956 resultados para Ecological responses


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辽东栎是我国暖温带落叶阔叶林主要优势种之一。它具有很强的萌蘖能力,在东灵山地区存在于多种林分中,并成为辽东栎林和落叶阔叶混交林的优势种。本文以植物种群构件理论为基础,对辽东栎的种子、幼苗、幼树和成体四个阶段不同侧面进行了调查统计和试验分析。初步得出如下结果: 1. 种子库统计表明:(1)种子雨持续时间短、强度大,种子散落总密度为123个m~2。(2)土壤种子库存在时间约100天左右,种子密度最高时为42.7个/m~2。(3)土壤种子库输出途径主要有死亡后腐烂、发芽、动物当场取食和搬运,其中动物搬运是影响种子库动态的最重要因子。(4)动物搬运和取食是影响种子命运的主要因素,如果没有该因素的影响,辽东栎能够完成从种子到幼苗的过程;(5)被啮齿动物贮藏的种子大多被取食,极少存活;(6)地表覆盖物能减少动物搬运、取食的影响,但对成苗效果不明显。 2. 干旱处理和模拟去叶试验的结果表明:(1)干旱将显著降低单叶面积、叶面积比和叶比重,从而也显著降低了单株生物量,但根比重却较对照组有显著上升;(2)去叶显著提高了单株叶数、叶面积比和叶比重,尽管单株生物量只稍高于对照组。这说明了辽东栎幼苗在去叶后具有一定的补偿能力。 3. 芽的命运调查发现:(1)辽东栎的芽或保持休眠状态,或死亡后脱落,或分化为营养枝、雄花枝、雄花序、雌花枝和两花枝等;(2)不同生境中芽的命运不同,生活在林窗中的幼树上的芽分化为具有生殖功能的枝条的比例高于郁闭林中的幼树,而与成熟个体接近;(3)同一个体内部,上层芽分化为生殖枝的比例明显大于中、下层;(4)芽的命运与枝长关系密切,长枝上的芽分化为生殖枝的可能性较大;(5)结实枝的平均枝长、枝上平均叶数都明显高于非结实枝。 4. 构型分析表明:(1)不同发育阶段的辽东栎个体的分枝格局不同:幼苗阶段,高生长显著,枝条伸长较快,但分枝率低;幼树阶段,分枝率显著小于成株阶段;但上层枝条的平均枝节倾角大于其它两阶段,上层枝条的长度也大于成株阶段;成株阶段,冠幅迅速扩展,分枝率较前两时期显著增加,同时顶端优势减弱,引起休眠芽萌生苗的发生。(2)不同生境的辽东栎个体分枝格局也有较大差异:混交林中的辽栎个体多生活在林隙中,同灌丛中的个体相比,枝冠窄小,枝倾角较大,第一枝级枝条(上层)较长,但分枝率较小叶面积指数较低;枝、叶的方位角,叶倾角(上层)在不同生境中未发生显著变化。 5. 叶群体统计表明:(1)不同个体,同一个体内部不同层次,叶数量动态趋势都基本一致。现叶期和叶落半衰期很短,现叶方式为爆发型;(2)不同个体间叶期差异很大,暗示在辽东栎种群内部或许存在有强烈的遗传分化。 6. 对叶的生长和光合作用测定发现:(1)辽东栎叶的长度、面积和干重的增加有共同趋势:即在叶生长早期增加很快,其后渐渐降低,叶长度、面积约在六月初达极大值,叶干重稍后达极大值;(2)净光合速率在整个生生季里随叶的生长发育是先上升,至七月中旬达极大值,然后逐渐下降;而暗呼吸速率除在落叶前有微弱上升外,一直都处在下降状态;(3)叶的净光合速率日进程具“午休”现象,可能由高温和强光照引起;(4)叶的形成初期,碳的输入较高,展叶后约十天左右,输入输出达到平衡;碳输出在七月中旬达极大值,随后下降。可见:(5)叶的光合能力与叶的生长发育状况有密切关系。 7. 对叶养分季节动态的测定表明:(1)N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe等6种元素的浓度和贮量在叶的生活史中都发生了明显的季节变化,其中N、P、K等3种元素的浓度在展叶初期下降很快,随后逐渐下降的,但贮量是在7月下旬达到最大值;(2)Ca浓度和贮量整个生长季中一直保持上升趋势,Mg的季节变化无一定规律;(3)N、P、K、Mg都有一定程度的回收,其中N、P的回收率分别为67%和,Ca、Fe在叶中有所积累。 对栎属植物养分动态的比较分析表明:(1)落叶植物成熟叶中的N浓度显著高于常绿植物,但N、P的回收率与成熟叶中的浓度无明显相关性;(2)栎属植物的成熟叶和落叶中的N、P浓度间呈显著相关。


