956 resultados para Elderly Care
Interdependency and Care over the Lifecourse draws upon theories of time and space to consider how informal care is woven into the fabric of everyday lives and is shaped by social and economic inequalities and opportunities. The book comprises three parts. The first explores contrasting social and economic contexts of informal care in different parts of the world. The second looks at different themes and dynamics of caring, using fictional vignettes of illness and health, child care, elderly care and communities of care. The book examines the significance to practices of care throughout the lifecourse of: understandings and expectations of care emotional exchanges involved in care memories and anticipations of giving and receiving care the social nature of the spaces and places in which care is carried out the practical time-space scheduling necessary to caring activities. Finally the authors critically examine how the frameworks of caringscapes and carescapes might be used in research, policy and practice. A working example is provided. This book will be of interest to students and researchers of care work, health and social care, geography, sociology of the family and social policy as well as those in business and policy communities trying to gain an understanding of how work and informal care interweave
Objective: To determine the prevalence of occult hearing loss in elderly inpatients, to evaluate feasibility of opportunistic hearing screening and to determine subsequent provision of hearing aids. Materials and methods: Subjects (>65 years) were recruited from five elderly care wards. Hearing loss was detected by a ward-based hearing screen comprising patient-reported assessment of hearing disability and a whisper test. Subjects failing the whisper test or reporting hearing difficulties were offered formal audiological assessment. Results: Screening was performed on 51 patients aged between 70 and 95 years. Of the patients, 21 (41%) reported hearing loss and 16 (31%) failed the whisper test. A total of 37 patients (73%) were referred for audiological assessment with 17 (33%) found to have aidable hearing loss and 11 were fitted with hearing aids (22%). Discussion: This study highlights the high prevalence of occult hearing loss in elderly inpatients. Easy two-step screening can accurately identify patients with undiagnosed deafness resulting in significant proportions receiving hearing aids.
We are two students named Susanne Grönlund and Anna Zaar and have jointly worked together this c-essay called "dignity and well-being according to whom? The paper is written at Högskolan dalarna in Falun.The purpose of this study was to investigate how the elderly and assistance officer describes dignity and well-being and how it is consistent with the government's bill on the national values that the National Board has developed.Our empirical study consists of four qualitative interviews, two older people dependent on community care and two assistance officers. The study's theoretical basis is Antonovsky's salutogenic approach and SOC. The survey focuses on different themes such as dignity, integrity, participation, treatment, wellbeing, security and meaningfulness which are also central themes in the Government Bill on the national values for elderly.The results show that the respondents believe that a life of dignity is difficult to define and also a subjective experience. The results also show a consistency between what the elderly, assistance officer and the national values that define dignity and well-being. Social Services Act, national values should serve as a starting point for municipalities to improve elderly care, thereby creating a sense of coherence for the individual. Keywords: Elder care, dignity, integrity, participation, attitude, well-being, security and meaningfulness.
