961 resultados para ELOQUENT CORTEX
Prior experience with the elevated plus maze (EPM) increases the avoidance of rodents to the open arms and impairs the anxiolytic-like effects of benzodiazepines on the traditional behaviors evaluated upon re-exposure to the maze, a phenomenon known as one-trial tolerance. Risk assessment behaviors are also sensitive to benzodiazepines. During re-exposure to the maze, these behaviors reinstate the information-processing initiated during the first experience, and the detection of danger generates stronger open-arm avoidance. The present study investigated whether the benzodiazepine midazolam alters risk assessment behaviors and Fos protein distribution associated with test and retest sessions in the EPM. Naive or maze-experienced Wistar rats received either saline or midazolam (0.5 mg/kg i.p.) and were subjected to the EPM. Midazolam caused the usual effects on exploratory behavior, increasing exploratory activity of naive rats in the open arms and producing no effects on these conventional measures in rats re-exposed to the maze. Risk assessment behaviors, however, were sensitive to the benzodiazepine during both sessions, indicating anxiolytic-like effects of the drug in both conditions. Fos immunohistochemistry showed that midazolam injections were associated with a distinct pattern of action when administered before the test or retest session, and the anterior cingulate cortex, area 1 (Cg1), was the only structure targeted by the benzodiazepine in both situations. Bilateral infusions of midazolam into the Cg1 replicated the behavioral effects of the drug injected systemically, suggesting that this area is critically involved in the anxiolytic-like effects of benzodiazepines, although the behavioral strategy adopted by the animals appears to depend on the previous knowledge of the threatening environment. (C) 2009 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The anxiolytic effects of benzodiazepines are reduced after a single exposure of rats to elevated plus-maze test (EPM). Midazolam showed an anxioselective profile in animals submitted to one session (T1) but did not change the usual exploratory behavior of rats exposed twice (T2) to the EPM. In this study we examined further the one-trial tolerance by performing a factor analysis of the exploratory behavior of rats injected with saline before both trials as well as an immunohistochemistry study for quantification of Fos expression in encephalic structures after these sessions. Factor analysis of all behavioral categories revealed that factor I consisted of anxiety-related categories in T1 whereas these same behavioral categories loaded on factor 2 in T2. Risk assessment was also dissociated as it loaded stronger on T2 (factor 3) than on T1 (factor 4). Locomotor activity in T1 loaded on factor 5. Immunohistochemistry analyses showed that Fos expression predominated in limbic structures in T1 group. The medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala were the main areas activated in T2 group. These data suggest that anxiety and risk assessment behaviors change their valence across the EPM sessions. T2 is characterized by the emergence of a fear factor, more powerful risk assessment and medial prefrontal cortex activation. The amygdala functions as a switch between the anxiety-like patterns of T1 to the cognitive control of fear prevalent in T2. The EPM retest session is proposed as a tool for assessing the cognitive activity of rodents in the control of fear. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Independent brain circuits appear to underlie different forms of conditioned fear, depending on the type of conditioning used, such as a context or explicit cue paired with footshocks. Several clinical reports have associated damage to the medial temporal lobe (MTL) with retrograde amnesia. Although a number of studies have elucidated the neural circuits underlying conditioned fear, the involvement of MTL components in the aversive conditioning paradigm is still unclear. To address this issue, we assessed freezing responses and Fos protein expression in subregions of the rhinal cortex and ventral hippocampus of rats following exposure to a context, light or tone previously paired with footshock (Experiment 1). A comparable degree of freezing was observed in the three types of conditioned fear, but with distinct patterns of Fos distribution. The groups exposed to cued fear conditioning did not show changes in Fos expression, whereas the group subjected to contextual fear conditioning showed selective activation of the ectorhinal (Ect), perirhinal (Per), and entorhinal (Ent) cortices, with no changes in the ventral hippocampus. We then examined the effects of the benzodiazepine midazolam injected bilaterally into these three rhinal subregions in the expression of contextual fear conditioning (Experiment 2). Midazolam administration into the Ect, Per, and Ent reduced freezing responses. These findings suggest that contextual and explicit stimuli endowed with aversive properties through conditioning recruit distinct brain areas, and the rhinal cortex appears to be critical for storing context-, but not explicit cue-footshock, associations. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Independent studies have shown that the median raphe nucleus (MRN) and dorsal hippocampus (DH) are involved in the expression of contextual conditioned fear (CFC). However, studies that examine the integrated involvement of serotonergic mechanisms of the MRN-DH are lacking. To address this issue, a CFC paradigm was used to test whether the serotonergic projections from the MRN to DH can influence CFC. Serotoninergic drugs were infused either into the MRN or DH prior to testing sessions in which freezing and startle responses were measured in the same context where 6 h previously rats received footshocks. A reduction of serotonin (5-HT) transmission in the MRN by local infusions of the 5-HT(1A) agonist 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)-tetralin (8-OH-DPAT) decreased freezing in response to the context but did not reduce fear-potentiated startle. This pattern of results is consistent with the hypothesis that MRN serotonergic mechanisms selectively modulate the freezing response to the aversive context. As for the DH, a decrease in postsynaptic 5-HT receptor activity at projection areas has been proposed to be the main consequence of 5-HT(1A) receptor activation in the MIRN. Intra-DH injections of 8-OH-DPAT inhibited both the freezing and fear-potentiated startle response to the context. To reconcile these findings, an inhibitory mechanism may exist between the incoming 5-HT pathway from the MRN to DH and the neurons of the DH output to other structures. The DH-amygdala or medial prefrontal cortex projections could well be this output circuit modulating the expression of CFC as revealed by measurements of Fos immunoreactivity in these areas. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In the present study, we analyzed how high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the primary motor hand area (M1-Hand) shapes anticipatory motor activity in frontal areas as indexed by the contingent negative variation (CNV). Eight right-handed volunteers received real or sham 5 Hz rTMS at an intensity of 90% resting motorthreshold (1500 stimuli per session). Real but not sham rTMS to left M1-Hand induced a site-specific increase in amplitude of the late component of the CNV at the electrode C3 overlaying the site of stimulation. The increase in pre-movement activity in the stimulated cortex may reflect an increase in facilitatory drive from connected motor areas, enhanced responsiveness of the stimulated cortex to these inputs or both. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pathological inattention following parietal damage causes perceptual impairments for visual stimuli in the contralesional hemifield. Here we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine visual cortex activity in parietal patients as they performed a spatial attention task. Righthemisphere patients and healthy controls viewed counterphasing checkerboards in which coloured targets appeared briefly within the contralesional and ipsilesional hemifields. In separate fMRI runs participants focused their attention covertiy on the left or right hemifield, or on both hemifields concurrentiy. They were required to detect coloured targets that appeared briefly within the attended hemifield(s), and to withhold responses to distractor stimuli. Neural activit}' was significantly attenuated in early visual areas within the damaged hemisphere. Crucially, although attention significantiy modulated early visual activit}' within the intact (left) hemisphere, there was relatively littie modulation of activity within the affected hemisphere. Our findings suggest that parietal lesions alter early cortical responses to contralesional visual inputs.
