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Environmental Education is an essential component of childhood education and can play a vital role in the development of positive environmental attitudes, community involvement and environmental awareness. One of the main challenges faced by Canadian educators is the lack of support and funding to fully engage and participate in Environmental Education programs that are locally available. To better understand the viewpoint and challenges of educators and Environmental Education programs, this paper includes an interview series with three Environmental Education leaders, followed by a discussion section on significant commonalities. Through the research of peer-reviewed literature, federal documents, and environmental networks, this research paper aims to interpret the development and challenges of K-12 environmental education in North America as well as to review the established programs, networks, and resources availble to Canadian educators.


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The use of natural areas for underwater coastal marine activities such as snorkelling is growing, but the amount of ecological and socioeconomic data on these activities is scarce and relates mainly to coral reef areas. Three underwater self-guided routes were designed at Marinha Beach (Algarve, Portugal), based on scientific information, with in situ interpretation and guidance, as a way to enhance biodiversity awareness and, hence, reduce the probability of human impacts. The routes were implemented in two consecutive summer seasons and after each season, visual census techniques were used to describe flora composition and cover area (seaweeds and seagrasses) in order to understand patterns and evaluate human impacts. Snorkelers' opinions and perceptions about several issues related to the routes' environmental education role (e.g. role in enhancing biocliversity awareness) were investigated by questionnaire after the snorkelling activity. An inter-annual difference inflora assemblages was found, probably associated to natural variability, rather than snorkelers' impacts. Results indicate that, in fact, in situ education and interpretation can raise environmental awareness if properly addressed, resulting in a satisfactory way of engaging snorkelers in the protection and in the conservation of the visited environments, thereby preventing negative ecological impacts. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Este artigo discute os conceitos de participação e empowerment em Promoção da Saúde e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, considerando as agendas de implementação local, Municípios/Cidades Saudáveis e Agenda 21, e a importância dos processos de avaliação nesse contexto, por meio da análise de uma intervenção em área de mananciais - o Programa Bairro Ecológico (PBE), desenvolvido em 51 bairros do município de São Bernardo do Campo, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. O estudo teve por objetivo avaliar os processos de participação e empowerment da comunidade, a partir das ações desencadeadas pelo PBE. Foram aplicados questionários e realizados grupos focais com moradores de bairros que sofreram a intervenção. Também foram realizadas entrevistas individuais com gestores do programa e do poder judiciário. Os resultados indicaram que a participação na implementação do PBE favoreceu o empowerment individual e grupal, presente nas duas comunidades estudadas. As comunidades tornaram-se mais organizadas. Há indícios de que os processos de tomada de decisões são centralizados. Apesar disso, as comunidades entendem que sua participação no programa lhes traz muitas coisas boas. Houve um processo participativo no desenvolvimento do programa, ainda que alguns relatos apontem para o caráter obrigatório da participação. Deve-se destacar o impacto do envolvimento e fortalecimento das lideranças na implementação e sustentabilidade do programa. No que diz respeito a esta última, verificou-se que a sensibilização ambiental tem sido fator determinante para a execução e manutenção das ações ao longo do tempo.


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Concern about the growing demand of food and fuel has focused the attention on countries with conditions to provide for global requirements. Also, the build-up of an environmental awareness has compelled several governments to implement programs for the addition of biofuels to oil derivatives. Considering their relevance as world and South American producers, this study makes a characterization of the sucro-energetic sectors of Brazil and Colombia, based on a view of agro-industrial systems, industrial organization and transaction cost economy. The approach followed considered of a secondary information survey and in-depth interviews. The main differences found are centered on institutional development level and production volumes. However, the use of the same raw material, sugarcane, trade opening policies, cultural approaches and regional integration, are factors that could generate links of commercial exchange and technological cooperation between the two countries.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, 12 de Junho de 2014, Universidade dos Açores.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia Vegetal, 4 de Fevereiro de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.


