988 resultados para Eastern Arabian Sea


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In situ methods used for water quality assessment have both physical and time constraints. Just a limited number of sampling points can be performed due to this, making it difficult to capture the range and variability of coastal processes and constituents. In addition, the mixing between fresh and oceanic water creates complex physical, chemical and biological environment that are difficult to understand, causing the existing measurement methodologies to have significant logistical, technical, and economic challenges and constraints. Remote sensing of ocean colour makes it possible to acquire information on the distribution of chlorophyll and other constituents over large areas of the oceans in short periods. There are many potential applications of ocean colour data. Satellite-derived products are a key data source to study the distribution pattern of organisms and nutrients (Guillaud et al. 2008) and fishery research (Pillai and Nair 2010; Solanki et al. 2001. Also, the study of spatial and temporal variability of phytoplankton blooms, red tide identification or harmful algal blooms monitoring (Sarangi et al. 2001; Sarangi et al. 2004; Sarangi et al. 2005; Bhagirathan et al., 2014), river plume or upwelling assessments (Doxaran et al. 2002; Sravanthi et al. 2013), global productivity analyses (Platt et al. 1988; Sathyendranath et al. 1995; IOCCG2006) and oil spill detection (Maianti et al. 2014). For remote sensing to be accurate in the complex coastal waters, it has to be validated with the in situ measured values. In this thesis an attempt to study, measure and validate the complex waters with the help of satellite data has been done. Monitoring of coastal ecosystem health of Arabian Sea in a synoptic way requires an intense, extensive and continuous monitoring of the water quality indicators. Phytoplankton determined from chl-a concentration, is considered as an indicator of the state of the coastal ecosystems. Currently, satellite sensors provide the most effective means for frequent, synoptic, water-quality observations over large areas and represent a potential tool to effectively assess chl-a concentration over coastal and oceanic waters; however, algorithms designed to estimate chl-a at global scales have been shown to be less accurate in Case 2 waters, due to the presence of water constituents other than phytoplankton which do not co-vary with the phytoplankton. The constituents of Arabian Sea coastal waters are region-specific because of the inherent variability of these optically-active substances affected by factors such as riverine input (e.g. suspended matter type and grain size, CDOM) and phytoplankton composition associated with seasonal changes.


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Arabian Sea Mini Warm Pool (ASMWP) is a part of the Indian Ocean Warm Pool and formed in the eastern Arabian Sea prior to the onset of the summer monsoon season. This warm pool attained its maximum intensity during the pre-monsoon season and dissipated with the commencement of summer monsoon. The main focus of the present work was on the triggering of the dissipation of this warm pool and its relation to the onset of summer monsoon over Kerala. This phenomenon was studied utilizing NCEP/NCAR (National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric and Research) re-analysis data, TRMM Micro wave Imager (TMI) and observational data. To define the ASMWP, sea surface temperature exceeding 30.25A degrees C was taken as the criteria. The warm pool attained its maximum dimension and intensity nearly 2 weeks prior to the onset of summer monsoon over Kerala. Interestingly, the warm pool started its dissipation immediately after attaining its maximum core temperature. This information can be included in the present numerical models to enhance the prediction capability. It was also found that the extent and intensity of the ASMWP varied depending on the type of monsoon i.e., excess, normal, and deficient monsoon. Maximum core temperature and wide coverage of the warm pool observed during the excess monsoon years compared to normal and deficient monsoon years. The study also revealed a strong relationship between the salinity in the eastern Arabian Sea and the nature of the monsoon.


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Foraminifera are an important faunal element of the benthos in oxygen-depleted settings such as Oxygen Minimum Zones (OMZs) where they can play a relevant role in the processing of phytodetritus. We investigated the uptake of phytodetritus (labeled with 13C and 15N) by cal-careous foraminifera in the 0-1 cm sediment horizon under different oxygen concentrations within the OMZ in the eastern Arabian Sea. The in situ tracer experiments were carried out along a depth transect on the Indian margin over a period of 4 to 10 days. The uptake of phy-todetrital carbon within 4 days by all investigated species shows that phytodetritus is a rele-vant food source for foraminifera in OMZ sediments. The decrease of total carbon uptake from 540 to 1100 m suggests a higher demand for carbon by species in the low-oxygen core region of the OMZ or less food competition with macrofauna. Especially Uvigerinids showed high uptake of phytodetrital carbon at the lowest oxygenated site. Variation in the ratio of phytodetrital carbon to nitrogen between species and sites indicates that foraminiferal carbon and nitrogen use can be decoupled and different nutritional demands are found between spe-cies. Lower ratio of phytodetrital carbon and nitrogen at 540 m could hint for greater demand or storage of food-based nitrogen, ingestion or hosting of bacteria under almost anoxic condi-tions. Shifts in the foraminiferal assemblage structure (controlled by oxygen or food availabil-ity) and in the presence of other benthic organisms account for observed changes in the pro-cessing of phytodetritus in the different OMZ habitats. Foraminifera dominate the short-term processing of phytodetritus in the OMZ core but are less important in the lower OMZ bounda-ry region of the Indian margin as biological interactions and species distribution of foraminifera change with depth and oxygen levels.


