58 resultados para EDIACARAN
Understanding the nature of the earliest complex fossils has presented many challenges over the past century since Billings first described Ediacaran fossils from Newfoundland in 1872. Previous studies have documented abundant Ediacaran fossils in the Bonavista Peninsula of Newfoundland. This thesis focuses on the H14 surface north of Catalina, which contains a nearly monospecific assemblage that includes hundreds of specimens of the rangeomorph, Fractofusus andersoni. Three factors need to be considered when trying to interpret these organisms. The first of these three factors is structural deformation. The area has undergone deformation during the formation of the Appalachian orogenic belt. This has distorted both fossil shape and orientation, requiring retrodeformation to restore the shapes and relationships of fossils to their original form. Two additional taphonomic factors influencing fossil visibility are: partly or completely ash covered fossils and the removal of fossil impressions from the bedding plane by modern weathering. These processes hinder acceptance of some previously published interpretations.
Understanding the nature of the earliest complex fossils has presented many challenges over the past century since Billings first described Ediacaran fossils from Newfoundland in 1872. Previous studies have documented abundant Ediacaran fossils in the Bonavista Peninsula of Newfoundland. This thesis focuses on the H14 surface north of Catalina, which contains a nearly monospecific assemblage that includes hundreds of specimens of the rangeomorph, Fractofusus andersoni. Three factors need to be considered when trying to interpret these organisms. The first of these three factors is structural deformation. The area has undergone deformation during the formation of the Appalachian orogenic belt. This has distorted both fossil shape and orientation, requiring retrodeformation to restore the shapes and relationships of fossils to their original form. Two additional taphonomic factors influencing fossil visibility are: partly or completely ash covered fossils and the removal of fossil impressions from the bedding plane by modern weathering. These processes hinder acceptance of some previously published interpretations.
Ediacaran fronds are key components of terminal-Proterozoic ecosystems. They represent one of the most widespread and common body forms ranging across all major faunal localities and time slices postdating the Gaskiers glaciation, but uncertainty over their phylogenetic affinities has led to uncertainty over issues of homology and functional morphology between, and within, organisms displaying this ecomorphology. Here we present the first large scale, multi-group cladistic analysis of Ediacaran organisms sampling 20 ingroup taxa with previously asserted affinities to the Arboreomorpha, Erniettomorpha and Rangeomorpha. Using a newly derived morphological character matrix that incorporates multiple axes of potential phylogenetically informative data, including architectural, developmental, and structural qualities, we seek to illuminate the evolutionary history of these organisms. We find strong support for existing classification schema and devise apomorphy-based definitions for each of the three frondose clades examined here. Through a rigorous cladistics framework it is possible to discern the pattern of evolution within, and between, these clades, including the identification of homoplasies and functional constraints. This work both validates earlier studies of Ediacaran groups and accentuates instances where previous assumptions of their natural history are uninformative.
