonia (3-day moving average), and a 31.4% increase (95% CI = 7.2-55.7) in hospital admissions due to asthma or bronchiolitis (2-day moving average). The study showed that air pollution considerably affects children's respiratory morbidity, deserving attention from the health authorities.


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This report tells a story which started as an idea that came to us to fight the battle-cry feeling commonly known as stress and anxiety. Before creating the solution of the idea, we first need to understand the feelings underneath and its effects on our well-being. Throughout the course of our lives, we experience states of weakness and fear. These feelings can arise, for instance, while we are in an emergency room. Needless to say, how much it would have imaginable effects on children, who are unfamiliar to such environments. We ran through a serious of scenarios to find the most suitable solution, among them the study of interaction with positive expressions by Dr. Baldwin, proved to be a valued resource. It was reduced due to its length and to be suitable to our public audience. The game was then created in order to reduce or even eliminate the stress and anxiety of children. Since the game was initially released, some modifications had been made but the original idea - interaction with positive expressions – remained. When the time came, we asked children to play one of the two versions of the game while waiting in the emergency room. This not only created a diversion for them but also a learning experience as it displayed some hospital equipment. The difference between the two versions is that one provides expressions, while the other does not. After all our hard work, we felt rewarded because the project proved its worth and we would see that in the expressions on children’s faces while they played. Most importantly, their anxiety level numbers were significantly reduced during that short period of time.


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Few studies have investigated the predictive properties of urinary (u) NGAL as an AKI marker in septic population. This study evaluated the efficacy of uNGAL as predictor of AKI and death in septic patients admitted to the clinical emergency room (ER). We prospectively studied patients with sepsis admitted to the ER. Urine was analyzed for NGAL within the first 24 hours after admission (classified as NGAL1), between 24 and 48 h (NGAL2), and at moment of AKI diagnosis (NGAL3). Among 168 septic patients admitted to ER, 72% developed AKI. The uNGAL and its relationship with creatinine (Cr) were high in septic patients but statistically higher in those with sepsis and AKI. The uNGAL1 and uNGAL2, as well as uNGAL1/uCr1 and uNGAL2/uCr2, were good predictors for AKI (AUC-ROC 0.73, 0.70, 0.77, and 0.84, resp.). The uNGAL1 and uNGAL1/uCr1 were poor predictors for death (AUC-ROC 0.66 and 0.68, resp.), whereas uNGAL2 and uNGAL2/uCr2 were better predictors (AUC-ROC 0.70 and 0.81, resp.). The uNGAL is highly sensitive but nonspecific predictor of AKI and death in septic patients admitted into ER.