962 resultados para Electronic control.


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This paper describes the novel nanocrystalline film ZnO surface acoustic wave devices, which demonstrate their great potential for the portable disease diagnostic system with integrated functions of microfluidic transport, mixing and biosensing. The devices can be easily integrated with electronic control circuitry and fabricated with low temperature process on Si, glass or even polymer substrates. The liquid convection and internal streaming patterns was easily induced by acoustic wave at signal voltages. With further increase in applied voltage to above 20V, the liquid droplet was pushed forward. Immunoreaction-based bio-detection PSA/ACT, all based on SAW devices on thin film piezoelectric ZnO on Si substrate was demonstrated. © 2009 CBMS.


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It has recently been proposed that the combination of skin barrier impairment using microneedles (MNs) coupled with iontophoresis (ITP) may broaden the range of drugs suitable for transdermal delivery as well as enabling the rate of delivery to be achieved with precise electronic control. However, few reports exist on the combination of ITP with in situ drug-loaded polymeric MN delivery systems. Our in vitro permeation studies revealed that MN enhances transdermal drug delivery. The combination of dissolving MN and ITP did not further enhance the extent of delivery of the low molecular weight drug ibuprofen sodium after short application periods. However, the extent of peptide/protein delivery was significantly enhanced when ITP was used in combination with hydrogel-forming MN arrays. As such, hydrogel-forming MN arrays show promise for the electrically controlled transdermal delivery of biomacromolecules in a simple, one-step approach, though further technical developments will be necessary before patient benefit is realized.


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O veículo guiado automaticamente (AGV) adquirido pelo Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica (DEM) tem vindo a ficar obsoleto devido ao hardware, que nos dias de hoje começa a dar sinais de falhas bem como falta de peças de substituição, e ao software, sendo o PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) usado muito limitado quanto às suas funções de controlo, ficando as principais tarefas de controlo do AGV a cargo de placas eletrónicas de controlo. Para promover o controlo autónomo do AGV, foi decidido retirar toda a parte de hardware que detinha o controlo do mesmo e passou a ser um novo PLC, com maior capacidade de processamento, a executar todo o tipo de controlo necessário ao funcionamento do mesmo. O hardware considerado apenas incluí, de forma resumida, os motores responsáveis pelo movimento e direção, placa de controlo de potência dos motores, placa de interface entre as saídas digitais do PLC e as entradas da placa de controlo de potência dos motores e os demais sensores necessários à deteção de obstáculos, fins de curso da direção, sensores dos postos de trabalho e avisadores de emergência. Todo o controlo de movimento e direção bem como a seleção das ações a executar passou a ficar a cargo do software programado no PLC assim como a interação entre o sistema de supervisão instalado num posto de controlo e o PLC através de comunicação via rádio. O uso do PLC permitiu a flexibilidade de mudar facilmente a forma como as saídas digitais são usadas, ao contrário de um circuito eletrónico que necessita de uma completa remodelação, tempo de testes e implementação para efetuar a mesma função. O uso de um microcontrolador seria igualmente viável para a aplicação em causa, no entanto o uso do PLC tem a vantagem de ser robusto, mais rápido na velocidade de processamento, existência de software de interface de programação bastante intuitivo e de livre acesso, facilidade de alterar a programação localmente ou remotamente, via rádio, acesso a vários protocolos de comunicação robustos como Modbus, Canbus, Profinet, Modnet, etc., e acesso integrado de uma consola gráfica totalmente programável. iv É ainda possível a sua expansão com adição de módulos de entradas e saídas digitais e/ou analógicas permitindo expandir largamente o uso do AGV para outros fins. A solução está a ser amplamente testada e validada no Laboratório de Automação (LabA) do Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica do ISEP (Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto), permitindo a otimização dos sistemas de controlo de direção bem como a interatividade entre o PLC e o programa de interface/supervisão do posto de trabalho.


