876 resultados para Ectopic Pregnancy


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Our objective was to determine the prevalence of HIV infection and disease-specific HIV prevalence among women admitted to the gynaecology service of a district hospital in South Africa over a 3-month period in 1997. This was done with the goal of developing HIV education and counselling services in this setting. HIV status was determined among 196 (96%) of 205 consecutive admissions; 82 (42%) tested HIV positive. The HIV-infected women were younger than the HIV uninfected women (mean age 27 vs 33 years, P=0.001). The disease-specific HIV prevalence was greater than or equal to 40% among women who had had abortions, pelvic inflammatory disease, or ectopic pregnancy. The length of hospital stay (mean 5.4 days) and mortality (1%) were similar in the 2 groups. Inpatient gynaecology services may be act important setting in Africa, within which to provide HIV education, counselling and care.


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Goals: To assess maternal and fetal outcomes and clinical management of pregnancy in patients with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). Background: There is a paucity of information about maternal and fetal outcomes, and AIH activity during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. There is no consensus about the administration of azathioprine during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Study: Retrospective analysis of 54 pregnancies (3 still in progress) in 39 AIH patients. Results: The median age at conception was 24 years, and 68.4% of women had liver cirrhosis. Before conception and in early pregnancy, azathioprine and prednisone were administered in 48.1%, but treatment regimen vas usually changed further to 20 mg/d prednisone and 20.4%, were off treatment. There were 36 livebirths, and fetal loss rates were 29.4% (13 miscarriages, 1 stillbirth, and 1 ectopic pregnancy). Preterm birth rate was 11.8%. In 2 cases, there was acute fetal distress; and in 2 others congenital malformations (3.9%). The rate of serious maternal complication was 7.8%, with no deaths. There were no flares in 41.2% pregnancies, but aminotransferase elevations occurred in 54.9%, 31.4% of which were true AIH relapses, only registered in the postpartum period. Conclusions: Despite the high fetal miscarriage rate, pregnancy in AIH was safe. Patients needed careful monitoring, especially in the postpartum period because of relapses. There was no evidence of a cause and effect relationship among azathioprine administration and premature births and congenital abnormalities, but more studies are necessary. Higher doses of prednisone may be an alternative option for those who prefer azathioprine withdrawal during pregnancy.


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Chlamydia are obligate intracellular bacteria. Three species are considered human pathogens. Chlamydophila pneumoniae is one of the most common agents of atypical community-acquired pneumonia. Chlamydophila psittaci causes psittacosis, a severe zoonotic pneumonia transmitted by birds. Finally, Chlamydia trachomatis is the etiologic agent of trachoma and urogenital infections. The latter are commonly asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic. Thus, they may remain undiagnosed for years, leading to serious late complications such as salpingitis, ectopic pregnancy and infertility. Currently, the diagnosis of chlamydial infections is essentially based on molecular methods. Treatment should use an antibiotic with good intracellular bioavailability such as tetracycline, macrolides and new generation fluoroquinolones.


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Chlamydia serology is indicated to investigate etiology of miscarriage, infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, and ectopic pregnancy. Here, we assessed the reliability of a new automated-multiplex immunofluorescence assay (InoDiag test) to detect specific anti-C. trachomatis immunoglobulin G. Considering immunofluorescence assay (IF) as gold standard, InoDiag tests exhibited similar sensitivities (65.5%) but better specificities (95.1%-98%) than enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). InoDiag tests demonstrated similar or lower cross-reactivity rates when compared to ELISA or IF.


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The intact ovarian pregnancy is an extremely rare condition. We report the case of a 34- years old woman case, nuliparus, with no previous clinical history of pelvic disease. An intact right ovarian pregnancy was diagnosed by a transvaginal ultrasonographic exam. A video-laparoscopy surgery was undertaken and only the ectopic tissue was removed. The authors discuss the effectiveness of the diagnostic tools and the surgical approach.


