168 resultados para EOD-sukeltaja
In response to the mandate on Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) implementations by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on all new bridge projects initiated after October 1, 2007, the Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) sponsored these research projects to develop regional LRFD recommendations. The LRFD development was performed using the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Pile Load Test database (PILOT). To increase the data points for LRFD development, develop LRFD recommendations for dynamic methods, and validate the results ofLRFD calibration, 10 full-scale field tests on the most commonly used steel H-piles (e.g., HP 10 x 42) were conducted throughout Iowa. Detailed in situ soil investigations were carried out, push-in pressure cells were installed, and laboratory soil tests were performed. Pile responses during driving, at the end of driving (EOD), and at re-strikes were monitored using the Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA), following with the CAse Pile Wave Analysis Program (CAPWAP) analysis. The hammer blow counts were recorded for Wave Equation Analysis Program (WEAP) and dynamic formulas. Static load tests (SLTs) were performed and the pile capacities were determined based on the Davisson’s criteria. The extensive experimental research studies generated important data for analytical and computational investigations. The SLT measured loaddisplacements were compared with the simulated results obtained using a model of the TZPILE program and using the modified borehole shear test method. Two analytical pile setup quantification methods, in terms of soil properties, were developed and validated. A new calibration procedure was developed to incorporate pile setup into LRFD.
BACKGROUND: Whether or not cognitive impairment and brain structure changes are trait characteristics of late-life depression is still disputed. Previous studies led to conflicting data possibly because of the difference in the age of depression onset. In fact, several lines of evidence suggest that late-onset depression (LOD) is more frequently associated with neuropsychological deficits and brain pathology than early-onset depression (EOD). To date, no study explored concomitantly the cognitive profile and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) patterns in euthymic EOD and LOD patients. METHOD: Using a cross-sectional design, 41 remitted outpatients (30 with EOD and 11 with LOD) were compared to 30 healthy controls. Neuropsychological evaluation concerned working memory, episodic memory, processing speed, naming capacity and executive functions. Volumetric estimates of the amygdala, hippocampus, entorhinal and anterior cingulate cortex were obtained using both voxel-based and region of interest morphometric methods. White matter hyperintensities were assessed semiquantitatively. RESULTS: Both cognitive performance and brain volumes were preserved in euthymic EOD patients whereas LOD patients showed a significant reduction of episodic memory capacity and a higher rate of periventricular hyperintensities compared to both controls and EOD patients. CONCLUSION: Our results support the dissociation between EOD thought to be mainly related to psychosocial factors and LOD that is characterized by increasing vascular burden and episodic memory decline.
In response to the mandate on Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) implementations by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on all new bridge projects initiated after October 1, 2007, the Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) sponsored these research projects to develop regional LRFD recommendations. The LRFD development was performed using the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Pile Load Test database (PILOT). To increase the data points for LRFD development, develop LRFD recommendations for dynamic methods, and validate the results of LRFD calibration, 10 full-scale field tests on the most commonly used steel H-piles (e.g., HP 10 x 42) were conducted throughout Iowa. Detailed in situ soil investigations were carried out, push-in pressure cells were installed, and laboratory soil tests were performed. Pile responses during driving, at the end of driving (EOD), and at re-strikes were monitored using the Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA), following with the CAse Pile Wave Analysis Program (CAPWAP) analysis. The hammer blow counts were recorded for Wave Equation Analysis Program (WEAP) and dynamic formulas. Static load tests (SLTs) were performed and the pile capacities were determined based on the Davisson’s criteria. The extensive experimental research studies generated important data for analytical and computational investigations. The SLT measured load-displacements were compared with the simulated results obtained using a model of the TZPILE program and using the modified borehole shear test method. Two analytical pile setup quantification methods, in terms of soil properties, were developed and validated. A new calibration procedure was developed to incorporate pile setup into LRFD.