Background: Rapid demographic ageing will soon lead to large increases in the numbers of persons with dementia in developing countries. This study is the first comprehensive assessment of care arrangements for people with dementia in those regions. Methods: A descriptive and comparative study of dementia care; caregiver characteristics, the nature of care provided, and the practical, psychological (Zarit Burden Interview, General Health Questionnaire) and economic impact upon the caregiver in 24 centres in India, China and South East Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa. Results: We interviewed 706 persons with dementia, and their caregivers. Most caregivers were women, living with the person with dementia in extended family households. One-quarter to one-half of households included a child. Larger households were associated with lower caregiver strain, where the caregiver was co-resident. However, despite the traditional apparatus of family care, levels of caregiver strain were at least as high as in the developed world. Many had cutback on work to care and faced the additional expense of paid carers and health services. Families from the poorest countries were particularly likely to have used expensive private medical services, and to be spending more than 10% of the per capita GNP on health care. Conclusions: Older people in developing countries are indivisible from their younger family members. The high levels of family strain identified in this study feed into the cycle of disadvantage and should thus be a concern for policymakers in the developing world. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Depression is a highly prevalent illness among institutionalized aged and assumes peculiar characteristics such as the risk for progressing to dementia. The aims of this study was to assess the cognitive functions of institutionalized elderly with clinical diagnosis of depression and compare the severity of depressive symptoms with cognitive performance. From 120 residents at a nursing home in Rio Claro, Brazil, we study 23 individuals (mean age: 74.3 years; mean schooling: 4.0 years) with diagnosis of depression. At first, a clinical diagnosis of depression and measurement of its symptoms using the Geriatric Depression Scale were performed. The patient then underwent a neuropsychological assessment based on the following tests: Mini-Mental Examination, Verbal Fluency, Visual Perception, Immediate Memory, Recent Memory, Recognition, Clock Drawing Test. The patients were divided into two groups: those with less severe depression symptoms (Group 1: N=9) and more severe symptoms (Group 2: N=14). The significant difference between symptom severity of the two groups was p=0.0001. Patients with more severe symptoms revealed a slightly inferior cognitive performance in most of the tests when compared to those with less severe symptoms (p>0.05). In relation to Verbal Fluency, patients with more severe depression symptoms presented a significantly inferior cognitive performance when compared to those with less severe symptoms (p=0.0082). Verbal Fluency revealed to be a more sensitive test for measuring early cognitive alterations in institutionalized aged with depression, and appears to be a useful resource in monitoring the cognitive functions of patients faced with the risk of dementia. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editora.
The objective of this study was to analyze randomized controlled trials published in the last decades involving motor intervention as a treatment for dementia, based on Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) criteria. A database search was performed using the following keywords: randomized controlled trial, dementia, physiotherapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, physical education, motor approach, exercise, and physical activity. Ten trials were found: 4 related to physiotherapy, 3 to occupational therapy, 1 to physical education, and 2 to interdisciplinary motor intervention. The efficacy of motor intervention was confirmed in the following variables: psychosocial function, physical health and function, affective status, and caregiver's distress (P < .05). Results related to mobility were not significant (P > .05). Behavior, cognitive performance, activities of daily living, and risk of falls were not similar among the articles. From a total score of 10 points, with excellence characterized as the highest punctuation, the articles were classified between 3 and 7 by PEDro. Motor intervention was shown to be an alternative for minimizing physical and mental decline. PEDro has been confirmed as a very reliable tool to analyze studies and as an evaluation criteria, both qualitative and quantitative, allowing the establishment of motor intervention strategies for the treatment of patients with dementia. © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
The aim of the study was to assess risk factors for vascular dementia (VaD) in elderly psychiatric outpatients without dementia, and to determine to what extent clinical interventions targeted such risk factors. Out of 250 clinical charts, 78 were selected of patients over 60 years old, who showed no signs of dementia. Information was obtained regarding demographics, clinical conditions (diagnosis according to ICD-10), complementary investigation, cognitive functions (via CAMCOG), neuroimaging, and the presence of risk factors for VaD. Depression was the most prevalent psychiatric disorder (74%). A great majority of the patients (86%) had at least one risk factor for VaD. One-third of the sample showed three or more risk factors for VaD. The clinical conditions related to risk factors for VaD were hypertension (48.7%), heart disease (30.8%), hypercholesterolemia (25.6%), diabetes mellitus (23.1%), stroke (12.8%), tryglyceride (12.8%), and obesity (5.1%). In terms of lifestyle, smoking (19.2%), alcohol abuse (16.7%), and sedentarism (14.1%) were other risk factors found. Definite risk factors for VaD were found in 83.3% of the patients. Previous interventions targeting risk factors were found in only 20% of the cases. The high rates of risk factors for VaD identified in this sample suggest that psychiatrists should be more attentive to these factors for the prevention of VaD. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Influenza exacts a heavy burden on the elderly, a segment of the population that is estimated to experience rapid growth in the near future. In the past decade most developed and several developing countries have recommended influenza vaccination for those > 65 years of age. The World Health Organization (WHO) set a goal of 75% influenza vaccination coverage among the elderly by 2010, but it was not achieved. In 2011, the Technical Advisory Group at the Pan American Health Organization, Regional Office of WHO for the Americas, reiterated the influenza vaccine recommendation for older adults. Relatively little information has been compiled on the immunological aspect of aging or on reducing its impact, information particularly relevant for clinicians and gerontologist with firsthand experience confronting its effects. To fill this data gap, in 2012 the Americas Health Foundation (Washington, D.C., United States) and the nonprofit, Fighting Infectious Diseases in Emerging Countries (Miami, Florida, United States), convened a panel of Latin American clinicians and gerontologists with expertise in influenza to discuss key issues and develop a consensus statement. The major recommendations were to improve influenza surveillance throughout Latin America so that its impact can be quantified; and to conduct laboratory confirmation of influenza for all patients who have flu-like symptoms and are frail, immunosuppressed, have comorbidities, are respiratory compromised, or have been admitted to a hospital. The panel also noted that: since evidence for antivirals in the elderly is unclear, their use should be handled on a case-by-case basis; despite decreased immunological response, influenza vaccination in older adults is still crucial; indirect immunization strategies should be encouraged; and traditional infection control measures are essential in long-term care facilities.
Ageing of the population is a worldwide phenomenon. Numerous ICT-based solutions have been developed for elderly care but mainly connected to the physiological and nursing aspects in services for the elderly. Social work is a profession that should pay attention to the comprehensive wellbeing and social needs of the elderly. Many people experience loneliness and depression in their old age, either as a result of living alone or due to a lack of close family ties and reduced connections with their culture of origin, which results in an inability to participate actively in community activities (Singh & Misra, 2009). Participation in society would enhance the quality of life. With the development of information technology, the use of technology in social work practice has risen dramatically. The aim of this literature review is to map out the state of the art of knowledge about the usage of ICT in elderly care and to figure out research-based knowledge about the usability of ICT for the prevention of loneliness and social isolation of elderly people. The data for the current research comes from the core collection of the Web of Science and the data searching was performed using Boolean? The searching resulted in 216 published English articles. After going through the topics and abstracts, 34 articles were selected for the data analysis that is based on a multi approach framework. The analysis of the research approach is categorized according to some aspects of using ICT by older adults from the adoption of ICT to the impact of usage, and the social services for them. This literature review focused on the function of communication by excluding the applications that mainly relate to physical nursing. The results show that the so-called ‘digital divide’ still exists, but the older adults have the willingness to learn and utilise ICT in daily life, especially for communication. The data shows that the usage of ICT can prevent the loneliness and social isolation of older adults, and they are eager for technical support in using ICT. The results of data analysis on theoretical frames and concepts show that this research field applies different theoretical frames from various scientific fields, while a social work approach is lacking. However, a synergic frame of applied theories will be suggested from the perspective of social work.
This paper presents the "state of the art" and some of the main issues discussed in relation to the topic of transnational migration and reproductive work in southern Europe. We start doing a genealogy of the complex theoretical development leading to the consolidation of the research program, linking consideration of gender with transnational migration and transformation of work and ways of survival, thus making the production aspects as reproductive, in a context of globalization. The analysis of the process of multiscale reconfiguration of social reproduction and care, with particular attention to its present global dimension is presented, pointing to the turning point of this line of research that would have taken place with the beginning of this century, with the rise notions such as "global care chains" (Hochschild, 2001), or "care drain" (Ehrenreich and Hochschild, 2013). Also, the role of this new agency, now composed in many cases women who migrate to other countries or continents, precisely to address these reproductive activities, is recognized. Finally, reference is made to some of the new conceptual and theoretical developments in this area.
