995 resultados para ENZYME-KINETICS


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DNA serves as a target molecule for several types of enzymes and may assume a wide variety of structural motifs depending upon the local sequence. The BssHII restriction site (GC)3 resides in a 9bp region of alternating pyrimidine and purine residues within the &phis;X174 genome. Such sequences are known to demonstrate non-canonical helical behavior under the appropriate conditions. The kinetics of BssHII cleavage was investigated in supercoiled and linear plasmid DNA, and in a 323bp DNA fragment obtained via amplification of &phis;X174. The rate of enzyme cleavage was enhanced in the supercoiled form and in the presence of 50μM cobalt hexamine. Similarly, cobalt hexamine was also found to enhance TaqI activity directly adjacent to the (GC)3 region. ^ Initial DNA polymerase I binding studies (including a gel mobility shift assay and a protection assay) indicated a notable interaction between DNA polymerase I and the BssHII site. An in-depth study revealed that equilibrium binding of DNA polymerase I to the T7 RNA polymerase promoter was comparable to that of the (GC)3 site, however the strongest interaction was observed with a cruciform containing region. Increasing the ionic strength of the solution environment, including the addition of DNA polymerase I reaction buffer significantly decreased the equilibrium dissociation constant values. ^ It is suggested that the region within or around the BssHII site experiences a conformational change generating a novel structure under the influence of supercoiled tension or 50μM cobalt hexamine. It is proposed that this transition may enhance enzyme activity and binding by providing an initial enzyme-docking site—the rate-limiting step in restriction enzyme kinetics. The high binding potential of DNA polymerase I for each of the motifs described, is hypothesized to be due to recognition of the structural DNA anomalies by the 3′–5′ exonuclease domain. ^


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The role that heparanase plays during metastasis and angiogenesis in tumors makes it an attractive target for cancer therapeutics. Despite this enzyme’s significance, most of the assays developed to measure its activity are complex. Moreover, they usually rely on labeling variable preparations of the natural substrate heparan sulfate, making comparisons across studies precarious. To overcome these problems, we have developed a convenient assay based on the cleavage of the synthetic heparin oligosaccharide fondaparinux. The assay measures the appearance of the disaccharide product of heparanase-catalyzed fondaparinux cleavage colorimetrically using the tetrazolium salt WST-1. Because this assay has a homogeneous substrate with a single point of cleavage, the kinetics of the enzyme can be reliably characterized, giving a Km of 46 μM and a kcat of 3.5 s−1 with fondaparinux as substrate. The inhibition of heparanase by the published inhibitor, PI-88, was also studied, and a Ki of 7.9 nM was determined. The simplicity and robustness of this method, should, not only greatly assist routine assay of heparanase activity but also could be adapted for high-throughput screening of compound libraries, with the data generated being directly comparable across studies.


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Recent studies have shown that small genetic regulatory networks (GRNs) can be evolved in silico displaying certain dynamics in the underlying mathematical model. It is expected that evolutionary approaches can help to gain a better understanding of biological design principles and assist in the engineering of genetic networks. To take the stochastic nature of GRNs into account, our evolutionary approach models GRNs as biochemical reaction networks based on simple enzyme kinetics and simulates them by using Gillespie’s stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA). We have already demonstrated the relevance of considering intrinsic stochasticity by evolving GRNs that show oscillatory dynamics in the SSA but not in the ODE regime. Here, we present and discuss first results in the evolution of GRNs performing as stochastic switches.