Abstract The late Neoproterozoic or Ediacaran period, (635 to -543 Ma) is a primordial time in the Earth history corresponding to the beginning of animal life and the most extreme ice ages on Earth. In this dissertation, palaeoenvironmental conditions were reconstructed for Ediacaran, post-Gaskiers shelf deposits in SW- Gondwana and their changes were evaluated according to the diversity of organisms. The present study addresses the question of interactions between biodiversity and environmental change by using the elemental and isotopic geochemistry of sedimentary rocks and associated organic matter, as well as the distribution of hydrocarbon biomarkers. The studied sedimentary sequences are from a large basin extended from the Paraguay belt to the Rio de la Plata craton, including the Corumbâ Group in SW-Brazil (Paraguay belt), the Arroyo del Soldado Group in Uruguay and the Sierras Bayas Group in Argentina (both in the Rio de la Plata craton). Several geochemical signatures of the sediments from Corumbâ and Sierras Bayas groups provides evidence for an euxinic setting in the Ediacaran Ocean: 1) The occurrence of syngenetic pyrite in the Corumbâ Group together with hydrocarbon biomarkers of an anoxic microbial consortium including traces of gammacerane, a distribution of hopanes with maxima at C29 as well as a low pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph) ratio; 2) the occurrence of 34S enrichments within sulfides of the Sierras Bayas Group exceeding the sulfur isotopic composition of coeval carbonate-associated sulfate. In the Arroyo del Soldado Group, an event of reducing conditions was revealed by higher concentrations of redox-sensitive trace elements and negative 513Ccar shifts in all sections. This event is extended to the whole unit in the deepest section and is restricted to tempestites in the two other shallow sections. The persistent negative. ôl3Ccar values recorded at the basinal setting implies strong isotopic gradient between shallow and deep water environments and therefore, a locus of deposition below the redox chemocline. In all studied sections, the excursions, the strong enrichment of authigenic trace-elements, the occurrence of longer chain «-alkanes, gammacerane and low Pr/Ph and Ph/>;-C]a ratios, combined with the previous sedimentological and paleontological observations indicate that the chemistry of the ocean was strongly controlled by the oxygen availability; waters being moderately oxic at the surface and anoxic at depth for much of the Neoproterozoic. This water column stratification was favourable to the storage of large amounts of nutrients in the deep ocean. During upwelling periods, the export of these nutrient-rich waters may have triggered an important bioproductivity in surface waters. Drops in Al3Cc,,.](Cr and positive ôl3Ccllr excursions highlight the increase in primary productivity. Preservation of organic carbon was ensured by reducing conditions at the bottom. The Al3ccar.kcr excursions could also reflect changes in the composition of the primary biomass. New geochemical evidence from SW-Gondwana sections supports a stratified Ediacaran ocean, outside restricted or hypersaline environments, in the aftermath of glaciations. The association of ocean stratification and the appearance of metazoans support the model that the evolution of eukaryotic life was related to the increase of oxygen levels in surface environments due to an efficient recycling of nutrients in the anoxic deep ocean. Résumé Le Néoprotérozoïque terminal, ou Édiacarien (635 à -543 Ma), est un période de première importance dans l'histoire de la Terre, car elle correspond a l'apparition des métazoaires pendant un intervalle de glaciations extrêmes. Le présent mémoire se propose de reconstituer les conditions paléoenvironnementales des dépôts de plateforme mis en place durant l'Édiacarien, au sud-ouest du Gondwana. Les interactions entre changements environnementaux et biodiversité sont évaluées en s'appuyant d'une part sur la composition élémentaire et isotopique des roches sédimentaires et de leur matière organique, et d'autre part sur la distribution moléculaire de biomarqueurs hydrocarbonés. Les séquences sédimentaires étudiées proviennent d'un grand bassin qui s'étend de la chaîne du Paraguay jusqu'au craton du Rio de la Plata. La séquence du Groupe Corumbâ au Sud Ouest du Brésil se situe dans la chaîne du Paraguay, tandis que le Groupe Arroyo del Soldado en Uruguay et le Groupe Sierras Bayas en Argentine sont situés sur le craton du Rio de la Plata. L'étude géochimique des sédiments des groupes Corumbâ et Sierras Bayas révèle de façon claire des conditions euxiniques dans l'océan édiacarien. On trouve ainsi, dans le Groupe Corumbâ, les biomarqueurs d'un cortège microbien anoxique et sulfurique comprenant des bactéries sulfato-réductrices, et dans les sulfures du Groupe Sierras Bayas, des enrichissements en Î4S excédant les rapports isotopiques du soufre dans le sulfate cogénétique associé aux carbonates. Dans la séquence de l'Arroyo del Soldado, un événement réducteur est mis en évidence par des teneurs plus élevées en éléments