91 resultados para EPEC
The potential of distributed reactive power control to improve the voltage profile of radial distribution feeders has been reported in literature by few authors. However, the multiple inverters injecting or absorbing reactive power across a distribution feeder may introduce control interactions and/or voltage instability. Such controller interactions can be alleviated if the inverters are allowed to operate on voltage droop. First, the paper demonstrates that a linear shallow droop line can maintain the steady state voltage profile close to reference, up to a certain level of loading. Then, impacts of the shallow droop line control on line losses and line power factors are examined. Finally, a piecewise linear droop line which can achieve reduced line losses and close to unity power factor at the feeder source is proposed.
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) and enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) are diarrheagenic pathotypes of E. coli that cause gastrointestinal disease with the potential for life-threatening sequelae. While certain EHEC and EPEC virulence mechanisms have been extensively studied, the factors that mediate host colonization remain to be properly defined. Previously, we identified four genes (ehaA, ehaB, ehaC, and ehaD) from the prototypic EHEC strain EDL933 that encode for proteins that belong to the autotransporter (AT) family. Here we have examined the prevalence of these genes, as well as several other AT-encoding genes, in a collection of EHEC and EPEC strains. We show that the complement of AT-encoding genes in EHEC and EPEC strains is variable, with some AT-encoding genes being highly prevalent. One previously uncharacterized AT-encoding gene, which we have termed ehaJ, was identified in 12/44 (27%) of EHEC and 2/20 (10%) of EPEC strains. The ehaJ gene lies immediately adjacent to a gene encoding a putative glycosyltransferase (referred to as egtA). Western blot analysis using an EhaJ-specific antibody indicated that EhaJ is glycosylated by EgtA. Expression of EhaJ in a recombinant E. coli strain, revealed EhaJ is located at the cell surface and in the presence of the egtA glycosyltransferase gene mediates strong biofilm formation in microtiter plate and flow cell assays. EhaJ also mediated adherence to a range of extracellular matrix proteins, however this occurred independent of glycosylation. We also demonstrate that EhaJ is expressed in a wild-type EPEC strain following in vitro growth. However, deletion of ehaJ did not significantly alter its adherence or biofilm properties. In summary, EhaJ is a new glycosylated AT protein from EPEC and EHEC. Further studies are required to elucidate the function of EhaJ in colonization and virulence.
Suolistopatogeeniset Escherichia coli -bakteerit eli ripulikolit aiheuttavat ihmisellä suolistoinfektioita. Kuten normaalimikrobiston E. coli -bakteerit, ne esiintyvät ihmisen lisäksi muiden nisäkkäiden, etenkin märehtijöiden, ja lintujen suolistossa. Lisäksi ne voivat esiintyä maaperässä ja vesistöissä. Ihminen voi saada tartunnan eläinperäisten elintarvikkeiden välityksellä tai juomalla eläinten tai ihmisen ulosteilla saastunutta vettä. Ripulikolit voidaan jakaa ainakin viiteen ryhmään perustuen niiden erilaisiin virulenssiominaisuuksiin: enteropatogeeninen E. coli (EPEC), enterotoksigeeninen E. coli (ETEC), enterohemorraaginen E. coli (EHEC), enteroinvasiivinen E. coli (EIEC) ja enteroaggregatiivinen E. coli (EAEC). EPEC aiheuttaa etenkin kehitysmaissa pikkulapsille ripulia. ETEC aiheuttaa turistiripulia ja vastasyntyneiden ripulia kehitysmaissa. EHEC aiheuttaa ripulia tai veriripulia, joka voi varsinkin pienillä lapsilla johtaa hemolyyttis-ureemiseen oireyhtymään (HUS) ja munuaisten vaurioitumiseen. EIEC aiheuttaa Shigellan kaltaista ripulia, joka voi olla veristä. EAEC on yhdistetty lähinnä pitkittyneisiin ripuleihin. