975 resultados para Educational planning


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L’Éducation Pour Tous mobilise la communauté internationale et les gouvernements depuis 1990. Cet engagement global renouvelé en 2000 sous l’auspice de l’UNESCO puis des Nations-Unies, porte notamment sur un objectif de base : l’universalisation de la scolarisation primaire complète pour tous les enfants d’âge scolaire à l’horizon de 2015. Plusieurs études sur la réalisation de cet objectif montrent que les pays en développement sont les plus à risque et que les progrès accomplis dans la plupart de ces pays, pourraient être plus importants si la pratique du redoublement faisait davantage l’objet de régulation et de contrôle. Cela contribuerait à améliorer la réussite scolaire et accroître la rétention des élèves au sein des systèmes éducatifs. La pratique du redoublement est en effet une tradition dans plusieurs systèmes éducatifs. Elle est particulièrement prépondérante dans certains groupes de pays ou régions, notamment en Afrique francophone au sud du Sahara. Dans ces pays, le PASEC - Programme d’Analyse des Systèmes Éducatifs de la CONFEMEN (Conférence des Ministres de l’Éducation Nationale des pays ayant le français en partage) - œuvre à améliorer l’accès à une éducation de qualité pour tous, par exemple, en informant les politiques sur la situation nationale du redoublement. Cette recherche sur le redoublement, la réussite scolaire et l’objectif de la Scolarisation Primaire Universelle (SPU) privilégie la dimension pédagogique, l’analyse empirique et étudie le cas du Sénégal. Elle présente et discute les indicateurs internationaux de suivi de l’objectif de la SPU, fait le point de l’état des connaissances sur le redoublement et la réussite scolaire et montre le défi que représente la réalisation de l’objectif de la SPU notamment dans les pays francophones d’Afrique sub-Saharienne. Exploitant les données existantes de l’enquête longitudinale de suivi de cohorte du PASEC au Sénégal entre 1995 et 2000, cette recherche examine le parcours scolaire des élèves en vue de la réalisation de l’objectif de la SPU. L’examen effectué combine des approches d’analyse transversale et longitudinale du redoublement et des apprentissages par rapport aux caractéristiques personnelles, familiales et scolaires de l’élève. Les résultats d’analyse montrent des variabilités, notamment par rapport aux caractéristiques personnelles de l’élève et à celles de sa classe et de son milieu de scolarisation. L’analyse longitudinale du redoublement s’est appuyée sur le diagramme de flux scolaire et a permis de produire un ensemble d’indicateurs d’efficacité interne du système éducatif du Sénégal. Pour la cohorte étudiée, du fait de l’importance des redoublements et des abandons scolaires, il faut en moyenne 9,4 années de scolarité pour que l’élève progresse du deuxième au sixième (dernier) grade du primaire. Seulement 39% de l’effectif de la cohorte survivent au dernier grade ce qui suggère que si cette tendance se maintenait, le Sénégal serait à risque de ne pas réaliser l’objectif de la SPU. Une évaluation de la situation courante à partir de données plus récentes serait requise. Le diagramme de flux scolaire constitue un outil de planification de l’éducation et représente de ce fait un important levier aux mains des autorités politiques pour agir sur les paramètres du système éducatif (paramètres liés à la qualité de l’éducation, à l’efficacité interne, etc.) afin de répondre à des objectifs spécifiques ou d’étapes pouvant conduire, par exemple, à la réalisation de l’objectif de la SPU.


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En la present comunicació ens apropem a la realitat participativa de l'estudiantat universitari arrelada en el procés de transformació de les universitats espanyoles en les darreres dècades, des de l'emergència de la universitat de masses. Amb aquest substrat pretenem identificar els trets diferencials del nou tipus d'estudiantat que està configurant-se en aquesta primera dècada del segle XXI, en el marc de la reforma de l'Espai Europeu d'Ensenyament Superior, analitzem dades sobre participació dels joves i, més concretament, dels joves universitaris, qüestionem el discurs de la manca d'implicació i reflexionem sobre la implementació d'accions que fomenten l'educació per a la participació