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In the business world, there are issues such as globalisation, environmental awareness, and the rising expectations of public opinion which have a specific role in what is required from companies as providers of information to the market. This chapter refers to the current state of corporate reporting (financial reporting and sustainability reporting) and demonstrates the need for evolution to a more integrated method of reporting which meets the stakeholders’ needs. This research offers a reflection on how this development can be achieved, which notes the ongoing efforts by international organisations in implementing the diffusion and adoption, as well as looking at the characteristics which are needed for this type of reporting. It also makes the link between an actual case of a company that is one of the world references in sustainable development and integrated reporting. Whether or not the integrated reporting is the natural evolution of the history of financial and sustainability reporting, it still cannot yet claim to be infallible. However, it may definitely be concluded that a new approach is necessary to meet the needs which are continuously developing for a network of stakeholders.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Química e Biológica (área de conhecimento em Engenharia Enzimática e das Fermentações)


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A les Valls d’Àneu la producció ramadera de boví ecològic és molt important, ja que, actualment, el 22% de les explotacions són ecològiques i es preveu que aquest percentatge augmenti fins al 50% en els propers dos anys. Malgrat això, la motivació principal per a convertir les explotacions convencionals en ecològiques és el factor econòmic, no la consciència ambiental. En l’anàlisi del cicle productiu carni del boví ecològic procedent de les Valls d’Àneu s’ha observat que no hi ha diferències substancials entre la producció ecològica i la convencional. Tot i així, el producte carni de boví ecològic no té gran sortida al mercat, ja que aquest és incipient i, a més, el preu del producte ecològic és molt més elevat que el del convencional. Un aspecte crític de la producció ramadera ecològica és que la seva normativa no considera els impactes ambientals que genera, com són els derivats del transport, la generació de residus d’envasos, etc. En aquest estudi es presenta una aproximació quantitativa dels impactes generats en el cicle productiu carni de boví ecològic de les Valls d’Àneu.


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WALK operate a Community Garden in Dublin 12 which promotes the growing of fresh fruit, vegetable, salad leaves and flowers which change seasonally. The garden helps create a sense of community and advocates the benefits of growing healthy food, environmental awareness and sustainability. It offers an opportunities for people to take part in hand-on, activity based learning with some formal training offered to local groups and individuals with varying levels of skill and ability. This outdoor space fosters an interest in growing and guides people in learning new skills which can be transferred to their own gardens or allotments. Dublin City Council Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Dublin 12 Funding Dublin City Council Partner Agencies Dublin City Council Dublin Mainstream Access Project Scoil Colm


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El Camí de Cavalls és un element característic amb una importància històrica, cultural i recreativa considerable a Menorca. Aquesta illa va ser declarada Reserva de la Biosfera per l UNESCO l’any 1993; com a conseqüència, a l’any 2000 es va implantar el Pla Especial del Camí de Cavalls amb diversos objectius: definir les característiques del Camí i els seus instruments de gestió i aplicació; implantar mecanismes i normes que permetin l’ús públic que garanteixin la seva protecció i conservació; i finalment definir polítiques de sostenibilitat i conscienciació ambiental. Al llarg dels anys, la seva gestió ha permès que el Camí presenti una millora del seu estat de conservació i fer-ne un ús favorable a nivell socioambiental. L’any 2008 es va realitzar una diagnosi del Sector nord-est de la illa, aplicant-ne diversos indicadors per tal de determinar l’estat del Cam,í coincidint amb l’aplicació dels criteris plantejats pel Pla Especial del 2000 (Diagnosi Socioambiental del Camí de Cavalls de Menorca 2008). En aquest document s’explica la realització de la segona diagnosi, a partir del protocol dissenyat cinc anys abans, per tal de valorar l’estat actual del Camí i observar i definir les variacions que s’han produït en aquest període de temps. Els resultats mostren una tendència global positiva de millora del Camí, tal i com es planteja en la hipòtesis del projecte, tot i presentar-se una sèrie d’inconvenients a l’hora d’aplicar i valorar qualitativament els indicadors utilitzats. L’estudi s’ha realitzat amb la col·laboració dels centres de estudis ambientals de l’ICTA (Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals) amb seu a la UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), i l’OBSAM (Observatori Socioambiental de Menorca) amb seu a l’IME (Institut Menorquí d’Estudis).


