943 resultados para Ecological-distribution conflicts
"October, 1954."
The relationships between the spatial and temporal variations in the abundance of the shrimp Nematopalaemon schmitti and water temperature, salinity, and texture and organic-matter content of the sediment, were analysed in Ubatumirim, Ubatuba and Mar Virado bays on the northern coast of São Paulo, Brazil. Sampling was carried out monthly, from January 1998 through December 1999, from a shrimp boat equipped with double-rig nets, along six transects in each bay. In total, 2 116 specimens of N. schmitti were caught. Their distribution differed among bays, transects and seasons (ANOVA, p < 0.05). Highest total abundance was found in areas of high organic-matter content, in substrate composed mainly of very fine sand and silt and clay, and during winter and autumn. Although multiple regression analysis showed no significant relationship (p > 0.05), observations suggest that water temperature, sediment texture, organic-matter content, and the presence of biodetritus and plant fragments, provided favourable environmental conditions for the establishment of N. schmitti in the region.
Tomando la perspectiva de la ecología política, el artículo analiza los conflictos socioambientales que contextualizaron la sanción de la Ley de Ordenamiento Territorial de Bosques Nativos de la Provincia de Córdoba (Ley 9814/2010). Se caracterizan los actores sociales en disputa y sus lógicas e intereses en juego, y se analizan los argumentos que justificaron las posiciones que asumieron durante el conflicto que precedió a la sanción de la ley. Se identifican las alianzas generadas a fin de constituir grupos de interés para accionar políticamente en la arena legislativa, y se contextualiza la disputa local/provincial en el modelo agropecuario dominante a nivel nacional/global. El trabajo concluye que la ley expresa una alianza de poder consolidada históricamente entre los sectores hegemónicos de poder económico y político local, quienes usan y construyen el marco institucional del Estado en su propio beneficio sin importar los costos ambientales y sociales. Esta alianza contribuye a debilitar las demandas y derechos de los sectores más vulnerables de la sociedad, desconoce los procesos de participación ciudadana y compromete la oferta futura de servicios ambientales por parte del bosque nativo
Tomando la perspectiva de la ecología política, el artículo analiza los conflictos socioambientales que contextualizaron la sanción de la Ley de Ordenamiento Territorial de Bosques Nativos de la Provincia de Córdoba (Ley 9814/2010). Se caracterizan los actores sociales en disputa y sus lógicas e intereses en juego, y se analizan los argumentos que justificaron las posiciones que asumieron durante el conflicto que precedió a la sanción de la ley. Se identifican las alianzas generadas a fin de constituir grupos de interés para accionar políticamente en la arena legislativa, y se contextualiza la disputa local/provincial en el modelo agropecuario dominante a nivel nacional/global. El trabajo concluye que la ley expresa una alianza de poder consolidada históricamente entre los sectores hegemónicos de poder económico y político local, quienes usan y construyen el marco institucional del Estado en su propio beneficio sin importar los costos ambientales y sociales. Esta alianza contribuye a debilitar las demandas y derechos de los sectores más vulnerables de la sociedad, desconoce los procesos de participación ciudadana y compromete la oferta futura de servicios ambientales por parte del bosque nativo
Tomando la perspectiva de la ecología política, el artículo analiza los conflictos socioambientales que contextualizaron la sanción de la Ley de Ordenamiento Territorial de Bosques Nativos de la Provincia de Córdoba (Ley 9814/2010). Se caracterizan los actores sociales en disputa y sus lógicas e intereses en juego, y se analizan los argumentos que justificaron las posiciones que asumieron durante el conflicto que precedió a la sanción de la ley. Se identifican las alianzas generadas a fin de constituir grupos de interés para accionar políticamente en la arena legislativa, y se contextualiza la disputa local/provincial en el modelo agropecuario dominante a nivel nacional/global. El trabajo concluye que la ley expresa una alianza de poder consolidada históricamente entre los sectores hegemónicos de poder económico y político local, quienes usan y construyen el marco institucional del Estado en su propio beneficio sin importar los costos ambientales y sociales. Esta alianza contribuye a debilitar las demandas y derechos de los sectores más vulnerables de la sociedad, desconoce los procesos de participación ciudadana y compromete la oferta futura de servicios ambientales por parte del bosque nativo
The family Myrtaceae in Chile comprises 26 species in 10 genera. The species occur in a diverse rangeof environments including humid temperate forests, swamps, riparian habitats and coastal xeromorphicshrublands. Most of these species are either endemic to Chile or endemic to the humid temperate forestsof Chile and Argentina. Although many taxa have very restricted distributions and are of conservationconcern, little is known about their biology and vegetative anatomy. In this investigation, we describe andcompare the leaf anatomy and micromorphology of all Chilean Myrtaceae using standard protocols forlight and scanning electron microscopy. Leaf characters described here are related to epidermis, cuticle,papillae, stomata, hairs, mesophyll, crystals, secretory cavities and vascular system. Nearly all the specieshave a typical mesophytic leaf anatomy, but some species possess xerophytic characters such as doubleepidermis, hypodermis, pubescent leaves, thick adaxial epidermis and straight epidermal anticlinal walls,which correlate with the ecological distribution of the species. This is the first report on leaf anatomyand micromorphology in most of these species. We identified several leaf characters with potential tax-onomic and ecological significance. Some combinations of leaf characters can reliably delimitate genera,while others are unique to some species. An identification key using micromorphological and anatomicalcharacters is provided to distinguish genera and species.