traces sensibles aux conditions redox et par des excursions négatives du 613Ccardans toutes les coupes. Cet événement affecte la totalité de la section la plus profonde et n'apparaît que dans les tempestites dans les sections les moins profondes. La persistance de valeurs négatives du ô13Ccarau large implique un gradient isotopique prononcé entre les environnements superficiels et profonds, et donc, ta présence d'une chémocline redox. Les excursions du. ôBCcar, l'enrichissement authigène en éléments traces, la présence de gammacérane et de rt-alcanes à longue chaîne, ainsi que de faibles rapports Pr/Ph et Ph/«-Cl8, viennent s'ajouter aux observations préliminaires sur la sédimentologie et la paléontologie pour indiquer que la chimie de l'océan était fortement contrôlée par la disponibilité d'oxygène, les eaux étant modérément oxiques à la surface et anoxiques en profondeur pendant la plus grande partie du Néoprotérozoïque. La stratification de la colonne d'eau était favorable au stockage de grandes quantités de nutriments dans l'océan profond. Dans les zones d'upwelling, la migration d'eaux profondes riches en nutriment vers la surface a pu provoquer une bioproductivité prononcée dans les eaux de surface. La conservation du carbone organique était assurée par les conditions anoxiques prévalant au fond. Les excursions du A13Ccar.kt.r pourraient aussi refléter des changements dans la biomasse primaire. Le présent travail apporte donc de nouvelles preuves qu'un océan stratifié s'est maintenu à la suite des glaciations néoprotérozoïques dans le Sud Ouest du Gondwana. L'association d'un océan stratifié et de l'apparition de la vie animale est en accord avec le modèle stipulant que l'évolution de la vie est associée à une meilleure oxygénation des environnements de surface. Résumé pour le grand public La période Ediacarienne (635 à -543 Ma) à la fin du Précambrien est l'une de plus énigmatiques dans l'histoire de la Terre, car elle est caractérisée par la diversification de la vie multicellulaire (eucaryote) pendant un intervalle de glaciations extrêmes. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous cherchons à déceler l'existence éventuelle d'un lien entre ces changements environnementaux et l'évolution de la vie eucaryote à travers une étude biogéochimique. La biogéochimie est l'étude des activités biologiques dans la géosphère, telles que celles intervenant dans les cycles des éléments chimiques (y compris les isotopes stables) et celles de production de composés carbonés caractérisant certains groups d'organismes ou taxons. La recherche des signatures paléoenvironnementales dans les roches précambriennes a été fortement facilitée par l'utilisation des biomarqueurs ou fossiles moléculaires. Ces composés, provenant des lipides biologiques (molécules avec des fonctions spécifiques dans les organismes), peuvent être reliés à des taxons spécifiques ou à des voies métaboliques. La transformation d'un biolipide en fossile moléculaire intervient lorsque des restes organiques déposés dans un substrat subissent un enfouissement et une augmentation de la pression (diagenèse). Ce processus mène à la formation de kérogène, un grand agrégat chimique de matière organique insoluble dans des solvants organiques, et de bitume ou fraction soluble (extractible) de la matière organique. L'analyse intégrée du kérogène et du bitume fournit des indications précieuses pour les reconstitutions paléoenvironnementales. Des conditions paléoenvironnementales ont ainsi été déterminées pour une plateforme marine Ediacarienne située dans la partie sud-américaine du bloc occidental du paléocontinent Gondwana. Les séquences sédimentaires étudiées appartiennent au même bassin qui s'étend de la ceinture du Paraguay (Groupe Corumbâ, Brésil) au craton du Rio de la Plata (Groupes Arroyo del Soldado, Uruguay et Sierras Bayas, Argentina). Nous nous sommes intéressés aux isotopes stables de carbonates et de la matière organique associée (kérogène et bitume), aux éléments majeurs et traces, ainsi qu'aux biomarqueurs caractérisant ces roches. Les résultats de cette dissertation suggèrent qu'au cours de l'Édiacarien, suite aux glaciations néoprotérozoïques dans le bloc occidental du Gondwana, l'océan était stratifié en zones spécifiques d'eaux riches en sulfures et dépourvues d'oxygène (euxiniques). L'association d'un océan stratifié et de l'apparition de la vie animale est en accord avec le modèle stipulant que l'évolution de la vie est associée à une meilleure oxygénation des environnements de surface. Les excursions isotopiques (tendance à des valeurs positives ou négatives) en constante fluctuation pour le carbone et très positives pour le soufre des sulfures, l'enrichissement en éléments trace et la présence de certains composés (e.g. gammacerane; Pr/Ph et Ph/«-Ci8 en basse proportion) conjugués aux observations sédimentologiques et paléontologiques des différents profils étudiés indiquent que la chimie de l'océan était fortement contrôlée par la disponibilité d'oxygène, avec des eaux modérément oxygénées en surface et euxiniques en profondeur pour la plupart du Néoprotérozoïque.
