957 resultados para Electronic banking services
Internet pankkipalveluiden laatuun kiinnitetään yhä enemmän huomiota. Pankkipalveluiden siirtyessä Internetiin pankit pitävät Internet pankkipalveluiden laatua yhä tärkeämpänä kilpailuelementtinä. Vuosittain tehtävät tutkimukset ja niiden tutkimustulokset Internet pankkipalveluiden laadusta kuvaavat palveluiden kehitystä ja tämänhetkistä tilannetta. Pk-yritysten saaman palvelun laadun arviointi onkin erittäin tärkeää tuottoisan asiakassegmenttinsä ansiosta. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää Handelsbankenin Internet pankkipalveluiden laatu ja sen ulottuvuudet pk-yrityksille, palvelun markkinoinnin viitekehyksessä. Tutkielman teoreettinen osa perustuu Internet pankkipalveluiden laatua ja toimivuutta käsittelevään tieteelliseen kirjallisuuteen ja artikkeleihin. Empiirisessä osassa tutkitaan sitä, mistä ulottuvuuksista palvelun laatu markkinoinnin kontekstissa muodostuu ja mikä on laadun ulottuvuuksien suhde asiakastyytyväisyyteen ja kehitysmahdollisuuksiin. Empiiriseen tutkimukseen kuuluu kaksi eri osa-aluetta, haastattelututkimus sekä elektronisella kyselylomakkeella toteutettu kyselytutkimus, jossa muun muassa selvitettiin pk-yritysten käsityksiä eri laadun ulottuvuuksista sekä heidän kokemuksiaan palvelun laadusta. Tutkimusote on kvantitatiivinen ja osin myös kvalitatiivinen. Perinteisten pankkipalveluiden laadun ulottuvuuksien lisäksi tutkimuksen tuloksista havaittiin, että Internet pankkipalveluiden laadun uusia ulottuvuuksia ovat palvelualttius, yksilöllinen ja kehittyvä palvelu, palvelun luotettavuus, käytettävyys, saavutettavuus, ”rahoille vastinetta” ja turvallisuus. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että Internet pankkipalveluiden laadulla ja etenkin havaituilla uusilla ulottuvuuksilla on yhteys pk-yritysten asiakastyytyväisyyteen.
"Le présent rapport a pour objet de fournir un commentaire détaillé sur la faisabilité globale d'un portail unique de dépôt électronique hébergé par le secteur privé (modèle transactionnel central de dépôt électronique) fondé sur la norme LegalXML. Le résultat attendu principal est une opinion concernant la faisabilité du modèle à guichet unique (portail électronique). D'autres résultats attendus comprennent : une connaissance accrue chez les intéressés du modèle de fournisseur de services et une évaluation préliminaire de l'appui que le modèle reçoit. Nous avons utilisé deux véhicules d'analyse principaux pour réaliser les objectifs de l'étude susmentionnés : des analyses documentaires et des entretiens auprès d'intéressés. Les analyses visent explicitement à : examiner des approches différentes au dépôt électronique, notamment un système de dépôt électronique comme extension de chaque instance, et l'hébergement par le secteur privé par opposition au secteur public d'un guichet unique; recenser les questions et les facteurs de risque critiques se rapportant à la mise en place de services de dépôt électronique dans les cours, notamment la protection des renseignements personnels, la propriété intellectuelle et la sécurité, et en discuter; opposer chacun de ces points au modèle de FSA; faire des recommandations sur la stratégie permettant de régler les questions et les facteurs de risque critiques. L'étude a révélé que : de nombreux intéressés appuient le dépôt électronique; de nombreux intéressés (p. ex. les avocats) ne font aucune distinction entre les formes différentes de dépôt électronique, tandis que d'autres s'en soucient beaucoup (p. ex. administrateurs de certaines cours); un modèle de fournisseur de services de dépôt électronique (FSDE) à guichet unique offre quelques avantages importants par rapport à une approche de dépôt électronique individuelle, surtout pour ce qui concerne les coûts et la plate-forme de l'avenir; un modèle de FSDE du secteur privé offre des avantages considérables par rapport à un modèle de FSDE du secteur privé, surtout en matière de succès et de coût de la mise en œuvre."