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Lääkeainemetabolialla tarkoitetaan entsymaattisia reaktioita, jotka muuttavat lääkeaineita paremmin elimistöstä poistuvaan muotoon. Lääkeaineet voivat vaikuttaa toistensa metaboliaan inhiboimalla tai indusoimalla metaboloivia entsyymejä. Tällaisten interaktioiden seurauksena lääkeaineen pitoisuus elimistössä voi kasvaa jopa toksiseksi tai vähentyä merkittävästi. Tämä on erityisesti ongelmana silloin, kun käytössä on useita lääkkeitä samanaikaisesti. Lääketutkimuksessa onkin keskitytty tällaisten interaktioiden ennustamiseen ja niitä yritetään välttää tai ainakin vähentää. Työssä tutkittiin medetomidiinia, jonka on äskettäin havaittu metaboloituvan UDP-glukuronosyylitransferaasien (UGT) välityksellä. Työn tarkoituksena oli löytää medetomidiinin glukuronidaatiota inhiboivia yhdisteitä. Lisäksi haluttiin selvittää mahdollisen inhibition mekanismeja. On yleistä tutkia tietyn entsyymin substraatin interaktioita muiden saman perheen entsyymien kanssa. On kuitenkin harvinaisempaa tutkia tällaisia interaktioita kahden eri entsyymiperheen välillä. Tässä työssä tutkittiin inhiboivatko mahdolliset sytokromi P450 -entsyymiä (CYP) inhiboivat yhdisteet myös medetomidiinia glukuronoivia UDP-glukuronosyylitransferaaseja. Glukuronidaation inhibitiota tutkittiin HPLC-menetelmällä, joka on kehitetty aiemmin medetomidiinin glukuronidaation tutkimiseen. Aluksi glukuronidaatiota tutkittiin ilman inhibiittoreita. Tämän jälkeen tutkittiin kolmen mahdollisen inhibiittoriyhdisteen vaikutuksia medetomidiinin glukuronidaatioon ja tuloksia verrattiin ilman inhibiittoria saatuihin tuloksiin. Kolmen tutkitun yhdisteen havaittiin inhiboivan medetomidiinin glukuronidaatiota. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös mielenkiintoinen ilmiö, jossa inhibiittoriyhdisteen sitoutuminen aiheutti entsyymikineettisiä muutoksia UDP-glukuronosyylitransferaasin toiminnassa. On mielenkiintoista, että samat yhdisteet inhiboivat sekä CYP- että UGT-metaboliaa. Tulosten perusteella voidaan päätellä, että jos CYP ja UGT metaboloivat samaa yhdistettä, on mahdollista että yhdisteen rakenteelliset analogit aiheuttavat interaktioita molempien entsyymien kanssa. Uusia lääkeaineita kehitettäessä onkin otettava huomioon yleisesti tunnettujen CYP-entsyymien lisäksi myös UGT:t ja niiden mahdolliset yhteisvaikutukset.


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Water brings its remarkable thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies in the pure liquid state to biological world where water molecules face a multitude of additional interactions that frustrate its hydrogen bond network. Yet the water molecules participate and control enormous number of biological processes in manners which are yet to be understood at a molecular level. We discuss thermodynamics, structure, dynamics and properties of water around proteins and DNA, along with those in reverse micelles. We discuss the roles of water in enzyme kinetics, in drug-DNA intercalation and in kinetic-proof reading ( the theory of lack of errors in biosynthesis). We also discuss how water may play an important role in the natural selection of biomolecules. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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The overall rate equation for a reaction sequence consisting of a pre-equilibrium and rate-determining steps should not be derived on the basis of the concentration of the intermediate product (X). This is apparently indicated by transition state theory (as the path followed to reach the highest energy transition state is irrelevant), but also proved by a straight-forward mathematical approach. The thesis is further supported by the equations of concurrent reactions as applied to the partitioning of X between the two competing routes (reversal of the pre-equilibrium and formation of product). The rate equation may only be derived rigorously on the basis of the law of mass action. It is proposed that the reactants acquire the overall activation energy prior to the pre-equilibrium, thus forming X in a high-energy state en route to the rate-determining transition state. (It is argued that conventional energy profile diagrams are misleading and need to be reinterpreted.) Also, these arguments invalidate the Michaelis-Menten equation of enzyme kinetics, and necessitate a fundamental revision of our present understanding of enzyme catalysis. (The observed ``saturation kinetics'' possibly arises from weak binding of a second molecule of substrate at the active site; analogous conclusions apply to reactions at surfaces).


