996 resultados para Einstein equations


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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There are described equations for a pair comprising a Riemannian metric and a Killing field on a surface that contain as special cases the Einstein Weyl equations (in the sense of D. Calderbank) and a real version of a special case of the Abelian vortex equations, and it is shown that the property that a metric solve these equations is preserved by the Ricci flow. The equations are solved explicitly, and among the metrics obtained are all steady gradient Ricci solitons (e.g. the cigar soliton) and the sausage metric; there are found other examples of eternal, ancient, and immortal Ricci flows, as well as some Ricci flows with conical singularities.


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This thesis proves certain results concerning an important question in non-equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics which is the derivation of effective evolution equations approximating the dynamics of a system of large number of bosons initially at equilibrium (ground state at very low temperatures). The dynamics of such systems are governed by the time-dependent linear many-body Schroedinger equation from which it is typically difficult to extract useful information due to the number of particles being large. We will study quantitatively (i.e. with explicit bounds on the error) how a suitable one particle non-linear Schroedinger equation arises in the mean field limit as number of particles N → ∞ and how the appropriate corrections to the mean field will provide better approximations of the exact dynamics. In the first part of this thesis we consider the evolution of N bosons, where N is large, with two-body interactions of the form N³ᵝv(Nᵝ⋅), 0≤β≤1. The parameter β measures the strength and the range of interactions. We compare the exact evolution with an approximation which considers the evolution of a mean field coupled with an appropriate description of pair excitations, see [18,19] by Grillakis-Machedon-Margetis. We extend the results for 0 ≤ β < 1/3 in [19, 20] to the case of β < 1/2 and obtain an error bound of the form p(t)/Nᵅ, where α>0 and p(t) is a polynomial, which implies a specific rate of convergence as N → ∞. In the second part, utilizing estimates of the type discussed in the first part, we compare the exact evolution with the mean field approximation in the sense of marginals. We prove that the exact evolution is close to the approximate in trace norm for times of the order o(1)√N compared to log(o(1)N) as obtained in Chen-Lee-Schlein [6] for the Hartree evolution. Estimates of similar type are obtained for stronger interactions as well.


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A presente dissertação estuda com detalhes a evolução temporal fora do equilíbrio de um condensado de Bose-Einstein homogêneo diluído imerso em um reservatório térmico. Nós modelamos o sistema através de um campo de Bose escalar complexo. É apropriado descrever o comportamento microscópico desse sistema por meio da teoria quântica de campos através do formalismo de Schwinger-Keldysh. Usando esse formalismo, de tempo real a dinâmica do condensado é solucionada por um grupo de equações integro-diferencial auto consistente, essas são solucionadas numericamente. Estudamos também o cenário quench, e como a densidade do gás e as interações entre as flutuações tem o efeito de provocar as instabilidades nesse sistema. Aplicamos esse desenvolvimento para estudar o comportamento de duas espécies homogêneas de um gás de Bose diluído imerso em um reservatório térmico.


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A second-harmonic generation (SHG) is predicted for the Bogoliubov excitations in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate. It is shown that, because the linear dispersion curve of the excitations displays two branches, the phase-matching condition for the SHG can be fulfilled if the wave vectors and frequencies of fundamental and second-harmonic waves are selected suitably from different branches. The nonlinearly coupled envelope equations for the SHG are derived by using a method of multiple scales. The explicit solutions of these envelope equations are provided and the conversion efficiency of the SHG is also discussed.


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The Josephson equations for a Bose-Einstein Condensate gas trapped in a double-well potential are derived with the two-mode approximation by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The dynamical characteristics of the equations are obtained by the numerical phase diagrams. The nonlinear self-trapping effect appeared in the phase diagrams are emphatically discussed, and the condition EcN > 4E(J) is presented.


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The stability of colliding Bose-Einstein condensates is investigated. A set of coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations is thus considered, and analyzed via a perturbative approach. No assumption is made on the signs ( or magnitudes) of the relevant parameters like the scattering lengths and the coupling coefficients. The formalism is therefore valid for asymmetric as well as symmetric coupled condensate wave states. A new set of explicit criteria is derived and analyzed. An extended instability region, in addition to an enhanced instability growth rate, is predicted for unstable two component bosons, as compared to the individual ( uncoupled) state.


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A time-dependent method for calculating the collective excitation frequencies and densities of a trapped, inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein condensate with circulation is presented. The results are compared with time-independent solutions of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations. The method is based on time-dependent linear-response theory combined with spectral analysis of moments of the excitation modes of interest. The technique is straightforward to apply, extremely efficient in our implementation with parallel fast Fourier transform methods, and produces highly accurate results. For high dimensionality or low symmetry the time-dependent approach is a more practical computational scheme and produces accurate and reliable data. The method is suitable for general trap geometries, condensate flows and condensates permeated with defects and vortex structures.


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In this Letter we present soliton solutions of two coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations modulated in space and time. The approach allows us to obtain solitons for a large variety of solutions depending on the nonlinearity and potential profiles. As examples we show three cases with soliton solutions: a solution for the case of a potential changing from repulsive to attractive behavior, and the other two solutions corresponding to localized and delocalized nonlinearity terms, respectively. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We investigate dynamical effects of a bright soliton in Bose-Einstein condensed (BEC) systems with local and smooth space variations of the two-body atomic scattering length. It includes a discussion about the possible observation of a new type of standing nonlinear atomic matter wave in cigar-type traps. A rich dynamics is observed in the interaction between the soliton and an inhomogeneity. By considering an analytical time-dependent variational approach and also full numerical simulation of one-dimensional and three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equations, we study processes such as trapping, reflection and transmission of the bright matter soliton due to the impurity. We also derive conditions for the collapse of the bright solitary wave, considering a quasi-one-dimensional BEC with attractive local inhomogeneity.


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We suggest a pseudospectral method for solving the three-dimensional time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation, and use it to study the resonance dynamics of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate induced by a periodic variation in the atomic scattering length. When the frequency of oscillation of the scattering length is an even multiple of one of the trapping frequencies along the x, y or z direction, the corresponding size of the condensate executes resonant oscillation. Using the concept of the differentiation matrix, the partial-differential GP equation is reduced to a set of coupled ordinary differential equations, which is solved by a fourth-order adaptive step-size control Runge-Kutta method. The pseudospectral method is contrasted with the finite-difference method for the same problem, where the time evolution is performed by the Crank-Nicholson algorithm. The latter method is illustrated to be more suitable for a three-dimensional standing-wave optical-lattice trapping potential.


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The Gross-Pitaevskii equation for a Bose-Einstein condensate confined in an elongated cigar-shaped trap is reduced to an effective system of nonlinear equations depending on only one space coordinate along the trap axis. The radial distribution of the condensate density and its radial velocity are approximated by Gaussian functions with real and imaginary exponents, respectively, with parameters depending on the axial coordinate and time. The effective one-dimensional system is applied to a description of the ground state of the condensate, to dark and bright solitons, to the sound and radial compression waves propagating in a dense condensate, and to weakly nonlinear waves in repulsive condensate. In the low-density limit our results reproduce the known formulas. In the high-density case our description of solitons goes beyond the standard approach based on the nonlinear Schrodinger equation. The dispersion relations for the sound and radial compression waves are obtained in a wide region of values of the condensate density. The Korteweg-de Vries equation for weakly nonlinear waves is derived and the existence of bright solitons on a constant background is predicted for a dense enough condensate with a repulsive interaction between the atoms.