860 resultados para Edifícios residenciais


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Em Leitura (in)fluente é exposta a idéia de que a literatura especializada em arquitetura, tanto livros como revistas, foi uma fonte de informação, instrução , educação e mesmo inspiração para os autores, engenheiros e arquitetos, que fizeram a arquitetura do Paraná nos anos 1950 elaborando para Curitiba projetos arquitetônicos vinculados às idéias modernistas tais como eram praticadas em centros mais avançados. Apresenta também a literatura disponível na época, resgatada dos acervos remanescentes em bibliotecas públicas e particulares, procurando estabelecer um vínculo entre as obras locais e as divulgadas em revistas e livros. Apresenta ainda três destes autores, pessoalmente entrevistados, demonstrando através de suas obras e opiniões a comprovação da idéia sugerida no trabalho. São eles: Rubens Meister, engenheiro civil, autor do projeto do Teatro Guaíra; Romeu Paulo da Costa, engenheiro civil, autor da Biblioteca Pública do Paraná e Elgson Ribeiro Gomes, arquiteto diplomado depois de completar o curso de engenharia civil, autor de inúmeros edifícios residenciais e comerciais com caracter modernista. A dissertação é completada com a demonstração da idéia inicial através de uma análise comparativa entre obras da cidade e obras publicadas que apresentam caráter de similaridade pelo pensamento arquitetônico adotado.


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This essay focuses on issues related to internal problems of the architecture discipline, specially those related to the aesthetics of the buildings. The universe analyzed in this research is constituted of some of the vertical housing built in Natal from the period of 1969 to 2000. As we could observe there are many different aspects in these apartment buildings external appearance, denoting increasing preoccupations in their formal elaboration in the battlefield for diversity against monotony of the simple prismatic volumetric forms.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The present study has the objective of analyzing how the ways of dwelling influences the uses and the functional and symbolic appropriations of the urban space in Fortaleza city center, through the perspective of the residents and their relation with the living place. Scenarios of development and degradation of its urban space have marked the city center of Fortaleza. The intensification of the commercial and services occupation promoted through the years, paradoxically, the valorization of the land price and the devalorization of the residential use. Thus, the residential occupation was consolidated in a discontinuous way, being concentrated mainly in the external limits of the historical core of the neighborhood. The research is structured over the delimitation of an area and the selection of multifamily residential buildings, built since the 1960s, close to the central core of the neighborhood. The spatial configuration analysis of the selected residential buildings, and their relations with the urban surroundings and the land uses, reveals different aspects related to the urban vitality, producing impacts over the ways of dwelling constituted by the daily life of the residents. The study of the ways of dwelling involves the comprehension that the dwelling is beyond the private residential boundaries and the functional occupation. The conceptual base of this research is developed over the perspective that the dwelling represents a fundamental aspect of the human condition, allowing the person to relate with the space in an essential way (HEIDEGGER, 2012). In this perspective of the dwelling, the space reunites the mental and the cultural, the social and the historical, being marked by simultaneous logics of the conceived, the perceived and the lived space (LEFEVBRE, 2006). The development of this study, over the point of view of the neighborhood residents, is inserted in the perspective of the lived space, related to the concept of place, understood as a qualitative phenomenon, giving essence and identity to the space. The place of dwelling, marked by coexistences, is one of the structural elements of the urban land use, and potential for the rehabilitation of the central areas in big cities. Therefore, the study starts from the hypothesis that the location, the nearby land uses and the spatial configuration of the residential buildings affect the ways of dwelling, in other words the residents dissolve the boundaries of the shelter and experience the urban space, from the dwelling place. The requalification of the dwelling is opposed to the residential space based in functionality, in hierarchy, in self sufficiency, in standardization and in the reproduction of the urban space, materialized in the dense contemporary residential buildings, that are unrelated to the city. The stages of the research involved the spatial configuration analysis of the selected residential buildings and their surrounding, the land use mapping and interviews with the residents. The collected data allowed verifying that the buildings are located in areas presenting heterogeneous land uses, with a great number of residents and users. However, these aspects are not sufficient to promote the vitality of the public spaces in the neighborhood, since the people movement in the streets is controlled by the opening hours of the predominant commercial use in the area. The word of the residents, collected in interviews, indicate that the conservation conditions of the public spaces and the insecurity influences their everyday relations with the place of dwelling, affecting fundamental aspects for the dwelling requalification in the central area of Fortaleza.