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Proofreading/editing in protein synthesis is essential for accurate translation of information from the genetic code. In this article we present a theoretical investigation of efficiency of a kinetic proofreading mechanism that employs hydrolysis of the wrong substrate as the discriminatory step in enzyme catalytic reactions. We consider aminoacylation of tRNA(Ile) which is a crucial step in protein synthesis and for which experimental results are now available. We present an augmented kinetic scheme and then employ methods of stochastic simulation algorithm to obtain time dependent concentrations of different substances involved in the reaction and their rates of formation. We obtain the rates of product formation and ATP hydrolysis for both correct and wrong substrates (isoleucine and valine in our case, respectively), in single molecular enzyme as well as ensemble enzyme kinetics. The present theoretical scheme correctly reproduces (i) the amplitude of the discrimination factor in the overall rates between isoleucine and valine which is obtained as (1.8x10(2)).(4.33x10(2)) = 7.8x10(4), (ii) the rates of ATP hydrolysis for both Ile and Val at different substrate concentrations in the aminoacylation of tRNA(Ile). The present study shows a non-michaelis type dependence of rate of reaction on tRNA(Ile) concentration in case of valine. The overall editing in steady state is found to be independent of amino acid concentration. Interestingly, the computed ATP hydrolysis rate for valine at high substrate concentration is same as the rate of formation of Ile-tRNA(Ile) whereas at intermediate substrate concentration the ATP hydrolysis rate is relatively low. We find that the presence of additional editing domain in class I editing enzyme makes the kinetic proofreading more efficient through enhanced hydrolysis of wrong product at the editing CP1 domain.


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Crystal structure of a lectin purified from Butea monosperma seeds was determined by Molecular Replacement method. Its primary structure was determined by Tandem Mass Spectroscopy and electron density maps from X-ray diffraction data. Its quaternary structure was tetrameric, formed of two monomers, alpha and beta, beta appearing as truncated alpha. The occurrence of two tetramers in the asymmetric unit of the crystal might be a consequence of asymmetric contacts due to difference in glycosylation and variable loops structures, to form an `octamer-structure'. The crystal structure showed binding pockets for gamma Abu, having a proposed role in plant defense, at the interface of canonical dimer-partners. Hemagglutination studies, enzyme kinetics, isothermal titration calorimetry and molecular dynamics showed that the lectin is specific to N-acetyl D-galactosamine, galactose and lactose in decreasing order, and alpha-amylase inhibitor. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Features of homologous relationship of proteins can provide us a general picture of protein universe, assist protein design and analysis, and further our comprehension of the evolution of organisms. Here we carried Out a Study of the evolution Of protein molecules by investigating homologous relationships among residue segments. The motive was to identify detailed topological features of homologous relationships for short residue segments in the whole protein universe. Based on the data of a large number of non-redundant Proteins, the universe of non-membrane polypeptide was analyzed by considering both residue mutations and structural conservation. By connecting homologous segments with edges, we obtained a homologous relationship network of the whole universe of short residue segments, which we named the graph of polypeptide relationships (GPR). Since the network is extremely complicated for topological transitions, to obtain an in-depth understanding, only subgraphs composed of vital nodes of the GPR were analyzed. Such analysis of vital subgraphs of the GPR revealed a donut-shaped fingerprint. Utilization of this topological feature revealed the switch sites (where the beginning of exposure Of previously hidden "hot spots" of fibril-forming happens, in consequence a further opportunity for protein aggregation is Provided; 188-202) of the conformational conversion of the normal alpha-helix-rich prion protein PrPC to the beta-sheet-rich PrPSc that is thought to be responsible for a group of fatal neurodegenerative diseases, transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Efforts in analyzing other proteins related to various conformational diseases are also introduced. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The concept of a biofuel cell takes inspiration from the natural capability of biological systems to catalyse the conversion of organic matter with a subsequent release of electrical energy. Enzymatic biofuel cells are intended to mimic the processes occurring in nature in a more controlled and efficient manner. Traditional fuel cells rely on the use of toxic catalysts and are often not easily miniaturizable making them unsuitable as implantable power sources. Biofuel cells however use highly selective protein catalysts and renewable fuels. As energy consumption becomes a global issue, they emerge as important tools for energy generation. The microfluidic platforms developed are intended to maximize the amount of electrical energy extracted from renewable fuels which are naturally abundant in the environment and in biological fluids. Combining microfabrication processes, chemical modification and biological surface patterning these devices are promising candidates for micro-power sources for future life science and electronic applications. This thesis considered four main aspects of a biofuel cell research. Firstly, concept of a miniature compartmentalized enzymatic biofuel cell utilizing simple fuels and operating in static conditions is verified and proves the feasibility of enzyme catalysis in energy conversion processes. Secondly, electrode and microfluidic channel study was performed through theoretical investigations of the flow and catalytic reactions which also improved understanding of the enzyme kinetics in the cell. Next, microfluidic devices were fabricated from cost-effective and disposable polymer materials, using the state-of-the-art micro-processing technologies. Integration of the individual components is difficult and multiple techniques to overcome these problems have been investigated. Electrochemical characterization of gold electrodes modified with Nanoporous Gold Structures is also performed. Finally, two strategies for enzyme patterning and encapsulation are discussed. Several protein catalysts have been effectively immobilized on the surface of commercial and microfabricated electrodes by electrochemically assisted deposition in sol-gel and poly-(o-phenylenediamine) polymer matrices and characterised with confirmed catalytic activity.