O comércio eletrônico é uma força que promete mudar definitivamente o cenário das empresas e seu relacionamento com clientes, fornecedores e parceiros. De olho no crescimento explosivo da Internet e da Web, as empresas estão aprendendo a utilizar o comércio eletrônico em seus processos de negócio tanto quanto nas suas estratégias de integração interna e externa. Os bancos têm, desde há muito, estado entre as empresas que mais investem em tecnologia de informação para apoiar os seus processos de negócio, buscar a eficiência empresarial e aumentar a qualidade dos seus serviços. Tendo suas origens na convergência tecnológica entre a computação e a telecomunicação, o comércio eletrônico abre um leque de oportunidades aos bancos que há muito buscam alternativas para oferecer aos seus clientes a possibilidade de operar serviços bancários remotamente, sem a necessidade de deslocamento até Uma agência. Mas a importância da evolução do comércio eletrônico para os bancos é ainda maior se for considerado que não há comércio sem pagamento e os bancos são os principais responsáveis pela manutenção de um sistema de pagamento confiável e versátil. Portanto, a crescente utilização da Web e da Internet pelos bancos implica também na consolidação do comércio eletrônico, tanto pela sua importância no controle dos meios de pagamento quanto na confiabilidade que transmitem aos usuários dos sistemas eletrônicos de transferência de valor. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estabelecer critérios para avaliar a evolução do comércio eletrônico nos serviços bancários e a difusão do uso da Web entre os bancos. A partir da observação de que os bancos podem utilizar a Web para divulgar informação, distribuir produtos e serviços e melhorar o relacionamento com os clientes, foram realizadas pesquisas através de análises em Web sites, questionários e entrevistas, para caracterizar o ritmo, a direção, os determinantes e as implicações da evolução do uso da Web entre os bancos.
Uma análise das principais teorias de competitividade, incluindo estudos da Ernst & Young no segmento bancário e teorias de N.Venkatraman, Michael Porter e Nigel Slack. Os principais sistemas de Office Banking do Citibank, no segmento corporativo para serviços de Cash Management são usados como estudo de caso para ilustrar estas teorias, devidamente situados na realidade do segmento de automação bancária e de office banking no Brasil e no mundo neste final de século. Palavras-chave: Cash Management - Electronic Banking - Office Banking - Electronic Delivery - Citibank - Automação bancária - Citigroup - Serviços bancários - Corporate banking
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE
Switzerland has for a long time been an important centre of banking services in Europe and beyond. Consequently, the banking sector has become important to Switzerland’s prosperity. This paper focuses on a central reason behind the success of the Swiss banking sector: the institution of banking secrecy, deeply enshrined in the Swiss history and tradition. The rapid development of international markets that eventually gave rise to a “group structuration process” has, however, progressively eroded Swiss banking secrecy. It has had to bend before the duty of transparency within the groups in order not to promote financial criminality through accelerated asset inflows. Switzerland has also had to develop a comprehensive legislative frame to tackle financial criminality, and to enter into international agreements providing for mutual assistance. This process has undoubtedly and irremediably weakened the Swiss banking secrecy. Most importantly, nevertheless, the questionable ethical and socio-economic grounds of this controversial institution could and should also start to erode it from within.
"August 2004."