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本文结合野外调查、野外实验和模型模拟方法研究了内蒙古退化草原在继续放牧和啮齿类动物活动干扰下,植物多样性、种群空间格局、种间空间关联、小尺度鼠丘和小尺度空斑(Gap)上植被发展动态的生态响应。研究结果如下: (1)经过长期不同强度的放牧干扰后,无牧条件下植被盖度显著低于其它三个放牧(轻牧、中牧、重牧)条件下的植被盖度,而其它三个放牧条件之间的植被盖度差异不显著;无牧条件下羊草成为群落的优势种,轻牧和中牧条件下冷蒿依然是群落的优势种,这三种条件下寸草苔的种群盖度最大;重牧条件下优势种变为星毛委陵菜,并且其种群盖度最大;不同放牧退化阶段指示植物的种群盖度随放牧强度增大的变化趋势是:冷蒿为先增大后减小,而星毛委陵菜为先急剧增大,然后平缓增大,最后再急剧增大;植物多样性和均匀度指数在中牧条件下最大,在无牧条件下最小,说明中牧条件下群落的多样性最高,无牧条件下群落的多样性最小,而优势度指数的变化趋势和它们正相反。 (2)放牧对星毛委陵菜(或糙隐子草)种群空间格局有显著影响,即使在同一放牧强度下其种群在不同尺度上的空间格局存在显著差异。在小尺度上,植物种群主要呈现为集聚分布;同一放牧强度下随着尺度的增大,集聚分布趋向于随机和均匀分布;随着放牧强度的增大,物种的集聚分布消失的空间尺度缩短。 (3)不同放牧强度下,冷蒿和星毛委陵菜之间的空间关联存在显著的差异。在无牧和轻牧条件下,冷蒿和星毛委陵菜在小尺度(0-100cm)上主要呈负关联的空间关系,而在中牧和重牧条件下除了呈负关联的空间关系外,两个物种在空间上还是相互独立的。同时,放牧强度的增大缩小了负关联程度的峰值(最小值)。放牧强度越大,两物种之间的空间关系由负关联转变为相互独立的空间尺度越小(距离越短)。 (4)草原黄鼠鼠丘干扰显著降低了植物物种的丰富度(24种),同样,减少了不同功能组内的物种数,特别是多年生非禾本科草类减少的物种数最多;和周围的未受鼠丘干扰的植被比较,鼠丘上植物多样性减少了1.42,优势度减少了4.21,而均匀度增加了0.06;鼠丘上,多年生植物出现频率(0.37)大约是一年生植物出现频率(0.13)的四倍。具有高抗埋藏性的物种(寸草苔)和抗埋藏性的物种(冷蒿、冰草和糙隐子草)具有相对较高的出现频率。对于功能组来说,多年生非禾本科草类(PF, EF=0.51)具有最大的出现频率,接下来依次是多年生根茎禾草(PR, EF=0.46)、灌木和半灌木(SS, EF=0.32)、多年生丛生禾草(PB, EF=0.25)、一年生和两年生植物(AB, EF=0.13);鼠丘上,寸草苔的密度最大(244.43 个体/米2)。多年生非禾本科草类的密度(130.74个体/米2)远大于其他功能组的密度(PR,34.76个体/米2;PB,16.52个体/米2;AB,14.31个体/米2;SS,12.39个体/米2);鼠丘上植被地上生物量(35.90克/米2)远远小于外围对照植被地上生物量(211.54克/米2)。冷蒿的地上生物量最大,其次是寸草苔。对于功能组,SS最大 (8.44克/米2) ,其次是PF (7.17克/米2),这两个功能组的地上生物量远大于其他三个功能组的地上生物量(PR, PB和 AB分别是 3.23克/米2、1.40克/米2和2.49克/米2)。 (5)干扰产生空斑的拓殖受空斑大小和放牧历史的影响,植物拓殖空斑的方式随空斑形成后的时间而变化。空斑直径越大,其被拓殖的机会越大;具有高强度放牧历史群落中的空斑更易被植物拓殖;第一年对空斑的拓殖主要通过种子萌发;第二年,种子萌发方式(特别是一年生植物)拓殖空斑的比例有所降低,而通过地下根茎的克隆繁殖拓殖空斑的比例有所增加。