Our current understanding of the tectonic history of the principal Pan-African orogenic belts in southwestern Africa, reaching from the West Congo Belt in the north to the Lufilian/Zambezi, Kaoko, Damara, Gariep and finally the Saldania Belt in the south, is briefly summarized. On that basis, possible links with tectono-stratigraphic units and major structures on the eastern side of the Rio de la Plata Craton are suggested, and a revised geodynamic model for the amalgamation of SW-Gondwana is proposed. The Rio de la Plata and Kalahari Cratons are considered to have become juxtaposed already by the end of the Mesoproterozoic. Early Neoproterozoic rifting led to the fragmentation of the northwestern (in today`s coordinates) Kalahari Craton and the splitting off of several small cratonic blocks. The largest of these ex-Kalahari cratonic fragments is probably the Angola Block. Smaller fragments include the Luis Alves and Curitiba microplates in eastern Brazil, several basement inliers within the Damara Belt, and an elongate fragment off the western margin, named Arachania. The main suture between the Kalahari and the Congo-So Francisco Cratons is suspected to be hidden beneath younger cover between the West Congo Belt and the Lufilian/Zambezi Belts and probably continues westwards via the Cabo Frio Terrane into the Goias magmatic arc along the Brasilia Belt. Many of the rift grabens that separated the various former Kalahari cratonic fragments did not evolve into oceanic basins, such as the Northern Nosib Rift in the Damara Belt and the Gariep rift basin. Following latest Cryogenian/early Ediacaran closure of the Brazilides Ocean between the Rio de la Plata Craton and the westernmost fragment of the Kalahari Craton, the latter, Arachania, became the locus of a more than 1,000-km-long continental magmatic arc, the Cuchilla Dionisio-Pelotas Arc. A correspondingly long back-arc basin (Marmora Basin) on the eastern flank of that arc is recognized, remnants of which are found in the Marmora Terrane-the largest accumulation of oceanic crustal material known from any of the Pan-African orogenic belts in the region. Corresponding foredeep deposits that emerged from the late Ediacaran closure of this back-arc basin are well preserved in the southern areas, i.e. the Punta del Este Terrane, the Marmora Terrane and the Tygerberg Terrane. Further to the north, present erosion levels correspond with much deeper crustal sections and comparable deposits are not preserved anymore. Closure of the Brazilides Ocean, and in consequence of the Marmora back-arc basin, resulted from a change in the Rio de la Plata plate motion when the Iapetus Ocean opened between the latter and Laurentia towards the end of the Ediacaran. Later break-up of Gondwana and opening of the modern South Atlantic would have followed largely along the axis of the Marmora back-arc basin and not along major continental sutures.