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The thesis focused Studies on Energy Exchange and Upper Ocean Thermal Structure in Arabian Sea and Heat Transport in Northern Indian Ocean. The present thesis is an attempt to understand the upper ocean thermal characteristics at selected areas in the western and eastern Arabian Sea in relation to surface energy exchange and dynamics, on a climatological basis. It is also aimed to examine, the relative importance of different processes in the evolution of SST at the western and eastern Arabian Sea. Short-term variations of energy exchange and upper ocean thermal structure are also investigated. Climatological studies of upper ocean thermal structure and surface energy exchange in the western and eastern parts of Arabian Sea bring out the similarities/differences and the causative factors for the observed features. Annual variation of zonally averaged heat advection in north Indian Ocean shows that maximum export of about 100 W/m2 occurs around 15ON during southwest monsoon season. This is due to large negative heat storage caused by intense upwelling in several parts of northern Indian Ocean. By and large, northern Indian Ocean is an area of heat export


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Oceans play a vital role in the global climate system. They absorb the incoming solar energy and redistribute the energy through horizontal and vertical transports. In this context it is important to investigate the variation of heat budget components during the formation of a low-pressure system. In 2007, the monsoon onset was on 28th May. A well- marked low-pressure area was formed in the eastern Arabian Sea after the onset and it further developed into a cyclone. We have analysed the heat budget components during different stages of the cyclone. The data used for the computation of heat budget components is Objectively Analyzed air-sea flux data obtained from WHOI (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) project. Its horizontal resolution is 1° × 1°. Over the low-pressure area, the latent heat flux was 180 Wm−2. It increased to a maximum value of 210 Wm−2 on 1st June 2007, on which the system was intensified into a cyclone (Gonu) with latent heat flux values ranging from 200 to 250 Wm−2. It sharply decreased after the passage of cyclone. The high value of latent heat flux is attributed to the latent heat release due to the cyclone by the formation of clouds. Long wave radiation flux is decreased sharply from 100 Wm−2 to 30 Wm−2 when the low-pressure system intensified into a cyclone. The decrease in long wave radiation flux is due to the presence of clouds. Net heat flux also decreases sharply to −200 Wm−2 on 1st June 2007. After the passage, the flux value increased to normal value (150 Wm−2) within one day. A sharp increase in the sensible heat flux value (20 Wm−2) is observed on 1st June 2007 and it decreased there- after. Short wave radiation flux decreased from 300 Wm−2 to 90 Wm−2 during the intensification on 1st June 2007. Over this region, short wave radiation flux sharply increased to higher value soon after the passage of the cyclone.


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Arabian Sea Mini Warm Pool (ASMWP) is a part of the Indian Ocean Warm Pool and formed in the eastern Arabian Sea prior to the onset of the summer monsoon season. This warm pool attained its maximum intensity during the pre-monsoon season and dissipated with the commencement of summer monsoon. The main focus of the present work was on the triggering of the dissipation of this warm pool and its relation to the onset of summer monsoon over Kerala. This phenomenon was studied utilizing NCEP/NCAR (National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric and Research) re-analysis data, TRMM Micro wave Imager (TMI) and observational data. To define the ASMWP, sea surface temperature exceeding 30.25 C was taken as the criteria. The warm pool attained its maximum dimension and intensity nearly 2 weeks prior to the onset of summer monsoon over Kerala. Interestingly, the warm pool started its dissipation immediately after attaining its maximum core temperature. This information can be included in the present numerical models to enhance the prediction capability. It was also found that the extent and intensity of the ASMWP varied depending on the type of monsoon i.e., excess, normal, and deficient monsoon. Maximum core temperature and wide coverage of the warm pool observed during the excess monsoon years compared to normal and deficient monsoon years. The study also revealed a strong relationship between the salinity in the eastern Arabian Sea and the nature of the monsoon


