1000 resultados para Einstein-Hilbert action
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Lo scopo di questa tesi consiste nello studio delle proprietà generali di sistemi compatti statici e a simmetria sferica nell'ambito dei modelli che prevedono l'esistenza di dimensioni spaziali aggiuntive e che sono comunemente dette del mondo-brana. Si comincerà con una breve descrizione di teorie gravitazionali a più dimensioni, in particolare si parte dalla teoria di Kaluza-Klein, per arrivare ai modelli ADD(Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, Dvali) e infine a quelli RS(Rundall, Sundrum)che interessano direttamente questo studio. Per questi modelli, vengono quindi ricavate le equazioni di campo multidimensionali dall'azione di Einstein-Hilbert e successivamente le si proietta, facendo uso delle equazioni di Gauss e Codazzi, su una brana massiva immersa in un “bulk” cinquedimensionale. Infine si studiano le equazioni di campo di Einstein quadridimensionali per una generica metrica che può servire a descrive stelle statiche, a simmetria sferica e costituite da un fluido perfetto isotropo. Successivamente si ripete la stessa analisi partendo dall'equazione di campo sulla brana e si confrontano i risultati nei due diversi contesti.
Während das Standardmodell der Elementarteilchenphysik eine konsistente, renormierbare Quantenfeldtheorie dreier der vier bekannten Wechselwirkungen darstellt, bleibt die Quantisierung der Gravitation ein bislang ungelöstes Problem. In den letzten Jahren haben sich jedoch Hinweise ergeben, nach denen metrische Gravitation asymptotisch sicher ist. Das bedeutet, daß sich auch für diese Wechselwirkung eine Quantenfeldtheorie konstruieren läßt. Diese ist dann in einem verallgemeinerten Sinne renormierbar, der nicht mehr explizit Bezug auf die Störungstheorie nimmt. Zudem sagt dieser Zugang, der auf der Wilsonschen Renormierungsgruppe beruht, die korrekte mikroskopische Wirkung der Theorie voraus. Klassisch ist metrische Gravitation auf dem Niveau der Vakuumfeldgleichungen äquivalent zur Einstein-Cartan-Theorie, die das Vielbein und den Spinzusammenhang als fundamentale Variablen verwendet. Diese Theorie besitzt allerdings mehr Freiheitsgrade, eine größere Eichgruppe, und die zugrundeliegende Wirkung ist von erster Ordnung. Alle diese Eigenschaften erschweren eine zur metrischen Gravitation analoge Behandlung.rnrnIm Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird eine dreidimensionale Trunkierung von der Art einer verallgemeinerten Hilbert-Palatini-Wirkung untersucht, die neben dem Laufen der Newton-Konstante und der kosmologischen Konstante auch die Renormierung des Immirzi-Parameters erfaßt. Trotz der angedeuteten Schwierigkeiten war es möglich, das Spektrum des freien Hilbert-Palatini-Propagators analytisch zu berechnen. Auf dessen Grundlage wird eine Flußgleichung vom Propertime-Typ konstruiert. Zudem werden geeignete Eichbedingungen gewählt und detailliert analysiert. Dabei macht die Struktur der Eichgruppe eine Kovariantisierung der Eichtransformationen erforderlich. Der resultierende Fluß wird für verschiedene Regularisierungsschemata und Eichparameter untersucht. Dies liefert auch im Einstein-Cartan-Zugang berzeugende Hinweise auf asymptotische Sicherheit und damit auf die mögliche Existenz einer mathematisch konsistenten und prädiktiven fundamentalen Quantentheorie der Gravitation. Insbesondere findet man ein Paar nicht-Gaußscher Fixpunkte, das Anti-Screening aufweist. An diesen sind die Newton-Konstante und die kosmologische Konstante jeweils relevante Kopplungen, wohingegen der Immirzi-Parameter an einem Fixpunkt irrelevant und an dem anderen relevant ist. Zudem ist die Beta-Funktion des Immirzi-Parameters von bemerkenswert einfacher Form. Die Resultate sind robust gegenüber Variationen des Regularisierungsschemas. Allerdings sollten zukünftige Untersuchungen die bestehenden Eichabhängigkeiten reduzieren.
Carl Einstein is a not very well known figure within German culture, but his essay Die Fabrikation der Fiktionen remains ignored even among scholars of his work despite containing highly valuable clues to understand the intersection between philosophy and politics that characterizes much of the European thought of the twentieth century. Given this situation, after an initial part where the author’s personality and his latest ideas and actions are taken in account, the article makes a thorough review of Die Fabrikation der Fiktionen by doing firstly a comparison of the different interpretations that it has received until now, and continues by carrying out a new reading of its main ideas –the conflict between Realität and Wirklichkeit or the very concept of Fiktion– and an exercise of contrast between the essay and certain works by contemporary thinkers like Siegfried Kracauer and Paul Nizan.