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In dieser Arbeit wurde ein räumlich bewegter pneumatischer Mehrachsenprüfstand als spezielle mechanische Variante eines Parallelroboters entwickelt, im Labor aufgebaut und in Rechnersimulationen sowie in Laborexperimenten regelungstechnisch untersucht. Für diesen speziellen Parallelroboter MAP-RTS-6 wurden Regelalgorithmen, die mittels moderner Verfahren der linearen und nichtlinearen Regelungstheorie abgeleitet wurden, hinsichtlich ihrer praktischen Anwendbarkeit, Echtzeitfähigkeit und Qualität entwickelt, implementiert und überprüft. Mit diesen Regelalgorithmen ist der MAP-RTS-6 in der Lage, große räumliche Transienten schnell und präzise nachzufahren. Der MAP-RTS-6 wird in erster Linie als räumlicher Bewegungsmanipulator für große nichtlineare Transienten (Translationen und Rotationen), als räumlicher Vibrationsprüfstand für starre und flexible Prüfkörper unterschiedlicher Konfigurationen und als Mechanismus für die Implementierung und experimentelle Überprüfung unterschiedlicher Regelungs- und Identifikationsalgorithmen und Sicherheitskonzepte verwendet. Die Voraussetzung zum Betrieb des Mehrachsenprüfstands für unterschiedliche redundante Antriebskonfigurationen mit sieben und acht Antrieben MAP-RTS-7 und MAP-RTS-8 wurde in dieser Arbeit geschaffen. Dazu zählen die konstruktive Vorbereitung der Prüfstandsmechanik und Pneumatik zum Anschluss weiterer Antriebe, die Vorbereitung zusätzlicher I/O-Schnittstellen zur Prüfstandselektronik und zum Regelungssystem und die Ableitung von Algorithmen zur analytischen Arbeitsraumüberwachung für redundante Antriebskonfigurationen mit sieben und acht Antrieben.


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Motorbike riders are 34-times more likely to die in a crash compared to car drivers per km travelled (1). Such safety risks together with special skill requirements for the driver and much lower comfort compared to normal cars are the main reasons why motorbikes represent only a fraction of all vehicle sales in developed countries. Deakin University is developing a revolutionary cross-over fun vehicle with ultra low fuel consumption and emissions. This new vehicle generation combines the best of two worlds: the fun to drive, low cost, and small size of a scooter together with the safety, comfort and easiness to operate of a car. The result is a vehicle that is more fuel efficient than most cars or even scooters.

Various tilting cross over vehicles have been presented over the last decade that were trying to automate the tilting control of narrow vehicles to make them safer. Examples of these concepts are the Carver, Clever and in some way also the MP3 scooter from Piaggio. The problem with fully enclosed concepts like the Carver or Clever is that they require very complex and therefore also expensive tilting control systems so that the vehicles are not price competitive compared to low cost micro cars or even normal small cars. The MP3 on the other hand comes with a tilting control system which is only semi automatic so that typical car advantages - comprehensive safety features like crush zones, roll over protection, air bags, safety belts or comfort features like full weather protection including heating and cooling – can not be provided.

Deakin’s approach is quite different to the above mentioned concepts. The requirements were derived based on two different investigations: The first step was a critical evaluation of social trends and the second step was an in-depth benchmarking study of existing concepts which identified the typical strengths and weaknesses of these concepts. In a critical next step a new concept was created that addresses most of the weaknesses of existing tilting three-wheelers in a holistic approach by setting clear priority rankings for the vehicle targets, based on current trends. The priorities were set in the following order: Safety, Affordability, Fun and Efficiency (SAFE).

The key feature that enables an enclosed tilting vehicle is a fully automatic tilting control system. With an automatic tilting control system the driver does not need to put the feet on the ground to balance the vehicle when he stops, so the vehicle can be built with a full enclosure. This allows the implementation of typical car like safety features (seat belts, roll over structure, crush zones, air bags). The SafeRide™ tilting control system is a passive system that involves the driver’s balancing sense in its feedback control system. The vehicle has typical scooter like steering characteristics, where the steering is initiated through countersteering. Another safety critical design feature is the crush zone between the two front wheels which is not possible with only one front wheel or with the powertrain positioned between the front wheels, as the powertrain can’t absorb a lot of energy due to its structural stiffness and density. The passive tilting control system is quite simple and therefore makes the vehicle very affordable, an important factor for successful commercialisation.