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During the Indian Ocean Expedition of the German research vessel "Meteor" and the following cruise with the Pakistani fishing vessel "Machhera" in February and March 1965, sediments were sampled from the shelf, continental slope and the Arabian Basin off Pakistan and India. The biostratigraphic studies are based on sedimentary material from 24 sediment cores up to 480 cm long and 100 grab samples. The faunal residues of the > 160 µ fraction (chiefly foraminifera and pteropods) were determined and counted in order to get an idea of the climatic conditions during the Late Quaternary of this region. Biostratigraphic correlations of these Late Quaternary deposits are only possible if the thanatocoenosis of the surface sediments are well known. The analysis of the benthonic foraminiferal populations resulted in the definition of several foraminiferal facies. The following sequence of forarniniferal facies, named after their most characteristic members, can be distinguished from the shelf to the deep-sea: 1. Ammonia-Florilus facies ; 2. Ammonia-Cancris facies; 3. Cassidulina-Cibicides facies; 4. Uvigerina-Cassidulina facies ; 5. Buliminacea facies ; 6. deepwater facies, partly with Bulimina aculeata or with Nonionidae. On the upper continental slope there is a zone extremely poor in benthonic foraminifera. In this water depth the oxygen minimum layer (0.05-0.02 ml/l) of the water column reaches the slope. Almost no connection can be observed between the living and the dead foraminiferal population of the same sample. The regional distribution of the planktonic foraminifera from plankton tows as well as from the surface sediments shows marked differences in the species composition of faunas from different regions within the area of investigation. That depends on oceanographic conditions such as upwelling, dissolution of carbonate at great depths etc. Based on the results of faunal analysis of samples from the recent sea-floor, a biostratigraphic subdivision of the sediments in the cores was established. The following biostratigraphically defined sections could be distinguished from the top of the sediment cores downwards : 1. Relatively cool climatic conditions are reflected by the foraminifera of the uppermost core sections. 2. The next section is characterized by much warmer conditions (Holocene climatic optimum). The C-14 ages of this interval range from 4000 to 10 000 years B.P. according to different authors. C-14 dates on the material investigated do not give reliable clues. 3. Foraminiferal populations adapted to much colder conditions can be observed in the underlying core section. The boundary between the warm climate reflected by the foraminifera of section 2 and the cold climate (section 3) is relatively sharp. It can be correlated from core to core over the whole area investigated. The cold climate sediments of section 3 are underlain by different cool-, warm- and cold-climate sediments which can only be correlated over very short distances. Since it appears certain that the last really cold conditions ended earlier in the Arabian Sea and its vicinity than in Europe it is recommended not to use the European stratigraphic terms for the Quaternary. Because of the lack of reliable absolute sediment ages for the cores no exact sedimentation rates can be given. According to rough estimates, however, the rates are 1-2 cm/1000 years in the deep basin and up to 40 cm/1000 years on the upper continental slope. Sedimentation rates are always larger near the mouth of the Indus-River than off South India at stations of about the same water depth. Planktonic gastropods (mainly pteropods) cannot be used for biostratigraphic purposes in the region under consideration. All of them seem to be displaced from the shelf. Their distribution there is given in.


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This paper deals with the presence and distribution of Thecosomatous Pteropods in the Indian Ocean. 122 plankton-samples, taken by R.V. "Meteor" during the International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE) in 1964-65 were investigated. They contain a total number of about 45000 Thecosomata, belonging to 22 species and 5 families. Some species (e.g. Creseis acicula and Limacina inflata) are common in the entire area, others (e.g. Creseis chierchiae and Desmopterus gardinieri) show a quite distinct distribution. From several species only one single specimen was captured, others are completely lacking in the collection though they have been reported frequently from the same area by other expeditions. This may be due to seasonal variations and to the fact that no bathial tows were taken. In spite of these restrictions the extensive material from a relatively small area offers the possibility to compare specific and nonspecific features in related species and to question their taxonomic value.