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Introducción: El embarazo ectópico es la primera causa de mortalidad materna durante el primer trimestre del embarazo, y la realidad sociocultural de nuestro país indica que las mujeres están exponiéndose cada vez más a factores que aumentan el riesgo para embarazo ectópico. Se pretende evaluar la asociación de los factores de riesgo en una institución de cuarto nivel. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles, con un caso por cada dos controles, escogidos por medio de un muestreo aleatorio simple. Resultados: Se incluyó un total de 200 pacientes. Ambas poblaciones fueron comparables. La edad promedio de casos fue 29 años y de los controles 24.6 años; la mayoría estaban casadas o en unión libre. Con respecto a los factores de riesgo con resultados estadísticamente significativos (p 0,000) se encontró que existe un mayor riesgo de embarazo ectópico con edad entre 18-35 años, estrato socioeconómico bajo, presencia de ETS, estar casada, tener periodo intergenésico prolongado, haber tenido cirugías pélvicas previas, no usar anticonceptivos, tener endometriosis y tener antecedente de embarazo ectópico (p=0,000). El factor de riesgo más alto es el antecedente de un embarazo ectópico previo OR 66.2 IC95% 60.4 – 72.0 seguido de tener endometriosis con OR 20.2 IC95% 18.6 – 21.9. (p 0,000). Discusión: Los factores de riesgo para embarazo ectópico en el presente estudio son concordantes con otros descritos en la literatura. Es importante conocer a fondo los datos presentados para mejorar los índices de esta patología a nivel nacional.


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OBJECTIVE: To outline the geographical distribution pattern of gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) in a referral center in Bahia, Brazil, and determine the demographics of the disease.STUDY DESIGN: We conducted a study of data retrieved from medical records of 140 GTD patients referred to our Trophoblastic Diseases Center in 2002-2007, assessing geographical distribution across health care districts, demographics, referral sources, and previous pregnancy status.RESULTS: The most common GTD types were hydatidiform mole (106, 75.7%), invasive mole (32, 22.9%), choriocarcinoma (1, 0.7%), and placental site trophoblastic tumor (1, 0.7%). GTD incidence was 8.5 in 1,000 deliveries. Most patients originated from the coastal region (East district), which includes the state capital (77.9%). The 20-34 age group predominated (65%). Education level (67.9% attended elementary school only) and employment rate (42.9%) were low. Secondary hospitals were the principal source of referral (84.3%), followed by self-referrals (15.7%). Regarding previous pregnancy status, 42.1% (n = 59) had had term pregnancy, 39.3% (n = 55) no pregnancy, 15% (n = 21) miscarriage, and 0.7% (n = 1) ectopic pregnancy; 4 patients (2.9%) had previous hydatidiform mole.CONCLUSION: GTD predominated in the peak fertility age group and among patients of unfavorable sociodemographic status. (J Reprod Med 2010;55:305-310)


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A case of iatrogenic fistula from the right internal mammary artery to the subclavian vein following subclavian vein catheterization is reported. The patient had undergone percutaneous Intracath catheterization of the subclavian vein to treat hypovolemic shock during the surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy. She had remained symptom-free for 7 years and then started to complain of effort dyspnea. The patient was found to have a thrill and a bruit at the subclavian region, and arteriography demonstrated a fistula between the right internal mammary artery and the subclavian vein. The fistula was successfully closed by embolization with a percutaneous detachable balloon catheter. © 1993.


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Background. An important question for chlamydia control programs is the extent to which finding and treating prevalent, asymptomatic Chlamydia trachomatis genital infection reduces reproductive sequelae in infected women. Methods. We reviewed the literature to critically evaluate evidence on the effect of chlamydia screening on development of sequelae in infected women. Results. Two randomized controlled trials of 1-time screening for chlamydial infection—in a Seattle-area health maintenance organization and a Danish school district—revealed that screening was associated with an ∼50% reduction in the incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease over the following year. However, both of these trials had methodological issues that may have affected the magnitude of observed screening benefits and might limit generalizability to other populations. A large, nonrandomized cohort of chlamydia screening among US Army recruits, although limited by lack of outpatient data, did not find a benefit of similar magnitude to the randomized trials. Methodological limitations restrict valid conclusions about individual benefits of screening using data from historical cohorts and ecological studies. We identified no trials directly evaluating the effect of chlamydia screening on subclinical tubal inflammation or damage, ectopic pregnancy, or tubal factor infertility and no studies addressing the effects of >1 round of screening, the optimal frequency of screening, or the benefits of screening for repeat infections. Conclusions. Additional studies of the effectiveness of chlamydia screening would be valuable; feasible study designs may depend on the degree to which screening programs are already established. In addition, better natural history data on the timing of tubal inflammation and damage after C. trachomatis infection and development of more accurate, noninvasive tools to assess chlamydial sequelae are essential to informing chlamydia control efforts.