Pollen morphology of 40 species of Rheum, belonging to eight sections, was investigated under LM and SEM. Four new exine patterns were found in the species: a) microcchinate-foveolate, b) rugulate, c) verrucate-perforate, and d) verrucaterugulate ornamentation. In addition, two patterns, the Rheum-type pollens with microechinate-perforate and fine-reticulate, as previously described, were also confirmed in the present study. Based on above study the evolution trends of pollen morphology in the taxa involved were discussed phylogenetically as below. As microechinate-perforate exine pattern existed commonly, the pattern is, therefore, regarded as the most primitive among all the six types. The fine-reticulate type was thought as a derivative type, deriving from the basic micro echinate-foveolate-perforate pattern, and followed by the rugulate and verrucate-perforate ornamentation. The verrucate-rugulate ornamentation should be the most advanced. More than one pollen type often exist in most of the sections in Rheum. The pollen morphology of Rheum was strongly correlated with its geographical and ecological distribution. Three medicinally important species R. officinale, R. palmation and R. tanguticum can be palynologically distinguished by their ornamentations.
The distribution of benthic organisms is directly or indirectly associated with the physical and chemical properties of the water and sediment. This study analysed the spatial and temporal distribution of Rimapenaeus constrictus in unconsolidated sublittoral sediments of two areas off the northern coast of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. We also analysed the association of environmental factors with the occurrence of this species. Shrimp were collected monthly from July 2001 to June 2003, with a fishing boat equipped with two double-rig nets, in the regions of Ubatuba (UBA) and Caraguatatuba (CA). The collections were made during the day, along five transects with mean depths of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 m. We obtained a total of 5478 individuals, 3403 (UBA = 2025 and CA = 1378) during the first year, and 2075 (UBA = 875 and CA = 1200) during the second year. Significant differences in abundance were observed in relation to depth, season of the year, and also in the interaction between region and depth. Higher abundances occurred in fall and winter, independently of the sampling year. The largest numbers of shrimp were caught on the 20-m transect in UBA and the 25-m transect in CA. It is concluded that the distribution pattern of this species is closely related to environmental factors, and the temperature of the bottom water and the sediment texture were the most significant variables affecting the distribution.
The occurrence of species of hermit crabs and their ecological distribution in soft bottoms off Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil were analyzed. To better understand the distribution of the species in relation to environmental factors, the similarity and species-diversity indexes were calculated. Paguroideans were sampled monthly from January through December 2000. The trawls were made with two otter-trawl nets at 13 different sites, at depths of 2-40 m. Water temperature, salinity, sediment texture, and organic matter content were measured. Gastropod shells occupied by hermit crabs were also assessed. A total of 1,238 specimens was collected, belonging to the families Diogenidae and Paguridae, comprising seven genera and thirteen species. The most abundant hermit crab species were Dardanus insignis (761 specimens) and Loxopagurus loxochelis (351 specimens). Phimochirus holthuisi is newly reported from the São Paulo coast. The highest diversity index was found for the shallower sites near rocky shores. The results of the grouping analysis for sites and species indicated three distinct groups for sites, and four groups for species. This suggests that the occurrence of these anomurans is associated with the environmental and biotic factors analyzed.
Neohelice granulata ecological distribution was evaluated in its northernmost latitudinal occurrence in a Brazilian tropical mangrove (23[degree]13'4" S, 44[degree]42'47" W). Samples were collected in three sites along the main river in the mangrove. Crabs were manually captured by two people, 15 min each, at low tide periods. The sex of the animals was assessed and carapace width measured. The size-frequency distribution was determined in each site. Environmental factors (salinity, temperature, organic matter and sediment texture) were analyzed, compared among sites and related to crab abundance and size in each site. Crab abundance decreased with the distance from the sea. Juvenile crabs were more frequent next to the sea, whereas larger and ovigerous ones were mainly found in the most distant site. Crab size was proportional to the organic matter percentage in the sediment. N. granulata spatial distribution varies along the river course, which is probably related to the most productive areas that have more nutrients available; this may also occur in order to prevent intraspecific competition.