BACKGROUND: Previous studies revealed that acute depressive episodes are associated with both cognitive deficits and modified personality patterns in late life. Whether or not these psychological changes are present after remission remains a matter of debate. To date, no study provided concomitant assessment of cognition and psychological functions in this particular clinical setting. METHOD: Using a cross-sectional design, 58 remitted outpatients (36 with unipolar early-onset depression (EOD) and 22 with bipolar disorder (BD)) were compared to 62 healthy controls. Assessment included detailed neurocognitive measures and evaluation of the five factor personality dimensions (NEO-Personality Inventory). RESULTS: Group comparisons revealed significant slower processing speed, working and episodic memory performances in BD patients. EOD patients showed cognitive abilities comparable to those of elderly controls. In NEO PI assessment, both BD and EOD patients displayed higher Depressiveness facet scores. In addition, the EOD but not BD group had lower Extraversion factor, and Warmth and Positive Emotion facet scores than controls. CONCLUSIONS: After remission from acute affective symptoms, older BD patients show significant impairment in several cognitive functions while neuropsychological performances remained intact in elderly patients with EOD. Supporting a long-lasting psychological vulnerability, EOD patients are more prone to develop emotion-related personality trait changes than BD patients.
Findings by our group have shown that the dorsolateral telencephalon of Gymnotus carapo sends efferents to the mesencephalic torus semicircularis dorsalis (TSd) and that presumably this connection is involved in the changes in electric organ discharge (EOD) and in skeletomotor responses observed following microinjections of GABA A antagonist bicuculline into this telencephalic region. Other studies have implicated the TSd or its mammalian homologue, the inferior colliculus, in defensive responses. In the present study, we explore the possible involvement of the TSd and of the GABA-ergic system in the modulation of the electric and skeletomotor displays. For this purpose, different doses of bicuculline (0.98, 0.49, 0.245, and 0.015 mM) and muscimol (15.35 mM) were microinjected (0.1 µL) in the TSd of the awake G. carapo. Microinjection of bicuculline induced dose-dependent interruptions of EOD and increased skeletomotor activity resembling defense displays. The effects of the two highest doses showed maximum values at 5 min (4.3 ± 2.7 and 3.8 ± 2.0 Hz, P < 0.05) and persisted until 10 min (11 ± 5.7 and 8.7 ± 5.2 Hz, P < 0.05). Microinjections of muscimol were ineffective. During the interruptions of EOD, the novelty response (increased frequency in response to sensory novelties) induced by an electric stimulus delivered by a pair of electrodes placed in the water of the experimental cuvette was reduced or abolished. These data suggest that the GABA-ergic mechanisms of the TSd inhibit the neural substrate of the defense reaction at this midbrain level.
Crear un instrumento diagnóstico capaz de detectar aquellos factores de riesgo más significativos que la literatura científica define como específicos de los problemas de comportamiento en el contexto escolar. Confeccionar una batería diagnóstica que permita conocer de forma globalizada los factores de riesgo que intervienen en los problemas de comportamiento dentro del contexto escolar de los alumnos de primer ciclo de la ESO. Demostrar que los problemas de comportamiento que presentan los alumnos del primer ciclo de la ESO pueden ser prevenidos o corregidos mediante un diagnóstico preciso de los factores de riesgo que indicarán el tipo de intervención multidisciplinar que requiere