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放牧是草地最主要的利用方式,草地植物被家畜采食而部分或全部去叶是一个普遍存在的现象。内蒙古草原是我国北方地区最大的干旱半干旱草原,长期以来,过度放牧使草地的植被、土壤状况不断趋于恶化。由于过度放牧,草地植物正常的生理生态特性受到影响,光合作用能力、生长能力和繁殖更新能力等出现不同程度的降低。本文从动物-植物-土壤相互联系的角度出发,着重研究了过度放牧和刈割对内蒙古草原的一种典型植物—羊草(Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzevel.)形态、生长和生理的影响,以及羊草对放牧和刈割的生理生态响应,并得出以下主要结论: 1.过度放牧使土壤表层含水量、有机质含量和氮含量显著下降;羊草的叶量减少,比叶面积增大,节间缩短,分蘖减少;羊草的生物量根部分配比例增大,生殖器官则分配很少;羊草种群高度、盖度、密度和相对生物量均比对照显著降低。试验结果说明,过度放牧从短期可以影响到羊草种群和部分形态特征,长期则影响羊草的生物量分配模式,最终还使羊草的生境趋于恶化,不利于羊草的生长。同时,羊草对放牧也形成了一定的适应性。例如,比叶面积增大,增加了更多的光合叶面积;节间缩短可以躲避家畜啃食;生物量向根部集中,增大了对水分和养分的吸收面积等。 2.过度放牧使羊草的净光合速率显著降低;光合作用补偿点增大,光合作用饱和点却降低;蒸腾速率、气孔导度下降,暗呼吸速率增大;光系统Ⅱ的光化学效率、实际量子产量和光化学粹灭值均显著低于围封样地;瞬时和长期的水分利用效率也有不同程度的降低。试验结果表明,过度放牧强烈制约了羊草的光合作用能力和水分利用效率。而植物的光合作用是物质生产的基础,羊草光合能力的降低必然导致其生物产量的降低,从而也改变了羊草种群在整个生物群落中的作用和地位。 3.羊草在轻度(地上20%)和中度(地上40%)刈割条件下可以获得更大的地上累积生物量,表现为超补偿生长,并且地下生物量降低较少,相对生长速率较高,分蘖较多。而重度(地上80%)刈割可收获的地上累积生物量远少于对照,表现为欠补偿生长,且地下生物量大量减少,分蘖较少。在轻度或中度刈割条件下,施氮肥可以起到稳定维持植物生物产量的作用,但是重度刈割条件下,即使施加再多的氮肥也不能补偿植物生物量的损失。施磷肥对羊草的补偿性生长特性没有明显影响。而干旱加刈割处理的羊草不管是哪个刈割水平,均为欠补偿生长,地下生物量低,相对生长速率较低。 4.轻度刈割后羊草剩余叶片经过3天左右的生理恢复期后,表现出了明显的补偿性光合作用。中度和重度刈割羊草的生理恢复时间较长,没有表现出补偿性光合作用。刈割和施氮处理羊草剩余叶片的净光合速率变化和仅刈割处理(对照)基本上相同。刈割和干旱处理羊草剩余叶片的光合速率始终处于一个较低的水平,各刈割水平均没有表现出补偿性光合作用,主要是干旱导致气孔关闭,限制了叶片的气体交换。刈割后叶片气孔导度的增加可能是补偿性光合作用发生的重要原因。但叶片受到强烈伤害后,气孔导度虽然增加,其呼吸作用也增大,所以净光合速率还是较低。重度刈割叶片的叶绿素含量升高可以增加其光合作用潜力,为恢复正常生长作了生理上的准备,这可能是植物对刈割或放牧的一种生理适应性。 研究放牧条件下植物对动物采食的反应不仅具有重要的理论生态学意义,而且对提高植物的净生长量,维持草地持续的生产能力,实现草地的可持续利用具有重要的意义。研究草地主要植物对牲畜采食的补偿性生长效应及其条件,对合理利用草地可再生资源,确定合理的放牧强度有重要意义。应充分利用植物的超补偿效应,适时放牧,控制放牧强度,实现草地植物可食部分的超补偿生长,实现草地的最优化利用和生产力的最大化。


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Ecological responses to dam construction are poorly understood, especially for downstream benthic algal communities. We examined the responses of benthic algal communities in downstream reaches of a tributary of the Xiangxi River, China, to the construction of a small run-of-river dam. From February 2003 to August 2006, benthic algae, chemical factors, and habitat characteristics were monitored upstream and downstream of the dam site. This period spanned 6 mo before dam construction and 37 mo after dam construction. Benthic algal sampling yielded 199 taxa in 59 genera that belonged to Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, and Cyanophyta. Some physical factors (flow velocity, water depth, and channel width) and 3 algal metrics (diatom species richness, Margalef diversity, and % erect individuals) were significantly affected by the dam construction, whereas chemical factors (e.g., NH4-N, total N, SiO2) were not. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMS) ordinations showed that overall algal assemblage structure downstream of the dam sites was similar to that of upstream control sites before dam construction and for 1 year after dam construction (p > 0.05). However, sites belonging to upstream and downstream reaches were well separated on NMS axis 1 during the 2(nd) and 3(rd) years after dam construction. Our results suggest that impacts of dam construction on benthic algal communities took 2 to 3 y to emerge. Further development of a complete set of indicators is needed to address the impact of small-dam construction. Our observations underscore the need for additional studies that quantify ecological responses to dam construction over longer time spans.


