392 resultados para Editoriais


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Utilizando como recurso metodológico a Análise do Discurso, analisaram-se três editoriais do jornal Folha de S. Paulo, escolhidos a partir de uma determinada temática: a avaliação feita pelo jornal do governo Itamar Franco, no que respeita ao tratamento de questões sociais.


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O trabalho investiga os projetos editoriais e gráficos da Folha de S. Paulo produzidos desde a década de 1970, de modo a tentar compreender a evolução histórica recente do veículo, além do amadurecimento de seu conceito de jornalismo e de sua visão como empresa, os quais o alçaram à condição de jornal mais importante do país, posição que raramente perdeu e ainda mantém. Com ferramentas metodológicas emprestadas de Mikhail Bakhtin, a autora demonstra que, apesar das estabilidades estruturais desse jornal enquanto gênero discursivo se ampararem em elementos como conteúdo temático, traços formais e estilo verbal, esses mesmos elementos seriam sutilmente transformados ao longo dos anos, de modo a adaptar continuamente o veículo ao universo mutável que o circunda, constituído pelos leitores, anunciantes, governos, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e o próprio conceito de jornalismo. A pesquisadora mostra o quanto a Folha de S. Paulo precisou se modificar para enfrentar a concorrência dos outros jornais, da televisão e, em especial, da internet, que impôs um novo tipo de tratamento à informação. E como, nesse percurso, o jornal conseguiu consolidar sua visão de mundo e sua noção particular de informação como mercadoria


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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The purpose of this historiographical work is to make a comparison between editorial translation projects of narratives about Brazil written by foreign travelers published in two collections: Brasiliana, by Companhia Editora Nacional (1940s), and Reconquista do Brasil, by Itatiaia jointly with EDUSP (1970s). Both have similar goals, that is, to publish works describing Brazil and Brazilians, but, whereas, the former mostly offers texts written by domestic authors, the latter makes greater room for translations. The most apparent difference among the collections is that, while Brasiliana makes allowances for translators to reveal, in their prefaces and notes, their views on the author, the work, as well as their translation projects, Reconquista publishes few notes and prefaces by translators. The comparisons between the editions explore the difference between the focus given to the works by different institutional guidelines.


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This dissertation shows a new tool in the process of producing specialized printed media: desktop publishing. Because it is an important tool to this communication media, the visualization of its evolutionary journey began in the pre-history of informative vehicle, advancing to the informatics society. And it was just in this last social stage that desktop publishing legitimized its function, resulting in impacts on the production of these media and conditioned new styles. At the presentation of this new post-industrial society, a change of work and leisure sphere was verified, whose fusion is present and in this interaction, desktop publishing arose at home, in the little bureaus. In this journey, desktop publishing became an object of reflection because of its conditioning aspects that fostered moments of observation in relation to a possible threat to creativity, thanks to its facilities and clichés. On the other hand, different positive aspects of desktop we also shown, at the same time, its conditioning aspects resulting into a restudy of its execution in different printed media, showing its effects and sharing points of view. So, new styles and a editorial way of production were seen too. Add to this aspect desktop publishing – in general meaning – the computerization of magazine articles – has been producing resignation of journalists, which is another important aspect in the presenting dissertation.


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This dissertation shows a new tool in the process of producing specialized printed media: desktop publishing. Because it is an important tool to this communication media, the visualization of its evolutionary journey began in the pre-history of informative vehicle, advancing to the informatics society. And it was just in this last social stage that desktop publishing legitimated its function, resulting in impacts on the production of these media and conditioned new styles. At the presentation of this new post-industrial society, a change of work and leisure sphere was verified, whose fusion is present and in this iteration, desktop publishing arose at home, in the little bureau. In this journey, desktop publishing became an object of reflection because of its conditioning aspects that fostered moments of observation in relation to a possible threat to creativity, thanks to its facilities and clichés. On the other hand, different positive aspects of desktop were also shown, at the same time, its conditioning aspects resulting into a restudy of its execution in different printed medias, showing its effects and sharing points of view. So, new styles and an editorial way of production were seen as well. Add to this aspect, desktop publishing – in general meanings – the informatization of magazine offices – has been producing dismissing of journalists, which is another important aspect in the presenting dissertation.