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La participación estudiantil, o más bien la baja participación estudiantil, es una realidad generalizada en las diferentes universidades españolas y, pese a algunas acciones realizadas para mejorarla, todavía no se ha generalizado a una cultura de participación activa en la que el estudiantado se integre plenamente en la gestión y vida universitaria, más allá de lo académico. Pero ¿cuál es la clave de la participación? Parece que la implicación es un factor importante alrededor del cual se articularían 4 elementos: el contexto social, la motivación, la formación y la repercusión percibida. Ésta y otras cuestiones son las que se pretenden analizar en la presente comunicación


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This study has investigated the question of relation between literacy practices in and out of school in rural Tanzania. By using the perspective of linguistic anthropology, literacy practices in five villages in Karagwe district in the northwest of Tanzania have been analysed. The outcome may be used as a basis for educational planning and literacy programs. The analysis has revealed an intimate relation between language, literacy and power. In Karagwe, traditional élites have drawn on literacy to construct and reconstruct their authority, while new élites, such as individual women and some young people have been able to use literacy as one tool to get access to power. The study has also revealed a high level of bilingualism and a high emphasis on education in the area, which prove a potential for future education in the area. At the same time discontinuity in language use, mainly caused by stigmatisation of what is perceived as local and traditional, such as the mother-tongue of the majority of the children, and the high status accrued to all that is perceived as Western, has turned out to constitute a great obstacle for pupils’ learning. The use of ethnographic perspectives has enabled comparisons between interactional patterns in schools and outside school. This has revealed communicative patterns in school that hinder pupils’ learning, while the same patterns in other discourses reinforce learning. By using ethnography, relations between explicit and implicit language ideologies and their impact in educational contexts may be revealed. This knowledge may then be used to make educational plans and literacy programmes more relevant and efficient, not only in poor post-colonial settings such as Tanzania, but also elsewhere, such as in Western settings.


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In response to the forces of globalisation, societies and organisations have had to adapt and even proactively transform themselves. Universities, as knowledge-based organisations, have recognised that there are now many other important sites of knowledge construction and use. The apparent monopoly over valued forms of knowledge making and knowledge certification is disappearing. Universities have had to recognise the value of practical working knowledge developed in workplace settings beyond university domains, and promote the value of academic forms of knowledge making to the practical concerns of everyday learning. It is within this broader systems view that professional curriculum development undertaken by universities needs to be examined.

University educational planning responds to these external forces in ways that are drawing together formal academic capability/competence and practice-based capability/competence. Both forms of academic and practice-based knowledge and knowing are being equally valued and related one to the other. University planning in turn gives impetus to the development of new forms of professional education curricula. This paper presents a contemporary case of a designed professional curriculum in the field of information technology that situates workplace learning as a central element in the education of Information Technology (IT)/Information Systems (IS) professionals.

The key dimensions of the learning environment of Deakin University’s BIT (Hons) program are considered with a view to identifying areas of strong integration between the worlds of academic and workplace learning from the perspectives of major stakeholders. The dynamic interplay between forms of theorising and practising is seen as critical in educating students for professional capability in their chosen field. From this analysis, an applied research agenda, relating to desired forms of professional learning in higher education, is outlined, with specific reference to the information and communication technology professions.


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O estudo analisa a implantação dos mecanismos de planejamento eduoacional no Estado de Goiás, a partir da apresentação, em âmbito nacional, dos mecanismos gerais de planejamento da esfera governamental e dos principais mecanismos de planejamento educacional, na órbita do Ministério da Educação e Cultura, numa perspectiva histórica que abrange o período de 1961 a 1974. Uma das conclusões aponta a assistência técnica como um dos principais instrumentos de implantação dos referidos mecanismos. Observa-se ainda que as reformas de ensino representam fortes mecanismos de planejamento educacional. Finalmente, em Goiás, a implantação dos mecanismos técnico-financeiros, pela sua própria natureza, ocorreu com maior regularidade que a dos mecanismos técnico-institucionais.


