995 resultados para EMBRYO-TRANSFER CYCLES
The objective of experiment 1 was to evaluate the effects of treatments with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or GnRH 7 d after induced ovulation on reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows submitted to timed artificial insemination (TAI) or timed embryo transfer (TET). A total of 834 potential breedings were used from 661 lactating Holstein cows (37.3 +/- 0.3 kg of milk/d). Cows had ovulation synchronized and were assigned randomly to receive TAI on d 0 or TET on d 7. Within each group, cows were assigned randomly to receive on d 7 no additional treatment (control; n(TAI) = 156; n(TET) = 126), a 100 mu g i.m. injection of GnRH (n(TAI) = 155; n(TET) = 124), or a 2,500 TU i.m. injection of hCG (ITA = 151; n(TET) = 122). Postbreeding treatment affected the percentages of pregnant cows at TET on d 28 (control: 38.1%; GnRH: 52.4%; hCG: 45.1%) and on d 60 (control: 32.5%; GnRH: 41.1%; hCG: 38.5%), but postbreeding treatment did not affect percentages of pregnant cows at TAT on d 28 (control: 30.1%; GnRH: 32.2%; hCG: 32.4%) or on d 60 (control: 25.6%; GnRH: 27.1%; hCG: 29.8%). The objective of experiment 2 was to evaluate the effect of a treatment with GnRH 7 d after TET on reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows that received a previous GnRH treatment at TET. A total of 285 potential breedings were used from 257 lactating Holstein cows (35.1 +/- 0.8 kg of milk/d). Cows had ovulation synchronized and were assigned for TET on d 7. Immediately after TET, all cows were treated with a 100 mu g i.m. injection of GnRH. on d 14, cows were assigned randomly to receive (G7-14; n = 147) or not (G7; n = 138) an additional injection of GnRH. Pregnancy diagnosis were performed on d 28 and 60. The additional treatment with GnRH on d 14 did not affect the percentages of pregnant cows on d 28 (G7: 48.5%; G7-14: 42.9%) or on d 60 (G7: 39.8%; G7-14: 37.4%). In conclusion, treatment with GnRH or hCG 7 d after induced ovulation increased conception rates in lactating dairy cows submitted to TET, but not in cows submitted to TAI. Moreover, treatment with GnRH 7 d after TET did not enhance reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows that received a previous GnRH treatment at TET.
This study was designed to compare embryo recovery rates and pregnancy rates of athletic and breeding Quarter Horse mares in a tropical warm climate. Thirty-nine barrel racing mares in training and 135 breeding mares as control donors were included. During the training period, the ambient temperature ranged from 31 degrees C to 36 degrees C and the average humidity from 70% to 90%. After the detection of a 35-mm follicle by ultrasound, ovulation was induced with 1 mg of deslorelin acetate (i.m), and insemination was performed 24 hours later with cooled and fresh semen from different fertile stallions. Embryos were collected on day 8 postovulation. The body temperature (rectal) was evaluated from eight athletic donor mares randomly selected from the same studied group. A total of 138 and 657 embryo collections were carried out on training and breeding mares, respectively, with a total of 105 (76%) and 466 (71%) embryos collected (P > .05). Similarly, no differences (P > .05) were observed for the pregnancy rates on day 15 (82/105, 78% vs. 370/466,79%), and day 40 (73/105, 69% vs. 328/466,70%) between the training and breeding donor mares. Just after training, the body temperature increased to an average of 39.4 degrees C and the respiratory rate from 14.5 to 35.3 breaths per minute. The results of the present study showed that embryo production from appropriately trained donor mares in good condition were similar to non-athletic broodmares. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Compared to Bos taurus breeds, Bos indices breeds of cattle present several differences in reproductive physiology. Follicular diameter at deviation and at the time of ovulatory capability are smaller in B. indicus breeds. Furthermore, B. indicus breeds have a greater sensitivity to gonadotropins, a shorter duration of estrus, and more often express estrus during the night. These differences must be considered when setting up embryo transfer programs for B. indicus cattle. In recent studies, we evaluated follicular dynamics and superovulatory responses in B. indicus donors with the objective of implementing fixed-time AI protocols in superstimulated donors. Protocols using estradiol and progesterone/progestrogen releasing devices to control follicular wave emergence were as efficacious as in B. taurus cattle, allowing the initiation of superstimulatory treatments (with lower dosages of FSH than in B. taurus donors) at a self-appointed time. Furthermore, results presented herein indicate that delaying the removal of progesterone/progestogen-releasing devices, combined with the administration of GnRH or pLH 12 h after the last FSH injection, results in synchronous ovulations, permitting the application of fixed-time AI of donors without the necessity of estrus detection and without compromising the results. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In the present short review superovulation treatments commonly used for Bos taurus and/or Bos indicus will be addressed with emphasis in recent superstimulation protocols associated with pharmacological manipulation of the follicular dynamics to improve donor management and potentially embryo yield. Results obtained after superovulation treatments in which the time of LH surge is selectively delayed as an attempt to improve embryo yield are presented and discussed. (C) 2001 by Elsevier B.V.
Em central de transferência de embriões, após os procedimentos de reconhecimento do cio em 37 vacas receptoras, através de quatro rufiões vasectomizados, observou-se que 83% delas apresentavam retorno ao cio e algum corrimento serofibrinoso. Nos exames bacteriológicos realizados nos lavados prepuciais dos rufiões foi isolado o Campylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis em todos, fato que, analisado associadamente com o retorno ao cio das vacas receptoras, é indicativo da ocorrência de campilobacteriose no plantel. Essa ocorrência demonstra a necessidade de medidas eficazes de planejamento de saúde animal, pela utilização de rufiões com desvio lateral do pênis. Uma vez impossibilitado o contato sexual, seria impedida a transmissão do agente durante o coito. Torna-se imperioso consignar que a prática da prevenção racional de enfermidades continua sendo o procedimento mais econômico para uma produtividade animal mais rentável.