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We here present records of total organic carbon (TOC) and C37 alkenones, used as indicators for past primary productivity, from the western (WAS) and eastern Arabian Sea (EAS). New data from an open ocean site of the WAS upwelling area are compared with similar records from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 723 from the continental margin off Oman and MD 900963 from the EAS. These records together with other proxies used to reconstruct upwelling intensity, indicate periods of high productivity in tune with precessional forcing. On the basis of their phase relationship to boreal summer insolation they can be divided into three groups: in the WAS differences between monsoonal proxies (1) and productivity (2) document a combined signal of moderate SW monsoon winds and of strengthened and prolonged NE monsoon winds, whereas in the EAS phasing indicates maximum productivity (3) at times of stronger NE monsoon winds associated with precession-related maxima in ice volume.


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Records of total organic carbon (TOC) and C37 alkenones were used as indicators for past primary productivity in the western and eastern Arabian Sea. Data from GeoB 3005, an open ocean site in the western Arabian Sea upwelling area, are compared with similar records of GeoB 3007 from the Owen Ridge, Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 723 from the continental margin off Oman and MD 900963 from the eastern Arabian Sea. TOC/C37 alkenone records together with other proxies used to reconstruct upwelling intensity, indicate periods of high productivity in tune with precessional forcing all over the Arabian Sea. Based on their phase-relationship to variations in boreal summer insolation they can be divided into three groups. In the western Arabian Sea the precession-related phasing is different between productivity proxies and those for summer monsoon wind strength and upwelling intensity. TOC and C37 alkenone records from the western Arabian Sea lag the other monsoonal indicators by about 5 kyr, but lead productivity indicators from the eastern Arabian Sea by 3 kyr. Based on the differences in phase relationships associated with the precessional cycling between productivity and monsoonal proxies in the western Arabian Sea it is proposed that the TOC/C37 alkenone signal in the western Arabian Sea document a combined signal of moderate SW monsoon winds and of strengthened and prolonged NE monsoon winds. In the eastern Arabian Sea the phasing hints to coincidence between maximum productivity and stronger NE monsoon winds associated with precession-related maxima in ice volume. In contrast, variations in paleoproductivity at site GeoB 3007 from the Owen Ridge indicate productivity maxima during glacial substages 8.2, 6.2 and 2.2, whereas precessionrelated changes are of only minor importance at this location. The results of frequency analyses confirm that productivity at site GeoB 3007 responds predominantly to glacialinterglacial climate changes, while site GeoB 3005 from the open ocean upwelling region near the Gulf of Aden is dominated by precessional insolation. A possible explanation for the pattern revealed at the Owen Ridge is the periodic NW-SE displacement of the Findlater Jet axis, which separates the region of open ocean upwelling to the northwest from downwelling to the southeast ofthe jet. The carbon isotopes of planktic foraminifera reflect nutrient related d13C variations of dissolved inorganic carbon. The difference between the planktic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber (w), living in the upper 50 m of the water column, and the deeper Iiving Neogloboquadrina dutertrei (Delta d13Cr-d) of core GeoB 3005 displays nutrient variations in the upwelling area near the Gulf of Aden. The results of cross-spectral analyses between Deltad13Cr-d of GeoB 3005 and proxies for SW monsoon intensity indicate, too, a dissociation of productivity from monsoonal upwelling intensity. Instead, productivity depends mainly on the availability of nutrients, while upwelling intensity of sub-surface water masses seems to be of only secondary importance. Additionally, sea surface temperatures (SSTs) were reconstructed using the unsaturation ratio of C37 alkenones. Alkenone SSTs reflect annual mean temperatures rather than explicitly the season of upwelling. This is evident from alkenone SSTs in a transect of surface sediments extending from the inner Gulf of Aden into the western Arabian Sea. The alkenone-derived SST records of GeoB 3005 from the open ocean upwelling region near the Gulf of Aden and GeoB 3007 from the Owen Ridge reveal similar variations with high SSTs during interglacial and low SSTs during glacial periods. The glacial marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 6 remains relatively warm and was not as cold as MIS 3 to 4 and 8 according to the alkenone SST. Similar variation-patterns were reconstructed in the coastal upwelling area off Oman for ODP Site 723 as weIl as in the eastern Arabian Sea for MD 900963, where upwelling is not as pronounced as in the western Arabian Sea. Spectral-analyses indicate that SST changes are in good agreement with the modulation of low-latitude precessional insolation changes by eccentricity. However, they do not show the pronounced cydicity in the precessional frequency band, which is characteristic for variations in paleoproductivity. Although the overall variation pattern is very similar, a dose comparison between the western (GeoB 3005) and the eastern Arabian Sea (MD 900963) shows larger differences between both sites during cold intervals than during periods of warm SSTs. This is attributed to a more effective cooling of surface waters in the western Arabian Sea by prolonged NE monsoon winds during times of expanded Northern Hemisphere ice-sheets, thereby lowering the annual mean SSTs stronger than in the eastern Arabian Sea.


