993 resultados para EXPORTACIONES - IMPUESTOS - HUNGRÍA - 2010-2011
 Drug Use in Ireland and Northern Ireland 2010/2011 Drug Prevalence Survey: Cocaine Results Bulletin 4 Download the report here  Â
This second corporate business plan explains the purpose of the PHA and focuses on health improvement, health protection and addressing health inequalities. The business plan is available to download below.
Joint Commissioning Plan of the Health and Social Care Board and the Public Health Agency: 2010-2011
Legislation enacted on 1 April 2009 created a new Commissioning system with the establishment of a region-wide Health and Social Care Board, including 5 Local Commissioning Groups (LCGs), and a Public Health Agency. In line with Departmental direction and guidance the objectives of the new commissioning arrangements were to: - Approach the future delivery of Health and Social Care from a region-wide perspective focused on outcomes. - Ensure local sensitivity through the creation of five Local Commissioning Groups reflective of their areas. - Give appropriate weight to the public health agenda to ensure that commissioning reflects the drive to reduce health inequalities in our society and works in partnership with others to improve health and wellbeing. In this regard the legislation signalled a new way forward which would first be expressed in a Commissioning Plan for 2010/11 and beyond. This plan outlines how the Health and Social Care Board and the Public Health Agency are approaching that task. It is our aim that this plan is straightforward and written in a manner which will encourage public engagement and understanding. We wish to show clearly how the commissioning task is to be approached and to signal the decisions necessary to ensure the maintenance of a health and social care system in Northern Ireland which responds to the population it serves.
Investing for Health is the cross-departmental public health strategy, published in 2002. It focuses on tackling the wide range of complex and inter-related factors that can impact on the health of the population. The strategy is based upon the recognition that the inequalities, which exist in health between rich and poor are widening and argues that the wider determinants of health can be addressed by integrated interventions and a coordinated approach between all sectors.The Western Investing for Health Partnership was developed in 2004, and consists of 30 member organisations, in pursuit of the aims of improving health and reducing inequalities with seven main objectives.This report highlights the work of the Western Investing for Health Partnership bewteen 2010-2011.
The Public Health Agency Annual report 2010-2011 provides background information about the PHA, highlights the achievements during the�2010-2011 financial year and provides an overview of work undertaken in priority areas for each directorate within the organisation.The summary financial accounts are presented in the operating and financial review section of the report and members of the PHA board are detailed within the report also.
Joint Commissioning Plan of the Health and Social Care Board and the Public Health Agency: 2010-2011
Legislation enacted on 1 April 2009 created a new Commissioning system with the establishment of a region-wide Health and Social Care Board, including 5 Local Commissioning Groups (LCGs), and a Public Health Agency. In line with Departmental direction and guidance the objectives of the new commissioning arrangementswere to:- Approach the future delivery of Health and Social Care from a region-wide perspective focused on outcomes.- Ensure local sensitivity through the creation of five Local Commissioning Groups reflective of their areas.
This second corporate business plan explains the purpose of the PHA and focuses on health improvement, health protection and addressing health inequalities. The business plan is available to download below.
Clinical and laboratory risk factors for death from visceral leishmaniasis (VL) are relatively known, but quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) might assess the role of parasite load in determining clinical outcome. The aim of this study was to identify risk factors, including parasite load in peripheral blood, for VL poor outcome among children. This prospective cohort study evaluated children aged ≤ 12 years old with VL diagnosis at three times: pre-treatment (T0), during treatment (T1) and post-treatment (T2). Forty-eight patients were included and 16 (33.3%) met the criteria for poor outcome. Age ≤ 12 months [relative risk (RR) 3.51; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.89-6.52], tachydyspnoea (RR 3.46; 95% CI 2.19-5.47), bacterial infection (RR 3.08; 95% CI 1.27-7.48), liver enlargement (RR 3.00; 95% CI 1.44-6.23) and low serum albumin (RR 7.00; 95% CI 1.80-27.24) were identified as risk factors. qPCR was positive in all patients at T0 and the parasite DNA was undetectable in 76.1% of them at T1 and in 90.7% at T2. There was no statistical association between parasite load at T0 and poor outcome.