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin suolistopatogeenisten E. coli -bakteerien esiintyvyyttä Burkina Fasossa, josta ei ole saatavilla aikaisempaa tietoa ripulikolien esiintymisestä ihmisissä ja elintarvikkeissa. Ulostenäytteitä otettiin ripulia sairastavilta alle viisivuotiailta lapsilta maaseudulta kahdesta kylästä, Boromosta ja Gourcysta, ja maan pääkaupungista Ouagadougousta (110 näytettä). Lihanäytteitä (kanaa, nautaa, lammasta ja naudan suolta, jota käytetään ihmisravinnoksi) otettiin Ouagadougoun toreilla myytävistä kypsentämättömistä lihoista (120 näytettä). Näytteistä saadut bakteerisekaviljelmät tutkittiin monialukkeisella PCR-menetelmällä, joka tunnistaa viiden ripulikoliryhmän virulenssigeenejä. Lisäksi lihanäytteistä eristettiin 20 EHEC-kantaa shigatoksiinin stx-geenin havaitsemiseen perustuvalla pesäkehybridisaatiolla ja PCR-seulonnalla, ja karakterisoitiin mahdollisten virulenssiominaisuuksien selvittämiseksi. Tutkimus osoitti, että ripulikolien aiheuttamat suolistoinfektiot ovat yleisiä ripulia sairastavilla pikkulapsilla Burkina Fasossa. Ulostenäytteistä 59 % oli positiivisia. Useimmiten lapsilla esiintyi EAEC- (32 %) ETEC- (31 %) ja EPEC-patoryhmiä (20 %). EIEC- (2 %) ja EHEC-patoryhmiä (1 %) esiintyi vähän. Myös useamman patoryhmän sekainfektiot olivat yleisiä (24 %). Eri paikkakuntien välillä oli tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja ripulikolien esiintymisessä. Gourcyssa ripulikoleja esiintyi useammin kuin Ouagadougoussa ja Boromossa. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että Ouagadougoun toreilla myytävissä lihoissa on paljon ripulikoleja. Lihanäytteistä 43 % oli positiivisia. Yleisimmin lihoissa esiintyi EHEC (28 %), EPEC (20 %), ETEC (8 %) ja EAEC (5 %). EIEC-ryhmää ei havaittu lihoissa. Myös useamman patoryhmän sekakontaminaatioita löytyi (17 %) lihoista. Ripulikolien esiintyvyydessä eri lihojen välillä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja, kun tarkasteltiin kaikkia patoryhmiä yhdessä. Eri patoryhmien esiintyvyyttä tarkasteltaessa EHEC-patoryhmää ei esiintynyt ollenkaan kanassa ja ero oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä muihin lihoihin verrattuna. Lihoista eristetyt 20 EHEC-kantaa kuuluivat 14 eri serotyyppiin, joista osa on aikaisemmin eristetty suolistoinfektioihin ja HUSoireyhtymään sairastuneilta ihmisiltä. Kaikki kannat olivat stx1-positiivisia ja puolella oli lisäksi stx2-geeni, jota pidetään shigatoksiinin virulentimpana muotona. Kahdelta EHEC-kannalta löytyi myös ETECpatoryhmän lämpöstabiilin enterotoksiini Ia:n geeni eli kannat olivat kahden patoryhmän välimuotoa ja osoitus geenien siirtymisestä eri patoryhmien välillä. Vaikka nuorimmat näytteen antaneet lapsipotilaat tuskin söivät lihaa, sen voidaan ajatella silti olevan edustava näyte lasten elinympäristöstä, sillä lasten ruoka valmistetaan usein samoissa oloissa, joissa raakaa lihaa käsitellään. Saastunut liha voi siten olla pikkulasten ripulikoli-infektioiden aiheuttaja.