The paper investigates the efficiency of a sample of Islamic and conventional banks in 10 countries that operate Islamic banking for the period 1996–2002, using an output distance function approach. We obtain measures of efficiency after allowing for environmental influences such as country macroeconomic conditions, accessibility of banking services and bank type. While these factors are assumed to directly influence the shape of the technology, we assume that country dummies and bank size directly influence technical inefficiency. The parameter estimates highlight that during the sample period, Islamic banking appears to be associated with higher input usage. Furthermore, by allowing for bank size and international differences in the underlying inefficiency distributions, we are also able to demonstrate statistically significant differences in inefficiency related to these factors even after controlling for specific environmental characteristics and Islamic banking. Thus, for example, our results suggest that Sudan and Yemen have relatively higher inefficiency while Bahrain and Bangladesh have lower estimated inefficiency. Except for Sudan, where banks exhibits relatively strong returns to scale, most sample banks exhibit very slight returns to scale, although Islamic banks are found to have moderately higher returns to scale than conventional banks. While this suggests that Islamic banks may benefit from increased scale, we would emphasize that our results suggest that identifying and overcoming the factors that cause Islamic banks to have relatively low potential outputs for given input usage levels will be the key challenge for Islamic banking in the coming decades.
Internet banking service quality:an investigation of interrelationships between construct dimensions
Service quality measurement in Internet banking services is an area of growing interest to researchers and managers. This research investigates the interrelationships between the dimensions comprising the Internet banking service quality construct through structural equation modelling. Five Internet service quality dimensions are identified: access, web interface, trust, attention and credibility. Credibility is modelled as an outcome of the causal variables of access, web interface, trust and attention. Trust and attention emerges as key dimensions in explaining the credibility dimension. Access is found to be a common antecedent of trust, attention and Web interface dimensions. Implications from the findings are offered.
The paper investigates the efficiency of a sample of Islamic and conventional banks in 10 countries that operate Islamic banking for the period 1996 to 2002, using an output distance function approach. We obtain measures of efficiency after allowing for environmental influences such as country macroeconomic conditions, accessibility of banking services and bank type. While these factors are assumed to directly influence the shape of the technology, we assume that country dummies directly influence technical inefficiency. The parameter estimates highlight that during the sample period, Islamic banking appear to be associated with higher input usage. Furthermore, by allowing for international differences in the underlying inefficiency distributions, we are also able to demonstrate statistically significant differences in efficiency across countries even after controlling for specific environmental characteristics and Islamic banking. Thus, for example, our results suggest that Sudan and Yemen have relatively higher inefficiency while Iran and Malaysia have lower estimated inefficiency. Except for Sudan, where banks exhibits relatively strong returns to scale, most sample banks exhibit very slight returns to scale, although Islamic banks are found to have moderately higher returns to scale than conventional banks. However while this suggests that Islamic banks may benefit from increased scale, we would emphasize that our results suggest that identifying and overcoming the factors that cause Islamic banks to have relatively high input requirements will be the key challenge for Islamic banking in the coming decades.
The authors analyse some of the research outcomes achieved during the implementation of the EC GUIDE research project “Creating an European Identity Management Architecture for eGovernment”, as well as their personal experience. The project goals and achievements are however considered in a broader context. The key role of Identity in the Information Society was emphasised, that the research and development in this field is in its initial phase. The scope of research related to Identity, including the one related to Identity Management and Interoperability of Identity Management Systems, is expected to be further extended. The authors analyse the abovementioned issues in the context established by the EC European Interoperability Framework (EIF) as a reference document on interoperability for the Interoperable Delivery of European eGovernment Services to Public Administrations, Business and Citizens (IDABC) Work Programme. This programme aims at supporting the pan-European delivery of electronic government services.
Este texto constitui parte do primeiro volume do relat??rio Reorganisation of government backoffices for better electronic public services European good practices (back-office reorganisation), apresentado ?? Comiss??o Europ??ia em janeiro de 2004. O estudo foi patrocinado pelo Directorate General for Information Society and Media (Diret??rio Geral para a Sociedade da Informa????o e M??dia) da Comiss??o Europ??ia.