su tratamiento. Alumnos de segundo de ESO expulsados del centro, N=60. Alumnos de segundo de ESO no expulsados del centro N=60. Media de edad: 13,3 años. Después de realizar una introducción, el autor plantea el problema, delimitándolo y formulándolo. Continúa con el marco teórico, en el que comenta conocimientos y teorías sobre el tema y plantea los objetivos e hipótesis de la tesis. Sigue con la metodología y diseño de investigación, análisis de datos y acaba con las conclusiones y propuestas. Incluye una presentación ilustrativa de un caso. Test Bender, Stroop, Raven, CFH, Geft, EOD, CAQ, AF-5, Test Familia, FES, CES, TAMAI, DIE, DEI. Alfa de Crombach, Spearman-Brown, varianza, media, desviación típica, diseño multifactorial, grupo cuasi control. La fiabilidad de la batería diagnóstica obtenida con Alfa de Crombach es de 0,94, con lo que se puede afirmar que la batería es constante como instrumento de medida. Entre el grupo de sujetos no conductuales y los conductuales no coinciden los factores de riesgo se encuentran diferencias cuantitativas y cualitativas significativas entre los sujetos conductuales varones y las mujeres. Los sujetos que puntúan nueve o más factores de riesgo en la batería presentarán problemas de comportamiento en el aula. Las alfas indican un alto grado de consistencia interna. La validez de contenido de la batería está garantizada porque las pruebas utilizadas para su confección son estandarizadas. La batería se adapta al perfil conductual de la población estudiada y permite conocer la tipología de factores de riesgo que intervienen en los problemas de comportamiento desde una visión multidisciplinar. La hipótesis se confirma, ya que el número de factores de riesgo es superior en los alumnos conductuales que en los no conductuales, y los alumnos conductuales no presentan siempre los mismos factores de riesgo. Los problemas de comportamiento pueden ser prevenidos o corregidos mediante un diagnóstico preciso de los factores de riesgo que indicarán el tipo de intervención multidisciplinar que requiere su tratamiento.
Estudio de la eficacia de los programas de atención temprana en niños prematuros y/o con bajo peso al nacer y su relación con el control del estrés de los padres. Muestra inicial formada por 128 niños/as y sus progenitores de los cuales 53 formaron el grupo experimental y tenían la condición de pertenecer a un grupo de riesgo biológico (prematuros y/o bajo peso) y 75 constituían el grupo de control y eran niños/as nacidos a término. Los instrumentos utilizados para recoger la información: Escala NBAS (Neonatal Behavioral Assesment Scale) de Brazellon (1995/97). Escalas de Evaluación del Desarrollo Infantil de Bayley II (Bayley, 1993). Parenting Stress Index (PSI), Abidin 1995. Escala de Observación del Desarrollo (EOD, Secadas, 1992). Perinatal Risk Inventory (Scheiner y Sexton, 1991). Una entrevista semiabierta a los padres sobre la vida y la salud del niño y una encuesta sobre el grado de satisfacción con el Servicio de Atención Temprana, ambas elaboradas por el autor. Se evaluó a los niños prematuros en su primer mes de vida, a los nacidos a término y a los padres de ambos grupos. Para comparar el potencial efecto de mejora de los programas de AT sin hacer depender dicha mejora de los índices de desarrollo, se compararon los resultados del niño consigo mismo en distintos momentos temporales constituyéndose un índice de mejora individual.. La condición biológica de nacimiento no siempre predice la evolución de los niños de forma que parecen concurrir variables ambientales sobre todo familiares, condiciones de crianza, de estimulación ambiental que pueden intervenir decisivamente en este progreso. En la investigación estas variables son las que se han mostrado más activas..