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Thirty seven deep-sea sediment cores from the Arabian Sea were studied geochemically (49 major and trace elements) for four time slices during the Holocene and the last glacial, and in one high sedimentation rate core (century scale resolution) to detect tracers of past variations in the intensity of the atmospheric monsoon circulation and its hydrographic expression in the ocean surface. This geochemical multi-tracer approach, coupled with additional information on the grain size composition of the clastic fraction, the bulk carbonate and biogenic opal contents makes it possible to characterize the sedimentological regime in detail. Sediments characterized by a specific elemental composition (enrichment) originated from the following sources: river suspensions from the Tapti and Narbada, draining the Indian Deccan traps (Ti, Sr); Indus sediments and dust from Rajasthan and Pakistan (Rb, Cs); dust from Iran and the Persian Gulf (Al, Cr); dust from central Arabia (Mg); dust from East Africa and the Red Sea (Zr/Hf, Ti/Al). Corg, Cd, Zn, Ba, Pb, U, and the HREE are associated with the intensity of upwelling in the western Arabian Sea, but only those patterns that are consistently reproduced by all of these elements can be directly linked with the intensity of the southwest monsoon. Relying on information from a single element can be misleading, as each element is affected by various other processes than upwelling intensity and nutrient content of surface water alone. The application of the geochemical multi-tracer approach indicates that the intensity of the southwest monsoon was low during the LGM, declined to a minimum from 15,000-13,000 14C year BP, intensified slightly at the end of this interval, was almost stable during the Bölling, Alleröd and the Younger Dryas, but then intensified in two abrupt successions at the end of the Younger Dryas (9900 14C year BP) and especially in a second event during the early Holocene (8800 14C year BP). Dust discharge by northwesterly winds from Arabia exhibited a similar evolution, but followed an opposite course: high during the LGM with two primary sources-the central Arabian desert and the dry Persian Gulf region. Dust discharge from both regions reached a pronounced maximum at 15,000-13,000 14C year. At the end of this interval, however, the dust plumes from the Persian Gulf area ceased dramatically, whereas dust discharge from central Arabia decreased only slightly. Dust discharge from East Africa and the Red Sea increased synchronously with the two major events of southwest monsoon intensification as recorded in the nutrient content of surface waters. In addition to the tracers of past dust flux and surface water nutrient content, the geochemical multi-tracer approach provides information on the history of deep sea ventilation (Mo, S), which was much lower during the last glacial maximum than during the Holocene. The multi-tracer approach-i.e. a few sedimentological parameters plus a set of geochemical tracers widely available from various multi-element analysis techniques-is a highly applicable technique for studying the complex sedimentation patterns of an ocean basin, and, specifically in the case of the Arabian Sea, can even reveal the seasonal structure of climate change.


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In the present paper, the ecology and feeding habits of euphausiids are described. The samples were taken at the time of the NE-monsoon (1964/65) by R. V. "Meteor" in the Arabian Sea and adjacent waters. 24 species were determined. According to distribution of the species, the following marine areas can be distinguished: Arabian Sea: 24 species, dominant are Euphausia diomedeae, E. tenera, E. distinguenda, Stylocheiron carinatum. Gulf of Aden: 10 species, dominant are Euphausia diomedeae, E. distinguenda. Red Sea: 6 species, dominant are Euphausia diomedeae, E. distinguenda. Gulf of Oman : 5 Species, dominant are Euphausia distinguenda, Pseudeupbaufia latifrons. Persian Gulf: 1 species - Pseudeuphausia latifrons. The total number of euphausiids indicate the biomass of this group. High densities of euphausiids (200-299 and > 300 individuals/100 m**3) occur in the innermost part of the Gulf cf Aden, in the area south of the equator near the African east coast, near Karachi (Indian west coast) and in the Persian Gulf. Comparison with data relating to production biology confirms that these are eutrophic zones which coincide with areas in which upwelling occurs at the time of the NE-monsoon. The central part of the Arabian Sea differs from adjacent waters by virtue of less dense euphausiid populations (> 199 individuals/100 m**3). Measurements relating to production biology demonstrate a relatively low concentration of primary food sources. Food material was ascertained by analysis of stomach content. The following omnivorous species were examined: Euphausia diomedeae, E. distinguenda, E. tenera, Pseudeuphausia latifrons and Thysanopoda tricuspidata. Apart from crustacean remains large numbers of Foraminifera, Radiolaria, tintinnids, dinoflagellates were found in the stomachs. Quantitatively crustaceans form the most important item in the diet. Food selection on the basis of size and form appears to be restricted to certain genera of tintinnids. The genera Stylocheiron and Nematoscelis are predators. Only crustacean remains were found in the stomachs of Stylocheiron abbreviatum, whereas Radiolaria, Foraminifera and tintinnids occurred to some extent in Nematasceli sp. Different euphausiids in the food chain in the Arabian Sea. In omnivorous species the position is variable, since they not only feed by filtering autotrophic and heterotrophic Protista, but also by predation on zooplankton. Carnivorous species without filtering apparatus feed exclusively on zooplankton of the size of copepods. Only these species are well established as occupying a higher position in the food chain. The parasitic protozoan Tbalassomyces fagei was found on Euphausia diomedeae, E. fenera, E. distinguenda and E. sanzoi.