Por serem organismos filtradores, os mexilhões devem ser extraídos para consumo somente de águas com padrões microbiológicos regulamentados pelo Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente, uma vez que intoxicações alimentares de origem bacteriana são as consequências mais comuns relacionadas ao consumo destes moluscos. Após a retirada dos costões, estes organismos passam por processos de fervura, lavagem, acondicionamento em sacos plásticos e transporte até a chegada ao mercado onde são comercializados; etapas estas, realizadas sem cuidados assépticos. Objetivando avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de mexilhões Perna perna coletados na praia de Itaipu, Niterói, RJ; após a sua fervura; e comercializados no Mercado São Pedro, foram realizadas contagens de coliformes totais e termotolerantes e pesquisa de Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp. e Vibrio spp. por metodologia convencional e molecular em amostras obtidas destes locais. Pelo teste de disco-difusão foi observado o perfil de resistência das cepas isoladas. Do total de amostras analisadas (27) apenas 3 dos mexilhões que sofreram processo de aferventação, 1 do comercializado e 3 do in natura, se encontravam dentro dos padrões aceitáveis pela legislação. Não houve diferença significativa entre as contagens de coliformes termotolerantes dos diferentes mexilhões analisados, mas sim entre os períodos seco e chuvoso. Somente uma das nove coletas de água mostrou-se própria para o cultivo de mexilhões (até 14 CF/mL). Foram isoladas e caracterizadas fisiológicamente, 77 estirpes da espécie E. coli, sendo confirmadas molecularmente por PCR os sorotipos EPEC, STEC e EAEC; 4 cepas Salmonella spp. sendo apenas uma confirmada por PCR; e das 57 cepas caracterizadas como Vibrio spp., 51 foram confirmadas por PCR, sendo 46 Vibrio spp., 2 V. cholerae, 1 V. vulnificus, 1 V. parahaemolyticus e 1 V. mimicus. Entre as estirpes de E. coli, 13% apresentaram multirresistência e 15,6% apresentaram resistência múltipla. A estirpe de Salmonella spp. se mostrou sensível a todos os antimicrobiados testados. Das estirpes de Vibrio spp. testadas, 68,6% apresentaram multirresistência e 72,5% apresentaram resistência múltipla. A partir da pesquisa de genes direto do caldo de enriquecimento foi possível detectar todos os genes pesquisados, com exceção para os sorotipos de Salmonella e V. cholerae. Baseado nos resultados do presente trabalho pode-se inferir que os mexilhões, amplamente comercializados no município de Itaipú, podem se constituir em risco para a saúde pública dos consumidores no Rio de Janeiro, necessitando dos órgãos competentes uma eficiente fiscalização nos pontos de venda e cultivo destes moluscos.
AC loss can be a significant problem for any applications that utilize or produce an AC current or magnetic field, such as an electric machine. The authors are currently investigating the electromagnetic properties of high temperature superconductors with a particular focus on the AC loss in coils made from YBCO superconductors. In this paper, a 2D finite element model based on the H formulation is introduced. The model is then used to calculate the transport AC loss using both a bulk approximation and modeling the individual turns in a racetrack-shaped coil. The coil model is based on the superconducting stator coils used in the University of Cambridge EPEC Superconductivity Group's superconducting permanent magnet synchronous motor design. The transport AC loss of a stator coil is measured using an electrical method based on inductive compensation using a variable mutual inductance. The simulated results are compared with the experimental results, verifying the validity of the model, and ways to improve the accuracy of the model are discussed. © 2010 IEEE.
De acuerdo al actual desarrollo de la actividad ganadera en Argentina, se considera imprescindible establecer criterios orientados a la prevención de impactos ambientales perjudiciales que afectan la calidad de vida y la salud de la población. En el ámbito internacional cada vez se hace más hincapié en el desarrollo de las buenas prácticas ganaderas y condiciones de cría y engorde que garanticen el Bienestar animal. La provincia de Entre Ríos por intermedio de la Secretaría de Producción y Medio Ambiente de Paraná, en este nuevo escenario de la actividad ganadera, estableció en la Resolución N° 6491/06 el cumplimiento de requisitos tendientes a normalizar el registro y la habilitación de Establecimientos para Engorde a corral (EPEC), con el propósito de evitar el rediseño o reubicación de los mismos y la costosa remediación de sus impactos ambientales. Para los establecimientos existentes, los organismos de control realizarán una verificación del cumplimiento de dicha Resolución En dicha provincia la Secretaria de Medio Ambiente cuenta con dos Unidades de Gestión Ambiental, la del Río Paraná, que va de sur a norte desde el Río Gualeguay hacia el oeste y la del Río Uruguay que se extiende desde el Río Gualeguay hacia el este, también de sur a norte. En ambas Unidades de Gestión Ambiental existe un área de feedlots o EPEC como lo menciona la Resolución 6491/06. El presente trabajo representa el proceso llevado a cabo en un Establecimiento de la zona de Federal, en adelante el Establecimiento 'En Estudio' para la planificación e implementación de un Programa de Manejo Ambiental como herramienta de control de sus actividades. Para la redacción del Programa de Manejo Ambiental se tomaron en cuenta: 1. Matrices de Impacto Ambiental para cada una de las futuras actividades del Establecimiento 'En Estudio', correspondiente a la Unidad de gestión Ambiental del Río Paraná 2. Los aspectos ambientales de las actividades desarrolladas en los tres Establecimientos de Engorde a corral visitados y ubicados en la Provincia de Entre Ríos, en el área correspondiente a la Unidad de Gestión Ambiental del Río Uruguay