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This survey on calorimetry and thermodynamics of anoxibiosis applies classical and irreversible thermodynamics to interpret experimental, direct calorimetric results in order to elucidate the sequential activation of various biochemical pathways. First, the concept of direct and indirect calorimetry is expanded to incorporate the thermochemistry of aerobic and anoxic metabolism in living cells and organisms. Calorimetric studies done under normoxia as well as under physiological and environmental anoxia are presented and assessed in terms of ATP turnover rate. Present evidence suggests that unknown sources of energy in freshwater and marine invertebrates under long-term anoxia may be important. During physiological hypoxia, thermodynamically grossly inefficient pathways sustain high metabolic rates for brief periods. On the contrary, under long-term environmental anoxia, low steady-state heat dissipation is linked to the more efficient succinate, propionate, and acetate pathways. In the second part of this paper these relationships are discussed in the context of linear, irreversible thermodynamics. The calorimetric and biochemical trends during aerobic-anoxic transitions are consistent with thermodynamic optimum functions of catabolic pathways. The theory predicts a decrease of rate with an increase of thermodynamic efficiency; therefore maximum rate and maximum efficiency are mutually exclusive. Cellular changes of pH and adenylate phosphorylation potential are recognized as regulatory mechanisms in the energetic switching to propionate production. While enzyme kinetics provides one key for understanding metabolic regulation, our insight remains incomplete without a complementary thermodynamic analysis of kinetic control in energetically coupled pathways.


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Previous work has shown that thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) was unable to prolong lysis of purified clots in the presence of Lys-plasminogen (Lys-Pg), indicating a possible mechanism for fibrinolysis to circumvent prolongation mediated by activated TAFI (TAFIa). Therefore, the effects of TAFIa on Lys-Pg activation and Lys-plasmin (Lys-Pn) inhibition by antiplasmin (AP) were quantitatively investigated using a fluorescently labeled recombinant Pg mutant which does not produce active Pn. High molecular weight fibrin degradation products (HMW-FDPs), a soluble fibrin surrogate that models Pn modified fibrin, treated with TAFIa decreased the catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) of 5IAF-Glu-Pg cleavage by 417-fold and of 5IAF-Lys-Pg cleavage by 55-fold. A previously devised intact clot system was used to measure the apparent second order rate constant (k2) for Pn inhibition by AP over time. While TAFIa was able to abolish the protection associated with Pn modified fibrin in clots formed with Glu-Pg, it was not able to abolish the protection in clots formed with Lys-Pg. However, TAFIa was still able to prolong the lysis of clots formed with Lys-Pg. TAFIa prolongs clot lysis by removing the positive feedback loop for Pn generation. The effect of TAFIa modification of the HMW-FDPs on the rate of tissue type plasminogen activator (tPA) inhibition by plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) was investigated using a previously devised end point assay. HMW-FDPs decreased the k2 for tPA inhibition rate by 3-fold. Thus, HMW-FDPs protect tPA from PAI-1. TAFIa treatment of the HMW-FDPs resulted in no change in protection. Vitronectin also did not appreciably affect tPA inhibition by PAI-1. Pg, in conjunction with HMW-FDPs, decreased the k2 for tPA inhibition by 30-fold. Hence, Pg, when bound to HMW-FDPs, protects tPA by an additional 10-fold. TAFIa treatment of the HMW-FDPs completely removed this additional protection provided by Pg. In conclusion, an additional mechanism was identified whereby TAFIa can prolong clot lysis by increasing the rate of tPA inhibition by PAI-1 by eliminating the protective effects of Pn-modified fibrin and Pg. Because TAFIa can suppress Lys-Pg activation but cannot attenuate Lys-Pn inhibition by AP, the Glu- to Lys-Pg/Pn conversion is able to act as a fibrinolytic switch to ultimately lyse the clot.