Few studies have assessed the quality of life (QOL) related to chronic respiratory diseases in the elderly. In the framework of the geriatric study on the health effects of air quality in elderly care centers (GERIA) study, a questionnaire was completed by elderly subjects from 53 selected nursing homes. It included various sections in order to assess respiratory complaints, QOL (World Health Organization QOL (WHOQOL)-BREF), and the cognitive and depression status. The outcome variables were the presence of a score lower than 50 (<50) in each of the WHOQOL-BREF domains (physical health, psychological health, social relationships, and environmental health). Chronic bronchitis, frequent cough, current wheezing, asthma, and allergic rhinitis were considered as potential risk factors. The surveyed sample was (n = 887) 79% female, with a mean age of 84 years (SD: 7 years). In the multivariable analysis, a score of <50 in the physical domain was associated with wheezing in the previous 12 months (odds ratio (OR): 2.03, confidence interval (CI): 1.25-3.31) and asthma (OR: 1.95, CI: 1.12-3.38). The psychological domain was related with a frequent cough (OR: 1.43, CI: 0.95-2.91). A score of <50 in the environmental domain was associated with chronic bronchitis (OR: 2.89, CI: 1.34-6.23) and emphysema (OR: 3.89, CI: 1.27-11.88). In view of these findings, the presence of respiratory diseases seems to be an important risk factor for a low QOL among elderly nursing home residents.
The general aim of this dissertation is to describe and analyse patterns of informal care and support for carers in Sweden. One specific aim is to study patterns of informal care from a broad population perspective in terms of types of care and types of carer. A typology of four different care categories based on what carers do revealed that women were much more likely than men to be involved at the ‘heavy end’ of caring, i.e. providing personal care in combination with a variety of other caring tasks. Men were more likely than women to provide some kind of practical help (Study I). Another aim is to investigate which support services are received by which types of informal caregiver. Relatively few informal caregivers in any care category were found to be receiving any kind of support from municipalities or voluntary organizations, for example training or financial assistance (Study II). The same study also examines which kinds of help care recipients receive in addition to that provided by informal carers. It appears that people in receipt of personal care from an informal caregiver quite often also receive help from the public care system, in this case mostly municipal services. However, the majority of those receiving personal, informal care did not receive any help from the public care system or from voluntary organizations or for-profit agencies (Study II). The empirical material in studies I and II comprises survey data from telephone interviews with a random sample of residents in the County of Stockholm aged between 18 and 84. In a number of countries there is a growing interest among social scientists and social policymakers in examining the types of support services that might be needed by people who provide informal care for older people and others. A further aim of the present dissertation is therefore to describe and analyse the carer support that is provided by municipalities and voluntary organizations in Sweden. The dissertation examines whether this support is aimed directly or indirectly at caregivers and discusses whether the Swedish government’s special financial investment in help for carers actually led to any changes in the support provided by municipalities and voluntary organisations. The main types of carer support offered by the municipalities were payment for care-giving, relief services and day care. The chief forms of carer support provided by the voluntary organizations were support groups, training groups, and a number of services aimed primarily at the elderly care recipients (Study III). Patterns of change in municipal carer support could be discerned fairly soon. The Swedish government’s special allocation to municipalities and voluntary organisations appears to have led to an increase in the number of municipalities providing direct support for carers, such as training, information material and professional caregiver consultants. On the other hand, only minor changes could be discerned in the pattern of carer support services provided by the voluntary organizations. This demonstrates stability and the relatively low impact that policy initiatives seem to have on voluntary organizations as providers (Study IV). In studies III and IV the empirical material consists of survey data from mail questionnaires sent to municipalities and voluntary organizations in the County of Stockholm. In the fields of social planning and social work there appears to be a need to clarify the aims of support services for informal carers. Should the support be direct or indirect? Should it be used to supplement or substitute caregivers? In this process of reappraisal it will be important to take the needs of both caregivers and care recipients into account when developing existing and new forms of support. How informal caregivers and care recipients interact with the care system as a whole is undeniably a fertile field for further research.