Another advantage of integrating the human balancing senses in the feedback control of the tilting system is that the system kicks in slightly after the human balancing reacts. In some instances that can generate the typical adrenalin thrill known from riding a bike. This fun factor is quite common with many trend sports like mountain biking, surfing, roller-skating, snowboarding, or skateboarding. Some of these sports have seen very rapid growth only a short time after they have been invented. Utilising the human balancing system during driving also makes the vehicle safer as the adrenalin is produced after reaching a semi-stable driving condition that is controlled by the vehicles tilting control system, but before the vehicle reaches an unstable driving condition that can not be controlled by the vehicle but only (eventually) by the driver – if he has got the required driving skill and if he is alert enough.

Efficiency superior to most cars and scooters is achieved by the aerodynamics of a fully enclosed body structure in combination with the small frontal area of a typical scooter and the droplet shape enabled by the relatively wide front with 2 wheels and the very narrow tail with only one rear wheel. The passive tilting system also contributes to the extreme efficiency as the system only draws some small electrical power for the electronic control unit. Another feature is a low cost exhaust energy recovery system which is discussed in another paper.


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Antenna arrays are able to provide high and controlled directivity, which are suitable for radiobase stations, radar systems, and point-to-point or satellite links. The optimization of an array design is usually a hard task because of the non-linear characteristic of multiobjective, requiring the application of numerical techniques, such as genetic algorithms. Therefore, in order to optimize the electronic control of the antenna array radiation pattem through genetic algorithms in real codification, it was developed a numerical tool which is able to positioning the array major lobe, reducing the side lobe levels, canceling interference signals in specific directions of arrival, and improving the antenna radiation performance. This was accomplished by using antenna theory concepts and optimization methods, mainly genetic algorithms ones, allowing to develop a numerical tool with creative genes codification and crossover rules, which is one of the most important contribution of this work. The efficiency of the developed genetic algorithm tool is tested and validated in several antenna and propagation applications. 11 was observed that the numerical results attend the specific requirements, showing the developed tool ability and capacity to handle the considered problems, as well as a great perspective for application in future works.


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The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a variable dose rate application of herbicides using an online electronic control based system with optical sensors for weed detection in forested areas. The proposed concept was to apply a basic dose on 100% of the area (aiming to control small weeds) and to apply a complementary patch-spraying dose only on areas with higher weed infestation. For that purpose, a conventional spray boom was adjusted to apply 40% of the herbicide dose on the full area and the optical sensors were used to control the application of the complementary dose (60%) only on areas with higher infestation. The results showed that the system performed adequately. Field applications presented herbicide savings around 20 to 30%, with a similar weed control performance as compared to the full dose application on 100% of the area.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This work aims to make the closed loop control of a three phase induction motor, through the integration of the following equipment: a frequency inverter, the actuator system; a programmable logic controller (PLC), the controller; an encoder, the velocity sensor, used as a feedback monitoring the control variable and the three-phase induction motor, the plant to be controlled. The control is performed using a Proportional - Integrative - Derivative (PID) approach. The PLC has a help instruction, which performs the auto adjustment of the controller, that instruction is used and confronted with other adjustment methods. There are several types of methods adjustments to the PID controllers, where the empirical methods are addressed in this work. The system is deployed at the Interface and Electro Electronic Control laboratory in the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio Mesquita Filho, Guaratinguetá, São Paulo, then, in the future, this work becomes an experiment to be conducted in the classroom, allowing undergraduate students to develop a greater affinity to the programs used by the PLC as well as studies of undergraduate and graduate works with the help of assembly made