Abundance and ecological distribution of the rock shrimp Sicyonia dorsalis from the northern coast of São Paulo State (Brazil) was investigated during a two-year period (July 2001 to June 2003). Monthly collections were conducted in the Ubatuba (UBA) and Caraguatatuba (CA) regions, using a commercial shrimp boat equipped with double-rig nets. In each region, seven depths were delimited (5 m to 35 m). A total of 1,752 and 1,894 shrimp were obtained at UBA and CA, respectively. The distribution of S. dorsalis differed among depths, years, and seasons. Highest abundance values were recorded in depths where silt and clay comprised more than 70% of the sediment. The majority (89%) of captured specimens were caught in the first year, in periods of lower mean temperature, mainly in the spring of 2001, when the intrusion of cold South Atlantic Central Waters (SACW) was more intense. In such period, the differences in the abundance of shrimps in each region (UBA = 1,118 and CA = 493) suggested that S. dorsalis migrated to the north (UBA), during the SACW intrusion. Thus, sediment type and water temperature are among the most important variables affecting the bathymetric distribution of S. dorsalis in these regions.
The abundance and ecological distribution of Acetes americanus and Peisos petrunkevitchi were investigated from July 2006 to June 2007, in Ubatuba, Brazil. Eight transects were identified and sampled monthly: six of these transects were located in Ubatuba bay, with depths reaching 21 m, and the other two transects were in estuarine environments. A total of 33,888 A. americanus shrimp were captured, with the majority coming from the shallower transects (up to 10 m). Conversely, 6,173 of the P. petrunkevitchi shrimps were captured in deeper areas (from 9 to 21 m). No individuals from either species were found in the estuary. The highest abundances obtained for both species were sampled during the summer. Canonical correlation analysis resulted in a coefficient value of 0.68 (P = 0.00). The abundance of both species was strongly correlated with depth. Variations in temperature and salinity values were also informative in predicting the seasonal presence of P. petrunkevitchi in deeper areas and A. americanus in the shallower areas of the bay. It is conceivable that the shrimp adjust their ecological distribution according to their intrinsic physiological limitations. © 2012 Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.
Patterns of spatio-temporal distribution of Brachyura are determined by the interaction among life history traits, inter and intraspecific relationships, as well as by the variation of abiotic factors. This study aimed to characterize patterns of spatio-temporal distribution of Persephona lichtensteinii, Persephona mediterranea and Persephona punctata in two regions of the northern coast of Sao Paulo State, southeastern region of Brazil. Collections were done monthly from July 2001 to June 2003 in Caraguatatuba and Ubatuba, using a shrimp fishery boat equipped with double-rig nets. The patterns of species distribution were tested by means of redundancy analysis (RDA) and generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) in relation to the recorded environmental factors (BT: bottom temperature, BS: bottom salinity, OM: organic matter and granulometry (Phi)). The most influent environmental factor over the species distribution was the Phi, and the ascendant order of influence was P. lichtensteinii, P. punctata and P. mediterranea. The greater abundance of P. mediterranea showed a conservative pattern of distribution for the genus in the sampled region. The greater occurrence of P. punctata and P. lichtensteinii, in distinct transects than those occupied by P. mediterranea, seems to be a strategy to avoid competition among congeneric species, which is related to the substratum specificity.
Scleractinian coral species harbour communities of photosynthetic taxa of the genus Symbiodinium. As many as eight genetic clades (A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H) of Symbiodinium have been discovered using molecular biology. These clades may differ from each other in their physiology, and thus influence the ecological distribution and resilience of their host corals to environmental stresses. Corals of the Persian Gulf are normally subject to extreme environmental conditions including high salinity and seasonal variation in temperature. This study is the first to use molecular techniques to identify the Symbiodinium of the Iranian coral reefs to the level of phylogenetic clades. Samples of eight coral species were collected at two different depths from the eastern part of Kish Island in the northern Persian Gulf. Partial 28S nuclear ribosomal (nr) DNA of Symbiodinium (D1/D2 domains) were amplified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). PCR products were analyzed using Single Stranded Conformational Polymorphism (SSCP) and phylogenetic analyses of the LSU DNA sequences from a subset of the samples. The results showed that Symbiodinium populations were generally uniform among and within the populations of 8 coral species studied, and there are at least two clades of Symbiodinium from Kish Island. Clade D was detected from 8 of the coral species while clade C90 was found in 2 of species only (one species hosted two clades simultaneously). The dominance of clade D might be explained by high temperatures or the extreme temperature variation, typical of the Persian Gulf.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)