RESUMO: A transferência de indivíduos dependentes é uma das tarefas mais realizadas pelos ajudantes de acção directa (AAD) na prestação de cuidados a idosos, sendo crucial haver formação nesta área. No entanto, os programas de formação em transferências raramente são avaliados em termos de desempenho na realização deste tipo de tarefas. Objectivo: Este estudo teve como objectivos analisar o impacto da formação de AAD no desempenho da transferência de idosos internados na Residência São João de Ávila (RSJA) e identificar as percepções dos AAD relativamente à importância da formação profissional, formação em transferências e dificuldade sentida na sua realização. Métodos: Realizou-se um estudo com duas etapas: na primeira procedeu-se a um estudo descritivo exploratório (através de um questionário auto-administrado a 25 AAD); na segunda realizou-se um estudo quase experimental de observação com duas fases, entre as quais decorreu uma “Formação em Princípios e Conceitos Básicos em Reabilitação Física” (observação directa de 18 AAD durante a realização da transferência “deitado-sentado-cadeira” de idosos, através de uma grelha de observação). Resultados: O desempenho dos AAD na transferência melhorou após a formação. Os ajudantes manifestaram ter uma percepção positiva sobre a importância da formação profissional e da formação em transferências. Aproximadamente dois terços dos AAD revelaram não sentir dificuldades na realização de transferências. Conclusões: A formação teve um impacto positivo no desempenho dos AAD na transferência de idosos. Concluiu-se que há uma sensibilização generalizada por parte dos AAD para a importância da formação na sua profissão e, especificamente, para a formação em transferências. ---------------ABSTRACT: The transfers of dependent patients by healthcare assistants are tasks commonly used in elderly care. Therefore, it is crucial that healthcare assistants are trained to perform these tasks. However, training programs are rarely evaluated in terms of performance of these tasks. Aim: The aims of this study were 1) to determine the impact of healthcare assistant training in the transfers of the Residência São João de Ávila (RSJA) elderly patients; and 2) to analyze healthcare assistant’s perceptions about their education, their specialized training on the transfer technique, and their difficulty in performing transfers. Methods: The study was divided in two parts: an exploratory and descriptive study (self-report questionnaire applied to 25 healthcare assistants); and a quasi-experimental observation study, which involved a “training session on basic concepts and principles of physical rehabilitation” (direct observation of 18 healthcare assistants during the “bed-sitting-chair” transfer, using an observation table). Results: Healthcare assistant performance of the “bed-sitting-chair” transfer improved after training. The healthcare assistants showed positive perceptions about their education and specialized training on the transfer technique. Approximately two thirds of the assistants felt no difficulties in performing transfer tasks. Conclusions: The training had a positive influence in healthcare assistant performance. The healthcare assistants were aware of the importance of training in their profession and more specifically in transfer tasks.