Severe climate changes culminating in at least three major glacial events have been recognized in the Neoproterozoic sedimentary record from many parts of the world Supportive to the global nature of these climatic shifts a considerable amount of data have been acquired from deposits exposed in Pan-African orogenic belts in southwestern and western Africa By comparison published data from the Pan-African belts in Central Africa are scarce We report here evidence of possibly two glacial events recorded in the Mintom Formation that is located on the margin of the Pan-African orogenic Yaounde belt in South-East Cameroon In the absence of reliable radiometric data only maximum and minimum age limits of 640 and 580 Ma respectively can at present be applied to the Mintom Formation The formation consists of two lithostratigraphic ensembles each subdivided in two members (i e in ascending stratigraphic order the Kol Metou Momibole and Atog Adjap Members) The basal ensemble exhibits a typical glacial to post-glacial succession It includes diamictites comprising cobbles and boulders in a massive argillaceous siltstone matrix and laminated siltstones followed by in sharp contact a 2 m-thick massive dolostone that yielded negative delta(13)C values (<-3 parts per thousand. V-PDB) similar to those reported for Marinoan cap carbonates elsewhere However uncertainty remains regarding the glacial influence on the siliciclastic facies because the diamictite is better explained as a mass-flow deposit and diagnostic features such as dropstones have not been seen in the overlying siltstones The Mintom Formation may thus provide an example of an unusual succession of non-glacial diamictite overlain by a truly glacial melt-related cap-carbonate We also report the recent discovery of ice-striated pavements on the structural surface cut in the Mintom Formation suggesting that glaciers developed after the latter had been deposited and deformed during the Pan-African orogeny Striations which consistently exhibit two principal orientations (N60 and N110) were identified in two different localities in the west of the study area on siltstones of the Kol Member and in the east on limestones of the Atog Adjap Member respectively N60-oriented striae indicate ice flow towards the WSW Assigning an age to these features remains problematical because they were not found associated with glaciogenic deposits Two hypotheses can equally be envisaged e either the striated surfaces are correlated (1) to the Gaskiers (or Neoproterozoic post-Gaskiers) glaciation and represent the youngest Ediacaran glacial event documented in the southern Yaounde belt or (2) to the Late Ordovician Hirnantian (Saharan) glaciation thereby providing new data about Hirnantian ice flows in Central Africa (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved
We report new paleomagnetic and geochronological data from Ediacaran rift-drift carbonates in the Paraguai belt at the southern end of the suture zone between the Amazon craton and the Sao Francisco and Rio de Plata cratons, South America. Early thrusting resulted in remagnetization ca. 528 +/- 36 Ma or later; the mean age is established by (40)Ar/(39)Ar encapsulation dating of mixed authigenic and detrital illite from remagnetized carbonates from the unmetamorphosed fold-thrust belt. This remagnetization overlaps with a 525 Ma Gondwana reference pole. Metamorphic illite from the slate belt yields (40)Ar/(39)Ar ages of 496-484 Ma, the timing of peak regional metamorphism. Oroclinal bending of the Paraguai belt was caused by a 90 degrees clockwise rotation of the east-west limb after ca. 528 Ma, probably reflecting the irregular margin of the southeast Amazon craton. The age of the Paraguai belt overlaps with that of the Pampean orogeny farther south along the western margin of the Rio de Plata craton, suggesting a coeval closure for the Clymene ocean separating the Amazon craton from the Sao Francisco and Rio de Plata cratons.
The Jacadigo Group contains one of the largest sedimentary iron and associated manganese deposits of the Neoproterozoic. Despite its great relevance, no detailed sedimentological study concerning the unit has been carried out to date. Here we present detailed sedimentological data and interpretation on depositional systems, system tracts, external controls on basin evolution, basin configuration and regional tectonic setting of the Jacadigo Basin. Six depositional systems were recognized: (I) an alluvial fan system; (II) a siliciclastic lacustrine system; (III) a fan-delta system; (IV) a bedload-dominated river system; (V) an iron formation-dominated lacustrine or marine gulf system; and (VI) a rimmed carbonate platform system. The interpreted depositional systems are related to three tectonic system tracts. The first four depositional systems are mainly made of continental siliciclastics and refer to the rift initiation to