Methylmercury (MeHg) is present in the environment because of natural and anthropogenic causes. MeHg can reach the central nervous system (CNS) and cause neurological damage in humans and animals. Electric organ discharges (EODs) in the weak electric fish Gymnotus sylvius are produced by the electric organ and modulated by the CNS. These discharges are used for electrolocation and communication. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of dietary MeHg exposure on EOD rate in G. sylvius. An oscilloscope was used to record the EOD rate. Two treatments were investigated: chronic MeHg administration (4 μg/kg MeHg every 2 days, with a total of nine dietary exposures to MeHg) and acute MeHg administration (a single dose of 20 μg/kg MeHg). The control data for both treatments were collected every 2 days for 18 days, with a total of nine sessions (day 1 until day 18). Data of fish exposed to MeHg were collected every 2 days, totaling nine sessions (day 19 until day 36). Chronic treatment significantly increased the EOD rate in G. sylvius (p<.05), especially with the final treatment (day 32 until day 36). Acute treatment resulted in an initial increase in the EOD rate, which was maintained midway through the experiment (day 26 until day 30 p<.05). The present study provides the first insights into the effects of MeHg on EODs in weak electric fish. The EOD rate is a novel response of the fish to MeHg administration.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The electric organ (EO) of weakly electric mormyrids consists of flat, disk-shaped electrocytes with distinct anterior and posterior faces. There are multiple species-characteristic patterns in the geometry of the electrocytes and their innervation. To further correlate electric organ discharge (EOD) with EO anatomy, we examined four species of the mormyrid genus Campylomormyrus possessing clearly distinct EODs. In C. compressirostris, C. numenius, and C. tshokwe, all of which display biphasic EODs, the posterior face of the electrocytes forms evaginations merging to a stalk system receiving the innervation. In C. tamandua that emits a triphasic EOD, the small stalks of the electrocyte penetrate the electrocyte anteriorly before merging on the anterior side to receive the innervation. Additional differences in electrocyte anatomy among the former three species with the same EO geometry could be associated with further characteristics of their EODs. Furthermore, in C. numenius, ontogenetic changes in EO anatomy correlate with profound changes in the EOD. In the juvenile the anterior face of the electrocyte is smooth, whereas in the adult it exhibits pronounced surface foldings. This anatomical difference, together with disparities in the degree of stalk furcation, probably contributes to the about 12 times longer EOD in the adult.
Laser peening has recently emerged as a useful technique to overcome detrimental effects associated to another well-known surface modification processes such as shot peening or grit blasting used in the biomedical field. It is worth to notice that besides the primary residual stress effect, thermally induced effects might also cause subtle surface and subsurface microstructural changes that might influence corrosion resistance. Moreover, since maximum loads use to occur at the surface, they could also play a critical role in the fatigue strength. In this work, plates of Ti-6Al-4V alloy of 7 mm in thickness were modified by laser peening without using a sacrificial outer layer. Irradiation by a Q-switched Nd-YAG laser (9.4 ns pulse length) working in fundamental harmonic at 2.8 J/pulse and with water as confining medium was used. Laser pulses with a 1.5 mm diameter at an equivalent overlapping density (EOD) of 5000 cm-2 were applied. Attempts to analyze the global induced effects after laser peening were addressed by using the contacting and non-contacting thermoelectric power (TEP) techniques. It was demonstrated that the thermoelectric method is entirely insensitive to surface topography while it is uniquely sensitive to subtle variations in thermoelectric properties, which are associated with the different material effects induced by different surface modification treatments. These results indicate that the stress-dependence of the thermoelectric power in metals produces sufficient contrast to detect and quantitatively characterize regions under compressive residual stress based on their thermoelectric power contrast with respect to the surrounding intact material. However, further research is needed to better separate residual stress effects from secondary material effects, especially in the case of low-conductivity engineering materials like titanium alloys.
What are the limits and modulators of neural precision? We address this question in the most regular biological oscillator known, the electric organ command nucleus in the brainstem of wave-type gymnotiform fish. These fish produce an oscillating electric field, the electric organ discharge (EOD), used in electrolocation and communication. We show here that the EOD precision, measured by the coefficient of variation (CV = SD/mean period) is as low as 2 × 10−4 in five species representing three families that range widely in species and individual mean EOD frequencies (70–1,250 Hz). Intracellular recording in the pacemaker nucleus (Pn), which commands the EOD cycle by cycle, revealed that individual Pn neurons of the same species also display an extremely low CV (CV = 6 × 10−4, 0.8 μs SD). Although the EOD CV can remain at its minimum for hours, it varies with novel environmental conditions, during communication, and spontaneously. Spontaneous changes occur as abrupt steps (250 ms), oscillations (3–5 Hz), or slow ramps (10–30 s). Several findings suggest that these changes are under active control and depend on behavioral state: mean EOD frequency and CV can change independently; CV often decreases in response to behavioral stimuli; and lesions of one of the two inputs to the Pn had more influence on CV than lesions of the other input.
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