Dans ce mémoire, on s'intéresse à l'action du groupe des transformations affines et des homothéties sur l'axe du temps des systèmes différentiels quadratiques à foyer faible d'ordre trois, dans le plan. Ces systèmes sont importants dans le cadre du seizième problème d'Hilbert. Le diagramme de bifurcation a été produit à l'aide de la forme normale de Li dans des travaux de Andronova [2] et Artès et Llibre [4], sans utiliser le plan projectif comme espace des paramètres ni de méthodes globales. Dans [7], Llibre et Schlomiuk ont utilisé le plan projectif comme espace des paramètres et des notions à caractère géométrique global (invariants affines et topologiques). Ce diagramme contient 18 portraits de phase et certains de ces portraits sont répétés dans des parties distinctes du diagramme. Ceci nous mène à poser la question suivante : existe-t-il des systèmes distincts, correspondant à des valeurs distinctes de paramètres, se trouvant sur la même orbite par rapport à l'action du groupe? Dans ce mémoire, on prouve un résultat original : l'action du groupe n'est pas triviale sur la forme de Li (théorème 3.1), ni sur la forme normale de Bautin (théorème 4.1). En utilisant le deuxième résultat, on construit l'espace topologique quotient des systèmes quadratiques à foyer faible d'ordre trois par rapport à l'action de ce groupe.
This paper investigates the application of the Hilbert spectrum (HS), which is a recent tool for the analysis of nonlinear and nonstationary time-series, to the study of electromyographic (EMG) signals. The HS allows for the visualization of the energy of signals through a joint time-frequency representation. In this work we illustrate the use of the HS in two distinct applications. The first is for feature extraction from EMG signals. Our results showed that the instantaneous mean frequency (IMNF) estimated from the HS is a relevant feature to clinical practice. We found that the median of the IMNF reduces when the force level of the muscle contraction increases. In the second application we investigated the use of the HS for detection of motor unit action potentials (MUAPs). The detection of MUAPs is a basic step in EMG decomposition tools, which provide relevant information about the neuromuscular system through the morphology and firing time of MUAPs. We compared, visually, how MUAP activity is perceived on the HS with visualizations provided by some traditional (e.g. scalogram, spectrogram, Wigner-Ville) time-frequency distributions. Furthermore, an alternative visualization to the HS, for detection of MUAPs, is proposed and compared to a similar approach based on the continuous wavelet transform (CWT). Our results showed that both the proposed technique and the CWT allowed for a clear visualization of MUAP activity on the time-frequency distributions, whereas results obtained with the HS were the most difficult to interpret as they were extremely affected by spurious energy activity. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We reinvestigate the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) thermodynamics of a weakly interacting dilute Bose gas under the action of a trap using a semi-classical two-fluid mean-field model in order to find the domain of applicability of the model. Such a model is expected to break down once the condition of diluteness and weak interaction is violated. We find that this breakdown happens for values of coupling and density near the present experimental scenario of BEG. With the increase of the interaction coupling and density the model may lead to unphysical results for thermodynamic observables. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V, All rights reserved.
We study the expansion of a Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a combined optical-lattice and axially-symmetric harmonic potential using the numerical solution of the mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii equation. First, we consider the expansion of such a condensate under the action of the optical-lattice potential alone. In this case the result of numerical simulation for the axial and radial sizes during expansion is in agreement with two experiments by Morsch et al (2002 Phys. Rev. A 66 021601(R) and 2003 Laser Phys. 13 594). Finally, we consider the expansion under the action of the harmonic potential alone. In this case the oscillation, and the disappearance and revival of the resultant interference pattern is in agreement with the experiment by Muller et al (2003 J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 5 S38).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The chaotic oscillation in an attractive Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) under an impulsive force was discussed using mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation. It was found that sustained chaotic oscillation resulted in a BEC under the action of an impulsive force generated by suddenly changing the interatomic scattering length or the harmonic oscillator trapping potential. The analysis suggested that the final state interatomic attraction played an important role in the generation of the chaotic dynamics.
The investigation of the dynamics of a discrete soliton in an array of Bose-Einstein condensates under the action of a periodically time-modulated atomic scattering length [Feshbach-resonance management (FRM)] was discussed. The slow and rapid modulations, in comparison with the tunneling frequency were considered. An averaged equation, which was a generalized discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation, including higher-order effective nonlinearities and intersite nonlinear interactions was derived in the case of the rapid modulation. It was demonstrated that the modulations of sufficient strength results in splitting of the soliton by direct simulations.
Includes bibliography
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We study the action of a weighted Fourier–Laplace transform on the functions in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) associated with a positive definite kernel on the sphere. After defining a notion of smoothness implied by the transform, we show that smoothness of the kernel implies the same smoothness for the generating elements (spherical harmonics) in the Mercer expansion of the kernel. We prove a reproducing property for the weighted Fourier–Laplace transform of the functions in the RKHS and embed the RKHS into spaces of smooth functions. Some relevant properties of the embedding are considered, including compactness and boundedness. The approach taken in the paper includes two important notions of differentiability characterized by weighted Fourier–Laplace transforms: fractional derivatives and Laplace–Beltrami derivatives.