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o presente estudo analisa os custos da escola rização de uma amostra de escolas do município do Rio de Janeiro e de outra do Distrito Federal, com o objetivo de determinar sua escala ótima de operação e analisar sua eficiência na utilização dos seus recursos físicos e humanos. A escala ótima, como o trabalho demonstra, e determinadÇl. pe;Lo pontQ de minimo . .das curvas de -custo, estimando o tamanho ideal para o funcionamento das escolas, de sorte a obter o máximo de eficiência e produtividade. A eficiência é analisada em termos da intensidade de uso da capacidade física instalada e da alocação adequada.dos recursos humanos, em função da natureza dos serviços escolares e do número de alunos nela matriculados. Espera-se demonstrar que o planejamento edu cacional pode aumentar a eficiência do sistema tirando proveito do que propoe a teoria microeconômica ao abordar as questões relati vas à função de produção e aos seus custos. E que, ao final, a cor reta utilização desses conceitos pode ser muito útil para ajudar a superar a desnecessária, mas muitas vezes real - dicotomia entre quantidade e qualidade. Planejamento economicamente correto pode permitir oferecer e~sino de qualidade a uma grande quantidade de crianças, adolescentes e jovens. A quantidade, antes de ser obstá culo, pode até favorecer a oferta de um ensino de boa qualidade. Evidentemente, é necessár~o competência técnica e científica para fazê-lo, secundando uma firme vontade política de fazê-lo.


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The discussion we have established in this study is about how the practice is developing educational projects based on work with because the methodological choice of the teacher. The study of an ethnographic qualitative approach was conducted with a group of six teachers in two public schools in School Administrative Zone north of the city of Natal / RN. Data were constructed from semi-structured, reinforced by the direct observation of the practice of teaching of teachers. The goals outlined were to identify the reasons why the option for the project, listing the benchmarks that subsidized their construction, the observation of everyday experience in educational planning and development of projects developed. In the light of information we can notice a complex and even contradictory, which is confusing the concepts and practices are weakened. The analysis revealed inconsistencies between theory and practice in working with projects, the fruit of little theoretical development of teachers. The adoption of the project as a methodological option has meant a change in direction of the effective action didactic. Reflects on this situation, it was concluded that there is a need to broaden the understanding of the significance of this type of work, covering the different dimensions that involve the practice of research, research and training of teachers. Even preventing the intentions and initiatives of the teachers, it must be emphasized is the process of learning within an approach that focuses the process of learning in multiple dimensions, inter-relational, both the capabilities of students in the areas of knowledge.


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In this dissertation, we investigate the process of elaboration of the Political-Pedagogical Project in the Municipal School Ascendino de Almeida , situated in the west zone of Natal city, in Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. We performed a qualitative research, using information provided by several sources as: interviews carried out in the Municipal Department of Education and also in the mentioned School, document analysis, and literature reviews, mainly with the objective of knowing more about the complexity of this particular reality. This was done in order to establish a mediation between the actual reality and the social, political, and economic context that surrounds it. We analyze the Political-Pedagogical Project according to the visions of Education theoreticians, under the political-normative plan, and also as a process of educational planning that can collaborate significantly for the introduction of changes in school Education. This instrument of the educative action, as a fruit of the participation of the school community, may constitute itself in an important learning instrument of the participation in the social sphere, demanding from the educators the development of complex abilities so that they can construct the Project. In the data analysis, we describe and analyze the process of elaboration of the Political-Pedagogical Project of the mentioned School. We also determine how participation of the school community was constructed as well as the consequences of this envolvement. We also discuss the abilities they needed to develop, the process of studies and dialogues that gave support to the whole process, and the democratic participation in the school decisions, including a dialogical interaction


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The present study aimed to investigate the overview of teachers in continuing education program who work in kindergarten, about the continuing education developed by the Paideia/UFRN through the Course of Specialization in Art Teaching and Physical Education in Childhood, having as key focus, the knowing / doing related to physical education in Childhood. From this general goal, it was elected some specific objectives as: to know the interests and expectations that motivated the teachers to participate of that referred training; the evaluation by teachers on regard of the continuing education proposed: boosters factors for possible changes in teaching activities regarding the practice of teaching physical education in kindergarten. The methodology took the principles and techniques of qualitative research strategy and the characteristics of descriptive and interpretive strategy. The locus of this research was the Course of Specialization in Art Education and Physical Education in childhood, having as the citizens of this research twenty three teachers taking that specialization course. For building and systematization of the data, we used the following tools and procedures: a questionnaire, a semi structured interview and documents analysis. The data was constructed based on the technique of content analysis, focusing the reflections and speech of the teachers about the creation of new meanings and senses for the knowing / doing in Physical Education. It was found, among other results, the need and quest for improvement of teacher education, in order to improve educational practice. It was also evident that the situations of dialogues (interactions with peers, with their professors and other professionals in the related area or not) were mentioned by most teachers in the course as a relevant moment of redefinition of knowledge. In relation to Physical Education, it was found that participation in the course of specialization provided the recognition of teaching practice of physical education as part of the curriculum and the importance of inclusion of its specificities in their educational planning. From these elaborations, we come to the conclusion that knowing the perspectives of the teachers about continuing education can contribute to the theoretical and methodological discussions in teachers education and the creation of new actions - projects and programs of continuing education constructing increasingly ways towards a successful teacher formation, able to provide new forms of acting in the educational context