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Chlamydia trachomatis infection, the most common reportable disease in the United States, can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and chronic pelvic pain. Although C. trachomatis is identified among many women who receive a diagnosis of PID, the incidence and timing of PID and long-term sequelae from an untreated chlamydial infection have not been fully determined. This article examines evidence reviewed as part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Chlamydia Immunology and Control Expert Advisory Meeting; 24 reports were included. We found no prospective studies directly assessing risk of long-term reproductive sequelae, such as infertility, after untreated C. trachomatis infection. Several studies assessed PID diagnosis after untreated chlamydial infection, but rates varied widely, making it difficult to determine an overall estimate. In high-risk settings, 2%-5% of untreated women developed PID within the approximately 2-week period between testing positive for C. trachomatis and returning for treatment. However, the rate of PID progression in the general, asymptomatic population followed up for longer periods appeared to be low. According to the largest studies, after symptomatic PID of any cause has occurred, up to 18% of women may develop infertility. In several studies, repeated chlamydial infection was associated with PID and other reproductive sequelae, although it was difficult to determine whether the risk per infection increased with each recurrent episode. The present review critically evaluates this body of literature and suggests future research directions. Specifically, prospective studies assessing rates of symptomatic PID, subclinical tubal damage, and long-term reproductive sequelae after C. trachomatis infection; better tools to measure PID and tubal damage; and studies on the natural history of repeated chlamydial infections are needed.


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Background Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) results from the ascending spread of microorganisms from the vagina and endocervix to the upper genital tract. PID can lead to infertility, ectopic pregnancy and chronic pelvic pain. The timing of development of PID after the sexually transmitted bacterial infection Chlamydia trachomatis (chlamydia) might affect the impact of screening interventions, but is currently unknown. This study investigates three hypothetical processes for the timing of progression: at the start, at the end, or throughout the duration of chlamydia infection. Methods We develop a compartmental model that describes the trial structure of a published randomised controlled trial (RCT) and allows each of the three processes to be examined using the same model structure. The RCT estimated the effect of a single chlamydia screening test on the cumulative incidence of PID up to one year later. The fraction of chlamydia infected women who progress to PID is obtained for each hypothetical process by the maximum likelihood method using the results of the RCT. Results The predicted cumulative incidence of PID cases from all causes after one year depends on the fraction of chlamydia infected women that progresses to PID and on the type of progression. Progression at a constant rate from a chlamydia infection to PID or at the end of the infection was compatible with the findings of the RCT. The corresponding estimated fraction of chlamydia infected women that develops PID is 10% (95% confidence interval 7-13%) in both processes. Conclusions The findings of this study suggest that clinical PID can occur throughout the course of a chlamydia infection, which will leave a window of opportunity for screening to prevent PID.


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OBJECTIVE: To estimate the cumulative incidence of severe complications associated with genital chlamydia infection in the general female population. METHODS: The Uppsala Women's Cohort Study was a retrospective population based cohort study in Sweden, linking laboratory, hospital, and population registers. We estimated the cumulative incidence of hospital diagnosed pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, and infertility, and used multivariable regression models to estimate hazard ratios according to screening status. RESULTS: We analysed complete data from 43 715 women in Uppsala aged 15-24 years between January 1985 and December 1989. Follow up until the end of 1999 included 709 000 woman years and 3025 events. The cumulative incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease by age 35 years was 3.9% (95% CI 3.7% to 4.0%) overall: 5.6% (4.7% to 6.7%) in women who ever tested positive for chlamydia, 4.0% (3.7% to 4.4%) in those with negative tests, and 2.9% (2.7% to 3.2%) in those who were never screened. The corresponding figures were: for ectopic pregnancy, 2.3% (2.2% to 2.5%) overall, 2.7% (2.1% to 3.5%), 2.0% (1.8% to 2.3%), and 1.9% (1.7% to 2.1%); and for infertility, 4.1% (3.9% to 4.3%) overall, 6.7% (5.7% to 7.9%), 4.7% (4.4% to 5.1%), and 3.1% (2.8% to 3.3%). Low educational attainment was strongly associated with the development of all outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of severe chlamydia associated complications estimated from ours, and other population based studies, was lower than expected. Studies that incorporate data about pelvic inflammatory disease diagnosed in primary care and behavioural risk factors would further improve our understanding of the natural history of chlamydia. Our results provide reassurance for patients, but mean that the benefits of chlamydia screening programmes might have been overestimated.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the cost effectiveness of screening for Chlamydia trachomatis compared with a policy of no organised screening in the United Kingdom. DESIGN: Economic evaluation using a transmission dynamic mathematical model. SETTING: Central and southwest England. PARTICIPANTS: Hypothetical population of 50,000 men and women, in which all those aged 16-24 years were invited to be screened each year. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Cost effectiveness based on major outcomes averted, defined as pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, infertility, or neonatal complications. RESULTS: The incremental cost per major outcome averted for a programme of screening women only (assuming eight years of screening) was 22,300 pounds (33,000 euros; $45,000) compared with no organised screening. For a programme screening both men and women, the incremental cost effectiveness ratio was approximately 28,900 pounds. Pelvic inflammatory disease leading to hospital admission was the most frequently averted major outcome. The model was highly sensitive to the incidence of major outcomes and to uptake of screening. When both were increased the cost effectiveness ratio fell to 6200 pound per major outcome averted for screening women only. CONCLUSIONS: Proactive register based screening for chlamydia is not cost effective if the uptake of screening and incidence of complications are based on contemporary empirical studies, which show lower rates than commonly assumed. These data are relevant to discussions about the cost effectiveness of the opportunistic model of chlamydia screening being introduced in England.