Motor cortex stimulation oriented by functional cortical mapping is used mainly for treating otherwise intractable neurological disorders, however. its mechanism of action remains elusive. Herein, we present a new method for functional mapping of the rat motor cortex using non-invasive transdural electrical stimulation. This method allows a non-invasive mapping of the surface of the neocortex providing a differentiation of representative motor areas. This Study may facilitate further investigation about the mechanisms mediating the effects of electrical stimulation, possibly benefiting patients who do not respond to this neuromodulation therapy. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Epidural motor cortex stimulation (MCS) has been used for treating patients with neuropathic pain resistant to other therapeutic approaches. Experimental evidence suggests that the motor cortex is also involved in the modulation of normal nociceptive response, but the underlying mechanisms of pain control have not been clarified yet. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of epidural electrical MCS on the nociceptive threshold of naive rats. Electrodes were placed on epidural motor cortex, over the hind paw area, according to the functional mapping accomplished in this study. Nociceptive threshold and general activity were evaluated under 15-min electrical stimulating sessions. When rats were evaluated by the paw pressure test, MCS induced selective antinociception in the paw contralateral to the stimulated cortex, but no changes were noticed in the ipsilateral paw. When the nociceptive test was repeated 15 min after cessation of electrical stimulation, the nociceptive threshold returned to basal levels. On the other hand, no changes in the nociceptive threshold were observed in rats evaluated by the tail-flick test. Additionally, no behavioral or motor impairment were noticed in the course of stimulation session at the open-field test. Stimulation of posterior parietal or somatosensory cortices did not elicit any changes in the general activity or nociceptive response. Opioid receptors blockade by naloxone abolished the increase in nociceptive threshold induced by MCS. Data shown herein demonstrate that epidural electrical MCS elicits a substantial and selective antinociceptive effect, which is mediated by opioids. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The mechanisms underlying the effects of antidepressant treatment in patients with Parkinson`s disease (PD) are unclear. The neural changes after successful therapy investigated by neuroimaging methods can give insights into the mechanisms of action related to a specific treatment choice. To study the mechanisms of neural modulation of repetitive transcranial magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) and fluoxetine, 21 PD depressed patients were randomized into only two active treatment groups for 4 wk: active rTMS over left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) (5 Hz rTMS; 120% motor threshold) with placebo pill and sham rTMS with fluoxetine 20mg/d. Event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with emotional stimuli was performed before and after treatment - in two sessions (test and re-test) at each time-point. The two groups of treatment had a significant, similar mood improvement. After rTMS treatment, there were brain activity decreases in left fusiform gyrus, cerebellum and right DLPFC and brain activity increases in left DLPFC and anterior cingulate gyrus compared to baseline. In contrast, after fluoxetine treatment, there were brain activity increases in right premotor and right medial prefrontal cortex. There was a significant interaction effect between groups vs. time in the left medial prefrontal cortex, suggesting that the activity in this area changed differently in the two treatment groups. Our findings show that antidepressant effects of rTMS and fluoxetine in PD are associated with changes in different areas of the depression-related neural network.
OBJECTIVE To examine cortical thickness and volumetric changes in the cortex of patients with polymicrogyria, using an automated image analysis algorithm. METHODS Cortical thickness of patients with polymicrogyria was measured using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) cortical surface-based analysis and compared with age-and sex-matched healthy subjects. We studied 3 patients with disorder of cortical development (DCD), classified as polymicrogyria, and 15 controls. Two experienced neuroradiologists performed a conventional visual assessment of the MRIs. The same data were analyzed using an automated algorithm for tissue segmentation and classification. Group and individual average maps of cortical thickness differences were produced by cortical surface-based statistical analysis. RESULTS Patients with polymicrogyria showed increased thickness of the cortex in the same areas identified as abnormal by radiologists. We also identified a reduction in the volume and thickness of cortex within additional areas of apparently normal cortex relative to controls. CONCLUSIONS Our findings indicate that there may be regions of reduced cortical thickness, which appear normal from radiological analysis, in the cortex of patients with polymicrogyria. This finding suggests that alterations in neuronal migration may have an impact in the cortical formation of the cortical areas that are visually normal. These areas are associated or occur concurrently with polymicrogyria.
In rats, phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) activity was found to be increased in the hippocampus immediately after training and retrieval of a contextual fear conditioning paradigm (step-down inhibitory avoidance [IA] task). In the present study we investigated whether PLA(2) is also activated in the cerebral cortex of rats in association with contextual fear learning and retrieval. We observed that IA training induces a rapid (immediately after training) and long-lasting (3 h after training) activation of PLA(2) in both frontal and parietal cortices. However, immediately after retrieval (measured 24 h after training), PLA(2) activity was increased just in the parietal cortex. These findings suggest that PLA(2) activity is differentially required in the frontal and parietal cortices for the mechanisms of contextual learning and retrieval. Because reduced brain PLA(2) activity has been reported in Alzheimer disease, our results suggest that stimulation of PLA(2) activity may offer new treatment strategies for this disease.