Ser capaz de prever a solidez financeira de uma empresa, tem levado a muitos trabalhos de pesquisa. Rácios financeiros são indicadores chave de solidez financeira de um negócio e ferramentas para determinar a eficiência operacional & financeira de empresas e negócios. Existe um grande número de relações, proposto por vários autores. Altman desenvolveu um modelo de z-score utilizando rácios como sua fundação. Com a ajuda do modelo Z - Score, Altman conseguia prever a eficiência financeira /Falência até 2-3 anos de antecedência. O trabalho de pesquisa a seguir descreve em detalhes os estudos realizados por Altman para prever a falência de empresas. Altman fez mudanças regulares para obter a equação perfeita que poderia prever a falência. O trabalho de pesquisa a seguir resume a pesquisa de Altman para desenvolver o modelo de Pontuação de Altman Z, aplicadas as empresas cotadas na bolsa de valores de Cabo Verde. Pode-se seguramente dizer que o modelo de Z-score de Altman pode ser aplicado a economia moderna para prever a angústia e a falência, dois e três anos de antecedência.Businesses are enterprises which produce goods or render services for profit motive. To be able to predict the financial soundness of a business has led to many research works. Financial ratios are a key indicator of financial soundness of a business. Financial ratios are a tool to determine the operational & financial efficiency of business undertakings. There exist a large number of ratios propounded by various authors. Altman developed a z-score model using ratios as its foundation. With the help of the Z- Score model, Altman could predict financial efficiency /Bankruptcy up to 2-3 years in advance. The following research paper describes in detail the studies carried out by Altman to predict business bankruptcy. Altman made regular changes to achieve the perfect equation which could predict bankruptcy. The The following research paper summaries the research of Altman that have being made to develop the model of Altman Z score, applied to companies listed on stock exchanges in Cape Verde. One can safely say that the model of Altman Z-Score can be applied to modern model economics to predict distress and bankruptcy, two and three years advance.
El present treball, Crisi de l’euro, identitat europea i la sostenibilitat de laUE com a projecte transnacional. Narratives mediàtiques de la crisi dedeute europeu (anys 2010-2011) a la premsa de referència de diferentspaïsos de la UE, és una proposta de recerca doctoral. La recerca que esproposa pretèn reflexionar sobre fins a quin punt es dónen les condicionsper a l’existència d’una esfera pública europea en la premsa de referènciageneralista, a partir de l’estudi de les cobertures informatives sobre la criside deute sobirà a la zona Euro efectuades per diaris del Regne Unit,França, Espanya, Alemanya i Itàlia. Amb aquest objectiu, es dissenya una recerca empírica centrada en determinar el grau de convergència discursiva i la visibilitat i els valors atorgats a institucions europees i estatals, i a col·lectius identitaris mitjançant l’estudi d’agendes mediàtiques, frames, idees polítiques i fonts informatives.
Se efectuaron estudios en junio y octubre-noviembre 2010 y en julio y noviembre-diciembre 2011. Se hicieron muestreos por mar para determinar parámetros físicos, químicos y microbiológicos, empleando protocolos y metodologías nacionales e internacionales (USEPA, APHA). En Samanco el oxígeno disuelto varió entre 7,00 y 8,20 mg/L; en Tortuga de 6,46 a 7,42 mg/L. Los sólidos suspendidos totales en Samanco fueron 37,00 mg/L y en Tortuga 33,28 mg/L; aceites y grasa fueron >1,00 mg/L superando los Estándares Nacionales de Calidad Ambiental (ECA) categoría 4. Los valores de demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (DBO5) fueron <10,00 mg/L. Las concentraciones de cadmio (4,21 μg/g) y plomo (30,24 μg/g) en sedimento no sobrepasaron los valores de Protección Costera y Restauración (USA). Se detectó que la bahía Samanco presenta mayor grado de impacto ambiental que la bahía Tortuga.
The Haemophilia Registry of the Swiss Haemophilia Society was created in the year 2000. The latest records from October 31st 2011 are presented here. Included are all patients with haemophilia A or B and other inherited coagulation disorders (including VWD patients with R-Co activity below 10%) known and followed by the 11 paediatric and 12 adult haemophilia treatment or reference centers. Currently there are 950 patients registered, the majority of which (585) having haemophilia A. Disease severity is graded according to ISTH criteria and its distribution between mild, moderate and severe haemophilia is similar to data from other European and American registries. The majority (about two thirds) of Swiss patients with haemophilia A or B are treated on-demand, with only about 20% of patients being on prophylaxis. The figure is different in paediatrics and young adults (1st and 2nd decades), where 80 to 90% of patients with haemophilia A are under regular prophylaxis. Interestingly enough, use of factor concentrates, although readily available, is rather low in Switzerland, especially when taking the country's GDP into account: The total amount of factor VIII and IX was 4.94 U pro capita, comparable to other European countries with distinctly lower incomes (Poland, Slovakia, Hungary). This finding is mainly due to the afore mentioned low rate of prophylactic treatment of haemophilia in our country. Our registry remains an important instrument of quality control of haemophilia therapy in Switzerland.
An 4 page report about what happens to your IPERS during furloughs.
Annual report of the Department of Corrections, Iowa Prison Industries.