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In order to explore the temporal impacts of a small dam on riverine zooplankton, monthly samples were conducted from November 2005 to June 2006 in a reach of Xiangxi River, China, which is affected by a small hydropower plant. A total of 56 taxa of zooplankton were recorded during the study and rotifers were the most abundant group, accounting for 97% of total taxa, while the others were copepod nauplii and copepod adults. This study indicated that: (1) the small dam in the Xiangxi River study area created distinct physical and ecological conditions relative to free-flowing lotic reaches despite the constrained channel and small size of the dam; (2) the existence of the plant's small dam had a significant effect on the zooplankton community. In long periods of drought or dry seasons the effect of the dam on potamoplankton was more pronounced (e.g., November, February, March, and May). But the downfall or the connectivity of channel appeared to decrease the effect of small hydropower plants on riverine zooplankton (e.g., April). The present observation underscores the need for additional studies that provide more basic data on riverine zooplankton communities and quantify ecological responses to dam construction over longer time spans.


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论文对塔里木沙漠公路防护林对环境胁迫的生理生态响应及稳定性进行了研究。研究内容包括防护林不同树种对环境胁迫的响应、防护林的环境效应及防护林系统的稳定性初步研究。其中,在塔里木沙漠公路防护林建设方面,主要开展了防风固沙植物种的选择和防沙固沙植物灌溉技术研究;在防护林与环境之间的相互关系方面,通过塔里木沙漠公路防护林树种对环境胁迫如:高温、干旱、风沙和盐分等的响应研究,阐明植物在逆境胁迫下的生理生态特性和适应逆境的内在机理,为沙漠腹地的防护林树种选择和人工绿地建设提供科学依据;同时,通过对防护林地固定样方的长期监测,探讨了防护林对恶劣环境条件的改善作用;通过对防护林及其周边环境的长期监测,发现了影响防风固沙林稳定性的限制因素,初步建立了沙漠公路防护林稳定性评价的综合指标体系。在对防护林引种植物进行野外栽培试验、生态生理试验、种源试验、大规模造林示范基础上,应用SPSS统计软件包进行判别分析,评价89种引种植物的适应性,将引种植物划分为完全适应、一般适应和不适应三类。采用主成分分析法(PCA)研究了防护林树种对干旱环境的生理响应并对植物的抗早性进行排序,在此基础上提出了防护林树种应以灌木树种梭梭归改勿砂lon anllnodendronB岁)、白梭梭(Haloxylon Perscuyn Bge)、多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima Ldb.)和头状沙拐枣(Callugonum caput-medusae Schrenk)等为主。在实验的基础上,发现沙漠极端环境下高温胁迫可导致植物细胞膜透性、膜脂过氧化作用的增强及植物叶片或同化枝的失水,而树木体内渗透调节物质积累和保护酶活性的提高是植物抵御这种胁迫的主要机制。在长期定位监测和样方调查的基础上,应用系统生态学系统模型分析了咸水灌溉条件下防护林地土壤的水盐动态和平衡,分析了植物各营养器官盐分离子含量的变化,认为经过筛选的防护林树种基本上不存在盐害,植物能够生存的主要原因在于植物本身耐盐、避盐和泌盐的生理特性及沙地水、盐的强烈渗漏。通过防护林区内外的风沙观测,发现防护林有效改变了风沙流的结构,降低了风速,增加了沙丘的稳定程度。同时,对防护林地风沙土的理化特性进行定点的长期监测,应用通径系数分析等方法分析了土壤酶和微生物的活性与土壤质地的关系,发现防护林的建立改善了风沙土的质地,提高了土壤酶和微生物的活性,使风沙土向有利于提高其肥力质量的方向发展。本文首次把层次分析法(AHP)应用到防护林系统的稳定性初步研究,结果初步表明:塔里木沙漠公路防护林系统处于相对脆弱状态,恶劣的气候条件是系统稳定的主要干扰因素,它的剧烈波动使生态系统常常偏离稳定状态,使系统的组成结构发生变化,影响生态系统功能的发挥。人工措施可在一定程度改善沙漠公路防护林系统的环境质量,有助于提高生态系统的稳定程度。