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Asiakkaiden ympäristötietoisuus, metsäkoneille asetettavat korkeat vaatimukset ja kiristyvä kilpailu pakottavat metsäkoneiden valmistajat etsimään vaihtoehtoisia valmistusmateriaaleja, joita käyttämällä metsäkoneet kevenevät ja sitä kautta niiden ympäristökuormitukset ja käyttökustannukset alenevat ja kapasiteetti kasvaa. Metsäkoneiden rakenteiden keventämisessä alumiini on yksi varteenotettava vaihtoehto teräksen korvaajaksi, sillä alumiinin ominaisuus/paino -suhde on terästä parempi. Alumiinin käyttöä hitsatuissa rakenteissa ovat rajoittaneet sen korkea hinta ja melko huono väsymiskestävyys. Diplomityön tavoitteena on ollut selvittää mahdollisuuksia korvata metsäkoneiden rakenteista löytyviä teräksestä valmistettuja osia alumiinista valmistetuilla osilla. Diplomityön teoriaosassa on käsitelty rakenteiden keventämistä, metsäkoneille asetettavia vaatimuksia, alumiinien materiaaliominaisuuksia, alumiinirakenteiden valmistuksessa käytettäviä menetelmiä sekä alumiinirakenteiden suunnittelua. Lisäksi teoriaosassa on käsitelty komposiittien materiaaliominaisuuksia ja komposiittirakenteiden suunnittelua. Diplomityön kokeellisessa osassa on vertailtu nykyisiä rakennemateriaaleja ja alumiineja metsäkoneen eri osien rakennemateriaaleina osien vaatimusprofiileihin ja materiaalien ominaisuusprofiileihin perustuen. Vaatimusprofiilien perusteella on laadittu ominaisuusprofiilit alumiineille ja teräksille. Sovittamalla vaatimus- ja ominaisuusprofiilit yhteen arvoanalyysin avulla, metsäkoneista on etsitty mahdollisia kohteita, joissa nykyinen rakennemateriaali voitaisiin korvata alumiinilla. Tältä pohjalta metsäkoneista löytyi rakenteita, joissa alumiinin käyttö rakennemateriaalina teräksen sijaan olisi mahdollista. Diplomityö toimii hyvänä pohjana tutkittaessa mahdollisuuksia metsäkoneiden rakenteiden keventämiseksi.


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The use of biomass as raw-material for obtaining chemicals, polymers and fuels is emerging as a clever alternative solution for the increasing energy demand, environmental awareness and petroleum shortage. In this work, some attempts in order to develop catalytic systems suitable for triglyceride transformation into fuels, polymers and intermediates are reviewed.


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Diesel fuel is used widely in Brazil and worldwide. On the other hand, the growing environmental awareness leads to a greater demand for renewable energy resources. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the use of different blends of soybean (Glycine max) methyl biodiesel and diesel in an ignition compression engine with direct injection fuel. The tests were performed on an electric eddy current dynamometer, using the blends B10, B50 and B100, with 10; 50 e 100% of biodiesel, respectively, in comparison to the commercial diesel B5, with 5% of biodiesel added to the fossil diesel. The engine performance was analyzed trough the tractor power take off (PTO) for each fuel, and the best results obtained for the power and the specific fuel consumption, respectively, were: B5 (44.62 kW; 234.87 g kW-1 h-1); B10 (44.73 kW; 233.78 g kW-1 h-1); B50 (44.11 kW; 250.40 g kW-1 h-1) e B100 (43.40 kW; 263.63 g kW-1 h-1). The best performance occurred with the use of B5 and B10 fuel, without significant differences between these blends. The B100 fuel showed significant differences compared to the other fuels.