E. coli avec potentiel zoonotique pourrait éclore dans les réservoirs porcins et avicoles. Cette étude consiste à examiner la présence de souches E. coli porteuses de gènes virulents associés aux STEC (E. coli producteurs de Shiga-toxines), EPEC (E. coli entéropathogène), et ExPEC (E. coli pathogène extra-intestinal) chez les porcs et volailles élevés au Vietnam. Des prélèvements d’excréments et de carcasses ont été effectués dans des fermes et abattoirs porcins et avicoles sélectionnés où les animaux ont été suivis de l’élevage à l’abattage. Un total de 13,1% des souches, toutes sources confondues, ont été catégorisées comme potentiellement contaminées par ExPEC, possédant un ou plusieurs gènes de virulence iucD, tsh, papC et cnf. Peu d’isolats d’autres pathotypes ont été observés. Tous les gènes de virulence ExPEC, à l’exception de cnf, ont été identifiés plus fréquemment dans les isolats de fèces et carcasses avicoles que dans les isolats porcins. Même constatation pour le groupe du phylogénétique D. Une multirésistance aux médicaments a été régulièrement observée chez les deux isolats ExPEC. Les isolats de fèces de volailles ont souvent été associés à une résistance à l’acide nalidixique et à la ciprofloxacine (P<0.05), de même qu’au gène blaTEM, alors que les gènes qnr et aac(6’)-Ib ont peu été rencontrés des deux côtés. Cette étude démontre que les isolats ExPEC avicoles sont potentiellement plus pathogèniques que ceux porcins et que les isolats ExPEC de carcasses porcines et avicoles peuvent provenir de leurs excréments par la contamination associée au processus d'abattage. Ainsi, la volaille, particulièrement, serait un facteur de transmission de souches ExPEC zoonotiques.
A total of eighty-one Escherichia coli isolates belonging to forty-three different serotypes including several pathogenic strains such as enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) isolated from Cochin estuary between November 2001 and October 2002 were tested against twelve antibiotics to determine the prevalence of multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) and antimicrobial resistance profiles as a measure of high risk source of contamination. The results revealed that more than 95% of the isolates were multiple antibiotic resistant (resistant to more than three antibiotics). The MAR indexing of the isolates showed that all these strains originated from high risk source of contamination. The incidence of multiple antibiotic resistant E. coli especially the pathogenic strains in natural waters will pose a serious threat to human population
Caseinoglycomacropeptide (CGMP) derived from kappa-casein was investigated for its ability to inhibit the adhesion of 3 strains of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC) and 3 strains of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) to human HT29 tissue cell cultures. Effects on adhesion of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, Lactobacillus pentosus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Lactobacillus gasseri were also investigated. Generally, CGMP exerted effective anti-adhesive properties at a dose of 2.5 mg/mL, albeit with a high degree of strain specificity. The CGMP reduced adhesion of VTEC strains to < 50% of the control and reduced adhesion of EPEC strains to between 80 and 10% of the control. The CGMP also reduced the adhesion of L. pentosus and L. casei to 44 and 42%, respectively. A slight but significant reduction of L. acidophilus, to 81%, was observed, but no significant effects were detected with either Dsv. desulfuricans or L. gasseri. Further investigation of the dose response relationships with the E. coli strains gave IC50 values ranging between 0.12 and 1.06 mg/mL.
The ability of chito-oligosaccharides (COS) to inhibit selected intestinal bacteria was investigated. COS at 2.5 mg ml(-1) had no significant effect on the adhesion of three strains of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC), Lactobacillus pentosus, L. casei or L. gasseri to human HT29 cells in tissue culture. However, COS significantly inhibited adhesion of three strains of enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) to below 30% of the level of adhesion seen in the controls. Dose-response curves were constructed to further characterise the inhibition of EPEC strains to HT29 cells. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
One hundred and nine lactic acid bacterial strains (56 bifidobacteria-like and 53 lactobacilli-like) were isolated from faecal samples donated by healthy elderly individuals (>65 years old). Isolates were identified to species level by phenotypic analysis (by API) and by 16S rDNA sequencing. Eleven species of Lactobacillus and six species of Bifidobacterium were identified. The most frequently isolated lactobacillus was L. fermentum and the most frequently isolated bifidobacterium was closely related to B. infantis by 16S rDNA sequence alignment. The isolates were characterized for their antimicrobial activity against Clostridium difficile, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), verocytotoxigenic E. coli (VTEC) and Campylobacter jejuni. The lactobacilli displayed variations in their antimicrobial activity with few strains showing inhibitory activity against all pathogens. The bifidobacteria displayed higher levels of inhibitory activity against C. jejuni and Cl. difficile than against the E. coli strains. Keywords: Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, elderly, gastrointestinal microbiota, inhibition, Clostridium difficile, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), verocytotoxigenic E. coli (VTEC), Campylobacter jejuni.