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One hundred surface sediment samples of the Arabian Sea (Indian Ocean) were investigated and relative abundances of coccoliths were compared to mean annual gradients of temperature, salinity, chlorophyll, PO4 and mixed layer depth. Total coccolith concentrations ranged from 42*10**6/g sediment in coastal areas to more than 19000*10**6/g sediment in oceanic regions. The general distribution does not seem to be dependent on coccolithophore productivity in surface waters alone, but also on the diluting input of terrigenous material. A total of 27 taxa were identified. The main species dominating the assemblages were Gephyrocapsa oceanica, Emiliania huxleyi and Florisphaera profunda with a combined average abundance of more than 70%. Several species and species groups reflect with their distribution the environmental parameters of the overlying water masses and may be successfully used to improve palaeoclimatic reconstructions, e.g. (a) F. profunda exhibits a high similarity or even positive correlation to the mean annual mixed layer depth, (b) calciosolenids can be described as coastal or shelf species. While temperature and salinity gradients do not seem to be crucial for coccolithophores in this region, the mean mixed layer depth as well as the PO4 concentration (representative for total nutrient availability) may control in part the coccolithophore assemblages. According to the results of a cluster analysis and the distribution pattern of all species, it was possible to differentiate three main coccolithophore assemblages. A G. oceanica dominated assemblage mainly occurs in the northern part of the study area and can be described as 'high nutrient assemblage'. The second assemblage, dominated by F. profunda, may be typical for oligotrophic and stable conditions in open ocean waters. A third assemblage, with high amounts of 'coastal species', characterises coastal conditions on the shelves.


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Evaluating the hazard potential of the Makran subduction zone requires understanding the previous records of the large earthquakes and tsunamis. We address this problem by searching for earthquake and tectonic proxies along the Makran Coast and linking those observations with the available constraints on historical seismicity and the tell-tale characteristics of sea floor morphology. The earthquake of Mw 8.1 of 1945 and the consequent tsunami that originated on the eastern part of the Makran are the only historically known hazardous events in this region. The seismic status of the western part of the subduction zone outside the rupture area of the 1945 earthquake remains an enigma. The near-shore shallow stratigraphy of the central part of Makran near Chabahar shows evidence of seismically induced liquefaction that we attribute to the distant effects of the 1945 earthquake. The coastal sites further westward around Jask are remarkable for the absence of liquefaction features, at least at the shallow level. Although a negative evidence, this possibly implies that the western part of Makran Coast region may not have been impacted by near-field large earthquakes in the recent past-a fact also supported by the analysis of historical data. On the other hand, the elevated marine terraces on the western Makran and their uplift rates are indicative of comparable degree of long-term tectonic activity, at least around Chabahar. The offshore data suggest occurrences of recently active submarine slumps on the eastern part of the Makran, reflective of shaking events, owing to the great 1945 earthquake. The ocean floor morphologic features on the western segment, on the contrary, are much subdued and the prograding delta lobes on the shelf edge also remain intact. The coast on the western Makran, in general, shows indications of progradation and uplift. The various lines of evidence thus suggest that although the western segment is potentially seismogenic, large earthquakes have not occurred there in the recent past, at least during the last 600 years. The recurrence period of earthquakes may range up to 1,000 years or more, an assessment based on the age of the youngest dated coastal ridge. The long elapsed time points to the fact that the western segment may have accumulated sufficient slip to produce a major earthquake.