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The present study has the objective of analyzing how the ways of dwelling influences the uses and the functional and symbolic appropriations of the urban space in Fortaleza city center, through the perspective of the residents and their relation with the living place. Scenarios of development and degradation of its urban space have marked the city center of Fortaleza. The intensification of the commercial and services occupation promoted through the years, paradoxically, the valorization of the land price and the devalorization of the residential use. Thus, the residential occupation was consolidated in a discontinuous way, being concentrated mainly in the external limits of the historical core of the neighborhood. The research is structured over the delimitation of an area and the selection of multifamily residential buildings, built since the 1960s, close to the central core of the neighborhood. The spatial configuration analysis of the selected residential buildings, and their relations with the urban surroundings and the land uses, reveals different aspects related to the urban vitality, producing impacts over the ways of dwelling constituted by the daily life of the residents. The study of the ways of dwelling involves the comprehension that the dwelling is beyond the private residential boundaries and the functional occupation. The conceptual base of this research is developed over the perspective that the dwelling represents a fundamental aspect of the human condition, allowing the person to relate with the space in an essential way (HEIDEGGER, 2012). In this perspective of the dwelling, the space reunites the mental and the cultural, the social and the historical, being marked by simultaneous logics of the conceived, the perceived and the lived space (LEFEVBRE, 2006). The development of this study, over the point of view of the neighborhood residents, is inserted in the perspective of the lived space, related to the concept of place, understood as a qualitative phenomenon, giving essence and identity to the space. The place of dwelling, marked by coexistences, is one of the structural elements of the urban land use, and potential for the rehabilitation of the central areas in big cities. Therefore, the study starts from the hypothesis that the location, the nearby land uses and the spatial configuration of the residential buildings affect the ways of dwelling, in other words the residents dissolve the boundaries of the shelter and experience the urban space, from the dwelling place. The requalification of the dwelling is opposed to the residential space based in functionality, in hierarchy, in self sufficiency, in standardization and in the reproduction of the urban space, materialized in the dense contemporary residential buildings, that are unrelated to the city. The stages of the research involved the spatial configuration analysis of the selected residential buildings and their surrounding, the land use mapping and interviews with the residents. The collected data allowed verifying that the buildings are located in areas presenting heterogeneous land uses, with a great number of residents and users. However, these aspects are not sufficient to promote the vitality of the public spaces in the neighborhood, since the people movement in the streets is controlled by the opening hours of the predominant commercial use in the area. The word of the residents, collected in interviews, indicate that the conservation conditions of the public spaces and the insecurity influences their everyday relations with the place of dwelling, affecting fundamental aspects for the dwelling requalification in the central area of Fortaleza.


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This essay focuses on issues related to internal problems of the architecture discipline, specially those related to the aesthetics of the buildings. The universe analyzed in this research is constituted of some of the vertical housing built in Natal from the period of 1969 to 2000. As we could observe there are many different aspects in these apartment buildings external appearance, denoting increasing preoccupations in their formal elaboration in the battlefield for diversity against monotony of the simple prismatic volumetric forms.


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Com o aumento constante de procura de recursos naturais por parte dos vários setores da sociedade é urgente encontrar soluções para reduzir o seu consumo sem se travar a expansão demográfica que se tem vindo a sentir nos grandes centros urbanos. É através da implementação de medidas de sustentabilidade e pelo aumento da eficiência de utilização desses recursos que se tem vindo a combater esta tendência cada vez maior de consumismo global, sendo isto apenas possível com a implementação de ferramentas tecnológicas avançadas que permitem estabelecer limites ao considerado eficiente e premiando, em termos financeiros e de imagem de marketing, as entidades que o alcancem. O LEED é um sistema de certificação de sustentabilidade voluntário de edifícios residenciais e comerciais que estabelece métricas de comparação de parâmetros indicadores de consumos energéticos, hídricos e de materiais em todo o ciclo de vida do edifício e que tem vindo a ganhar destaque em crescendo a nível mundial. Esta dissertação teve como objetivo comparar a performance de consumo energético no âmbito do sistema LEED com a do sistema de certificação energética de edifícios nacional (SCE) de um grande edifício de serviços, estabelecendo um paralelismo de semelhanças e diferenças entre os dois e de avaliar os efeitos de potenciais medidas de eficiência energética e seus efeitos nas classificações de mérito obtidas em cada sistema. Os resultados obtidos na simulação que permitiu avaliar a performance foi muito satisfatório, tendo sido aproveitado pela empresa para efeitos de certificação LEED do edifício em estudo.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.