Objectives: Certain milk factors may help to promote the growth of a host-friendly colonic microflora (e.g. bifidobacteria, lactobacilli) and explain why breast-fed infants experience fewer and milder intestinal infections than those who are formula-fed. The effects of supplementation of formula with two such milk factors was investigated in this study. Materials and Methods: Infant rhesus macaques were breastfed, fed control formula, or formula supplemented with glycomacropeptide (GMP) or alpha-lactalburnin (alpha-LA) from birth to 5 months of age. Blood was drawn monthly and rectal swabs were collected weekly. At 4.5 months of age, 10(8) colonyforming units of enteropathogenic E.coli O127, strain 2349/68 (EPEC) was given orally and the response to infection assessed. The bacteriology of rectal swabs pre- and post-infection was determined by culture independent fluorescence in situ hybridization. Results: Post-challenge, breast-fed infants and infants fed alpha-LA-supplemented formula had no diarrhea, whilst those infants fed GMP-supplemented formula had intermittent diarrhea. In infants fed control formula the diarrhea was acute. Conclusions: Supplementation of infant formula with appropriate milk proteins may be useful for improving the infant's ability to resist acute infection caused by E.coli.
Two milk components, alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-La) and glycomacropeptide (GMP) may inhibit intestinal infection/intoxification. (3)[H] thymidine-labeled enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), Salmonella typhimurium (ATCC 6994) or Shigella flexneri (ATCC 9199) were introduced to CaCo-2 cultures and their association with CaCo-2 cells was assessed. Undigested, pepsin-digested and pepsin- and pancreatin-digested alpha-lactalbumin and glycomacropeptide inhibited association. Thus, milk supplemented with alpha-lactalbumin and glycomacropeptide might be effective in inhibiting associations of the pathogens EPEC, Salmonella typhimurium, and Shigella flexneri to intestinal cells.
The induction of apoptosis in mammalian cells by bacteria is well reported. This process may assist infection by pathogens whereas for non-pathogens apoptosis induction within carcinoma cells protects against colon cancer. Here, apoptosis induction by a major new gut bacterium, Atopobium minutum, was compared with induction by commensal (Escherichia coli K-12 strains), probiotic (Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium latis) and pathogenic (E. coli: EPEC and VTEC) gut bacteria within the colon cancer cell line, Caco-2. The results show a major apoptotic effect for the pathogens, mild effects for the probiotic strains and A. minutum, but no effect for commensal E. coli. The mild apoptotic effects observed are consistent with the beneficial roles of probotics in protection against colon cancer and suggest, for the first time, that A. minutum possesses similar advantageous, anti-cancerous activity. Although bacterial infection increased Caco-2 membrane FAS levels, caspase-8 was not activated indicating that apoptosis is FAS independent. Instead, in all cases, apoptosis was induced through the mitochondrial pathway as indicated by BAX translocation, cytorchrome c release, and caspase-9 and -3 cleavage. This suggests that an intracellular stimulus initiates the observed apoptosis responses.
Sections of kidney, trachea, ileum, colon, rectum and rumen were removed at post mortem from a neonatal calf and, with the exception of the rumen, primary cell lines were established for each of the cell types. The adherence of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) serotype O157:H7, enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) serotype O111, E. coli K12 (a laboratory adapted non-pathogenic strain) and Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium was assayed on each cell type. For all adherence assays on all cell lines, EHEC O157:H7 adhered to a significantly greater extent than the other bacteria. S. Typhimurium and EPEC O111 adhered to a similar extent to one another, whereas E. coli K12 was significantly less adherent by 100-fold. In all cell types, > 10% of adherent S. Typhimurium bacteria invaded, whereas c. 0.01-0.1% of adherent EHEC O157:H7 and EPEC O111 bacteria invaded, although they are regarded as non-invasive. EHEC O157 generated actin re-arrangements in all cell types as demonstrated by fluorescent actin staining (FAS) under densely packed bacterial micro-colonies. EPEC O111 readily generated the localised adherent phenotype on bovine cells but generated only densely packed micro-colonies on HEp-2 cells. The intensity of actin re-arrangements induced in bovine cells by EPEC O111 was less than that induced by EHEC O157:H7. The intimate attachment on all cell types by both EHEC O157:H7 and EPEC O111 was clearly demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy.