963 resultados para EXISTENCE UNIQUENESS


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We study the statistical and dynamical behavior of turbulent Kelvin waves propagating on quantized vortices in superfluids and address the controversy concerning the energy spectrum that is associated with these excitations. Finding the correct energy spectrum is important because Kelvin waves play a major role in the dissipation of energy in superfluid turbulence at near-zero temperatures. In this paper, we show analytically that the solution proposed by [L’vov and Nazarenko, JETP Lett. 91, 428 (2010)] enjoys existence, uniqueness, and regularity of the prefactor. Furthermore, we present numerical results of the dynamical equation that describes to leading order the nonlocal regime of the Kelvin-wave dynamics. We compare our findings with the analytical results from the proposed local and nonlocal theories for Kelvin-wave dynamics and show an agreement with the nonlocal predictions. Accordingly, the spectrum proposed by L’vov and Nazarenko should be used in future theories of quantum turbulence. Finally, for weaker wave forcing we observe an intermittent behavior of the wave spectrum with a fluctuating dissipative scale, which we interpreted as a finite-size effect characteristic of mesoscopic wave turbulence.


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This paper presents a new result on the existence, uniqueness and global exponential stability of a positive equilibrium of positiveneural networks in the presence of bounded time-varying delay. Based on some novel comparison techniques, a testable conditionis derived to ensure that all the state trajectories of the system converge exponentially to a unique positive equilibrium. Theeffectiveness of the obtained results is illustrated by a numerical example.


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This paper proves the existence and uniqueness of a fixed-point for local contractions without assuming the family of contraction coefficients to be uniformly bounded away from 1. More importantly it shows how this fixed-point result can apply to study existence and uniqueness of solutions to some recursive equations that arise in economic dynamics.


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[EN] The purpose of this paper is to investigate the existence and uniqueness of positive solutions for the following fractional boundary value problem D 0 + α u ( t ) + f ( t , u ( t ) ) = 0 , 0 < t < 1 , u ( 0 ) = u ( 1 ) = u ′ ( 0 ) = 0 , where 2 < α ≤ 3 and D 0 + α is the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative. Our analysis relies on a fixed-point theorem in partially ordered metric spaces. The autonomous case of this problem was studied in the paper [Zhao et al., Abs. Appl. Anal., to appear], but in Zhao et al. (to appear), the question of uniqueness of the solution is not treated. We also present some examples where we compare our results with the ones obtained in Zhao et al. (to appear). 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 34B15


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[EN] We establish the existence and uniqueness of a positive and nondecreasing solution to a singular boundary value problem of a class of nonlinear fractional differential equation. Our analysis relies on a fixed point theorem in partially ordered sets.


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In applied work in macroeconomics and finance, nonoptimal infinite horizon economies are often studied in the the state space is unbounded. Important examples of such economies are single vector growth models with production externalities, valued fiat money, monopolistic competition, and/or distortionary government taxation. Although sufficient conditions for existence and uniqueness of Markovian equilibrium are well known for the compact state space case, no similar sufficient conditions exist for unbounded growth. This paper provides such a set of sufficient conditions, and also present a computational algorithm that will prove asymptotically consistent when computing Markovian equilibrium.


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Let Q be a stable and conservative Q-matrix over a countable state space S consisting of an irreducible class C and a single absorbing state 0 that is accessible from C. Suppose that Q admits a finite mu-subinvariant measure in on C. We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for there to exist a Q-process for which m is mu-invariant on C, as well as a necessary condition for the uniqueness of such a process.


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We consider the existence and uniqueness problem for partial differential-functional equations of the first order with the initial condition for which the right-hand side depends on the derivative of unknown function with deviating argument.


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Lognormal distribution has abundant applications in various fields. In literature, most inferences on the two parameters of the lognormal distribution are based on Type-I censored sample data. However, exact measurements are not always attainable especially when the observation is below or above the detection limits, and only the numbers of measurements falling into predetermined intervals can be recorded instead. This is the so-called grouped data. In this paper, we will show the existence and uniqueness of the maximum likelihood estimators of the two parameters of the underlying lognormal distribution with Type-I censored data and grouped data. The proof was first established under the case of normal distribution and extended to the lognormal distribution through invariance property. The results are applied to estimate the median and mean of the lognormal population.


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This dissertation concerns the well-posedness of the Navier-Stokes-Smoluchowski system. The system models a mixture of fluid and particles in the so-called bubbling regime. The compressible Navier-Stokes equations governing the evolution of the fluid are coupled to the Smoluchowski equation for the particle density at a continuum level. First, working on fixed domains, the existence of weak solutions is established using a three-level approximation scheme and based largely on the Lions-Feireisl theory of compressible fluids. The system is then posed over a moving domain. By utilizing a Brinkman-type penalization as well as penalization of the viscosity, the existence of weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes-Smoluchowski system is proved over moving domains. As a corollary the convergence of the Brinkman penalization is proved. Finally, a suitable relative entropy is defined. This relative entropy is used to establish a weak-strong uniqueness result for the Navier-Stokes-Smoluchowski system over moving domains, ensuring that strong solutions are unique in the class of weak solutions.


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All triangulated d-manifolds satisfy the inequality ((f0-d-1)(2)) >= ((d+2)(2))beta(1) for d >= 3. A triangulated d-manifold is called tight neighborly if it attains equality in this bound. For each d >= 3, a (2d + 3)-vertex tight neighborly triangulation of the Sd-1-bundle over S-1 with beta(1) = 1 was constructed by Kuhnel in 1986. In this paper, it is shown that there does not exist a tight neighborly triangulated manifold with beta(1) = 2. In other words, there is no tight neighborly triangulation of (Sd-1 x S-1)(#2) or (Sd-1 (sic) S-1)(#2) for d >= 3. A short proof of the uniqueness of K hnel's complexes for d >= 4 under the assumption beta(1) not equal 0 is also presented.