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Accurate measurement of the quantitative aspects of enzyme-catalysed reactions
is critical for a deeper understanding of their mechanisms, for their exploitation in biotechnology and for targeting enzymes by drug-like molecules. It is important to move beyond basic enzyme kinetics as encapsulated in the Michaelis-Menten equation. The type and magnitude of inhibition should be determined. Since the majority of enzyme-catalysed reactions involve more than one substrate, it is critical to understand how to treat these reactions quantitatively and how their kinetic behaviour depends on the type of mechanism occurring.
Some reactions do not conform to “standard” Michaelis-Menten treatment and exhibit phenomena such as cooperativity. Again it is important to put these phenomena onto a quantitative basis. Similarly the treatment of the effects of pH on enzymes is often vague and uninformative without a proper quantitative treatment. This review brings together tools and approaches for dealing with enzymes quantitatively together with original references for these approaches.


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La dihydrofolate réductase humaine (DHFRh) est une enzyme essentielle à la prolifération cellulaire, ce qui en fait une cible de choix pour le traitement de différents cancers. À cet effet, plusieurs inhibiteurs spécifiques de la DHFRh, les antifolates, ont été mis au point : le méthotrexate (MTX) et le pemetrexed (PMTX) en sont de bons exemples. Malgré l’efficacité clinique certaine de ces antifolates, le développement de nouveaux traitements s’avère nécessaire afin de réduire les effets secondaires liés à leur utilisation. Enfin, dans l’optique d’orienter la synthèse de nouveaux composés inhibiteurs des DHFRh, une meilleure connaissance des interactions entre les antifolates et leur enzyme cible est primordiale. À l’aide de l’évolution dirigée, il a été possible d’identifier des mutants de la DHFRh pour lesquels l’affinité envers des antifolates cliniquement actifs se voyait modifiée. La mutagenèse dite ¬¬de saturation a été utilisée afin de générer des banques de mutants présentant une diversité génétique au niveau des résidus du site actif de l’enzyme d’intérêt. De plus, une nouvelle méthode de criblage a été mise au point, laquelle s’est avérée efficace pour départager les mutations ayant entrainé une résistance aux antifolates et/ou un maintient de l’activité enzymatique envers son substrat natif, soient les phénotypes d’activité. La méthode de criblage consiste dans un premier temps en une sélection bactérienne à haut débit, puis dans un second temps en un criblage sur plaques permettant d’identifier les meilleurs candidats. Plusieurs mutants actifs de la DHFRh, résistants aux antifolates, ont ainsi pu être identifiés et caractérisés lors d’études de cinétique enzymatique (kcat et IC50). Sur la base de ces résultats cinétiques, de la modélisation moléculaire et des données structurales de la littérature, une étude structure-activité a été effectuée. En regardant quelles mutations ont les effets les plus significatif sur la liaison, nous avons commencé à construire un carte moléculaire des contacts impliqués dans la liaison des ligands. Enfin, des connaissances supplémentaires sur les propriétés spécifiques de liaison ont put être acquises en variant l’inhibiteur testé, permettant ainsi une meilleure compréhension du phénomène de discrimination du ligand.