RESUMO - Enquadramento: As mudanças demográficas e na estrutura social das famílias precipitaram reformas das políticas dos cuidados de longa duração da população idosa no continente Europeu. Após um período em que as mulheres assumiam o papel de principais cuidadoras dos membros mais idosos, o aumento da sua inclusão no mercado de trabalho, assim como o envelhecimento geral da população introduziu mudanças no enquadramento dos cuidados a idosos. Estas mudanças têm particular impacte nos países da Europa do Sul, visto que tradicionalmente o cuidado a idosos é prestado maioritariamente pelo sector informal. Finalidade/objectivos: O presente estudo tem como finalidade conhecer as características dos cuidadores informais e dos idosos dependentes em Portugal. Definiram-se três objectivos principais. O primeiro é compreender a realidade demográfica, de saúde e dependência funcional dos idosos alvo de cuidados informais em Portugal. Em segundo pretende-se conhecer a situação actual dos prestadores informais de cuidados de longa duração em Portugal. Em terceiro, discutem-se os aspectos que mais influenciam a acessibilidade a cuidados informais entre os idosos dependentes em Portugal. Metodologia: Para concretizar estes objectivos, para além de se proceder a uma sistematização bibliográfica da literatura mais relevante nesta área, recorre-se à análise descritiva e regressão logística binária. Utilizando os dados do inquérito Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe descreve-se a realidade nacional dos idosos dependentes e seus cuidadores informais e estimam-se modelos de acessibilidade aos cuidados informais em Portugal. Resultados/conclusões: Este estudo contribui para o conhecimento de três aspectos fundamentais sobre os cuidados informais em Portugal: o primeiro prende-se com a quantificação da realidade nacional dos idosos dependentes em Portugal; o segundo relaciona-se com a quantificação da situação portuguesa dos cuidadores informais; e, por último, estima-se modelos explicativos sobre a acessibilidade a cuidados informais. Para além da quantificação da realidade nacional, o principal contributo deste trabalho reside na demonstração de que o actual modelo de prestação de cuidados (baseado nos cuidados informais prestados por membros da família) deixa de fora uma parte significativa dos idosos dependentes. Na verdade, este estudo demonstra que uma parte significativa dos idosos não tem acesso a cuidados e que, embora sejam os elementos da família que maioritariamente prestam os cuidados informais, esse facto, por si só, não explica o acesso aos cuidados.
RESUMO: Promover a qualidade de vida no envelhecimento implica responder às necessidades de cuidados dos mais velhos. Actualmente, muitos idosos permanecem no seu domicílio, o que exige a prestação adequada de cuidados informais e/ou formais nesse contexto. O presente estudo teve como objectivo identificar e comparar as necessidades de cuidados de utentes de um centro de dia e de um serviço de apoio domiciliário numa Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social. A amostra foi constituída por 54 utentes idosos e pelos seus cuidadores informais. Os utentes foram avaliados com recurso a: Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly, Geriatric Depression Scale, Mini Mental State Examination, Índice de Barthel e Escala de Lawton e Brody para as actividades de vida diária. Os respectivos cuidadores informais foram avaliados quanto a necessidades de cuidados e a sobrecarga familiar. As necessidades de cuidados mais frequentes na amostra estavam relacionadas com alimentação, companhia, saúde física e actividades diárias. Parte das necessidades estavam cobertas. Porém, muitas necessidades psicológicas e sociais, nomeadamente actividades diárias, companhia e memória, não estavam cobertas, em particular nos utentes de apoio domiciliário. Tal como esperado, foi encontrado um maior número de necessidades de cuidados em situações de dependência e de doenças neuropsiquiátricas. Comparativamente com os utentes de centro de dia, os utentes de apoio domiciliário apresentaram números superiores de necessidades de cuidados, necessidades não cobertas. Uma melhor identificação das necessidades de cuidados e dos factores associados a estas poderá ajudar a delinear intervenções adequadas em centros de dia e em serviços de apoio domiciliário.------------ABSTRACT: To promote quality of life in aging means responding to the health and social needs of older people. Today, elderly people tend to stay at home until later stages of disease, which requires the provision of adequate informal care, formal care or both. This study aimed to identify and compare the needs for care of users of a day centre and a domiciliary care service, in a nonprofit organization in Portugal. The sample consisted of 54 elderly users and of their informal caregivers. The users were assessed using the Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly (CANE), the Geriatric Depression Scale, the Mini Mental State Examination, the Barthel Index and the Lawton and Brody Scale for activities of daily living. Informal caregivers were assessed using the CANE and the Zarit Burden Interview. The more frequent care needs were related to food, company, physical health and daytime activities. A proportion of needs were met. However, many psychological and social needs were unmet, namely daytime activities, company and memory, and this was so in particular concerning domiciliary care users.As expected, a higher number of needs was related to dependency and the presence of neuropsychiatric conditions. The domiciliary care users had more total needs and more unmet needs when compared with day centre users. The identification of needs for care and their associated factors can help in the planning of appropriate interventions in day centres and domiciliary care services.