early rift climax stage; the lake/gulf system corresponds to the mid to late rift climax stage and the carbonate platform represents the immediate to late post rift stage (Bocaina Formation deposits of the Ediacaran fossil-bearing Corumba Group). The spatial distribution of the depositional systems and associated paleocurrent patterns indicate a WNW-ESE orientation of the master fault zone related to the formation of the Jacadigo Basin. Thus, the iron formations of the Jacadigo Group were deposited in a starved waterbody related to maximum fault displacement and accommodation rates in a restricted continental rift basin. The Fe-Si-Mn source was probably related to hydrothermal plume activity that reached the basin through the fault system during maximum fault displacement phases. Our results also suggest a restricted tectono-sedimentary setting for the type section of the Puga Formation. The Jacadigo Group and the Puga Formation, usually interpreted as glacial deposits, are readdressed here as basin margin gravitational deposits with no necessary relation to glacial processes. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Neoproterozoic (Ediacaran) Itapucumi Group in northern Paraguay is composed of carbonate and siliciclastic rocks, including ooid grainstones, marls, shales and sandstones, containing Cloudina fossils in the eastern region. It is almost undeformed over the Rio Apa Cratonic Block but shows a strong deformational pattern at its western edge. A detailed structural analysis of the Itapucumi Group was conducted in the Vallemi Mine, along with a regional survey in other outcrops downstream in the Paraguay River and in the San Alfredo, Cerro Paiva and Sargent Jose E. Lopez regions. In the main Vallemi quarry, the structural style is characterized by an axial-plane slaty cleavage in open to isoclinal folds, sometimes overturned, associated with N-S trending thrust faults and shear zones of E-vergence and with a low-grade chlorite zone metamorphism. The structural data presented here are compatible with the hypothesis of a newly recognized mobile belt on the western side of the Rio Apa Cratonic Block, with opposite vergence to that of the Paraguay Mobile Belt in Brazil. Both belts are related to the Late Brasiliano/Pan-African tectonic cycle with a Lower Cambrian deformation and metamorphism age. The deformation could be due to the late collision of the Amazonian Craton with the remainder of Western Gondwana or to the western active plate boundary related to the Pampean Belt. The structural and lithologic differences between the western Itapucumi Group in the Vallemi and Paraguay River region and the eastern region, near San Alfredo and Cerro Paiva, suggest that this group could be divided into two lithostratigraphic units, but more stratigraphic and geochronological analyses are required to confirm this possibility. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The emergence of soft-bodied metazoans and the radiation of the earliest skeletal organisms substantially changed the ecological dynamics of Ediacaran environments, leading to the genesis of biogenic hard-part deposits for the fi rst time in Earth's history. The impact of bioclast origin on sedimentary processes is analyzed herein, focusing on the sedimentology and taphonomy of shell concentrations dominated by the Ediacaran index fossil Cloudina from the Itapucumí Group, Paraguay. Skeletal concentrations include both dense accumulations of parautochthonous, disarticulated specimens (Type 1 deposits) and in situ specimens preserved as loosely packed assemblages (Type 2 deposits). At that time, Cloudina was the critical source of durable biomineralized hard parts in an environment nearly free of other bioclasts. The simple fabric and geometry of these accumulations are typical of Cambrian-style shell beds. Despite their Precambrian age, these deposits indicate that the establishment of the Phanerozoic style of marine substrates and preservation in early shell beds was determined more by the acquisition of hard parts than by environmental changes. © 2013 Geological Society of America.
Rochas siliciclásticas da Formação Raizama, unidade basal do Grupo Alto Paraguai de idade ediacarana-cambriana (635 – 541 Ma), ocorrem distribuídas descontinuamente ao longo da margem sul do Cráton Amazônico e segmento norte da Faixa Paraguai, centro-oeste do Brasil, estado do Mato Grosso. Estas recobrem discordantemente os depósitos de plataforma carbonática do Grupo Araras, onde foram registrados evidências do evento glacial Marinoano (635 Ma). O Grupo Alto Paraguai representa os estágios finais da colisão entre os blocos Amazônico e Paranapanema que culminaram no fechamento do Oceano Clymene (540-520 Ma). A Formação Raizama com espessura de aproximadamente 570 m é constituída por pelitos, arenitos finos a grossos, e arenitos com cimento dolomítico previamente interpretados como