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This essay focuses on issues related to internal problems of the architecture discipline, specially those related to the aesthetics of the buildings. The universe analyzed in this research is constituted of some of the vertical housing built in Natal from the period of 1969 to 2000. As we could observe there are many different aspects in these apartment buildings external appearance, denoting increasing preoccupations in their formal elaboration in the battlefield for diversity against monotony of the simple prismatic volumetric forms.


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This essay studies the contribution of architect Acácio Gil Borsoi (1924-), who played an important role in the consolidation of Modern Architecture in the Northeast of Brazil. The universe analyzed is constituted of 48 residential projects, houses and apartment buildings, both built and unbuilt, dating from 1953 to 1970. Considering an analogy between architecture and language, the selected projects were analyzed focusing in the process of creation


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As the market expands, especially about construction, further treatments were required on the development of a building. This fact is noted due to the need to satisfy the client each time more, which requires more quality in the product final delivery. Therefore, the competition between companies grows every day to the effective and efficient production of their final products. This work shows negative factors that have influence in the product final delivery and consequently presents methods to improove the quality of this product. This study is characterized in management methods that are wrongly applied to the study of case of this work, which took place in the city of Guarulhos and was carried out during a work conducted by a large construction company


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This essay studies the contribution of architect Acácio Gil Borsoi (1924-), who played an important role in the consolidation of Modern Architecture in the Northeast of Brazil. The universe analyzed is constituted of 48 residential projects, houses and apartment buildings, both built and unbuilt, dating from 1953 to 1970. Considering an analogy between architecture and language, the selected projects were analyzed focusing in the process of creation


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This essay studies the contribution of architect Acácio Gil Borsoi (1924-), who played an important role in the consolidation of Modern Architecture in the Northeast of Brazil. The universe analyzed is constituted of 48 residential projects, houses and apartment buildings, both built and unbuilt, dating from 1953 to 1970. Considering an analogy between architecture and language, the selected projects were analyzed focusing in the process of creation


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Relatório de Intervenção apresentado como requisito parcial para aprovação na disciplina Práticas de Gestão no Legislativo do Curso de Mestrado Profissional em Poder Legislativo, do Programa de Pós-Graduação do Centro de Formação, Treinamento e Aperfeiçoamento da Câmara dos Deputados/Cefor.


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A racionalização do uso da energia elétrica nas edificações é um assunto atual e de grande importância face ao grande impacto ambiental produzido. O consumo de energia elétrica no Brasil nas edificações residenciais, comerciais, de serviços e públicas é bastante significativo. Calcula-se que quase 50% da energia elétrica produzida no país seja consumida não só na operação e manutenção das edificações como também nos sistemas artificiais, que proporcionam conforto ambiental para seus usuários como iluminação, climatização e aquecimento de água. O Regulamento Técnico de Qualidade do Nível de Eficiência Energética de Edifícios Comerciais e Serviços e Públicos, RQT-C do INMETRO surge como uma contribuição à etiquetagem do nível de eficiência energética das edificações de uso coletivo. Para a determinação da eficiência são considerados três requisitos: envoltória da edificação, sistema de iluminação e sistema de condicionamento de ar. Todos os requisitos têm cinco níveis de eficiência que variam de A (mais eficiente) até E (menos eficiente), que associados com algumas bonificações (uso da energia solar, ventilação natural, etc.) tornam possível a atribuição de uma classificação geral para o edifício em seu todo. Neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar esse desempenho energético para o prédio do Instituto Brasileiro de Adminstração Municipal -IBAM, situado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, de concepção modernista. Foi mostrado como as decisões arquitetônicas tomadas e o uso da ventilação natural podem influenciar na avaliação de sua eficiência energética.