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Biological responses to climate change are typically communicated in generalized terms such as poleward and altitudinal range shifts, but adaptation efforts relevant to management decisions often require forecasts that incorporate the interaction of multiple climatic and nonclimatic stressors at far smaller spatiotemporal scales. We argue that the desire for generalizations has, ironically, contributed to the frequent conflation of weather with climate, even within the scientific community. As a result, current predictions of ecological responses to climate change, and the design of experiments to understand underlying mechanisms, are too often based on broad-scale trends and averages that at a proximate level may have very little to do with the vulnerability of organisms and ecosystems. The creation of biologically relevant metrics of environmental change that incorporate the physical mechanisms by which climate trains patterns of weather, coupled with knowledge of how organisms and ecosystems respond to these changes, can offer insight into which aspects of climate change may be most important to monitor and predict. This approach also has the potential to enhance our ability to communicate impacts of climate change to nonscientists and especially to stakeholders attempting to enact climate change adaptation policies.


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Marine protected areas (MPAs) have been widely proposed for conservation purposes and as a tool for fisheries management. The Arrábida Marine Park is the first MPA in continental Portugal having a management plan, fully implemented since 2009. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of protection measures on rocky reef fish assemblages and target invertebrates through before-after and control-effect (no-take vs. fished areas) underwater visual surveys and analysis of landings trends. Second, we used surveys before, during and after implementation of the management plan to understand fishers‟ preferences for fishing grounds and adaptation to the new rules, and evaluated the reserve effect through analysis of both ecological responses and fishing effort density. Third, we identified the main oceanographic drivers influencing the structure of reef fish assemblages and predicted the community structure for the last 50 years, in light of climatic change. Overall results suggest positive responses in biomass but not yet in numbers of some commercial species, with no effects on non-target species. The reserve effect is reinforced by the increase in landings of commercial species, despite increased fishing effort density in some areas, especially with octopus traps. Fishing grounds are mainly chosen based on the distribution of target species and associated habitats, but distance to port, weather conditions and safety also influence fishers‟ choices. Moreover, different fisheries respond differently to the protection measures, and within each fishery, individual fishers show distinct strategies, with some operating in a broader area whereas others keep preferred territories. Our results also show that wind stress and temperature are the main oceanographic drivers for rocky reef fish assemblages, with tropicalization of assemblages and polewards movements of species over the last 50 years consistent with temperature trends. We believe this study provides significant lessons for marine conservation and management of coastal systems.


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The Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) is an integrated network of realtime water-level monitoring, ground-elevation modeling, and water-surface modeling that provides scientists and managers with current (2000-present), online water-stage and water-depth information for the entire freshwater portion of the Greater Everglades. Continuous daily spatial interpolations of the EDEN network stage data are presented on grid with 400-square-meter spacing. EDEN offers a consistent and documented dataset that can be used by scientists and managers to: (1) guide large-scale field operations, (2) integrate hydrologic and ecological responses, and (3) support biological and ecological assessments that measure ecosystem responses to the implementation of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1999). The target users are biologists and ecologists examining trophic level responses to hydrodynamic changes in the Everglades. The first objective of this report is to validate the spatially continuous EDEN water-surface model for the Everglades, Florida developed by Pearlstine et al. (2007) by using an independent field-measured data-set. The second objective is to demonstrate two applications of the EDEN water-surface model: to estimate site-specific ground elevation by using the validated EDEN water-surface model and observed water depth data; and to create water-depth hydrographs for tree islands. We found that there are no statistically significant differences between model-predicted and field-observed water-stage data in both southern Water Conservation Area (WCA) 3A and WCA 3B. Tree island elevations were derived by subtracting field water-depth measurements from the predicted EDEN water-surface. Water-depth hydrographs were then computed by subtracting tree island elevations from the EDEN water stage. Overall, the model is reliable by a root mean square error (RMSE) of 3.31 cm. By region, the RMSE is 2.49 cm and 7.77 cm in WCA 3A and 3B, respectively. This new landscape-scale hydrological model has wide applications for ongoing research and management efforts that are vital to restoration of the Florida Everglades. The accurate, high-resolution hydrological data, generated over broad spatial and temporal scales by the EDEN model, provides a previously missing key to understanding the habitat requirements and linkages among native and invasive populations, including fish, wildlife, wading birds, and plants. The EDEN model is a powerful tool that could be adapted for other ecosystem-scale restoration and management programs worldwide.