depósitos flúvio-costeiros distribuídos nos membros inferior (270 m) e superior (300 m). O estudo faciológico e estratigráfico desta unidade na região de Nobres, Estado do Mato Grosso, foi focado principalmente na seção aflorante de 600 m no leito do rio Serragem, que inclui a Cachoeira da Serra do Tombador. Foram definidas 17 fácies sedimentares, agrupadas em cinco associações de fácies (AF) representativas de uma sucessão costeira progradante iniciando por depósitos de shoreface inferior, os quais recobrem em conformidade correlativa os depósitos de plataforma carbonática da Formação Serra do Quilombo (Grupo Araras). A AF1 consiste em arenitos com laminação plano-paralela e laminação truncada por onda (microhummocky), individualizada por camadas de pelito laminado interpretadas como depósitos de shoreface inferior. Destaca-se na AF1 a primeira ocorrência de níveis centimétricos bioturbados por Skolithos em depósitos neoproterozoicos – cambrianos na Faixa Paraguai. A AF2 é formada por arenitos com estratificação cruzada swaley e estratificação plano-paralela interpretada como depósitos de shoreface superior. A AF3 é composta por arenitos com estratificações cruzadas tangenciais e acanaladas com recobrimentos de siltito/arenito muito fino representativos de depósitos de canal e barras de submaré. A AF4 é caracterizada por arenitos com estratificações cruzadas tangencial e sigmoidal, laminação plano-paralela a cruzadas de baixo-ângulo, ritmito arenito muito fino/siltito com acamamento flaser e gretas de contração, organizados em ciclos métricos de raseamento ascendente de planície de maré. A AF5 é constituída por arenito com estratificação cruzada acanalada marcada por lags residuais na base da associação, arenito com estratificações plano-paralela e cruzada de baixo-ângulo, interpretados como depósitos fluviais distais de rios entrelaçados, parcialmente retrabalhados por ondas. Grãos detríticos de zircão foram obtidos da AF3 e datados pelo método U-Pb, sendo a idade de 1001±9 Ma interpretada como a idade de máxima deposição da Formação Raizama. Aliado a tal análise, as paleocorrentes NE-SE mostram que estes grãos teriam como áreas fontes principais a Faixa Sunsás, SW do Cráton Amazônico, não sendo descartada contribuições oriundas da parte NW desse Cráton. A idade mesoproterozóica obtida serviu principalmente para desvendar a proveniência da Formação Raizama, enquanto que as datações da base do Grupo Araras, em torno de 627-622 Ma, associada à presença inequívoca do icnogênero Skolithos, tornam esta unidade muito mais próxima do limite com o Cambriano Inferior. Traços fósseis do Proterozoico são caracterizados quase que exclusivamente por traços horizontais, sendo que bioturbações verticais praticamente são ausentes ao longo do Neoproterozoico. Esta inferência vem de encontro com a idade máxima de 541 Ma obtida para a Formação Diamantino, a qual recobre a unidade estudada. Os dados radiométricos aliados com as interpretações paleoambientais, que incluem o registro das primeiras atividades de organismos perfurantes na Faixa Paraguai, abrem perspectivas de entender com maiores detalhes a sequência de eventos que tipificam os estratos do limite Ediacarano-Cambriano do Brasil, ainda pouco conhecidos.
Após a última glaciação criogeniana (ca. 635 Ma), extensas plataformas carbonáticas desenvolveram-se sobre diversas regiões cratônicas da Terra e, apesar da intensa dolomitização desses depósitos, muitas informações paleoambientais e paleoceanográficas estão preservadas. Um dos exemplos mais importantes deste período no Brasil são os dolomitos da Formação Serra do Quilombo, pertencente à porção superior do Grupo Araras, no segmento norte da Faixa Paraguai, sul do Cráton Amazônico. A reavaliação estratigráfica da seção-tipo da formação e de uma seção de referência na região de Nobres, com base na análise de fácies e estratigráfica, permitiu ampliar as interpretações paleoambientais e elaborar um modelo deposicional. A sucessão estudada, de 140 m de espessura, inclui a Formação Serra do Quilombo em contato basal brusco com os calcários da Formação Guia e a passagem gradual para os dolomitos arenosos da Formação Nobres, no topo. A Formação Serra do Quilombo representa um megaciclo de raseamento ascendente, constituído por duas associações de fácies: 1) plataforma carbonática profunda à moderadamente rasa, composta por um dolomito fino laminado rico em matéria orgânica e outro maciço a laminado; e 2) face litorânea influenciada por tempestades, constituída por dolomito arenoso com estratificação cruzada hummocky/swaley associada com estratificação plano-paralela, dolomito arenoso/oolítico com laminações produzidas por ondas e brecha dolomítica com matriz. A Formação Serra do Quilombo representa o registro progradante de um trato do sistema de mar alto, em um contexto de rampa carbonática homoclinal instalada no sul do Cráton Amazônico durante o Ediacarano.