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BACKGROUND: Screening programmes are promoted to control transmission of and prevent female reproductive tract morbidity caused by genital chlamydia. The objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of register-based and opportunistic chlamydia screening interventions. METHODS: We searched seven electronic databases (Cinahl, Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, DARE, Embase, Medline, PsycINFO and SIGLE) without language restrictions from January 1990 to October 2007 and reference lists of retrieved articles to identify studies published before 1990. We included studies examining primary outcomes (pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, infertility, adverse pregnancy outcomes, neonatal infection, chlamydia prevalence) and harms of chlamydia screening in men and non-pregnant and pregnant women. We extracted data in duplicate and synthesized the data narratively or used random effects meta-analysis, where appropriate. RESULTS: We included six systematic reviews, five randomized trials, one non-randomized comparative study and one time trend study. Five reviews recommended screening of women at high risk of chlamydia. Two randomized trials found that register-based screening of women at high risk of chlamydia and of female and male high school students reduced the incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease in women at 1 year. Methodological inadequacies could have overestimated the observed benefits. One randomized trial showed that opportunistic screening in women undergoing surgical termination of pregnancy reduced post-abortal rates of pelvic inflammatory disease compared with no screening. We found no randomized trials showing a benefit of opportunistic screening in other populations, no trial examining the effects of more than one screening round and no trials examining the harms of chlamydia screening. CONCLUSION: There is an absence of evidence supporting opportunistic chlamydia screening in the general population younger than 25 years, the most commonly recommended approach. Equipoise remains, so high-quality randomized trials of multiple rounds of screening with biological outcome measures are still needed to determine the balance of benefits and harms of chlamydia screening.


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Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a major public health problem, and controlling their spread is a priority. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are 340 million new cases of treatable STIs among 15–49 year olds that occur yearly around the world (1). Infection with STIs can lead to several complications such as pelvic inflammatory disorder (PID), cervical cancer, infertility, ectopic pregnancy, and even death (1). Additionally, STIs and associated complications are among the top disease types for which healthcare is sought in developing nations (1), and according to the UNAIDS report, there is a strong connection between STIs and the sexual spread of HIV infection (2). In fact, it is estimated that the presence of an untreated STI can increase the likelihood of contracting and spreading HIV by a factor up to 10 (2). In addition, developing countries are poorer in resources and lack inexpensive and precise diagnostic laboratory tests for STIs, thereby exacerbating the problem. Thus, the WHO recommends syndromic management of STIs for delivering care where lab testing is scarce or unattainable (1). This approach utilizes the use of an easy to use algorithm to help healthcare workers recognize symptoms/signs so as to provide treatment for the likely cause of the syndrome. Furthermore, according to the WHO, syndromic management offers instant and legitimate treatment compared to clinical diagnosis, and that it is also more cost-effective for some syndromes over the use of laboratory testing (1). In addition, even though it has been shown that the vaginal discharge syndrome has low specificity for gonorrhea and Chlamydia and can lead to over treatment (1), this is the recommended way to manage STIs in developing nations. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to specifically address the following questions: is syndromic management working to lower the STI burden in developing nations? How effective is it, and should it still be recommended? To answer these questions, a systematic literature review was conducted to evaluate the current effectiveness of syndromic management in developing nations. This review examined published articles over the past 5 years that compared syndromic management to laboratory testing and had published sensitivity, specificity, and positive predicative value data. Focusing mainly on vaginal discharge, urethral discharge, and genital ulcer algorithms, it was seen that though syndromic management is more effective in diagnosing and treating urethral and genial ulcer syndromes in men, there still remains an urgent need to revise the WHO recommendations for managing STIs in developing nations. Current studies have continued to show decreased specificity, sensitivity and positive predicative values for the vaginal discharge syndrome, and high rates of asymptomatic infections and healthcare workers neglecting to follow guidelines limit the usefulness of syndromic management. Furthermore, though advocate d as cost-effective by the WHO, there is a cost incurred from treating uninfected people. Instead of improving this system, it is recommended that better and less expensive point of care and the development of rapid test diagnosis kits be the focus and method of diagnosis and treatment in developing nations for STI management. ^