O processo de globalização, na esfera dos mercados financeiros, exigiu às instituições bancárias opções de investimento estratégico na plataforma internacional. O movimento de implantação dos bancos portugueses no estrangeiro acompanhou esse processo, permitindo a oferta de serviços bancários de captação e financiamento nos principais mercados de destino das exportações e emigração. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo o estudo do processo de internacionalização do setor bancário português centrado na seguinte questão geral de investigação: “Quais os fatores determinantes das variáveis que caraterizam a evolução do setor bancário português no exterior?” O desenvolvimento desta questão é conduzido através da construção de um modelo explicativo dos impactos de um conjunto de determinantes, selecionados a partir da revisão de literatura, sobre os indicadores que traduzem a dinâmica do negócio bancário no exterior. Neste contexto, pretendeu-se obter evidência empírica desses efeitos através de uma metodologia que consiste na estimação de modelos de dados em painel, utilizando uma amostra de seis bancos com relevância ao nível de investimento no mercado externo relativos ao período compreendido entre 2004 e 2014. Os resultados empíricos sugerem a existência de relações estatisticamente significativas entre as variáveis consideradas nos modelos. Foram encontrados indícios que associam consistentemente as variáveis emigração, Investimento Direto Estrangeiro, Produto Interno Bruto em Portugal e nos países de acolhimento, ativo bancário e inflação, com a evolução da atividade bancária no exterior. Adicionalmente, os resultados revelam que o desemprego e o rácio do crédito em relação ao ativo são estatisticamente significativos na sua influência sobre o indicador da rendibilidade dos bancos. Conclui-se que a significância dos fatores selecionados permite explicar o comportamento dos indicadores de negócio no exterior para os bancos estudados e, consequentemente, a validade do modelo de análise proposto. No entanto, não se exclui que outros elementos explicativos não ponderados no estudo tenham igualmente preponderância explicativa no processo de internacionalização do setor bancário.
The object of this dissertation is the analysis of the legal framework applicable to contracts for provision of electronic communications services, while trying to offer solutions to some of the issues regarding this matter. The main focus of this study will be the rules concerning service’s suspension, which have been recently amended. The technological development and the establishment of these services as information transmitters and work tools were noteworthy for its growing importance at the present time. These services include cable television, telephone (landline and mobile) and internet and they are regulated by Law nr 23/96, July 26th, along with other essential public services. Said law sets a group of principles and duties, such as good faith (article 3), continuity and quality of the service (article 7) and the duty to rightfully inform the user (article 4), in order to protect the users. For the analysis of legal framework applicable to these particular contracts it is also fundamental to mention Law nr 5/2004, February 10th, known as Electronic Communications Law. The provisions regarding the service’s suspension are currently prescribed in articles 52.º and 52.º-A of the law. Given the amendments introduced by Law nr 10/2013, January 28th, consumers are subjected to a regulation different from the one applicable to the other users, established in the new article 52.º-A. From our analysis, we have concluded that the main change from past provisions has to do with the automatic termination of the contract as consequence of the consumer’s failure to pay the price or to conclude a written payment arrangement after service’s suspension.
The object of this dissertation is the analysis of the legal framework applicable to contracts for provision of electronic communications services, while trying to offer solutions to some of the issues regarding this matter. The main focus of this study will be the rules concerning service’s suspension, which have been recently amended. The technological development and the establishment of these services as information transmitters and work tools were noteworthy for its growing importance at the present time. These services include cable television, telephone (landline and mobile) and internet and they are regulated by Law nr 23/96, July 26th, along with other essential public services. Said law sets a group of principles and duties, such as good faith (article 3), continuity and quality of the service (article 7) and the duty to rightfully inform the user (article 4), in order to protect the users. For the analysis of legal framework applicable to these particular contracts it is also fundamental to mention Law nr 5/2004, February 10th, known as Electronic Communications Law. The provisions regarding the service’s suspension are currently prescribed in articles 52.º and 52.º-A of the law. Given the amendments introduced by Law nr 10/2013, January 28th, consumers are subjected to a regulation different from the one applicable to the other users, established in the new article 52.º-A. From our analysis, we have concluded that the main change from past provisions has to do with the automatic termination of the contract as consequence of the consumer’s failure to pay the price or to conclude a written payment arrangement after service’s suspension.