Depósitos siliciclásticos da Formação Raizama de idade ediacarana-cambriana são expostos descontinuamente ao longo da margem sul do Cráton Amazônico e Faixa Paraguai Norte, centro-oeste do Brasil. Estes depósitos são interpretados por sucessões costeiras progradacionais, sobrepondo em conformidade os depósitos carbonáticos do Grupo Araras. A análise faciológica e estratigráfica da seção aflorante na região de Nobres, Estado do Mato Grosso, permitiu a individualização de dezessete fácies sedimentares agrupadas em cinco associações de fácies (AF): AF1) shoreface inferior consiste de arenitos com laminação plano-paralela e truncada por onda (microhummocky), intercalados por pelitos laminados, e com níveis bioturbados por tubos verticais perfurantes; AF2) shoreface superior, formada por arenitos com estratificação plano-paralela e cruzada swaley; AF3) submaré, composta por arenitos com estratificações cruzadas tangenciais e acanaladas com recobrimentos de siltito/arenito muito fino interpretados como depósitos de canal e barras; AF4) planície de maré é caracterizada por arenitos com estratificação cruzada tangencial e sigmoidal, laminação plano-paralela a cruzada de baixo ângulo, gretas de contração, intercalados por siltititos/arenito muito finos com acamamento flaser, organizados em ciclos de raseamento ascendente; e AF5) fluvial entrelaçado distal é constituída por arenitos com estratificação cruzada acanalada com lags lateralmente descontínuos, estratificações plano-paralelas e cruzadas de baixo-ângulo, parcialmente retrabalhadas por onda. A sedimentação da Formação Raizama indica que o fornecimento de sedimentos siliciclásticos estariam relacionado a soerguimentos no Cráton à noroeste da área estudada, sucedendo os depósitos carbonáticos do Grupo Araras. Traços fósseis tubulares descritos na AF1 indicam, pela primeira vez, a presença de traços fósseis perfurantes sugerindo uma idade deposicional para Formação Raizama mais próxima ao limite Ediacarano-Cambriano.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Precambrian rocks comprise nearly one-quarter of the surface of Brazil and range from Paleoarchean (ca. 3.6 Ga) to the latest Ediacaran (0.542 Ga) in age. Except for controversial phosphatized 'embryo-like' microfossils like those from the lower Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, China and complex rangeomorphs, Brazilian research has revealed all major categories of Precambrian life forms described elsewhere - microbialites, biomarkers, silicified microfossils, palynomorphs, vase-shaped microfossils, macroalgae, metazoans, vendobionts and ichnofossils - but the paleobiological significance of this record has been little explored. At least four occurrences of these fossils offer promise for increased understanding of the following aspects of Precambrian biospheric evolution: (i) the relationship of microbialites in 2.1-2.4 Ga old carbonates of the Minas Supergroup in the Quadrilatero Ferrifero, Minas Gerais (the oldest Brazilian fossils) to the development of the early oxygenic atmosphere and penecontemporaneous global tectonic and climatic events; (ii) the evolutionary and biostratigraphic significance of Mesoproterozoic to Ediacaran organic-walled microfossils in central-western Brazil; (iii) diversity and paleoecological significance of vase-shaped heterotrophic protistan microfossils in the Urucum Formation (Jacadigo Group) and possibly the Bocaina Formation (Corumba Group), of Mato Grosso do Sul; and (iv) insights into the record of skeletogenesis and paleoecology of latest Ediacaran metazoans as represented by the abundant organic carapaces of Corumbella and calcareous shells of the index fossil Cloudina, of the Corumba Group, Mato Grosso do Sul. Analysis of the Brazilian Precambrian fossil record thus holds great potential for augmenting paleobiological knowledge of this crucial period on Earth and for developing more robust hypotheses regarding possible origins and evolutionary pathways of biospheres on other planets. Received 26 February 2012, accepted 17 May 2012, first published online 18 June 2012