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Discussions over the topic of inclusion of handicapped people at school are considered recent, but they have become more and more frequent within the national and international scenario. Such discussion has also being inserted in the speeches and actions of the school institution and with the formation of educators. This investigation is made necessary as a way to collect elements to reconsider the actions for the inclusion of the special education need youth. In special the visually handicapped ones, at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). The creation of a support unit functions as main vehicle for the actions of the institution. It is intended to know what young people with limitations have to say regarding their experiences as a way to signal paths to be and not to be followed by the support unit. Therefore, the experience which these young boys and girls have is of crucial importance. In order to accomplish the task, it was decided to use methodological elements based upon elements supported by the life reports of two deficient students here called Borges and Stéfano. Their reports are from childhood to their arrival at IFRN. From their reports, categories appeared: childhood and the role of family; school life and, finally, related to the actions of the support unit of IFRN, being divided in inclusive actions and obstacles. The first one takes a second look at the actions of the family within the learning-teaching process of these students. The second category presents the moment in which students started to receive formal education per se. The last category constitutes the cornerstone of the investigation, for it analyses the process of inclusion in the institution, according to the perception of the students with visual limitations. The results signaled the need for shared intervention between students with Special Education Needs and school professionals in the elaboration of the Educational Planning, which guarantees the defense of the rights to an efficient teaching practice and effective in the process of inclusion of these students


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O artigo analisa perspectivas de responsabilização presentes no Plano de Desenvolvimento da Educação apresentado à sociedade brasileira em 2007 pelo Ministério da Educação. O plano, composto por programas e ações com o objetivo declarado de promover a melhoria da qualidade da educação básica brasileira, é, entre outras medidas, operacionalizado pelo Plano de Metas Compromisso Todos pela Educação, discutido neste trabalho a partir de um de seus aspectos: o estabelecimento de convênios entre os municípios e a União, por meio da elaboração local de um Plano de Ações Articuladas. Por esse instrumento, os gestores municipais se comprometem a promover um conjunto de ações no campo educacional, responsabilizando-se pelo alcance das metas estabelecidas pelo âmbito federal. em contrapartida, passam a contar com transferências voluntárias e assessoria técnica da União. Considera-se, na análise, o contexto de reforma do Estado e das políticas de descentralização na oferta educacional.


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O presente texto parte de uma caracterização em que o movimento escolanovista brasileiro é considerado como difusor da introdução de procedimentos científicos no campo pedagógico, como se a educação devesse subordinar-se às regras do pensamento e às descobertas obtidas pela ciência. em seguida, mostra que essa caracterização descreve apenas uma das tendências do ideário educacional renovador, sendo que outra, desenvolvida marcadamente sob a influência de John Dewey, filósofo e educador norte-americano, apresenta norteamentos bastante diversos. Assim, analisa alguns artigos publicados na Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos, órgão do Instituto Nacional de Estudos Pedagógicos, INEP, nos anos de 1950. Tais artigos, de autoria de Anísio Teixeira, João Roberto Moreira e Luiz Alves de Mattos, entre outros, traduzem o ideário educacional renovador daquele período e expressam concepções fundamentadas nas idéias de John Dewey. Os temas debatidos por esses educadores brasileiros são agrupados, de maneira geral, em torno das seguintes categorias: democracia, liberdade, pesquisa sócio-educacional e planejamento educacional. Na análise desenvolvida, percebe-se que os autores expressam diferentes visões do mesmo pensador - John Dewey -, fato que é compreensível mediante o conceito de recontextualização, originário das teses de Basil Bernstein, segundo o qual as teorias ou concepções filosóficas sofrem alterações, muitas vezes fundamentais, quando são convertidas em discurso pedagógico. Ao mesmo tempo que espera contribuir para melhor compreensão da presença do pensamento deweyano no Brasil, o presente trabalho também sugere a necessidade de maior aprofundamento quanto ao estudo dos processos recontextualizadores no campo educacional.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)